Research on Design Method for Wind Turbine Airfoils Based on General Parametric Profiles Representation and Mesh Reconstitution


  • Received:2013-12-31 Revised:2014-03-07 Published:2014-09-12

Abstract: The design theory of airfoils is one of the key factors for advanced wind turbines. The coupling solution of parametric expression and accurate flow analysis for airfoil is the core of this method. Most of the representations do not have a large enough domain to select the optimal airfoil, as they depend on several control points and initial airfoils. Based on the parametric profiles representation, originated from Joukowski conformal transformation, improved Genetic Algorithm was utilized in this design codes to obtain airfoils with high lift-to-drag ratio. ICEM and FLUENT were coupled to generate airfoils, reconstitute mesh, set boundary conditions and calculate aerodynamic performances. Results show that the new airfoil has good characteristics on-design and off-design operation conditions, high lift coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio at main range of attack angles. This coupling method of parametric representation and CFD simulation can be applied in other similar multidisciplinary design.

Key words: wind turbine, airfoil profile, parametric representation, CFD, integration design