东北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 229-232.DOI: -

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  1. 东北大学信息科学与工程学院;东北大学信息科学与工程学院 辽宁沈阳 110004
  • 收稿日期:2013-06-24 修回日期:2013-06-24 出版日期:2005-01-15 发布日期:2013-06-24
  • 通讯作者: Yu, H.-F.
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Food-chain algorithm and its application to supply-chain operation management problems

Yu, Hai-Fei (1); Wang, Ding-Wei (1)   

  1. (1) Sch. of Info. Sci. and Eng., Northeastern Univ., Shenyang 110004, China
  • Received:2013-06-24 Revised:2013-06-24 Online:2005-01-15 Published:2013-06-24
  • Contact: Yu, H.-F.
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摘要: 采用基于人工生命的方法,即自下而上建构的原则与突现集群的人工生命思想,根据生态系统中的食物链这一生态现象,通过定义各级人工生命的活动局部规则来实现供应链系统的优化;研究具有生态特征的人工生命算法,提出一种基于人工生命的食物链算法,并把它应用于供应链管理中企业联盟的企业伙伴挑选与生产能力分配问题·该算法模拟了在未来市场需求的刺激下,供应链的成员企业是如何调整自己的生产能力,以及供应链如何挑选成员企业组成企业联盟的·该算法较好地解决了既有企业联盟伙伴挑选又有生产能力分配这一具有分布特征的问题·该算法也可应用于供应链管理的其他问题,比如分销·

关键词: 人工生命, 食物链算法, 企业联盟, 供应链管理, 伙伴挑选

Abstract: Based on artificial life principle of 'bottom to up model' and the food-chain phenomena in ecology, a new type of artificial life based algorithm is proposed and referred to as food-chain algorithm. Then, the algorithm is applied to solving the supply-chain operation management problems involving partner selection and relevant productive capacity in an enterprise alliance. Both how an enterprise alliance selects its partners to form the alliance and how a member enterprise adjusts its productive capacity to meet the future market demand can be simulated by the food-chain algorithm. The algorithm can effectively figure out the distributive problems as above. In addition to them, the algorithm can be applied to other problems of supply-chain management, such as the location-allocation problem.
