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  1. 1. 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院
    2. 北京科技大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-28 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 毛瑞

Experimental study on self-reduction for pellets made of dust and sludge containing iron from steel production process

  • Received:2013-11-28 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 本文以高炉工序的重力除尘灰和转炉工序的转炉污泥作为主要原料,配加一定量的还原剂、粘结剂和水制成冷固结球团,在高温下进行含铁尘泥球团自还原实验。结果表明,将重力除尘灰和转炉污泥混合制成自还原冷固结球团,不仅可弥补单种物料成球性能的不足,还可实现含铁尘泥球团的自还原,充分利用尘泥中的Fe、C和CaO等资源;含铁尘泥球团的金属化率和脱锌率都随反应温度的升高而逐渐增大,1300℃时,球团金属化率和脱锌率可分别达到91.35%和99.25%;随着反应时间的延长,球团的金属化率和脱锌率也逐渐增大,且在反应开始5min内即可分别达到50.68%和75.82%;含铁尘泥球团的金属化率和脱锌率随着配碳量的增加而呈现先增大后减小的趋势,变化幅度较小。

关键词: 含铁尘泥, 资源化利用, 冷固结球团, 自还原, 金属化率, 脱锌率

Abstract: The research chose gravity dust from BF process and converter sludge from BOF process as the main raw materials and made them into cold bonded pellets with addition of a certain amount of reducing agent, binder and water, then experiments of self-reduction for pellets made of gravity dust and converter sludge in high temperature were conducted. The results show that mixing gravity dust and converter sludge and making them into cold bonded pellets can not only make up for the inadequacy of briquetting characteristic of single material, but also achieve the self-reduction of pellets and recycle fully the valuable substance such as Fe, C, CaO and so on; Metallization rate and dezincification rate of pellets made of gravity dust and converter sludge all rise with the increase of reaction temperature and can reach 91.35 % and 99.25 % respectively; As reaction time increase, metallization rate and dezincification rate of pellets also rise gradually and can reach 50.68 % and 75.82 % respectively when the reaction lasts for 5 minutes; As carbon addition amount rise, metallization rate and dezincification rate of pellets show the trend of decrease after the first increase, but the change is very small.

Key words: dust and sludge containing iron, resource utilization, cold bonded pellet, self-reduction, metallization rate, dezincification rate