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  1. 北京科技大学
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-13 修回日期:2014-03-07 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 何肖飞

Effect of Low Basicity Dephosphorization Slag on BOF Slagless Steelmaking

  1. University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • Received:2013-12-13 Revised:2014-03-07 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 本文以SGRS工艺为基础,研究了低碱度脱磷渣在转炉少渣冶炼中的作用。根据少渣冶炼物料平衡原理,脱磷阶段结束炉渣碱度控制越低,相当于转炉回收利用的CaO量越多,能够实现的钢液去Si量也越多。同时实验结果表明,随着脱磷渣碱度的降低,炉渣的熔化性能逐渐改善,带来脱磷阶段结束转炉倒渣量不断增加以及脱磷渣金属铁含量不断降低的有益效果。当脱磷渣碱度在1.2-1.8范围时,脱磷渣半球点温度基本控制在1380℃以内,脱磷渣中的游离CaO质量分数控制在0.4%左右的较低水平,同时转炉脱磷阶段结束转炉倒渣量基本可控制在8t(210t转炉)或5t(100t转炉)以上,并且在吹炼制度的优化下能够达到转炉高效脱磷的目的。另外,文章对低碱度脱磷渣的矿物相进行了研究,得出低碱度脱磷渣矿物组成主要为钙镁蔷薇辉石(C3MS2)、镁铁相(RO)、钙镁橄榄石相(CMS)及少量的硅酸二钙(C2S)、硅酸钙(CS)。

关键词: 转炉,少渣冶炼,低碱度炉渣,脱磷,矿物相

Abstract: Based on SGRS technology the effect of low basicity dephosphorization (De-P) slag in BOF slagless steelmaking was studied. According to the mass balance principle of slagless steelmaking, the lower basicity control of De-P slag, the more amount of CaO will be recycled and the amount of desilicication of liquid steel will be more. At the same time, the experimental results show that with the reduction of De-P slag basicity slag melting performance gradually improved, which lead to beneficial outcomes of the increasing of deslagging amount and the reducing of metallic iron content in De-P slag. When the basicity of De-P slag is around 1.2-1.8, the hemisphere temperature of De-P slag could be controlled within 1380℃ basically, the free CaO content of De-P slag could be controlled arount 0.4%, and the amount of BOF deslagging in the end of De-P stage could be controlled more than 8t (210t BOF) or 5t (100t BOF). And the purpose of efficiency De-P in converter can be achieved under the optimization of BOF bolwing system. In addition, the mineral phase of low basicity De-P slag was studied and the results show that: the main mineral composition of semisteel slag are merwinite (C3MS2), MgO-FeO solid solution (RO) and monticellite (CMS) , and the minor minerals are dicalcium silicate (C2S) and calcium silicate (CS).

Key words: converter furnace, slagless steelmaking, low basicity salg, De-P, mineral phase