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  1. 1. 重庆大学
    2. 重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室
    3. 三一重机有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-09 修回日期:2014-01-13 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 任志贵

Modeling of the compound digging force of the hydraulic excavator based on the resistance characteristic

  • Received:2013-12-09 Revised:2014-01-13 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 基于挖掘过程中三缸联动的实际作业状态,提出复合挖掘力概念。根据动臂、斗杆和铲斗的各自分工确定复合挖掘力限制条件;利用阻力角和差值角的主值区间确定复合挖掘力方向角的取值范围;假设给定挖掘姿态下复合挖掘力大小随方向角渐变,建立复合挖掘力计算模型。以某36t反铲液压挖掘机为例,验证了该假设的正确性。以真实挖掘轨迹和测试挖掘阻力为基准,对比现有理论挖掘力模型和复合挖掘力模型的计算结果,结果表明后者能够更准确的估算挖掘机的复合挖掘能力。该研究为挖掘机工作装置的优化设计和强度分析提供了评价标准和计算依据。

关键词: 液压挖掘机, 理论挖掘力, 复合挖掘力, 阻力特性, 方向角, 挖掘能力

Abstract: Based on the digging process in the actual operation condition of the composite motion of three hydraulic cylinders, a concept of the compound digging force was proposed in this paper. According to the main function of boom, arm and bucket, the restricted conditions of the compound digging force was determined. The value range of orientation angle of compound digging force was determined using the main value range of the resistance angle and the difference angle. The calculating model of compound digging force was established basing on a hypothesis that the compound digging force is changing gradually with the orientation angle. Taking a backhoe hydraulic excavator as an example, the correctness of the hypothesis was proved. Taking the actual digging trajectory and the digging resistance obtained by testing as the reference, this paper compared the calculation results of the existing theoretical digging force model with the compound digging force model proposed in this research. The comparative results indicate that the compound digging force model can exactly estimate the real compound digging ability of the excavator more accurately. In this way, it can provide evaluation criterion and calculation basis for optimal design and strength analysis of the excavator working device.

Key words: Hydraulic excavator, Theoretical digging force, Compound digging force, Resistance characteristic, Orientation angle, Digging ability