东北大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 10-15.DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.01.002

• 科技哲学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (清华大学哲学系,北京100084)
  • 发布日期:2022-02-23
  • 通讯作者: 赵奇
  • 作者简介:赵奇(1993-),男(锡伯族),辽宁法库人,清华大学博士研究生,主要从事古希腊哲学研究。① 本文所引《论灵魂》文本由笔者译自Shields英译本,并重点参考秦典华中译本,参见Aristotle: De Anima. Trans. Shields C. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016年;参见亚里士多德: 《论灵魂》, 苗力田:《亚里士多德全集》第3卷,北京:中国人民大学出版社1991年版。
  • 基金资助:

The Analysis of Aristotle's Science of Touch

ZHAO Qi   

  1. (Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
  • Published:2022-02-23
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摘要: 亚里士多德对触觉的分析在其感官科学中占据核心地位。感觉通过对象被规定,所以每种个别感觉都对应其专属的个别对象。然而,由于触觉对象具有多样性,这将造成触觉种类的多样化,从而违反感官科学的基本原则。解决此问题的关键在于探析触觉器官的本质,它是触觉的质料基底。因此致力于论证肉体兼具器官与中介双重角色,将其分为一般性的触觉器官与首要的触觉器官,从首要的触觉器官来看,触觉能够保持单一性。亚里士多德对触觉科学的论述有重要意义,这不仅是对器官与中介之间关系的全面分析,而且是判断动物存活与否的根本标准。

关键词: 亚里士多德; 触觉; 肉体; 器官; 感官科学

Abstract: Aristotle's analysis of touch occupies a core position in his sensory science. Sense is defined by sensibles, and each particular sense corresponds to its exclusive particular sensible. However, due to the diversity of objects of touch, there will be many kinds of touch, which violates the basic principles of the sensory science. The key to solving this problem lies in exploring the essence of the organ of touch, which is the material base of touch. Therefore, we are committed to proving that the flesh has dual roles of organ and medium. It is divided into universal organ and primary organ. From the perspective of primary organ of touch, touch can maintain its unity. Aristotle's exposition of the science of touch is of great significance. It is not only a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between organ and medium, but also a fundamental criterion for judging whether an animal is alive or not.

Key words: Aristotle; touch; flesh; organ; sensory science
