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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    How Could Technological Artifacts Be Works of Art?
    WU Guo-lin, LIU Xiao-qing
    2020, 22 (2):  1-9.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.001
    Abstract ( 547 )   HTML   PDF (913KB) ( 836 )  

    Intentions, elements, structures, functions and environment constitute the systematic model of technological artifacts in the common sense. In order to make technological artifacts become works of art, the boundary factor should be taken into account, which interacts with the above five factors. Accordingly, the boundary factor and the other five factors constitute the ontological model of technological artifacts as works of art. The forms of technological artifact are not just boundaries or structures, but the overall manifestation of boundaries, structures, functions and elements. Equipped with aesthetic consciousness and combined with other factors, intentions make it possible for technological artifacts to be “aesthetic”. The unification of functions and aesthetics enables technological artifacts to be of symbolic aesthetic significance. With the improvement of modern technologies, technology and art undergo the transformation from separation to integration. As a product of deep integration, technological artifacts become art, which echoes well the meaning of the title.

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    Research of Industrial Generic Technology Innovation Based on Triple Helix
    WEI Chun-yan, LI Zhao-you
    2020, 22 (2):  9-16.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.002
    Abstract ( 424 )   HTML   PDF (973KB) ( 1687 )  
    Industrial generic technology is a kind of special knowledge located in the “New Pasteur's Quadrant”, whose innovation shows the subject's characteristics of reflexivity, organizational integration, and nonlinearity of the process. Industrial generic technology innovation can be divided into three stages, namely, industrial generic technology identification, industrial generic technology research and development, and industrial generic technology application. The triple helix theory is applied to solve the “double unknownness” in the identification phase, “competition and cooperation contradictions” in the research and development stage, and “intellectual property conflicts” in the application phase. Moreover, the cooperation laws of each main body in the triple helix of different innovation stages and their respective functions are explored, and the triple helix motivation mechanism in the innovation process is constructed so as to resolve the predicaments of industrial generic technology innovation.
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    Occurrence Logic of Internet Technology Reshaping Social Behaviors
    WANG Shi-min, HUANG Shi-di
    2020, 22 (2):  17-22.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.003
    Abstract ( 389 )   HTML   PDF (850KB) ( 890 )  
    The technological revolution in the field of communications provides the systematic support in both platform and theory for the rapid development of Internet technology, and lays out the fast track of development for the arrival of the Internet era. With the Internet technology covering and embedded into the production and living space of human beings as the path of information transmission, the Internet space of the new field of people's production and living practices is created. Different from the traditional production and living space, people's cognitive schema, communication logic and production modes are redefined from the perspective of Internet technology. At the same time, it disintegrates and reconstructs the traditional interpersonal communication modes and human beings' ethical concepts, and constructs a new behavior mode of interpersonal communication in the network space in the reconstruction of human behaviorsbased on the instrumentality, spaciality and sociality of Internet technology.
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    Economics and Management
    A Study on the Sustainable Development of Poverty Alleviation of Urban Households in China——Based on Poverty Vulnerability Perspective
    WAN Li-yang, WU He-cheng
    2020, 22 (2):  23-31.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.004
    Abstract ( 424 )   HTML   PDF (899KB) ( 838 )  

    Urban poverty is not only a major obstacle to the realization of a well-off society for all, but also the focus of the future anti-poverty system. This paper constructs the expected poverty probability model to measure the poverty vulnerability of urban families and selects the Probit model to identify and discuss the decision mechanism of whether the households have poverty vulnerability. The results show that the regional economic growth, the improvement of medical and housing security, the popularization of social services and the deepening of the category of community education have significant anti-poverty effects. Child support, education costs, psychological and disease risks are important factors driving poverty vulnerability, and increasing the source of income and the holding rate of medical insurance can effectively reduce the probability of poverty vulnerability, while female householder, marriage, balanced investment in family education, the optimization of material capital and the use of clean energy are more conducive to strengthening the endogenous motivation for family poverty alleviation. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward targeted policy suggestions on the sustainable development of urban family poverty alleviation from the aspects of exogenous security and endogenous “hematopoiesis” respectively.

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    A Research on the Impact of Health Risk on Urban Household Consumption——An Empirical Analysis Based on 5640 Households in China
    DING Meng, FENG Zong-xian
    2020, 22 (2):  31-40.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.005
    Abstract ( 348 )   HTML   PDF (952KB) ( 858 )  
    This paper uses the data of “China Survey of Consumer Finances” and quantile regression to analyze the impact of health risks on urban household consumption. The results show that the health risks have significant positive influence on medical and living expenses, and significant negative effects on traffic expenses. The increase of health risks and retired family members have significantly reduced household non-food consumption expenditures, and this impact increases with higher income. Health risk can significantly inhibit the consumption of middle-income families, but it will significantly increase the total consumption of high-income households. Therefore, the government should fully consider the heterogeneity of the impact of health risks on household consumption when formulating policies to stimulate household consumption, which is conducive to improving the scientificity and effectiveness of policy formulation.
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    An Exploratory Study on Frontline Employees' Response Strategies to Customer Misbehavior
    LIU Ru-ping, ZHAO Man, FAN Guang-wei
    2020, 22 (2):  41-49.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.006
    Abstract ( 392 )   HTML   PDF (923KB) ( 1161 )  
    The frontline employees' response strategies and their effects on customer misbehavior is analyzed by taking 212 incidents as the research object. The result shows that the response strategies of frontline employees to customer misbehavior fall into six categories: stopping, keeping silence, explaining, apologizing, quarreling and seeking help. When customer misbehavior is targeted at non-frontline employees (fellow customers, goods and environment), rather than keeping silence, stopping customer misbehavior of the frontline employees can better promote the evaluation of service quality, positive word of mouth and loyalty of the fellow customers. When customer misbehavior is targeted at front-line employees, fellow customers will perceive the highest quality of service when frontline employees apologize, though frontline employee explaining has the highest frequency. The highest positive word of mouth and loyalty exist when frontline employees seek help.
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    The Relationship Between Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior and Employees' Sleep Quality——The Mediating Effects of Work Family Enrichment and Perceived Stress
    LI Jing, ZHANG Yu-cheng, WANG Li-jun
    2020, 22 (2):  50-57.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.007
    Abstract ( 403 )   HTML   PDF (912KB) ( 986 )  
    Based on the theory of resource conservation, this paper introduces two mediating variables of work family enrichment and perceived stress, establishes a two-intermediary comparison model to explore the specific mechanism of the two mediating effects between family-supportive supervisor behavior and employees' sleep quality, and compares the strength of the mediating effects of work enrichment and perceived stress. The paper uses the survey data of 607 supervisors and subordinates at three time points, and employs the approach of regression analysis to make an empirical analysis. The results show that the family-supportive supervisor behavior can affect the employees' sleep quality through perceived stress. The mediating effect of perceived stress on family supportive supervisor behavior and sleep quality is stronger than work family enrichment.
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    Politics and Public Management
    An Analysis of Factors Affecting Government Staff's Use of Academic Research Results from an Evidence-based Perspective——Based on the Hierarchical Linear Model
    ZHANG Xing, ZHUO Yue
    2020, 22 (2):  58-66.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.008
    Abstract ( 353 )   HTML   PDF (894KB) ( 762 )  
    The gap between theoretical research and practical application involves not only the scientific rigor and relevance of research results, but also the factors of users themselves. Evidence-based practice claims cautious use of various types of evidence for management and decision-making, and provides a broader perspective for studying the influencing factors of academic research results. In this paper, 49 government units are used as organizational samples, and a hierarchical linear model is used to test the factors at the organization level and individual level that influence the use of academic research results by government staff. The research results show that the public service motivation, evidence-based ability, organizational scale and positive organizational environment have a significant positive effect on the use of academic research results; the working years has a negative effect on the use of academic research results; and the impact of individual education and departmental service objects on the use of academic results is not significant.
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    A Study on the Upgrade Path and Dynamic Changes of Synergistic Development of “Five Modernizations” in Liaoning Province
    ZHANG Jing-qi, LIU Yi-jing, GAO Jia
    2020, 22 (2):  66-73.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.009
    Abstract ( 434 )   HTML   PDF (1076KB) ( 836 )  
    This paper discusses the conception and the mechanism of synergistic development of “Five Modernizations”, establishes the synergistic index system of “Five Modernizations” for Liaoning Province, and calculates the synergistic development index via entropy method and the coupling degree and synergy of synergistic development via coupling function. The result shows that the overall development index of “Five modernizations” is growing. The informatization development index is the highest whereas the industrialization development index is the lowest. The coupling degree of “Five Modernizations” is in the medium high coupling level area, and the relationship between them is very strong. The synergistic degree of “Five Modernizations” shows a slow growth trend, with rapid development in the early stage and slow development in the later stage. Therefore, Liaoning Province should take informatization as the guide to drive the development of new industrialization and modern agriculture, promote the construction of new intelligent urbanization with the goal of informatization and greenization, and realize the overall revitalization of Liaoning Province.
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    A Research on the Risk of Crime of Corruption in the Field of Government Procurement and Methods of Reduction——Taking the “Changchun Changsheng Biology Vaccine Incident” as an Example
    LIU Pu-jun, CAO Fu-guo
    2020, 22 (2):  74-82.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.010
    Abstract ( 558 )   HTML   PDF (943KB) ( 886 )  

    Currently, the dilemma facing the Chinese government's prevention and punishment of crime of corruption in the field of government procurement is mainly reflected as lack of the front-end prevention mechanism and lack of the back-end criminal sanction. In terms of lack of the front-end prevention mechanism, the disqualification mechanism, which plays a key role in foreign public procurement, has been absent in China for a long time. The blacklist of dishonesty and the inquiry system of bribery crime archives are difficult to replace the function and value of the disqualification mechanism completely. In terms of the back-end criminal sanction, affected by the inertial thinking of “overemphasis on bribe-receiving and underemphasis on bribe-offering,” China's criminal punishment focus has been deviated, resulting in failure of crime of bribe-offering to gain adequate attention. Therefore, the punishment and prevention mechanism against crime of corruption in the field of China's government procurement is calling for update. To realize localization of the disqualification mechanism in China, the Chinese government should adhere to the basic concept of “treat and save people” and think about institutionalization of the disqualification mechanism revolving around application conditions, application terms and elimination paths. At the same time, the stereotyped thinking of criminal justice should be changed to adherence to and implementation of the criminal policy of “punishing the crime of bribe-receiving and the crime of bribe-offering.” The back-end criminal sanction should be intensified to jointly play a role with the front-end criminal sanction system. All this will realize the ultimate goal of reducing crime of corruption in the field of government procurement.

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    On the Institutional Structure of the Duration of Secured Property Rights——Comment on Article 419 of Civil Code of People's Republic of China (Draft)
    YANG Qiu-yu
    2020, 22 (2):  83-90.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.011
    Abstract ( 900 )   HTML   PDF (883KB) ( 979 )  
    The duration of the secured property rights is a legal loophole left by China's Guarantee Law. Although both Judicial Interpretation of the Guarantee Law and Property Law attempt to fill this loophole, it is still unclear whether the secured property rights have been eliminated after a certain period of time, and judicial practice and doctrine are difficult to unify for a long time. It is not advisable to inherit the provisions of article 202 of Property Law for the duration of the mortgage rights in the two deliberations of Civil Code of Property Rights (Draft) and Civil Code (Draft). The secured property rights are the fixed property right and the fixed-term property right. Under the legal policy of promoting property circulation, the survival of the secured property rights shall be subject to the time limit. Although there is no legal causal relationship between the duration of the secured property rights and the legality of the secured claims, the two have a considerable relationship in the normative structure. The future Civil Code of People's Republic of China shall, on the basis of perfecting the provisions of Property Law on the duration of the mortgage, bring it to the general part of the secured property rights and integrate it with the statutory elimination of the secured property rights.
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    Social Law Proof of Double Wages Disputes——Legal Corroboration of the Free Will of the Weak
    SONG Ge
    2020, 22 (2):  91-97.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.012
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (868KB) ( 980 )  
    The more controversial disputes over double wages without a labor contract is the definition of double wages and when the arbitration limitation period starts. There are two viewpoints in practice: one is that double wages are the labor remuneration in arrears, and the time limit starts from the termination of the labor contract; the other is that double wages are punitive compensation, and the time limit starts from the time when the workers should know that their rights have been violated. Both ways of analysis fall into the misunderstanding of thinking, which should be analyzed from the social law attribute of labor law. When the status of labor and capital is unequal, the workers' free will be limited, which limits the possibility of bringing a lawsuit against the employer during their employment. Therefore, the labor dispute mediation and arbitration law makes an exception to the statute of limitation of labor payment dispute, allowing it to start from the termination of the labor contract. From a holistic perspective, this is the legal corroboration of workers' free will, and should also be considered when dealing with the double-wage disputes.
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    Marxism Theory
    Marx's View on A Better Life in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
    YU Chun-ling, ZENG Meng
    2020, 22 (2):  98-104.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.013
    Abstract ( 700 )   HTML   PDF (867KB) ( 1329 )  
    Marx made a preliminary exploration and construction of a better life of mankind in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844), a book with rich meanings of life philosophy. Starting from the economic facts, Marx constructed an ideal picture of a better life, including “the realization of reconciliation between man and nature, society and self as well as the diversification and constant satisfaction of spiritual life based on abundant material living conditions”. Marx revealed the realistic constraints of a better life, namely the loss of “labor happiness” under the rule of capital, the confrontation of social relations caused by alienated labor and the one-sided development of people under the restriction of private property. Marx pointed out the ways to achieve a better life, that is, getting rid of the capital bondage, abandoning the alienated labor and establishing the real community.
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    On Ternary Connotations of Marx and Engels' Thought of Authority with Enlightenment for the New Era
    LIN Ao, FU Hao
    2020, 22 (2):  105-111.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.014
    Abstract ( 540 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 1207 )  
    During the theoretical exploration and revolutionary practice of their lives, Marx and Engels formed an important theory on scientific thought of authority. Marx and Engels broke the shackles of feudal and bourgeois authorities, explored in depth the scientific authority based on the proletariat itself committed to the grand goals of communism, and finally established their thought of authority with ternary connotations from the Party, politics and society, which pointed out the direction for the proletarian movement and human liberation. The CPC has continuously inherited and innovated Marx and Engels' thought of authority, given meaning of the new era to the classics, upheld and maintained the Party's authoritative leadership, followed the authority of the people, and made solid progress towards the “Chinese Dream” of great revival enlightened by the thought of scientific authority.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Ecological Study of Language and Two Turns in Ecolinguistics
    ZHAO Chang-you, LIU Cheng-yu
    2020, 22 (2):  112-119.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.015
    Abstract ( 518 )   HTML   PDF (902KB) ( 1212 )  
    Ecolinguistics embarked on the ecological study of language in which the relationship between language and its context is metaphorized as the relationship between organisms and their environment and it was then studied through binary analysis. Since then, ecolinguistics has undergone a discursive turn which emphasizes the ecological discourse analysis of interactions between humans, nonhuman organisms, language and environment and it starts its diversified development. In recent years, this discipline has witnessed a cognitive turn which aims to foster and improve people's ecological awareness, trigger their ecological behaviors and promote ecological practices and it endeavors to construct a harmonious and unified analytical framework and finally reaches the destination of unifying knowing and doing. Based on its development, future research of ecolinguistics is envisaged from six dimensions.
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    Musical Narrative and “Order” in George Eliot's Works
    LI Tao
    2020, 22 (2):  120-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.02.016
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML   PDF (880KB) ( 915 )  
    Based on the integration of musical cultures, the musical narrative in George Eliot's works fulfils the effect of “law enforcement”. In The Mill on the Floss, Maggie is contemptuous of the musical law in concert with her contempt for the social law, and accordingly, she has to sustain punishment musically. In Middlemarch, Dorothea aspires to accomplish the social reform through sacrifice, and musical narrative in the novel fulfills the function of eulogy. In Daniel Deronda, through the understanding of music, Gwendolen has begun to fight against the vanity and decadence of the Victorian era, and begins to explore new ways to obtain satisfaction, rather than to feel “superior”. Music is the soul of Eliot's works, representing the maintenance of “order”, which highlights Eliot's moral idealism.
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