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  1. 东南大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-18 修回日期:2014-01-13 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 石文博

The influence of the track parameters on vibration characteristics of elastic supporting block ballastless track

  • Received:2013-12-18 Revised:2014-01-13 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 依据弹性支承块式无碴轨道的力学特征,以及地铁车辆的实际参数,建立了轮轨非线性耦合系统模型。通过对该模型的求解可以得到系统中轨道和轨枕的竖向振动加速随时间的变化过程,结合快速傅立叶变化的方法,分析了钢轨和轨枕振动加速度在频域中的变化。引入根据人体敏感度进行修正后得到的振动能量指标,对钢轨以及轨枕的振动能量进行量化分析,评价了系统中各个参数对于系统振动特性的影响,得到的结果能够对于地铁在设计和施工做减振评价有一定的指导作用。

关键词: 无碴轨道, 减振, 轮轨耦合模型, 振动能量指标, 模态法

Abstract: A nonlinear coupling model of wheel and rail was established according to the mechanical characteristic of elastic supporting block ballastless track and the actual parameters of metro vehicle. The time-variant vertical acceleration of the rail and the sleepers can be calculated from the model, and the frequency dependence acceleration was verified by the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. A vibration level fixed by human sensitivity was introduced to quantify the vibration energy of the rail and sleepers. The impact of the parameters in the model was evaluated. The results provide certain guidance to vibration reduction of the tunnel during the design and construction.

Key words: ballastless track, vibration reduction, wheel-rail couple model, vibration power, modal method