《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 创刊于1955年,是教育部主管、东北大学主办的理工类综合性学术期刊。现为月刊,每期152页,国内外公开发行。本刊的办刊宗旨是:以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,及时报道东北大学理工管各学科的最新学术成果,以促进学术交流,培养科技人才,为把东北大学建成国内一流、国际知名的高水平大学而努力。主要栏目有:信息科学与工程、材料与冶金、机械工程、资源与土木、管理科学、数理化力学等。
15 October 2024, Volume 45 Issue 10 Previous Issue   
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Information & Control
Interval Prediction Model of RF-ET-KDE Sintering Process Physical Index Based on Stacking Integration
Zeng-xin KANG, Jin-chao CHEN, Jin-yang WANG, Zhao-xia WU
2024, 45 (10):  1369-1378.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.001
Abstract ( 560 )   HTML ( 43)   PDF (2555KB) ( 216 )  

Due to the many uncertainties in the sintering process, the reliability of mechanism analysis and point prediction results is insufficient. Therefore, a random forest-extreme tree-kernel density estimation (RF-ET-KDE) algorithm is proposed to realize interval predictions for physical indicators, such as particle size and moisture. Firstly, data preprocessing and feature selection operations are adopted to screen out the most suitable feature variables for modeling. Secondly, the RF-ET algorithm based on Stacking is utilized to realize point predictions for the indicators. This algorithm makes the model with higher accuracy and generalization, and then the KDE algorithm is adopted to calculate the prediction error of the indicator. The distribution interval and interval prediction results under a certain confidence level are obtained. Finally, the proposed model is compared with the other combined models. The results show that the RF-ET algorithm has higher point prediction accuracy, and the KDE algorithm can quantify the error of the indicator very well, so that a higher credibility interval prediction result can be obtained.

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Air Permeability Prediction of Sinter Layer Based on TST-LSTM Model
Meng-yuan LIU, Zhao-xia WU, Jin-yang WANG, Guang-lei XIA
2024, 45 (10):  1379-1385.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.002
Abstract ( 410 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (1484KB) ( 114 )  

In the sintering process, the air permeability of the sinter layer significantly impacts sinter quality. Therefore, it is essential to construct a model for accurately air permeability prediction of the sinter layer. Due to the inadequacy of traditional coding?decoding models in handling time series dependencies,time?series transformer-long short?term memory network (TST-LSTM) model is proposed. This model leverages the decoding component of the transformer model and combines the advantages of LSTM to achieve realtime prediction of air permeability of the sinter layer. Comparative analysis with simulation results from traditional backpropagation neural network (BPNN), support vector regression (SVR), and long shortterm memory (LSTM) models demonstrates that TST-LSTM exhibits superior and more stable prediction performance. The proposed method is validated through simulation predictions based on actual sintering processes.

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Application of Reinforcement Learning Based on Hybrid Model in Optimal Control of Flotation Process
Run-da JIA, Dong-hao ZHANG, Jun ZHENG, Kang LI
2024, 45 (10):  1386-1393.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.003
Abstract ( 269 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (1318KB) ( 110 )  

Traditional optimization control methods are difficult to make accurate and rapid decisions when the state of the flotation process changes, resulting in significant fluctuations in the concentrate grade and tailings grade, and unstable product quality. In addition, the flotation process is difficult to detect the concentrate grade online, leading to a decrease in its practicality. In response to the above problems, a hybrid model is used to model the flotation process and a reinforcement learning algorithm based on safety augmented value estimation from demonstrations (SAVED) is used to control the size distribution of flotation overflow bubbles to indirectly control the concentrate grade and tailings grade. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified through simulation experiments. Compared with artifical experience and data-driven models, SAVED based on hybrid models is used to model the flotation process and control the size distribution of flotation overflow bubbles. The algorithms can achieve better control effects while ensuring safety constraints.

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Heart Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Multimodal Feature Engineering and TSNet
Ji-hong LIU, Wei XUE, Chao XU
2024, 45 (10):  1394-1400.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.004
Abstract ( 386 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (4015KB) ( 81 )  

Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Phonocardiogram (PCG) are commonly used diagrams in heart diseases diagnosis. While, using them alone for heart disease diagnosis is not effective. Based on multimodal feature engineering, after segmentation and normalization preprocess of the dataset, Gramiam angle fields (GAF) are used for time?series data reconstruction to form an image model. Additionally, a two?stream self?fusion network (TSNet) suitable for this image model is proposed, which replaces the bottom?layer convolution operations with a two?stream self?fusion (TS) module to better integrate the heterogeneous information of ECG and PCG. Tested on the PhysioNet Challenge 2016 a dataset, the proposed algorithm achieves best values of accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall at 95.3%, 95.4%, 96.2%, and 99.4%, respectively. Compared to other multimodal convolutional neural network algorithms for ECG and PCG, it shows higher accuracy.

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Sea-Surface Weak Target Detection Method Based on SPWVD-STFT
2024, 45 (10):  1401-1408.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.005
Abstract ( 334 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (2912KB) ( 65 )  

To further improve the capability of time?frequency domain features to detect weak targets on the sea?surface, a smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (SPWVD)-short?time Fourier transform (STFT) sea?surface weak target detection algorithm is proposed. Firstly, STFT is adopted to perform time?frequency features analysis on the echo signals, and to optimize the time?frequency features analysis results of SPWVD. The K-medoids clustering algorithm is introduced to denoise the time?frequency matrix. Then, the time?frequency features Doppler frequency stability (DFS) is extracted, and the fast convex hull learning algorithm is utilized to obtain the false alarm controllable judgment region, so as to determine the sea clutter and the target. Finally, results of experiments based on Ice multiparameter imaging X-Band radar (IPIX) measured data show that the detection probability of the proposed detection algorithm is 6.3% higher than that of the time?frequency tri?feature detector at the same false alarm rate.

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Mechanical Engineering
PI Control Strategy for the Moving Speed of Flexible Robotic Arms
Xiao-peng LI, Guo-wen CHEN, Meng YIN, Jia-xing FU
2024, 45 (10):  1409-1416.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.006
Abstract ( 328 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (1798KB) ( 89 )  

A flexible robotic arm and its flexible load may result in changes to such specific parameters as rotational inertia as the arm’s posture changes, subsequently affecting the output speed of the servo drive system. By using a pole placement method with the same damping coefficient, the parameters of the proportional-integral (PI) controller in the drive system are adjusted, enabling the PI controller to automatically adjust its parameters in response to changes in the robotic arm’s posture, thereby dynamically stabilizing the motor’s output speed. A mathematical model is established based on the Lagrangian principles and continuum vibration theory, and the transfer function is obtained through state equations. The PI controller parameters are adjusted using the pole placement method with the same damping coefficient and applied to the speed loop control. The impact of the damping coefficient and natural frequency on the system’s resonance peak, resonance frequency, and bandwidth is analyzed. Numerical simulation demonstrates that appropriately adjusting the damping coefficient can reduce speed fluctuations in the servo drive system. A comparison with the Ziegler-Nichols self-tuning (Z-N) method shows that the pole placement method with the same damping coefficient achieves system stability in a shorter time.

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Reliability Evaluation Method of Degraded Structures Based on Random Distribution Characteristics
Zai-you YANG, Hao LYU, Ya-ping ZHAO
2024, 45 (10):  1417-1424.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.007
Abstract ( 256 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (1117KB) ( 61 )  

To solve such problems as inaccurate results and sensitivity to model parameters in structural reliability evaluation based on random load and strength degradation, a modeling method based on random distribution characteristics was proposed. The distribution characteristics of random load were considered, and the load-strength model and stochastic process theory were used to improve the accuracy of reliability calculation. Taking the counting model of random load as the Poisson process for example, the distribution characteristics of random load arrival time were analyzed and proved. Based on this, the reliability formula of the first load was derived, and the calculation formula of structural reliability was derived theoretically according to the total probability formula. An example analysis showed that the proposed method is consistent with Monte Carlo simulation results, which verifies the correctness of the proposed method and improves the accuracy of reliability calculation compared with the other methods.

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Method for Vibration Suppressing of New Type of Slender Support Rods
Ru-yu JIA, Hong-liang YAO, Ya-qiang CHEN, Chen-wei TANG
2024, 45 (10):  1425-1434.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.008
Abstract ( 281 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (3621KB) ( 67 )  

Based on the advantages of high specific stiffness, light weight and designability of the lattice structure, a new type of slender support rod with the lattice structure filled with viscoelastic damping material was proposed, which enables the structure have strong damping performance on the basis of sufficient load?bearing capacity. The finite element method was used to analyze the dynamics of the lattice support rod and damping filled lattice support rod, and a response surface approximate model of dynamic stiffness peak corresponding to the first?order resonance frequency was established by the response surface method. The influence of the structural parameters on the dynamic characteristics was analyzed, and the dynamic stiffness peak was optimized by the genetic algorithm. Finally, the test demonstrated 57.14% reduction in the acceleration response amplitude for the lattic support rod filled with damping, confirming their superior damping performance.

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High-Precision Motion Control for Electro-Hydraulic Actuators with Parametric Uncertainty and Time-Varying Disturbance
Qian-kun LIANG, Yan CAI, Jin-chun SONG, Jie CHEN
2024, 45 (10):  1435-1442.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.009
Abstract ( 286 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (3936KB) ( 65 )  

An asymptotic tracking control strategy is proposed for electro?hydraulic actuator (EHA) systems with parametric uncertainty, mismatched and matched time?varying disturbance. Firstly, an extended state observer (ESO) is constructed to estimate and compensate for the mismatched time?varying disturbance accurately. By introducing the robust adaptive term into the classical ESO, the asymptotic estimation result is obtained, and the conservatism of robust gain selection is reduced. Then, a robust adaptive term is designed to estimate the upper bound of the matched disturbance to eliminate the effect of the matched time-varying disturbance. In addition, adaptive laws are used to estimate the parametric uncertainty. Through the Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that the tracking error can asymptotically converge to zero. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by simulation and experiment.

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Cable-Driven Flexoskeleton Bionic Crab Robots for Beach Environmental Monitoring
Xiao-ming CHEN, Da-chuan CHEN, Yu-qian ZHAO, Cheng LI
2024, 45 (10):  1443-1451.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.010
Abstract ( 235 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (5702KB) ( 84 )  

Environmental pollution has brought great changes to the marine ecology and will have a serious impact on human life. Investigation of bionic robots to monitor the beach environment in real time can effectively solve this problem. Therefore, a cable?driven flexoskeleton bionic crab robot is proposed. Firstly, a rigid?flexible coupling model is established to study the motion law of the flexible foot end. Secondly, control method of the bionic crab based on a mobile phone application (APP) is studied, and the response characteristics and motion characteristics of the bionic crab robot are experimentally studied. Then, the obstacle?crossing ability of the bionic crab on various beaches is tested, and multiple bionic crabs are controlled simultaneously to test the cluster control performance of the mobile phone APP. Finally, the robot is used to monitor six beaches in Bohai Bay and capture beach environment images and parameters. The research on the bionic crab robot provides an effective method for beach monitoring.

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Simulation and Experiment of Removal Mechanism of Nickel-based Single Crystal Superalloy in Precision Turning
Yun-guang ZHOU, Shu-hai WANG, Han CHEN, Ming LI
2024, 45 (10):  1452-1458.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.011
Abstract ( 173 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (1506KB) ( 65 )  

To explore the micro?scale removal mechanism of precision turning nickel?based single crystal superalloy, the simulation model of nickel?based single crystal turning by the diamond tool was firstly established after an analysis of the simulated physical characteristics based on the molecular dynamics simulation method by large?scale atomic/molecular parallel simulators, and the chip formation mechanism during the simulation process of nickel?based single crystal turning was analyzed by using an open visualization tool. Then the experimental research on the removal mechanism of nickel?based single crystal superalloy was carried out. The accuracy of the removal mechanism simulation results is confirmed by the transmission morphology and diffraction analysis of the subsurface microstructure of nickel?based superalloy. The simulation and test results indicated that the mechanisms of plastic removal in the process of turning nickel?based single crystal superalloy are structural damage to amorphous evolution, structural damage to dislocation stabilised stacking faults and structural damage to polycrystalline phase transition.

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Resources & Civil Engineering
Properties and Hydration Mechanism of Lime-Based Slag‑Steel Slag Composite Cementitious Materials
Ying WANG, Xiao-wei GU, Qing WANG, Xiao-chuan XU
2024, 45 (10):  1459-1468.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.012
Abstract ( 347 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (8684KB) ( 109 )  

To analyze the properties and hydration mechanism of lime?based slag?steel slag composite cementitious materials, discussions are conducted on the mechanical properties and working performance of the composite cementitious materials with different steel slag and lime mass fraction. Furthermore, detection methods such as XRD are employed to explore the hydration mechanism of the composite cementitious materials. The research results indicate that the optimal steel slag content in lime?based slag?steel slag composite cementitious materials is 30%. The compressive strength is 32.3 MPa after 28 d of maintenance. The primary hydration products of the composite cementitious materials are C-(A)-S-H gel, hydrocalumite, Ca(OH)2, and calcite, among which the interlocking C-(A)-S-H gel provides the primary compressive strength for the composite cementitious materials. When the steel slag content in the composite cementitious materials ranges from 20% to 30%, it does not significantly affect the formation of C-(A)-S-H gel in the cementitious materials and can promote the hydration of slag. An appropriate amount of steel slag exhibits a filling effect, reducing microcracks in the composite cementitious materials, making the matrix more compact, and enhancing the mechanical properties of the composite cementitious materials.

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Filtration Performance of PTFE Membrane Coated Mask
Jing-xian LIU, Xiao-tong ZHOU, Wei-dong HE, Han-peng ZHAO
2024, 45 (10):  1469-1475.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.013
Abstract ( 250 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (4130KB) ( 51 )  

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane coated mask, as a new type of respiratory protective equipment, has received extensive attention in the field of occupational health. However, the stability of filtration performance of PTFE membrane coated mask in the high humidity environment needs to be determined. The moisture resistance of PTFE membrane coated masks is evaluated by the tests of filtration efficiency and pressure drop, and compared with nonwoven masks. The results show that the maximum reduction of the filtration efficiency of PTFE membrane coated masks is 3.20% after the high humidity environment, while the maximum reduction of nonwoven masks is only 0.44%, and there is no significant variation in the filtration pressure drop of the two types of masks during the test process. The fiber diameter (20~150 nm) and pore size (100~350 nm) of PTFE membrane are much smaller than those of nonwovens, which is mainly based on the mechanical filtration mechanism to capture particles. In high humidity environment, nonwoven with electrostatic adsorption performance is easier to achieve high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop. The results of this study provide a guidance for the rational selection of PTFE membrane coated masks.

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Connection Between Precast Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Slab and Column and Finite Element Analysis
Bai-ling CHEN, Yue YIN, Hai-yang GAO, Lian-guang WANG
2024, 45 (10):  1476-1484.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.014
Abstract ( 380 )   HTML ( 38)   PDF (4564KB) ( 170 )  

In order to meet the bearing requirements of prefabricated composite slab?column joints, two types of connection joints between steel?concrete?steel sandwich slab and structural column are proposed. Using ABAQUS finite element software, the numerical calculation model of composite slab column joint is established, and the bearing capacity of precast joint under punching load and the influence of main design parameters on its mechanical and deformation properties are analyzed. The results show that, compared with the cast?in?place joints under the same condition, the prefabricated connection joints can significantly increase the punching shear capacity while ensuring good ductility. These indicate that the connection components can make a positive contribution to the punching shear resistance of the joints.In addition, it is recommended to use a 16 through bolts radial arrangement and choose a square or cross shaped external diaphragm in the external diaphragm?thru bolt connection. The diaphragm’s strength grade is consistent with the composite slab, which is taken as Q345. For the cantilever composite slab?circumferential flange connection, it is suggested that the flange thickness should be controlled at about 20 mm, so as to make the joint own a higher cost performance.

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Mechanical Performance of Open Cross-Section Steel-Concrete Composite Beams Under Pure Torsion
Fa-xing DING, Shu-dong SHU, Jing-ke ZHANG, Chang HE
2024, 45 (10):  1485-1493.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.015
Abstract ( 285 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (3817KB) ( 65 )  

To reveal the torsional working mechanism of open cross?section steel?concrete composite beams, a calculation method for torsional bearing capacity applicable to engineering practice is proposed. A fine finite element analysis model of I?beam?concrete composite beams is established, and the influence of parameters such as concrete slab section size, concrete strength, steel beam section size, steel beam strength, reinforcement ratio, and width to span ratio on the torsional mechanical performance of composite beams under pure torsion is explored. Based on the principle of combination and superposition, a formula for calculating the torsional bearing capacity of open cross-section steel?concrete composite beams considering the contribution of concrete slab and steel beam web and flange to torsional resistance is proposed. The results show that the torsional bearing capacity of the composite beam is mainly borne by the concrete slab, and the torsional combination coefficient of the concrete slab is 1.1, which is in good agreement with the experimental results and can predict the torsional bearing capacity of the composite beam well.

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Study on Replacement of Fluidized Solidified Soil with Sand Protective Cushion on Vacuum Combined Surcharge Preloading Membranes
Ya-jun WU, Hai-qiang ZHANG, Jia-cheng ZHAN, Jia-cheng LUO
2024, 45 (10):  1494-1503.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.016
Abstract ( 317 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (8312KB) ( 67 )  

The sand protective cushion is required in vacuum combined surcharge proloading foundation treatment project and the sand source is abnormally tight in many areas. The research on using mucky fluidized solidified soil to replace protective cushion on vacuum combined surcharge preloading membranes is carried out. Numerous tests on unconfined compressive strength test and fluidity test are conducted to investigate the effects of parameters such as water content, solidifying agent dosage, and admixture dosing on the fluidity and strength of the preparation of fluidized solidified soil. The results show that increasing the water content of mucky residue or adding admixture can effectively improve the fluidity, and the admixture is more significant. The amount of solidifying agent is the most crucial factor to influence the strength, and increasing the admixture will reduce the strength. In addition, for the mucky residue with the water content of 120%~140%, there is no need for admixture. When the amount of solidifying agent is 5%~7% of the mass of the mucky residue, it can replace the sand cushion; for the mucky residue with the water content of 80%~100%, adding certain admixture based on 5%~7% solidifying agent can also meet the requirements of the protective cushion.

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Risk Assessment Method of Deep Foundation Pit Construction Based on Two-Dimensional Cloud Model
Zhen HUANG, Chen CAO, Wei ZHANG, Shao-kun MA
2024, 45 (10):  1504-1512.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.017
Abstract ( 226 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (2542KB) ( 68 )  

In order to take into account the fuzzy and random uncertainty involved in risk assessment of deep foundation pit construction, a risk assessment method for deep foundation pit construction based on two?dimensional cloud model and 3En rule is proposed. Firstly, the risk sources of deep foundation pit construction are identified, and the construction risk assessment index system composed of risk factors is established. Secondly, based on the engineering situation, the Delphi method is used to preliminary determine. Furthermore, the subjective and objective weights of the assessment indexes are determined by the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method, and the comprehensive weights are obtained. Then, the two?dimensional standard cloud and synthesized cloud are generated according to the risk assessment criteria and the forward cloud generator. Finally, the 3En rule of the cloud model and the distribution probability of synthesized cloud droplets are used to judge the risk level membership. The proposed risk assessment method is applied to predict the construction risk level of a deep foundation pit project in Nanning city. Compared with the traditional fuzzy comprehensive risk assessment method, the reliability of the assessment method is verified.

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Minimal Affine Translation Surfaces in Nil3 Space
Yan-hua YU, Qian-rong LI, Rui XUE
2024, 45 (10):  1513-1520.  DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2024.10.018
Abstract ( 296 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (1479KB) ( 71 )  

Nil3 space is a Riemannian space with a Heisenberg group structure. The affine translation surfaces in Nil3 space are constructed by using the group operator of the Heisenberg group. These surfaces are generated by two planar curves as base lines through group operation. However, since group operations are not commutative, selecting the same base lines generates two types of different affine translation surfaces. Then, the two affine translation surfaces are classified. Employ the method of variation of constants and Euler’s method of indeterminate exponential functions to solve the differential equation arising when the mean curvature of a surface equal zero, and present the classification theorem for minimal affine translation surfaces under various operations. Finally, some specific minimal affine translation surfaces are given, and corresponding images are drawn using Mathematica.

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