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  1. 1. 中南大学 能源与科学工程学院
    2. 中冶长天国际工程有限责任公司
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-31 修回日期:2014-01-13 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 张家元

Optimization of Heat Recovery of Sinter Based on Gathering Hoods of Sinter Circular Cooler

  • Received:2013-12-31 Revised:2014-01-13 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 利用仿真实验方法,对烧结矿料层孔隙率、颗粒粒径、料层高度、冷却空气入口温度、冷却空气入口风速、烧结矿初始温度等因素对集热罩内热烟气平均温度的影响进行分析。对各个影响因素进行仿真实验并将仿真结果进行曲线拟合,得到其与集热罩内烟气平均温度的拟合曲线。利用待定系数法和各个因素的幂函数构造线性函数组合,得到其函数关系式,利用此关系式可以对热烟气平均温度进行预测,将其与测试数据对比,其误差小于8%。利用此关系式对传统集热罩布置方式进行分析,针对其不合理性,提出了优化的集热罩恒温布置方式。

关键词: 烧结, 环冷机, 曲线拟合, 数值模拟, 优化, 恒温

Abstract: The influences of the affecting factors including porosity, particle size, material layer height, inlet gas temperature, inlet gas velocity and sinter temperature on average temperature of gas in collecting hood were analyzed with simulation. The operating condition in actual production was set as standard condition, a series of simulation experiments were performed by changing the value of single affecting factor in normal fluctuation range. The fitting functions and the fitting curves were obtained by fitting the simulation results of single affecting factor. The semiempirical function were obtained by the method of undetermined coefficients and the fitting functions obtained. The temperature of gas could be forecast with the semiempirical function. The deviation was less than 8% by the comparison of the results and test results, it can be concluded that the semiempirical function is reasonable. The arrangement of the traditional collecting hood was analyzed with the function mentioned earlier. In order to decrease the energy loss and to increase the rate of waste heat recovery of sinter, an optimal collecting hood was proposed and adopted.

Key words: Sinter, Sinter circular cooler, Curves fitting, Simulation, Optimization, Constant temperature