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WANG Anlin,ZHANG,Xiaolu,LIU Wei,SHAN Xuewen.Moment Balance Mechanism of Gear Pump’s Axial Floating Wear Plate[J].Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science, 2013,41(10):1579-1583.
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[14] 刘巍,王安麟,张小路,单学文,杨远禄. 高压齿轮泵过渡区阻尼结构参数化[J].农业机械学报,2013,44(6):280-286.
LIU Wei,WANG Anlin,ZHANG,Xiaolu, SHAN Xuewen,YANG Yuanlu.Parametric on Transition Zone Damping Structure in High-pressure Gear Pumps[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2013,44(6):280-286.
[15] 李玉龙.异齿数和侧板倾斜对齿轮泵轴向困油泄漏的影响[J].液压与气动,2010,(11):12~14.
Li Yulong.Impact of sloping side panel and different number of teeth on axial leaking flow from trapped volume of external gear pump[J].Hydraulic and Pneumatic,2010,11:12~14.
, [1] Sujan Dhar,Andrea Vacca.A novel CFD-Axial motion coupled model for the axial balance of lateral bushings in external gear machines[J]. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory ,2012, 26:60–76.
[2] Shu Wang, Hisatoshi Sakurai, and Aditya Kasarekar.The Optimal Design in External Gear Pumps and Motors[J]. Mechatronics.2011,16:945-952.
[3] Emiliano Mucchi,Gianluca D’Elia,Giorgio Dalpiaz. Simulation of the running in process in external gear pumps and experimental verification[J]. Meccanica,2012,47:621-637.
[4] Emiliano Mucchi,Giordio Dalpiaz,Alessandro Rivola. Dynamic behavior of gear pumps:effect of variations in operational and design parameters[J]. Meccanica,2011,46:1191-1212.
[5] Stanley Baksi.Dynamic stress analysis of an epicyclic gear pump[D].Long Beach:California State University,2003.
[6] 李玉龙,许泽银,徐强.齿轮泵补偿面设计的参数化研究[J].农业机械学报,2005,36(8):70~73.
Li Yulong,Xu Zeyin,Xu Qiang. Parameter design of balance area for external gear pump[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2005,36(8):70~73.(in Chinese)
[7] E. Mucchi,G. Dalpiaz,A. Rivola.Elastodynamic analysis of a gear pump.Part I Pressure distribution and gear eccentricity[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2010,24:2160-2179.
[8] R.Castilla,J.Wojciechowski,P.J.Gamez-Montero,A.Vernet,E.Codina.Analysis of the turbulence in the suction chamber of an external gear pump using Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry[J]. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation ,2008,19:377-384.
[9] N.Erturk,A.Vernet,R.Castilla,P.J.Gamez-Montero,J.A.Ferre.Experimental analysis of the flow dynamics in the suction chamber of an external gear pump[J].International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2011, 53:135-144.
[10] E.Koc,C.J.Hooke.An experimental investigation into the design and performance of hydrostatically loaded floating wear plates in gear pumps[J].Wear.1997,209:184-192.
[11] R.H.Frith,W.Scott.Comparison of an external gear pump wear model with test data [J]. Wear, 1996, 196:64-71.
[12] 王安麟,张小路,刘巍,单学文.齿轮泵轴向浮动侧板力矩平衡机制改进[J].同济大学学报:自然科学版,2013,41(10):1579-1583.
WANG Anlin,ZHANG,Xiaolu,LIU Wei,SHAN Xuewen.Moment Balance Mechanism of Gear Pump’s Axial Floating Wear Plate[J].Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science, 2013,41(10):1579-1583.
[13] 金朝铭.液压流体力学[M].北京:国防工业出版社,1994:251-252.
JIN Caoming.Hydraulic fluid mechanics[M].Beijing:Defense industry press,1994:251-252.
[14] 刘巍,王安麟,张小路,单学文,杨远禄. 高压齿轮泵过渡区阻尼结构参数化[J].农业机械学报,2013,44(6):280-286.
LIU Wei,WANG Anlin,ZHANG,Xiaolu, SHAN Xuewen,YANG Yuanlu.Parametric on Transition Zone Damping Structure in High-pressure Gear Pumps[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2013,44(6):280-286.
[15] 李玉龙.异齿数和侧板倾斜对齿轮泵轴向困油泄漏的影响[J].液压与气动,2010,(11):12~14.
Li Yulong.Impact of sloping side panel and different number of teeth on axial leaking flow from trapped volume of external gear pump[J].Hydraulic and Pneumatic,2010,11:12~14.