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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    “Designer Fallacy” and Pre-reflective Self-consciousness: On the Bodily Phenomenological Basis of Technological Artifacts' Moralizing Design
    LIU Zheng
    2021, 23 (3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.001
    Abstract ( 352 )   HTML ( 28)   PDF (881KB) ( 641 )  
    “Persuasive technology” and “nudges” can be seen as the main practical approaches of Peter-Paul Verbeek's theory of “moralizing technology”, and these approaches carried out the moralizing guiding of our body behaviors through moralizing design. However, Verbeek failed to explain the internal causes of “designer fallacy” in that he attributed the moral function of technological artifacts to technological intentionality and technological design. On the one hand, the body intentionality can be regarded as the internal reason for realizing the moralizing function of the technological artifacts by introducing the dimension of bodily pre-reflective self-consciousness. On the other hand, the bodily phenomenological root of designer fallacy can be found as well. Therefore, the bodily phenomenological design approach not only needs to combine designing artifacts with designing contexts, but also needs to combine the reflection on technological design with the reflection on technological applications.
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    Moral Deviations of “Moral Machines” and Ethical Approaches to Autonomous Vehicles
    QIAN Yuanyuan
    2021, 23 (3):  8-16.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.002
    Abstract ( 523 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (899KB) ( 603 )  
    The rapid development of autonomous vehicles (AV) has brought the “trolley dilemma” into new discussions. Among them, MIT's “moral machines” claim the potential to figure out the moral algorithm of AV by collecting the public's moral preferences. However, this experiment does not contribute much to the ethical designs of AV, partly because of the abstract and universal way to construct the “trolley dilemma”. Also, it is difficult to deal with the non-linear, multi-factor, multi-conflict and context-sensitive moral problems by using a set of top-down deontological or utilitarian algorithm. In fact, combining bottom-up machine learning with top-down symbolic reasoning and using connectionist networks and virtue ethics to develop virtuous AV systems is considered to be more promising and fruitful in taking account of the essence of morality.
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    How Is Green Technological Innovation Ethics Made Possible?
    CAO Kangkang
    2021, 23 (3):  16-21.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.003
    Abstract ( 296 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (869KB) ( 352 )  
    There are two directions in the research of green technological innovation ethics, namely, “paying attention to green technological innovation in the moral system” and “paying attention to morality in the green technological innovation system”. Among them, the scientific nature of the research on the ethics of green technological innovation is the prerequisite meta-question for the development of these two general thoughts, that is, “how is the ethics of green technological innovation made possible?” The answer to this ethical presupposition question should be based on the “ethical attributes of green technological innovation”, that is, responding on the dual basis of its external ethical support and internal ethical tendencies. In terms of ethical support, green technological innovation needs to be guided by ethical order standards, evaluated and judged by ethical scales, and have problems solved by ethical wisdom; in terms of ethical trends, green technological innovation is a special manifestation of ethical intentions, a scale buildup of ethical movement, and a deep call of ethical spirit, which jointly answer the meta-theoretical question of the ethics of green technological innovation.
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    Economics and Management
    Study on the Regional Characteristics and Spatial Relationship of Haze: The Case of Central and Southern Liaoning Urban Agglomeration
    XIAO Cuicui, ZHOU Jingbo, ZHENG Chenyu
    2021, 23 (3):  22-29.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.004
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (1516KB) ( 251 )  
    The central and southern region of Liaoning Province is the key area required in the State Council's Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan. In this paper, the daily average PM2.5 index of central and southern Liaoning urban agglomeration in 2016 is used as the measurement index of haze pollution, and AR model is used to study the persistence characteristics of haze pollution in cities in central and southern Liaoning. Based on Granger causality test and ISM model, the mutual influence of haze pollution between cities is discussed. The empirical results show that the haze pollution between cities in central and southern Liaoning has a strong persistence and spatial spillover effect, and the spillage direction is from north to south, with Shenyang and other cities as the center. The increase in the haze concentration of a city in the urban agglomeration will have an impact on the surrounding cities. The joint prevention and control of central and southern Liaoning should consider the mutual influence of haze pollution between cities. By rationally setting up key areas of smog pollution and adjusting industrial layout, it can produce more effective governance results.
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    Effect of Other Users' Performance on Consumer's Creativity in Value Co-creation
    ZHANG Hao, LYU Xiaolin
    2021, 23 (3):  30-38.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.005
    Abstract ( 272 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (5127KB) ( 661 )  
    Consumers will refer to the design of other users when they are participating in value creation. Based on the social learning theory, this paper studies the effect of other users' behavior on the creativity of consumers who participate in value creation through two experiments. It is found in the study that compared with the performance of low-level users, high-level users' performance will significantly improve the creativity of consumers who participate in value creation. The inspiration of consumers inspired by high-level user performance mediates this process. In addition, the higher the level of consumer openness or consumer knowledge, the more significant the improvement of consumer creativity will be.
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    Research on the Impact of Repayment Sequence of Consumption Loans by Installments on Consumers' Purchase Intentions: The Mediated Effects of Price Attractiveness and Feeling of Being Misled
    LU Yang, WANG Jian, ZHUANG Xintian
    2021, 23 (3):  39-47.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.006
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (1020KB) ( 573 )  
    Regarding the phenomenon that consumers do not follow the principle of maximizing discounted utility when making purchase decisions, this study designs three auto loans by intallments and conducts satisfaction surveys. By establishing a mediation effect model, the study explores the influence of price attractiveness and feeling of being misled on consumers' purchase intentions. Bootstrapping test shows that price attractiveness has a significant positive mediated effect on consumers' purchase intentions, while feeling of being misled has a negative mediated effect on consumers' purchase intentions. The research finds that consumers make irrational decisions. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the discounted utility theory but to explain consumer behavior from psychological causes. The results provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the design of consumption loans by installments.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Analysis on the Concept, Characteristics, and Rise of Western Civilian Politics in Recent Years
    XU Feng
    2021, 23 (3):  48-54.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.007
    Abstract ( 910 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (872KB) ( 708 )  
    In recent years, civilian politics has repeatedly appeared in western countries. To some extent, the balance between political elites and civilians has been broken. Politics has developed towards civilianization. Corresponding to elite politics, civilian politics is a new political phenomenon, which insists on the position of civilians, emphasizes public will and the participation of the middle and lower classes of civilians, and has such characteristics as anti-establishment, anti-eliteness, and the emphasis on economic interests, etc. The rise of civilian politics is not only a response to the inherent flaws of western representative democracy, but also the result of the outbreak of conflicts between elites and civilians. It is a concentrated reflection of western social and economic problems and is related to the wide use of modern new media. The rise of civilian politics has expanded the depth and breadth of people's political participation, but left potential dangers of populist politics as well. It will have a profound impact on the political development in western countries.
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    Practical Way of Transforming the Institutional Advantages of Basic Public Service System into Its Governance Efficacy
    KANG Jian
    2021, 23 (3):  55-61.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.008
    Abstract ( 300 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (877KB) ( 371 )  
    The basic public service system is an important part of China's livelihood protection system; how to give full play to its institutional advantages and achieve equalization of basic public services with high quality has become an important topic for the development, the livelihood protection and the response to people's yearning for a better life in the new era. China's basic public service system has undergone the development process of exploration, reform, and formation, and has achieved a transformation from “having” to “becoming excellent”, from “living” to “life”, and from “supplying public goods” to “satisfying the people's needs”, which is manifested in the effectiveness of governance in achieving equalization in terms of quality and the significant advantage of putting the people at the center. At present, the transformation of the institutional advantages of the basic public service system into the effectiveness of governance is still hampered by factors such as system design, system implementation, and resource elements. It is thus necessary to build an institutionalized, standardized, intelligent, synergistic, and process-oriented rational governance efficacy path that focuses on the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction of the masses.
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    Research on Government Public Opinion Governance Evaluation Based on WSR Methodology
    YANG Yangyang, XIE Xuemei
    2021, 23 (3):  62-70.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.009
    Abstract ( 240 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (983KB) ( 527 )  
    Public opinion governance is a complex system, which involves many factors such as external economic conditions, internal organizational efficiency, software and hardware resources, personnel quality and so on. Based on WSR methodology and PSR model, this study constructs an analysis framework of government public opinion governance evaluation status from the physical, event and human (Wuli-Shili-Renli) perspectives. This paper uses the combination of gray correlation method and entropy method to determine the weight coefficient of the index, and obtains the comprehensive score of the government public opinion governance evaluation of 31 provinces in China. It is found that the physical(Wuli) dimension and the human(Renli) dimension are the key indicators that affect the governance level of government public opinion. At present, the overall level of government public opinion governance is not high, the governance level of every region is uneven, and there are obvious differences between regions. The government should build the mechanism of sharing resources, information, and talents, and optimize the allocation of regional resources. It should build a linkage mechanism for government public opinion governance and improve the efficiency of government organizations. It also needs to build a regional demonstration driving mechanism to improve the overall level of government public opinion governance.
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    Evaluation of Community Health Promotion Policy in China from the Perspective of Policy Tools
    ZHANG Xiaojie, CUI Ying, DU Ze
    2021, 23 (3):  71-79.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.010
    Abstract ( 282 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (2129KB) ( 500 )  
    Community health promotion is an effective tool and necessary means for our country to implement the “Healthy China” strategy, improve the level of social disease control, and achieve health for all. This paper uses the policy content analysis method to comb and analyze 44 community health promotion policy texts issued by the country from 1999 to 2019.The preferences of community health promotion policy tools are studied based on the analytical framework of policy instrument. The research results show that community health promotion policy-makers in China are diverse and very cooperative. But the hierarchy of the policy is quite low. The number of annual policies released is generally stable but showing a growing trend. The focuses of the policies mainly include community health services provision, institutional construction and giving full play to the strengths of traditional Chinese medicine. Regarding the selection of community health promotion policy tools, supply-oriented policy tools are overused, environment-oriented policy tools are properly used, and demand-oriented policy tools are seriously lacking. The internal selection structure of various policy tools is also quite unbalanced. Therefore, the paper proposes that the government should improve the top-level institutional construction, increase the hierarchical level of the community health promotion policy, and realize the effective combination of supply-oriented, environment-oriented and demand-oriented policy tools, as well as the balance of internal selection structure of various policy tools.
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    Transformation of the Legal Regulation Logic of the Biotechnology Ethics: Based on the Biosecurity Legislation
    TIAN Yiyao, LI Xinran
    2021, 23 (3):  80-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.011
    Abstract ( 300 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (889KB) ( 662 )  
    The realization of biotechnology ethics requires the guarantee of legal regulations. Current “command-control” legislation used to regulate the ethics of biotechnology itself has inherent problems such as difficulty for private agents to participate in decision-making, the unity of command means, and the opacity of information. It is difficult to achieve its expected effectiveness in the risk society. On the basis of examining the experience from the three aspects of legislative form, law enforcement subject and regulation method in typical countries, it is inevitable to theoretically construct biotechnology ethical good governance logic with the expansion of the main body of regulation, the transformation of regulatory tools and the enhancement of regulatory functions. At the institutional level, the logical transformation of legal regulation of biotechnology safety ethics principles can be achieved through the establishment of risk prevention principles, extensive multi-agent participation and the use of information tools.
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    Theoretical Reflection and Value Reconstruction of Illegal Income Confiscation: Focusing on Underworld Organization Crimes
    JIN Yi
    2021, 23 (3):  88-96.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.012
    Abstract ( 280 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (898KB) ( 478 )  
    The confiscation of illegal gains is a kind of “equal measures for quasi-improper gains” based on the coercive power of the state. For the normative purpose of completely depriving of illegal property, illegal income includes direct income, indirect income and their equivalent property. Due to the inherent structure and criminal policy of criminal syndicate nature, the return on investment of illegal income should also be deprived of. The objects of confiscation of illegal income include criminals themselves, accomplices, and third parties. The confiscation of accomplices should be based on the standpoint of “joint confiscation based on the power of joint disposition”. The confiscation of third parties should distinguish between the types of third parties and the legal effects of the relatedness of profits. In order to completely eradicate the economic basis for organized crimes of the underworld nature, while taking into account the needs of human rights protection, the principles of total confiscation and proportional confiscation should be adhered to.
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    Theoretical Construction of Extensive Defense from the Perspective of Overall Evaluation
    ZHAO Zongtao
    2021, 23 (3):  97-103.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.013
    Abstract ( 237 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (873KB) ( 248 )  
    The traditional view that exceeding the limit of defense time cannot be excessive defense may narrow down the scope of the application of Article 20, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Law. In the case of defending, if defenders carried out a string of counterattacks, we should adopt the principle of overall evaluation. In response to ongoing illegal harms, series of defense acts out of one successive purpose will be considered as entirety, and if the entirety exceeds necessary limits and has caused material injury, we describe it as extensive defense in criminal law. There exists violation reduction, responsibility reduction and a substantial basis for penalty reduction or exemption in extensive defense case. Based on the special structure of excessive defense in criminal law, the extensive defense case can be established only when the follow-up act alone has caused significant damage, and the rest cases are considered as justifiable defense.
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    On Precise Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities Based on Student Portraits
    HUANG Wenlin
    2021, 23 (3):  104-111.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.014
    Abstract ( 808 )   HTML ( 36)   PDF (978KB) ( 2007 )  
    This paper analyzes the methods of constructing student portraits that serve the precise ideological and political work in colleges and universities based on educational big data, puts forward the data resource content, hierarchical label system and model building methods of student portraits, explores the application of cluster analysis method, outlier analysis method and association analysis method in the precise ideological and political work, and proposes the portraits of college students' personality analysis, refined ideological and political education portraits, isolated behavior map portraits, college students' academic warning portraits, college students' comprehensive quality evaluation portraits, Internet addiction correction strategies portraits and the precise ideological and political work paths. The paper summarizes the key links and technical ethics of the precise ideological and political work model, and puts forward four suggestions for data resource construction, in-depth portrait development, work practice paths and ideological and political technological ethics.
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    Irrationality and Rationality of Second-tier School's Academic Governance Regulation of Universities
    YU Lichuan
    2021, 23 (3):  112-119.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.015
    Abstract ( 242 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (900KB) ( 209 )  
    Second-tier school's academic governance regulation is not only the bottom support of academic governance system, but also the necessary meaning and important node to promote the modernization of academic governance system and governance ability of the colleges and universities. In fact, the practice of “Double First-Class” construction of second-tier school's academic governance in colleges and universities reveals the problems of homogenization of statutes, unclear definition of academic rights and responsibilities between colleges and universities, and the “failure” of the boundary between administrative power and academic power, which is embedded with such irrational logic as interests avoidance, path inertia, and passive response. To achieve the rational return of second-tier school's academic governance regulation, we should activate the autonomy of second-tier school's academic governance regulation, eliminate the internal inertia of administrative and academic centralization, and strengthen the competition and balance between administrative and academic power.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    From Form, Act to Event: Discourse Analysis as a Deconstructive Strategy
    WANG Wenbo
    2021, 23 (3):  120-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.03.016
    Abstract ( 313 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (873KB) ( 641 )  
    The study of language in the 20th century experienced three stages—formal linguistics, behavioral linguistics and event linguistics, which respectively regard language as language signs, speech acts and discourse events. By taking language as an event, discourse linguistics highlights the uniqueness, heterogeneity and contingency of discourse events. The deconstruction practice of Michel Foucault, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Hayden White and others relies on the exploration of heterogeneous factors behind discourse events, highlighting the potential of discourse analysis as a deconstruction strategy and path. Discourse analysis, as a method and path of deconstructive criticism, analyzes things in a complex interactive system with multiple factors and opposes dichotomy and monism. Its specific deconstruction path is the empirical path. It forms the deconstruction by exploring boundary cases that cannot be covered and commensurable by an overall framework.
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