《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 是由教育部主管、东北大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,1999年创刊,双月刊,每期152页。本刊依托东北大学优越的教学、科研环境,坚持正确的办刊方向和宗旨,致力于交流和传播哲学社会科学领域的优秀成果,促进东北大学哲学社会科学学术水平的提高,促进哲学社会科学与自然科学、工程技术的结合,加速学科建设的综合化与人才素质的完善化。主要栏目有:科技哲学研究、经济与管理研究、政治与公共管理研究、马克思主义理论研究、法学研究、语言文学研究、教育研
25 January 2025, Volume 27 Issue 1 Previous Issue   
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On the Principled Contributions of “Better Adaptation Between National Governance and Social Development”
TIAN Pengying
2025, 27 (1):  1-9.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.001
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The theory of better adaptation between national governance and social development is a significant ideological and theoretical contribution of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This significant ideological and theoretical contribution is of a principled nature, not only in terms of the major theoretical concerns of modern society and the calls from practice that it responds to, but also in terms of the major theoretical innovations in the evolution of Marxist historical materialism and the theory of nation. It is the sublimation of the experience gained by the Communist Party of China in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity since the new era. This significant ideological and theoretical contribution has raised our understanding of the laws governing the movement of basic contradictions in productivity and production relations, economic foundation, and superstructure to a new level, and further extended and expanded the new field of the basic contradictions in society. “Better adaptation between national governance and social development” represents a new expansion of the theory of the basic social contradictions, an effective way to resolve the basic social contradictions, and a new perspective for innovating the basic social contradictions. This significant ideological and theoretical contribution is of great methodological significance for further deepening reforms in an allround way and promoting Chinesestyle modernization at the new starting point of the new journey.
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Transforming the “Three Rust Belts” into “Four New Breakthroughs” :An Exploration of the “Strengthening Revitalization Theory” in Northeast China
2025, 27 (1):  10-17.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.002
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Based on the General Theory on the Transformation of Northeast China published in 2020, a new exploration has been conducted on the “theory of strengthening the revitalization of Northeast China” from the combination of theory and practice in response to the originally proposed “three rust belts”. The proposition of transforming the “three rust belts” into “four new breakthroughs” has been put forward. Its main points mainly cover the following four aspects. To strengthen the revitalization, efforts should be “added” to the institutional aspect to earnestly promote the “gene reconstruction” of the institutional system in Northeast China and truly build a highlevel socialist market economic system. In response to the “structural rust belt”, it is recommended to take the “four expandings” (namely, “expanding demand”, “expanding digitalization”, “expanding regions”, and “expanding green development”) as the basic ideas and focus on pioneering and innovating in four aspects of the economic structure. To strengthen the revitalization, efforts should be “intensified” in terms of opening up, taking “opening up to the north” as an opportunity to build Northeast China into the countrys “new frontier for opening up to the outside world”. In response to the “rust belt of civilized patterns”, with cultivating civilization in the new era as the strategic orientation, the inclusiveness and integration of Chinese and foreign civilizations should be effectively promoted in Northeast China.
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Study on the StructureFunction Relationship of Technological Artifacts from the Perspective of Hermeneutics
WU Guolin1,2, MA Xiao2
2025, 27 (1):  18-25.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.003
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Since Kroes, a Dutch scholar, put forward the problem of “logical gap” between the structure and function of technological artifacts, scholars have tried to bridge the gap from the perspectives of logical relationship, epistemology and ontology, but have failed to establish the causal relationship between the structure and function of technological artifacts. According to Heideggers idea that understanding and existence are the same, humans, as intermediate carriers where structure and function point to each other, are indispensable. Therefore, the structurefunction of technological artifacts is a hermeneutic relationship. The complete connotation of hermeneutics should be unified by interpretation, application and explanation. Based on the connotation of hermeneutics, this paper reveals the interpretation process between the structure and function of technological artifacts. To bridge the “logical gap” between the structure and function of technological artifacts, a new perspective is proposed.
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Compatibility or Difference:Platos Cosmogony and the Modern Big Bang Model
2025, 27 (1):  26-33.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.004
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Plato systematically depicts the scene of the generation of the universe in the Timaeus. The craftsman creates the universe based on space and elemental traces, using ideas as prototypes. The universe contains the upper lunar boundary composed of moving celestial bodies, as well as the sublunar boundary composed of material entities such as mortal living bodies. The crucial question is: can Platos theory of the universe generate new vitality in modern times? Modern interpreters believe that because Platos description of the generation process of the universe is based on the axiomatic system, Platos cosmology is closely related to the modern big bang model. From the perspective of the axiomatic system, it can be seen that although both of them are based on the axiomatic system of generation and mathematics, there is inconsistency in the dynamic causes of the axiomatic system, and there are also disagreements over regarding spacetime and particles as the ontological basis of the axiomatic system. Consequently, the argument scheme of modern interpreters should be considered dialectically. Platos cosmology is compatible with the modern big bang model, but the essential differences between the two cannot be ignored.
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From “Accord with Ethical Design” to “Start from Ethical Design”: The Path Transformation of Ethical Design in Artificial Intelligence
WANG Zijun, CHEN Duowen
2025, 27 (1):  34-40.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.005
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The ethical design in artificial intelligence is a core topic of machine ethics research, which can be divided into two research paths based on the perspective of moral attribution: “accord with ethical design” and “start from ethical design”. Of the two, the former aims to embed human moral principles or moral norms, but it ultimately produces a “human” morality, and will also fall into ontological, epistemological, and axiological dilemmas, and the latter aims to embed moral foundations, which can promote the generation of “AIbased” morality. If the two are compared, “start from ethical design” has more advantages. In practice, it can go beyond the triple dilemma faced by ethical design and complement endogenous and exogenous morality with ethical design, jointly preventing the occurrence of AI unethical behavior. In theory, it can promote the study of moral philosophy, enhance peoples selfawareness at the moral level, strengthen their grasp of the sources of moral norms, and then guide and predict the development of artificial intelligence.
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Income Inequality, Shared Development and Residents Wellbeing
CHEN Fuzhong1, JIANG Guohai2
2025, 27 (1):  41-52.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.006
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Since the reform and opening up, Chinas economic development has achieved remarkable results, but the issues of income inequality and insufficient shared development are still prominent, which is not conducive to the improvement of residents wellbeing. Using the data from China Family Panel Studies, this study empirically explores the relationship between income inequality, shared development, and residents wellbeing. The results suggest that there is a nonlinear inverted Ushaped relationship between income inequality and residents wellbeing, and shared development moderates this relationship, enhancing the tolerance of groups with higher degrees of shared development towards income inequality, making it more easily for income inequality to play a role in improving residents wellbeing. Policy variables such as targeted poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and social security expenditure also help to improve the tolerance of household wellbeing to income inequality. Therefore, relevant government departments should actively implement effective measures to reduce income inequality, take multiple measures to improve the level of shared development, and focus on implementing poverty alleviation and security policies so as to further enhance the wellbeing of residents families and accelerate the realization of the great goal of common prosperity.
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Research on the Mechanism of Fiscal Environmental Protection Expenditure Empowering the Green Technology Progress: Based on Industrial Structure Adjustment perspective
LIU Min1,2, LIU Weijiang1,2, LIU Haiying1,2
2025, 27 (1):  53-63.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.007
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Based on the data of prefecturelevel cities in China from 2007 to 2020, this study explores whether fiscal environmental protection expenditure can empower green technology progress, through what mechanism it is transmitted, and the heterogeneous characteristics it presents. The research results indicate that fiscal environmental protection expenditure can significantly promote green technology progress. From the transmission mechanism test, it is found that fiscal environmental protection expenditure can indirectly stimulate local green technology progress through the mediating effect of the adjustment of industrial structure. In addition, the transmission mechanism exhibits nonlinear threshold characteristics. With the optimization of industrial structure, the promotion effect of fiscal environmental protection expenditure on green technology progress shows a nonlinear trend of marginal increment. From the perspective of heterogeneity analysis, fiscal environmental protection expenditure significantly empowers green technology progress in lowlevel cities and midwest regions, with the transmission mechanism established in these regions.
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How Do Data Elements Affect Firm Investment Behavior?
MA Cheng, REN Shuming, ZHOU Meng
2025, 27 (1):  64-75.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.008
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The integration of data elements into the production process of firms can effectively enhance the managements cognitive judgment of the prospects of investment projects and optimize firm investment behavior. However, the cognitive inertia and action inertia of the management will hinder this optimization effect. Based on the data of Chinas Ashare manufacturing listed companies from 2011 to 2020, this study empirically examines the impact of data elements on firm investment behavior. The results show that data elements significantly increase the scale of firm investment, suppress inefficient investment, and slow down insufficient firm investment. Data elements optimize firm investment behavior through supervision strengthening, and the higher the degree of investor specialization, the stronger the optimization effect. Due to the existence of cognitive inertia and action inertia, insufficient investment vision of management and implementation of traditional competitive strategies will weaken the optimization effect of data elements on firm investment. When cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy are effectively integrated, data elements can reduce the inefficient investment brought by a single strategy.
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Research on the Impact of Happinessoriented Impulse Buying on Consumer Happiness
YANG Congcong1, LI Xuexin1, ZHANG Nan2
2025, 27 (1):  76-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.009
Abstract ( 52 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (1144KB) ( 10 )  
The impact of impulse buying on consumer happiness is becoming increasingly important. Focusing on consumer happiness in the context of purchasing, based on a happinessoriented perspective, three experiments were conducted to verify the different effects of impulse buying on consumer happiness. The results show that compared with nonimpulse buying, impulse buying brings higher consumer happiness to hedonistic happinessoriented individuals and lower consumer happiness to eudaimonic happinessoriented individuals. Selfconcept clarity mediates the interactive effects of happiness orientation and impulse buying on consumer happiness. When consumers recall distant hyperopic choices from the past, for both types of happinessoriented individuals, impulse buying brings them higher levels of consumer happiness compared with nonimpulse buying.
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Space Construction:How Can Emotional Governance in Old Urban Residential Communities Be Effective? Taking Xiajiancao Community in Chengdu as and Example
CHEN Chaobing1, YI Wenqingzi2
2025, 27 (1):  88-98.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.010
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At present, emotional governance in old urban communities is facing multiple difficulties and challenges. This paper takes space construction as an interpretation perspective, builds an analytical framework for the effect of space construction on the emotional governance in old urban communities, and uses the case of Xiajiancao Community in Chengdu for interpretation and explanation. The research finds that the mechanism of the effect of space construction on the emotional governance in old urban communities lies in that space construction activities are completed by the cooperation of multiple subjects, including initiators, assistants, and receivers. Through the three stages of space planning, space production and space empowerment, physical space, political space, service space and cultural space are generated. Among them,physical space is shaped by community symbols, political space is constructed by collective action, service space is connected by internal and external resources, and cultural space is accumulated by social capital to interfere with the reproduction process of community residents sense of gain, trust, identity and belonging,and improve and enhance the emotional experience and emotional connection of residents in old urban communities as a whole.
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Basic Types and Generative Logic of Grassroots Governments Environmental Policy Implementation: A Multicase Study Based on Attention Allocation Theory
ZHANG Yuqiang1, DONG Lin2
2025, 27 (1):  99-107.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.011
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In the context of multitask and multiobjective governance,grassroots governments generally exhibit a characteristic of “adaptive implementation” in their environmental policies. Based on attention allocation theory, this paper builds up an analytical framework of “organizational missionenvironmental identity”. Through a multicase study approach, an empirical study was conducted on the types and underlying logic of grassroots governments environmental policy implementation. It is found in the study that the combination of the dual dimensions of organizational mission and environmental identity has shaped four differentiated types of environmental policy implementation: mutually beneficial type, selective type, initiative type, and incremental type. These types respond to the dual pressures of higherlevel requirements and public demands through adaptive and resilient strategies. Under attention overload, the organizational mission logic employs dualtrack mechanisms and identity adjustment mechanisms to cope with task pressures, while the environmental identity logic in the race to meet environmental standards constructs policy communities through local discourse mechanisms and subjectrelated mechanisms. This is the generative logic of “adaptive implementation”. Theoretically, this finding provides a new perspective on grassroots environmental policy implementation, and it also provides a vivid illustration of the strategic approaches employed by grassroots governments in implementing environmental policies, navigating the interplay between organizational mission and environmental identity.
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Differential Order Governance: A New Logic of Grassroots Social Governance Taking Intangible Cultural Heritage “Haicai Tone” Protection as an Example
2025, 27 (1):  108-116.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.012
Abstract ( 51 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (1019KB) ( 6 )  
Building social governance community is a major initiative of social governance in the new era and an important issue of concern in both theoretical and practical circles in recent years. However, the existing theoretical construction of bureaucratic governance and autonomous governance cannot fully explain the shift in grassroots social governance practices under the background of building a social governance community. By placing the social governance community in the theoretical spectrum of social governance, and using cultural heritage protection as a case study, it is shown that social governance community construction has shaped a new logic of grassroots social governance through “differential governance” in practice. Its operational mechanism is manifested as a value mechanism of hierarchical reshaping, an organizational mechanism of stratified integration, and an interactive mechanism of classified motivation. Differential order governance presents new characteristics in terms of governance value,structure, process and resources, and is a composite form of grassroots social governance nurtured by Chinas unique cultural background, institutional environment, and social foundation at present stage. This finding opens up a new perspective for understanding grassroots social governance and also enhances the theoretical understanding of social governance community.
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Fair Use Routes of Copyright for Artificial Intelligence Training Works
LIU Yunkai
2025, 27 (1):  117-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.013
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Using a large number of works to training large AI model will cause many copyright infringement risks. However, it does not damage the value of the works and the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright owner. Including the behavior of AI training works to the scope of fair use of copyright is a necessary mechanism to resolve such risks, and also a necessary choice to promote digital technology innovation and the development of AI industry. In this regard, the explanatory theory has some applicable space, but it also has some defects. It is more desirable to construct the fair use rules of AI training works based on the legislative theory. On the way of legislation, the route of restricting copyright is better than the route of lawful use of data. In the legislative arrangement, China does not need to distinguish the training works behavior between the scientific research type and the commercial type. Legislation should ensure the legitimacy of the acquisition behavior of the works, and should not expand the exception of “prohibit avoidance technology measures” at this stage. The use of works shall be limited to the copy and translation of works during the training phase, and should not cover the communication over information networks. In addition, it is necessary to amend the obligation to sign the author to the AIGC.
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The Defects and Optimization of the Ejusdem Generis Rule of Criminal Law
2025, 27 (1):  127-134.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.014
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Miscellaneous provisions are frequently used in Chinese Criminal Law, and the ejusdem generis rule is the common rule for interpreting miscellaneous provisions. However, the text conditions provided by Chinese Criminal Law for the ejusdem generis rule are not ideal. The formal ejusdem generis rule is trapped in the internal system of the articles, while the substantive ejusdem generis rule misappropriates the accomplishment of the teleological interpretation. We should abandon the ejusdem generis rule that fails to justify and interpret miscellaneous provisions, focusing on the protection purpose of specific legal provisions. The protection purpose of specific legal provisions includes two aspects: legal interests and specific types of behavior. For the “single item” miscellaneous provisions, the protection purpose should be sought by interpreting the core words of the crime backwards. For the “multiple item” miscellaneous provisions, the protection purpose should be sought by interpreting and extracting the intersection of meanings of the listed items forward. Only behaviors that meet the protection purpose of specific legal provisions can be regulated by miscellaneous provisions.
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On the Lessors Path of Remedy in the Event of Default by the Financial Lease Lessee
ZHANG Zesong
2025, 27 (1):  135-144.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.015
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In terms of the lessors right remedy in the financial leasing contract, Article 752 of the Civil Code has designed two remedial approaches: accelerated expiration of the rent and “termination of the contract and repossession of the leased property”. However, in the legislative model that combines formalism and functionalism, there is still considerable room for interpretation on how to assert claims for the two different remedial approaches, and how to balance the interests of various parties on the contract level as well as in the realization of the guarantee function. When the lessee is in fundamental breach of contract, the lessor can only exercise one of the two, but not both. When the lessor requests payment of all rent, compensation from the proceeds of the auction or sale of the leased property is prioritized based on the general civil litigation procedure or the nonlitigation enforcement procedure. This remedial approach is a product of functionalism, and still needs to be coordinated with the movable property security system. When the lessor claims to terminate the contract and take back the leased property, the security function of the financial leasing contract cannot continue to be maintained, and the lessors ownership of the leased property has been “desecured”. This remedial approach clearly has a formalistic character, but based on the institutional demand for the unjustified return, the lessor still has a liquidation obligation regarding the value of the leased property after termination of the contract.
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The Logical Path of Chinese University Culture to Promote the Construction of a Powerful Cultural Country
SUN Lei, LIANG Yaosong
2025, 27 (1):  145-152.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2025.01.016
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Building a powerful socialist culture is an important strategic decision made by the Party under the new development situation. Universities are an important field for civic education and cultural creation, and the development of university culture can effectively promote the advancement of the cause of building a powerful cultural country. From the perspective of value logic, the development of Chinese university culture and the construction of a powerful cultural country share the common value orientation of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and contributing to the progress of human civilization. From the perspective of historical logic, the development of university culture has a profound impact on the ideological enlightenment of the people and the future destiny of national development. From the perspective of theoretical logic, adhering to the political leadership of the Communist Party of China as the theoretical premise,we can promote the simultaneous development of university culture and social civilization by constructing the cultural education model of“educationmodelfeedback”.From the perspective of practical logic, universities can jointly promote the construction of a powerful socialist cultural country from the the combination of explicit education and implicit education as well as the linkage between university culture and urban culture.
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