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  东北大学学报:自然科学版  2016, Vol. 37 Issue (6): 761-764  

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刘鑫蕊, 杨东升, 刘爽, 侯欣明. 混合时变时滞多机系统气门开度的模糊H控制器设计[J]. 东北大学学报:自然科学版, 2016, 37(6): 761-764.
LIU Xin-rui , YANG Dong-sheng , LIU Shuang , HOU Xin-ming . Fuzzy H Controllers Design Approach for Steam Valve Opening of Multi-machine Power Systems with Mixed Time-Varying Delays[J]. Journal Of Northeastern University Nature Science, 2016, 37(6): 761-764. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3026.2016.06.001.


国家自然科学基金资助项目(61203026); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(N140404003)




收稿日期: 2015-01-23
刘鑫蕊, 杨东升, 刘爽, 侯欣明    
东北大学 信息科学与工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110819
摘要: 研究了带有混合时变时滞的多机电力系统的气门开度模糊H控制器设计问题,混合时变时滞包括区间时滞、中立型时滞和分布时滞,通过建立模糊模型并设计系统的模糊控制器,基于线性矩阵不等式(LMIs)给出了系统满足H性能指标的稳定性条件. 同时,将结论推广到时滞的不同情况,包括带有快时变分布时滞(即分布时滞的导数大于1)的H稳定条件,所得结果减少了保守性.最后,针对三机无穷大母线的气门开度控制系统建立模糊H控制器,验证了所提出方法的有效性.
关键词混合时变时滞    多机电力系统    模糊控制    LMI    H性能    
Fuzzy H Controllers Design Approach for Steam Valve Opening of Multi-machine Power Systems with Mixed Time-Varying Delays
LIU Xin-rui, YANG Dong-sheng, LIU Shuang, HOU Xin-ming    
School of Information Science & Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
Corresponding author: LIU Xin-rui, E-mail: liuxinrui@ise.neu.edu.cn
Abstract: The fuzzy H controller design problem was studied for steam valve opening of multi-machine power systems which consisting of turbo-generators with mixed time-varying delays. The mixed time-varying delays include the interval retarded-type discrete delay, the neutral-type discrete delay and the time-varying distributed delays. Fuzzy models were established, and the controllers of the systems were designed. Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)-based H stability conditions were derived. Moreover, the results were expanded to different conditions of time-delay, including H stability condition with the fast time-varying distributed delays (i.e. the derivatives of distributed delay is larger than 1). Therefore, the obtained results are new and less conservative. Finally, simulation results for the steam value opening of three-machine infinite bus systems were provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed results.
Key Words: mixed time-varying delay    multi-machine power systems    fuzzy control    LMI    H performance    

多机电力系统气门开度中存在的混合时滞包括分布时滞和离散型时滞,其中的离散时滞包括区间时滞(即时滞存在于系统状态)和中立型时滞(即时滞存在于系统状态的导数).文献[1-3]研究了中立型时滞系统稳定性条件;文献[4-6] 研究了固定的分布时滞或者分布时滞的导数上界小于1的情况下的系统控制问题;文献[7-8]研究了多机电力系统气门开度的时滞无关分散控制问题.


1 问题描述

定义第i台发电机的状态向量为xi(t)=[Δδi(t) Δwi(t) ΔPMi(t) ΔXEi(t)]T,其中,转子角增量为Δδi(t)=δi(t)-δi0,相对角速度为Δwi(t)=wi(t)-wi0,机械功率增量为ΔPMi(t)=PMi(t)-PMi0,气门开度增量为ΔXEi(t)=XEi(t)-XEi0,i=1,…,N,考虑系统传输过程中存在多种类型时滞,则其用如下模糊规则描述:



考虑如下情况: 1)τM (纯慢变中立型时滞); 2) (纯快变中立型时滞); 3)τM.在ηi≥1 (纯快变分布时滞)的情况下,选择0≤αi≤1满足0≤αiηi≤1.




2 主要结果

定理1 对于给定常数γi>0,i=1,…,J,在的情况下,如果存在矩阵Mi,Yim,Sij2,j=1,2,Pi12,Pi13,Pi14,Pi23,Pi24,Pi34,正定矩阵Wi,Pi11,Pi22,Pi33,Pi44,Sij1,Sij3,j=1,2;Qij,Qij,Rij,Tijk,j=1,…,4,k=1,…,5,满足LMI(4)~(10),则式(2)使式(3)稳定且满足H性能指标γi.





注1:这里只给出了在τi(t)≤τiM时的控制器设计方法,与此方法相似,可得≥1,0≤τi(t)≤τiM等情况的H条件.在ηi < 1的情况下,只需令αi=1,即可得到相应结论.

注2:式(3)可简化成带有混合时滞的线性中立型系统 定理1同样适用,取τM=0.1,τ=0,τ=0.5,得表 1所示结果,可见本文方法降低了保守性.

表 1 取不同d的时滞上限dM Table 1 Maximum upper bound dM for different d
3 仿 真

将沈阳某电厂用一个三机无穷大互联系统表示,系统结构见图 1.发电机4#为无穷大母线,即有Eq4=1∠0°,以该发电机为参考节点,1#,2#和3#为发电机节点,系统基准容量为100 MVA.令Δδ12(t)=δ1(t)-δ2(t),Δδ23(t)=δ2(t)-δ3(t),为减少计算负担,建立如下9条模糊规则:

图 1 三机无穷大母线系统示意图 Fig.1 Schematic diagram of three-machine infinite


Hil=[1 0 1 0],

9. 利用定理1求得


取初值xi(t)=[1 0 1 0]T,扰动w1(t)=0.5sin(8πt)e-5t,w2(t)=w3(t)=0.5cos(8πt)e-5t.发电机输出曲线见图 2.

图 2 1#,2#,3#发电机的输出曲线 Fig.2 Output signals of the 1#,2#,3# generators
4 结 语


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