东北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 209-212.DOI: -

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  1. 东北大学信息科学与工程学院;东北大学信息科学与工程学院;东北大学信息科学与工程学院 辽宁沈阳 110004
  • 收稿日期:2013-06-24 修回日期:2013-06-24 出版日期:2005-03-15 发布日期:2013-06-24
  • 通讯作者: Yang, H.
  • 作者简介:-
  • 基金资助:

Optimizing control parameter settings in RE extraction/separation process by CBR

Yang, Hui (1); Wang, Yong-Fu (1); Chai, Tian-You (1)   

  1. (1) Res. Ctr. of Automat., Northeastern Univ., Shenyang 110004, China
  • Received:2013-06-24 Revised:2013-06-24 Online:2005-03-15 Published:2013-06-24
  • Contact: Yang, H.
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摘要: 针对稀土萃取分离过程难以建立数学模型和实现生产过程自动控制的特点,提出了基于案例推理技术的稀土萃取分离过程两端出口产品纯度智能优化设定控制方法·在简要描述稀土萃取分离过程的基础上,从积累的大量过程历史控制数据中获取过程知识,将典型生产工况总结成案例的形式来构造案例库,并对案例推理过程中案例检索、案例调整、案例修正及存储方法进行了论述·给出了稀土萃取分离过程中萃取剂、料液和洗涤液流量的优化设定控制方法·将该方法应用于某公司HAB萃取提钇生产过程控制,取得了显著成效,表明所提方法的有效性·

关键词: 稀土, 串级萃取, 案例推理(CBR), 优化设定, 自动控制

Abstract: The difficulty of modeling an extraction/separation process of rare earth metal to implement its automatic control is mainly lacking an exact mathematical description. An intelligent optimal control method is therefore proposed using case-based reasoning (CBR) technique to preset relevant process parameters, such as the flowrates of extractant, feed liquid and scrubing solution, with the aim of controlling optimally the purity of products from the outlets at both ends to up to the target indices. The extraction/separation process can thus be understood in depth from a lot of historical data accumulated in previous cases so as to build a case database summarizing the typical operation conditions. Discusses the case retrieval, adjustment, revision and store in CBR process. The method proposed has been applied to an HAB extraction/separation process control for yttrium (Y), and its effectiveness was proved evident.
