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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Aristotle on the Receptive Activity of Perception
    ZHAO Qi
    2023, 25 (1):  1-6.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.001
    Abstract ( 169 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (914KB) ( 467 )  
    Aristotle's analysis of perception is very important in his theory of soul. Perception is one of the basic abilities of the soul. It is defined in De Anima as “receiving perceptible forms without matter”. Here he determined the importance of form and non-material characteristics. However, since the senseless can also receive the form of something without matter, this definition is not enough to determine the essence of perceptive reception. This definition is correct, but it is too broad and needs to be clarified. In fact, the activity of perceptive reception is not a passive receptive behavior, but a distinguishing activity of active choice. This activity lies between the senses and their objects, and the nature of mean is the essential characteristic of the perceptive ability and the form of perceptive object. Moreover, this perceptive reception activity takes the brain and the heart as the physiological basis.
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    Human-machine Language Games Based on Wittgenstein's Philosophy
    ZHENG Bingnan
    2023, 25 (1):  7-13.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.002
    Abstract ( 124 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (919KB) ( 283 )  
    Artificial intelligence is understood as intelligent machines. At the beginning of the birth of the machine, it is the assistance and extension of the functions of human beings. Artificial intelligence will imitate human intelligence and participate in human life practice. There are different views from people of all walks of life on whether AI can match or even surpass human intelligence. Both human and machine will participate in the practice of life, and life practice cannot be separated from language, so human and machine are playing language games in life practice. In his language game theory, Wittgenstein argues that the meaning of language lies in its use, and language cannot be completely separated from human life activities. The basis on which language games can be played is a consistent life form. Therefore, what can be expected is a life form built by people and machines together, which is a new life form different from what we have today.
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    Economics and Management
    The Impact and Mechanism of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Economic Resilience
    LYU Yiqing, LIU Jingjing
    2023, 25 (1):  14-24.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.003
    Abstract ( 151 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (1009KB) ( 1748 )  
    Based on the general environment of increasing uncertainty in global economic development and frequent intervention of governments in economic activities, the economic fitness index and economic policy uncertainty index of 23 countries from 2000 to 2019 are used to conduct an empirical study from the international level on how economic policy uncertainty affects a country's economic resilience and its path of action. The results show that economic policy uncertainty has a nonlinear effect on a country's economic adaptability, i.e. economic resilience, that is, the threshold effect. Economic policy uncertainty has a positive effect on a country's economic resilience, while excessive economic policy uncertainty will damage a country's economic resilience. Through the analysis of intermediary effect, it is found that economic policy uncertainty can promote the improvement of a country's economic resilience through the optimization of industrial structure and the efficiency of enterprise innovation. Further heterogeneity analysis shows that economic policy uncertainty has a positive effect on the improvement of economic resilience in developing countries, but a negative effect on developed countries.
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    The Asymmetric Transfer Effect of RMB Exchange Rate on Inflation in Different Economic Stages: Based on NARDL Two-step Estimation Model
    LIU Yue, LIU Jinquan
    2023, 25 (1):  25-34.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.004
    Abstract ( 95 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (1058KB) ( 732 )  
    In this paper, we study the asymmetry of RMB exchange rate transmission to inflation in different stages of the economic cycle by constructing two-step NARDL estimation framework. The conclusions are as follows: In terms of model optimization, two-step NARDL estimation breaks through the gradual singularity problem of the single-step NARDL, and the estimation is more accurate. In terms of the asymmetric of the exchange rate pass-through, the asymmetric overall transfer effect of exchange rate fluctuations on inflation during the sample period is mainly concentrated in the long term. Both the appreciation and depreciation of RMB will aggravate China's inflation. Meanwhile, inflation is more sensitive to the depreciation of the exchange rate. In different stages of the economic cycle, the impact of exchange rate depreciation is still stronger than the appreciation, but the transmission effect of exchange rate appreciation shows great changes in different macroeconomic conditions, and the exchange rate changes show a stronger transmission effect on inflation in the stage of economic contraction.
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    External Green Pressure, Environmental Commitment and Green Innovation Strategy of Manufacturing Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Organizational Slack
    FENG Wenna, MU Yao, QU Rui
    2023, 25 (1):  35-46.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.005
    Abstract ( 103 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (1008KB) ( 803 )  
    Green innovation strategy is an important means for manufacturing companies to respond to external green pressures and achieve sustainable development. Based on the theory of rational behavior, this paper constructs a “cognition-attitude-behavior” model from external green pressure to environmental commitment and then to green innovation strategy, analyzes the cognitive decision-making process of manufacturing enterprises' green innovation strategy, and verifies the role of resource scenarios in strengthening the attitude of environmental commitment. The examination of 396 survey data of manufacturing enterprises confirmed that the behavior decision-making of green innovation strategy of manufacturing enterprises is determined by their cognitive response to pressure and their attitude toward behavior. At the same time, the resource scenarios that show organizational slack affect the decision-making role of attitude on behavior through strengthening environmental commitment. Further research found that the cognitive decision-making mechanism of “cognition-attitude-behavior” is not affected by the stage of enterprise growth. In addition, compared with non-listed companies, decision makers of listed companies are more willing to respond positively to market pressures.
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    Public Participation, Collusion Between Government and Enterprises, and Environmental Pollution: The Moderating Effect of the Internet
    KOU Po, HAN Ying, WANG Fuchen
    2023, 25 (1):  47-54.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.006
    Abstract ( 139 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (944KB) ( 248 )  
    Government-enterprise collusion is an important factor in weakening environmental regulations, which restricts China's environmental quality improvement. The public is one of the important subjects of environmental governance. Whether their participation in the environment can restrain the negative impact of the collusion between government and enterprises on the environment has become the key to achieving environmental quality improvement. Considering the important role of the Internet in the current environmental governance process, this paper studies the relationship between public environmental participation, government-enterprise collusion and environmental pollution under the regulatory role of the Internet from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The results show that the collusion between government and enterprises will increase environmental pollution of enterprises. It is difficult for public environmental participation to restrain the adverse effects of the collusion between government and enterprises on the environment by relying on its own strength. Under the influence of the Internet, public environmental participation can not only directly restrain the pollution behavior of enterprises, but also supervise the collusion between government and enterprises and thus weaken the negative impact of the collusion between government and enterprises on the environment. The Internet, as a major support for the current social development, is conducive to giving play to the effectiveness of public environmental participation and achieving effective public opinion supervision.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Research on the QCA of Governance of Not in My Back Yard Events: Based on Motivation-Competence Framework
    WANG Bo, LIANG Xiaowen
    2023, 25 (1):  55-63.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.007
    Abstract ( 91 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (986KB) ( 682 )  
    Based on motivation-competence framework, this paper adopts the method of qualitative comparative analysis of multivalued sets to explore the internal mechanism of local governments' choice of compromise response or gradual response in the process of not in my back yard events. The response strategies of local governments are rooted in the four element interaction of interest preference, avoiding accountability risks, resource integration ability and communication and coordination ability. Economic benefit projects can stimulate local governments to choose a gradual response path better than public welfare projects. Vertical support and horizontal integration can effectively promote local governments to choose a progressive response. The relatively silent potential beneficiaries of the project should be an important parameter to measure the value of the project. In order to avoid falling into the strange circle of “project implementation-public opposition-conflict escalation-suspension of construction”, local governments should shift from rigid stability maintenance to resilient stability maintenance, realize the two-way transformation of interest preferences through the whole process negotiation and communication mechanism, and achieve the balance of the dual values of social harmony and regional development through the vertically and horizontally connected resource cooperation network.
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    The Multiple Configurations and Corrective Paths of Ecological Governance Failure of Local Governments in China: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets Based on 15 Warning Cases
    YANG Xiaohu, WEI Shuyan
    2023, 25 (1):  64-73.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.008
    Abstract ( 111 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (990KB) ( 861 )  
    The analysis of various configurations of the failure of local government's eco-environmental governance is the basis for solving the failure problem. Based on the theory of objective management, an analysis framework, including the internal factors of responsibility implementation, policy implementation and process supervision, as well as the external factors of political and social coordination and media supervision, is established. With the help of the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method, 15 warning cases published by the Ministry of Ecological Environment are analyzed. It is found that the inadequate implementation of the main responsibility is the necessary condition for the failure of local governments' ecological environment governance. In order to deal with the three configurations that have failed, we need to establish a target responsibility mechanism, a lifelong responsibility investigation mechanism, a coupling mechanism between policy implementation and environmental protection ideas, a “principal-agent” mechanism for social organizations to participate in, a “double customer satisfaction” evaluation mechanism, a “media integration” supervision mechanism and other corrective paths. On the basis of strengthening the main responsibility, local governments should adopt different combination mechanisms to effectively govern the ecological environment according to different problem situations.
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    Research on Disequilibrium of Beds Allocation in Adopting Social Welfare Institutions in County Area
    WANG Zuobao, WANG Xuegong
    2023, 25 (1):  74-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.009
    Abstract ( 82 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1212KB) ( 541 )  
    Based on the data of China County Statistical Yearbook from 2000 to 2019, an empirical study is conducted on the disequilibrium of beds allocation in adopting social welfare institutions in county area in China. The results show that the level of beds allocation in adopting social welfare institutions in county area increased significantly from 2000 to 2019, especially in counties with lower allocation levels. The Gini coefficient and Theil index show a downward trend in volatility, and within-group differences are the dominant factors causing overall differences. The scarcity level has dropped significantly due to the increase in allocation levels and the reduction in allocation differences. There is obvious positive spatial autocorrelation in beds allocation. Some counties have spatial spillover and spatial competition effects on their neighbors. The level of polarization also fluctuates and declines. The Wolfson index declines more than the DER index. Identification is the main explanatory factor of the DER index and the contribution rate has increased slightly, but the decline in alienation dominates the downward trend of the DER index. It is suggested to pay more attention to the differences between the counties in the same region while narrowing the differences between regions, upgrade the pooling level of construction investment,give full play to the role of demonstration and diffusion among counties with higher level of beds allocation, improve the self-development capacity of adopting social welfare institutions and guide social capital to provide socialized adoption services.
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    Research on the Construction of China's Birth-support Policy System Under the Background of “Three Children: A Dual Analytical Framework Based on Policy Tools and Fertility Friendliness
    MAN Xiaoou, YANG Yang
    2023, 25 (1):  88-95.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.010
    Abstract ( 215 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (988KB) ( 1920 )  
    In the era of “three children”, how to promote the transformation of fertility policy from focusing on the single link of “birth” to improving the systematization of “fertility” has become an important issue to be solved urgently in response to the crisis of low fertility rate in China. Based on the dual perspective of policy tools and fertility friendliness, this study analyzes provincial birth-support policies in China from 2016 to 2020. The results show that the current birth-support policy has some difficulties in the use of policy tools, such as lacking demand-type tools, placing too much emphasis on “fertility” but less on “parenting” and “education”, and failing to fully reflect the concept of fertility friendliness in the design of policy tool system. It is necessary to strengthen the supply of demand-oriented policy tools, improve the supporting policies of “birth-child-rearing”, pay attention to the coordination of policies, enhance the whole-process, inclusive and forward-looking birth-support policies, and build a friendly birth-support policy system.
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    Research on Vulnerability Assessment and Characteristics of the Elderly with Chronic Diseases in China
    WANG Xuehui
    2023, 25 (1):  96-105.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.011
    Abstract ( 120 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (2831KB) ( 634 )  
    The elderly with chronic diseases has the characteristics of multidimensional vulnerability. From the perspective of vulnerability theory, based on the “risk factors-anti-risk ability-social service system” analysis framework of the World Food Program (WFP), an assessment index system and evaluation model reflecting the vulnerability of the elderly with chronic diseases are constructed from multiple dimensions such as health, economy, society and life. It is found in the study that with the increase of age, the average vulnerability index of elderly men and women with chronic diseases has shown an upward trend. In the 65~80 age group, the average vulnerability index of elderly men with chronic diseases is higher than that of elderly women. In the 80~105 age group, the mean vulnerability index of elderly women with chronic diseases is generally higher than that of men. Among the elderly with high vulnerability and chronic disease, the proportion of risk factor brittleness is the highest. The core inducement leading to high vulnerability is that they face more risk factors and lack anti-risk ability. The proportion of vulnerability caused by social factors is the highest among the elderly with moderate and low vulnerability and chronic diseases.
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    The Theoretical Basis and Practical Approach of the Procedure for Enforcement Permission of Arbitral Awards
    GOU Yingpeng
    2023, 25 (1):  106-114.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.012
    Abstract ( 81 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1053KB) ( 364 )  
    Enforcement permission is the precondition for the enforcement of an arbitral award. Its basis is reflected in the relationship between the effective legal documents, the enforcement force, the right to claim for enforcement and the name of enforcement. It is also related to the tension between the autonomy of private arbitration law and the enforcement of state public power. In order to reflect proper supervision of the judiciary over arbitration, the legal path of the procedure of permission for the enforcement of arbitral awards should focus on written review, not oral debate, which not only conforms to the normative value of enforcement permission, but also complements the centralized enforcement system in China. The procedure of permission for the enforcement of arbitral awards actually presents a single line structure of “creditor's application-court's power review”, and the court only needs to confirm the facts of the arbitral awards. Since the procedure of permission for the enforcement of arbitral awards is mixed with the procedure of filing for review of enforcement, the relationship between them should also be reconciled in application.
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    On the Legal Application of Tort Liability of Online Car-hailing Platforms Under “Social Vehicle Franchise Mode”
    YING Fan
    2023, 25 (1):  115-123.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.013
    Abstract ( 124 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (948KB) ( 755 )  
    The legal relationship of online car-hailing platforms is complex and diverse. The differences in the legal relationship between platform companies and drivers directly affect the determination and assumption of tort liability. Currently, the adjudication path on the infringement disputes of online car-hailing is to judge the existence of the labor relationship between the platform and the driver. The result will determine whether Article 1191 of Civil Code should be applied to make the platform bear the liability of the employer in the infringement disputes. However, this analysis method is only applicable to “direct employment mode” and “rental-car mode”. The online car-hailing platforms under social vehicle mode do not have a labor relationship with the drivers. Based on the characteristics of the legal relationship under the “social vehicle franchise mode”, the online car-hailing platform should assume the corresponding responsibility for violating the security obligations. Such “corresponding liability” can be determined as a supplementary liability according to specific liability forms of platforms for violating security obligations as stipulated in the E-commerce Law, and may also constitute joint liability under certain circumstances.
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    Marxism Theory
    Analysis of the Integration Path of Campus Culture Construction in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools Under the “Great Ideological and Political Outlook”
    SUN Lei, LIU Panpan, GAO Chenguang
    2023, 25 (1):  124-130.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.014
    Abstract ( 143 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (926KB) ( 1303 )  
    In the new era, our country emphasizes the whole process of moral education is guided by the concept of “great ideological and political course” with a large pattern, a large field and a broad vision. The hidden values play a dominant role in the integration of campus culture construction in universities, middle schools and primary schools. The connotation and internal relation of the integration of campus culture construction in universities, middle schools and primary schools under the “great ideological and political outlook” is the overall layout of “three all-round education”, which not only brings into the internal requirements of cultural people, but also innovates the external form of practicing the integration of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools. In reality, the integration of campus culture construction in universities, middle schools and primary schools should adhere to the problem orientation. The top-level design should emphasize the construction of values. The horizontal coordination should break the dimensional wall to extend the integration, and the vertical connection should form a system to improve the long-term mechanism of integration, and promote the integration process of campus culture construction.
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    Working Together with Global Eco-civilization Construction: Generating Logic, Core Meaning and Global Significance
    LIU Haijun, QIN Shusheng
    2023, 25 (1):  131-137.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.015
    Abstract ( 627 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (922KB) ( 1219 )  
    Xi Jinping's important statement on working together with a global eco-civilization construction is an inevitable requirement to cope with the global ecological crisis and solve the contradiction between man and nature. It is also an inevitable choice to break through the global environmental governance dilemma and highlight the responsibility of a great power. The core meaning of working together with global eco-civilization construction includes the following aspects: the international community needs to jointly build a community of human and natural life; protecting the ecological environment is the common responsibility of all countries in the world; adhere to green development and build a development community where economy and environment work together; adhere to multilateralism and safeguard global ecological justice. The proposal of the initiative of working together with global eco-civilization construction helps to gather international consensus on global eco-civilization construction, guide the construction of a global environmental governance system, and provide Chinese wisdom for global eco-civilization construction.
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    Research on the Self-reform of the Communist Party of China from the Perspective of Marxist Revolutionary View
    ZENG Wei, TANG Qinmeng
    2023, 25 (1):  138-144.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.016
    Abstract ( 134 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (921KB) ( 405 )  
    Self-reform is an important category of Marxist theory on proletarian revolution. It is the key method to guide proletarian political parties to lead and complete revolutionary tasks in promoting historical development, realize their own transformation, development and liberation, and promote the revolutionary leap of the world. Self-reform is the inevitable outcome of the proletariat's historical appearance, development and progress, the necessary internal drive for proletarian political parties to fulfill their mission, and an important guarantee for proletarian political parties to draw revolutionary strategies and achieve their struggle goals. Investigating the self-reform of the Communist Party of China with Marxist revolutionary view requires self-reform to adhere to the direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, keep pace with the times, give full play to the great strength of the people, grasp the long-term arduousness of the great struggle, and inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit and courage.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    The Event of Abandoning the Ship and the Decline, Correction and Rewriting of Englishness in Lord Jim
    LI Qiuyu
    2023, 25 (1):  145-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.01.017
    Abstract ( 98 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (5647KB) ( 163 )  
    Based on a true event, Joseph Conrad represented the incident that several British crew members abandoned the steamship “S.S.Jeddah” and all passengers in 1880 when facing a crisis in Lord Jim. In the novel, Conrad turned the eight-year-old “S.S.Jeddah” into a rusty old ship “Patna” which continued sailing after being whitewashed, attempting to use the rusty Patna as a metaphor to imply the declining Englishness such as the spirit of British Merchant Navy and the gentleman spirit, and alert British people at the same time. That is, through the rewriting, Conrad offered his own solution, that of “polishing” and “whitewashing” it successively, to the problem of “rusty” Englishness to glorify the declining Englishness by rewriting real events. The adaptation, writing and re-creation in Lord Jim reflected Conrad's anxieties and hopes about the future and destiny of the British Empire.
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