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  1. 1. 大连理工大学岩土工程研究所
    2. 大连理工大学
    3. 中国建筑科学院
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-04 修回日期:2014-02-09 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 唐小微

Seimic simulation and analysis of two-layer prestressed longspan subway station structure

  • Received:2013-12-04 Revised:2014-02-09 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 本文以箱型双层预应力大跨度地铁车站开发为研究背景,采用动塑性混凝土损伤本构模型,用拉压损伤因子描述混凝土在循环荷载下的非线性与疲劳性能,综合考虑了震前土-结构自重应力、钢筋混凝土预应力和地铁车站结构的阻尼效应,对土-地铁结构相互作用系统地进行了地震过程的非线性数值模拟。分析了震害发生时大跨度预应力地铁车站结构的破坏过程、破坏形式和抗震薄弱位置。结果表明:地铁车站结构顶板根部首先产生裂缝,之后侧墙底部顶板跨中等位置出现裂缝,并迅速开展;车站结构侧墙底部靠近底板位置处,顶板和中板的跨中及根部动应力反应剧烈,甚至丧失其抗拉强度;其中侧墙底部靠近底板位置处易产生竖向动拉压破坏,顶板和中板的跨中及根部易产生水平向动拉压破坏;侧墙与顶板底板连接处交替出现剪应力集中。侧墙底部与顶板根部位置破坏时间早,因而是影响框架安全的关键部位

关键词: 预应力, 大跨度地铁车站, 地震灾害, 数值模拟, 动塑性损伤本构模型

Abstract: In this paper, for developing two-layer prestressed longspan subway station, the nonlinear seismic numerical simulation of soil-subway station interaction system is conducted, using the plastic-damage constitutive model to describe nonlinear characteristics of concrete under cyclic loading, considering the structural damping and the initial stress of soil-structure interaction system due to the gravity and prestress of reinforced concrete. Destruction process, destruction forms and destruction location were analyzed after the simulation. The results indicate that: Dynamic shear stress concentrates in side wall near to baseboard, the midspan and the root of top board and level board, even lost tensile strength. Dynamic tensile and compression damage would emerge easily in vertical direction of side wall near to baseboard, and it also emerge easily in horizontal direction of top board and level board . Dynamic shear stress concentrates in turn in the junction of side wall and top board, baseboard. Side wall near to baseboard and the root of top board are key parts of a frame for safety because failure occurs earlier there.

Key words: prestress, longspan subway station structure, seismic damage, numerical simulation, plastic-damage