Experimental and Modeling Study on the Rheological Properties of Tailings Backfill


  • Received:2013-11-27 Revised:2013-12-25 Published:2014-09-12

Abstract: Taking backfill material of underground mine as the object of study, this paper conducts the research on its rheological properties and strength characteristics by using the R/S+ rheometer and rock mechanics testing machine with the method of experiment and theory analysis. And the visco-plastic fluid model of Papanastasiou was introduced to analyze the changing progress of viscosity and shear stress of tailings backfill. The results show that the calculated results of this model which were identical with the experimental results were verified for theoretical calculating, and the curve of shear stress-shearing rate at the different stress growth parameter was gotten; the viscosity and yields stress of backfilling develop with the increase of its mass concentration; the viscosity and yields stress of cementing tailings were higher than whole tailings at the same mass concentration. According to the research of rheological properties of tailings backfill, the results are useful for designing filling station in mine.

Key words: mining with backfill, tailings fill, visco-plastic fluid, yield stress, rheological properties