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  1. 1. 北京科技大学
    2. 中国科学院过程工程研究所
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-27 修回日期:2014-03-07 发布日期:2014-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 冯雅丽

Roasting reduction and its kinetics of low-grade pyrolusite by biomass char

  • Received:2014-02-27 Revised:2014-03-07 Published:2014-09-12

摘要: 摘 要 采用生物质焦和活性碳粉作还原剂,在管式炉中进行了低品位软锰矿焙烧还原对比试验,结果表明生物质焦在焙烧时间和还原效率上优于活性碳粉。生物质焦代替化石燃料焙烧还原低品位软锰矿分别研究了焙烧温度、焙烧时间、生物质焦用量等条件对软锰矿还原率的影响,对焙烧产物进行X射线衍射分析,结果表明软锰矿焙烧还原依次经历MnO2→Mn2O3→Mn3O4→MnO过程。在焙烧温度800℃,焙烧时间50 min,生物质焦用量10%,软锰矿还原率可达98%以上,在此基础上导出了还原动力学方程,并证实还原过程由界面化学反应控制,表观活化能为43.896 kJ·mol-1。

关键词: 低品位软锰矿, 生物质焦, 焙烧还原, 机理研究, 反应动力学

Abstract: ABSTRACT Contrast experiments of low-grade pyrolusite reduction roasting were performed with biomass char and activated carbon as the reductant in a tube furnance, founding that biomass char is obviously better in terms of roasting time and manganese reduction efficiency in the tube furnance. The manganese reduction efficiency of pyrolusite using a reductant of biomass char replacing fossil fuel was studied as a function of roasting temperature, roasting time and the dosage of biomass char. X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on the roasting products, and the results indicate that pyrolusite roasting reduction experiences the process of MnO2→Mn2O3→Mn3O4→MnO.The results show that under the conditions of roasting temperature 800℃, roasting time 50 min, the dosage of biomass char 10% of the quality of ore sample, manganese reduction efficiency greater than 98% for MnO2 in pyrolusite can be achieved. Based on the results, the reduction kinetics was also investigated, and it is confirmed that the reduction process is controlled by interface chemical reaction. The apparent activation energy of the reduction is about 43.896 kJ·mol-1.

Key words: low-grwde pyrolusite, biomass char, reduction roasting, mechanism study, reaction kinetics