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  1. 1. 北京科技大学
    2. 东北大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-10-23 修回日期:2013-09-01 发布日期:2014-04-11
  • 通讯作者: 张建良

A Thermodynamic Model of Phosphate Capacity of CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5 Steelmaking Slags

  • Received:2013-10-23 Revised:2013-09-01 Published:2014-04-11

摘要: 基于炉渣离子–分子共存理论(IMCT)建立了CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5渣系的磷酸盐容量模型,比较了该渣系在1873K和1923K时实测的磷酸盐容量、IMCT–CP模型的磷酸盐容量及其他4种磷酸盐容量模型的计算结果。与实测值和其他磷酸盐容量模型预报结果相比,IMCT–Cp 模型预报的CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5渣系的磷酸盐容量更精确。本文建立的IMCT–Cp 模型不仅可计算该渣系的磷酸盐容量,而且可计算该渣系中碱性离子对(Ca2++O2?)、(Mg2++O2?)和(Fe2++O2?)各自的磷酸盐容量。

关键词: CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5渣系, 磷酸盐容量, 离子–分子共存理论, 碱性氧化物, 脱磷贡献率

Abstract: According to the ion and molecule coexistence theory (IMCT), a thermodynamic model of phosphate capacity of CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5 steelmaking slags has been developed and verified by the experimental data. The predicted phosphate capacity of CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5 steelmaking slags at 1873 K and 1923 K by the developed IMCT–Cp model have higher accuracy than the measured phosphate capacity as well as the predicted phosphate capacity by other phosphate capacity models. The developed IMCT–Cp model can calculate not only the total phosphate capacity of the slags but also the respective phosphate capacity of ion pairs (Ca2++O2?)、(Mg2++O2?) and (Fe2++O2?) in the slags

Key words: CaO–SiO2–MgO–FetO–P2O5 steelmaking slags, phosphate capacity, the ion and molecule coexistence theory, basic oxides, dephosphorization contribution ratio