东北大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 98-105.DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.013

• 法学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (大连海事大学法学院,辽宁大连116026)
  • 发布日期:2021-10-14
  • 通讯作者: 荆鸣
  • 作者简介:荆鸣(1994-),女,辽宁辽阳人,大连海事大学博士研究生,主要从事国际经济法、竞争法、海商法研究。
  • 基金资助:

On Constructing a New Regional Competition Order and Its Multilateralization: A Brief Discussion on Internal Relations Between the “Belt and Road” Initiative and RCEP Competition Rules

JING Ming   

  1. (School of Law, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China)
  • Published:2021-10-14
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摘要: “一带一路”倡议对于构建区域竞争新秩序具有重大历史意义。这一倡议在当下表现为区域合作机制,但以构建多边机制、服务于全球贸易投资自由化为最终目标。“一带一路”虽以共商、共建、共享为原则,但并不排斥竞争,伴随这一倡议的多边特征逐渐显现,公平市场将成为这一宏大格局的重要内容。东盟主导的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)覆盖多个“一带一路”沿线国家,其竞争规则充分注意到竞争与合作的辩证关系,并基本延续多边层面现行安排的行为导向,能在区域层面将“一带一路”中有关公平市场的政策内容转化为规则,促成区域竞争新秩序的构建。深入推进“一带一路”法治化建设,与更高水平区域自贸协定对接时坚守行为导向,促成区域竞争新秩序的多边化为当下时局之义。

关键词: 区域竞争新秩序;多边化;“一带一路”倡议;《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)

Abstract: The “Belt and Road” Initiative is significant for constructing a new regional competition order. This initiative presents itself as a regional cooperation mechanism, but its ultimate goal is to build a multilateral mechanism and serve the liberalization of global trade and investment. Although the “Belt and Road” Initiative is based on the principles of extensive consultation, joint construction, and sharing, it does not exclude competition. With the multilateral features of this initiative gradually emerging, a fair market will become an important part of this grand pattern. The ASEAN-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) covers a number of countries along the “Belt and Road”. Its competition rules fully consider the dialectical relationship between competition and cooperation, and basically continue the behavioral orientation of existing arrangements at the multilateral level. At the regional level, the policy contents of the “Belt and Road” Initiative related to a fair market can be transformed into rules, which will promote the construction of a new regional competition order. We should further promote the construction of the rule of law in the “Belt and Road” Initiative, adhere to the behavioral orientation when docking with higher-level regional free trade agreements, and promote the multilateralization of a new regional competition order.

Key words: a new regional competition order; multilateralization; the “Belt and Road” Initiative; Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
