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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    A Postmodern Thinking of ScitechFrom the Perspective of Epistemology
    LI Yang
    2014, 16 (1):  1-6.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 313 )   HTML   PDF (697KB) ( 591 )  
    The concept of scitech fuzzes the boundaries of science and technology, which has many defects: firstly, scitech mainly refers to technology and rarely to science, doing the negligence to the development of scientific spirit; secondly, the concept of scitech involves the potential ethical risks of technology; thirdly, it is hard to set and implement relevant policies due to the fuzziness of scitech. From the postmodern perspective of epistemology, scitech represents the development trend of contemporary scientific knowledge, which implicates many traits of postmodern science: organicness, ecology, entirety, nonlinearity, valuerelevance, locality and others. Hence, a postmodern thinking of the concept of scitech is important in establishing a real scientific spirit, creating a good academic environment, and ensuring a harmonious development of science, technology and society.
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    Cognitive Dilemmas in Technological TestsA Case Study of Americas Space Shuttle Program
    HUANG Jia
    2014, 16 (1):  7-11.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 317 )   HTML   PDF (821KB) ( 569 )  
    Technological test is a core section in the construction of technological facts, which is believed to provide a solid foundation for solving technological disputes. However, the process of a technological test is affected by various social and psychological factors and may lay itself open to suspicion, thus leading to a series of cognitive dilemmas. Based on a case study of technological tests in Americas space shuttle program, this paper analyzes three types of dilemmas, which are caused by the dual function of exploring and persuading assumed by technological tests, the complexity of similarity judgments between test and application contexts, and the uncertainties in test standards and procedures. An appropriate use of these dilemmas may provide a path towards technological democracy.
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    Revaluation of Cultural Values on Intangible Cultural Heritage
    LOU Yunhe
    2014, 16 (1):  12-17.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 548 )   HTML   PDF (906KB) ( 566 )  
    The research of revitalizing intangible cultural heritage (ICH) under modern Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) legal framework in the information age applies the elements of ICH that can be combined with social production and life styles of a modern society, with a view to refreshing or endowing ICH with new values and formulating relevant ICH legal requirements in the modern IPR system. Meanwhile, the innovative practices for the purpose of revaluating ICH cultural values and creating a conducive cultural environment turn out an important avenue to cultivating and uplifting national cultural innovation and creativity.
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    Strengthening IP Protection to Promote the Development of Network Culture Industry
    MAO Muran, QIAO Lei, CHEN Fan
    2014, 16 (1):  18-23.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 397 )   HTML   PDF (1202KB) ( 687 )  
    The continuing interactive relationship between IP protection and the development of network culture industry represents a historical process of interactive evolution from impeding or inadaptation to promoting or adaptation. Currently, Chinas network culture industry faces such problems as network culture enterprises inability to implement IP strategies, the weakness of criminal laws in protecting network copyrights, the low judicial quality of network IP cases and failure to differentiate varied IP infringements as well as their compensation systems. By fully understanding the effect of network culture industrys characteristics upon IP protection and harmonizing the relationship between free promulgation and sharing of network works and IP protection, we can take some corresponding countermeasures to transfer IPs requirements of network culture industry development from impeding or inadaptation to promoting or adaptation.
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    Economics and Management
    Market Reaction of Bank Stocks to Reserve Rate AdjustmentAn Answer to Whether Banks Are Liable for Reserve Requirement Tax
    REN Shuming, SUN Fei, YE Meng
    2014, 16 (1):  24-31.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 343 )   HTML   PDF (1678KB) ( 588 )  
    By applying the eventstudy method and floating windows, this study classifies commercial banks into largescale ones and small and mediumsized ones. By analyzing the market reaction of bank stock returns to reserve rate adjustment, the market expectations and the asymmetric effects of reserve rate increasing and decreasing after the financial crisis, whether commercial banks are liable for reserve requirement tax is explored. The findings indicate that reserve requirement tax is assumed by bank stockholders, particularly to largescale commercial banks. Moreover, the market could predict the coming of reserve rate adjustment policies, and to commercial banks an increase in reserve rate has more significant impact than a decrease. Finally, some policy implications are put forward.
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    A Classification Study on the Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction at Online Consumption
    NING Lianju, YAN Chunxiao, XIAO Haihong
    2014, 16 (1):  32-37.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 536 )   HTML   PDF (805KB) ( 536 )  
    Based on two factor theory, this study classifies the factors affecting customer satisfaction into four types—decisive factors, positive factors, negative factors and neutral factors, and the results give a further explanation of the factors properties and varied effects on customer satisfaction. By applying regression analysis, the influencing factors are classified by the specific statistical properties to rate the importance of these factors and then some countermeasures are put forward. The empirical results show that product quality, logistics and distribution are the decisive factors, which significantly affect customer satisfaction; product information, shopping process, platform construction and product category are the positive factors; payment method and aftersale service belong to the negative factors; and discount is a neutral factor.
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    A Game Analysis of Regional Trade and Environmental Cooperation 〓A Case Study Based on Northeast Asia
    LI Xuesong, YI Baozhong, GUO Xiaoli
    2014, 16 (1):  38-44.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 307 )   HTML   PDF (1364KB) ( 550 )  
    With the development of economic globalization and industrial modernization, the problems of environmental pollution and transboundary pollutants have become diverse and serious. Given the lack of supernational organizations, cooperation is considered an effective way to solve the global environmental predicament. Based on the game theory, an analysis framework relevant to regional trade and environment is established. It is proven that the mechanism could not only ensure international trade profits but also effectively tackle the “hitchhike” behaviors in the process of regional environmental cooperation. Furthermore, it could effectively encourage the regional environmental governance, thus promoting the regional environmental cooperation. The empirical research on Northeast Asia shows that the efforts to increase the proportion of intraregional trade might be an effective means to promote the regional environmental cooperation.
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    Technical Efficiency Evaluation of Machinery Manufacturing Based on Two Envelopment Frontiers
    PANG Hongmei, TANG Xiaohua
    2014, 16 (1):  45-51.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 261 )   HTML   PDF (1439KB) ( 476 )  
    In order to more objectively evaluate the technical efficiency of machinery manufacturing, two data envelopment analysis (DEA) models (both the optimal and the worst) were applied for the first time to estimate the technical efficiency of 85 listed machinery manufacturing companies of 2012, and by means of the geometric method the two envelopment frontiers results were reasonably sorted. The findings indicate that the optimal or the worst efficiency deviates from the combined efficiency in ranking, and the results are more objective when it comes to the combined efficiency; the fewer the input factors, the greater the volatility, or the more different the input variables are, the more differently the combined efficiency ranks as opposed to the optimal and the worst efficiency. Based on the above conclusions, listed companies are recommended to strengthen the balance of input factors and improve the efficiency of these factors.
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    On the Intermediary Effect of Intellectual Womens Gender Awareness Upon the Relationship Between Selfefficacy and Retirement Expectation 〓
    SUO Jing, XIAO Fengxiang
    2014, 16 (1):  52-57.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 299 )   HTML   PDF (1315KB) ( 537 )  
    A questionnaire involving 1200 intellectual women in such cities and provinces as Tianjin, Shandong and Hebei is administered, whose results show that intellectual womens gender awareness and selfefficacy both exert remarkable predictive effect on retirement expectation. A further exploration and research reveal that gender awareness has direct and indirect predictive effect on retirement expectation. In the indirect way, the retirement expectation of intellectual women could be predicted by selfefficacy based on the intermediary effect of gender awareness whereas in the direct way, the retirement expectation could be predicted directly by gender awareness. The more gender awareness and selfefficacy an intellectual woman has, the more willing she is to delay her retirement date, and vice versa.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Local Governments Pragmatic Response to Internetbased Public Supervision and Its Political Implication
    GENG Guojie, ZHANG Xiaojie, SUN Ping
    2014, 16 (1):  58-63.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 361 )   HTML   PDF (1821KB) ( 856 )  
    Local governments response to internetbased public supervision is basically pragmatic. From the perspective of governance transformation, the political implication of pragmatic response is mutual discipline which benefits both the government and the public. However, it is transitional by nature, and whether this sort of practice can survive and work well depends on the reforms of macro institutional supplies, based on which pragmatic response might slip into political opportunism and escapism lingering between institutional indifference and selected response to single cases, or upgrade itself from the stability holding type to the interestdriven type and from pragmatic selected response to systematic institutional response.
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    Practice Modes and Development Routes of Chinese Government Microblogs 〓
    JIANG Xiumin, CHEN Huayan
    2014, 16 (1):  64-69.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 368 )   HTML   PDF (1908KB) ( 674 )  
    Government microblog is a new mode for public service, and Chinese government microblog has gradually formed three modes in the development process. The further development of government microblogs should move towards popularizing the correct operational concepts, improving the public servants literacy of new media, making clear the functions of various government microblogs, establishing a comprehensive system of government microblog opening, certification, organizational management as well as information release, constructing a scientific operational system and management team, providing onestop service by unifying the information platforms of government microblogs and integrating the online resources to realize the coordination of online and offline social management, establishing a monitoring mechanism by a third party, and setting up a scientific and reasonable system of performance incentive.
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    Institutional Guarantee for Innovationdriven Development in Liaoning Province of China
    LI Dan
    2014, 16 (1):  70-74.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 295 )   HTML   PDF (1815KB) ( 996 )  
    Innovationdriven development was put forward in the Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Currently, Liaoning Province is in the transitional stage from investmentdriven to innovationdriven, and it is necessary to concentrate on institutional improvement because of the indirect realism of ideology and the rigid features of institutions themselves. By improving the institutional supplies, perfecting the allocation system of scitech resources, strengthening the enterprises consciousness and motivation of technological innovation, bettering the system of cooperative innovation and scientific evaluation, training and introducing innovative talents, fostering an innovationdriven culture, and overcoming the main obstacles in the innovationdriven development, it is likely to update the ideological concepts, dominate the productive factors, develop the goals and promote the innovationdriven development.
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    The Influencing Factors of Graduating Seniors Registering for Civil Service Examination: A TPBbased Study
    SI Xiaoyue, WO Limei
    2014, 16 (1):  75-80.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 320 )   HTML   PDF (2359KB) ( 531 )  
    Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), a sampling survey is administered to construct the behavioral intention model of registering for civil service examination. This model includes such variables as intention, attitude to examination taking, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, behavior belief, normative belief and behavior control. To test this models parameter estimation, the partial least square method is applied, whose results show that the precision of parameter estimation is not only high but also reasonable, with every fitting mode meeting the requirements and predicting the behavioral dispositions well. It is found that subjective norm, perceived behavior control and attitude to examination taking exert significant influences, among which the influence of subjective norm is the biggest, perceived behavior is intermediate, and attitude is the least. On this basis, the causes for civil service examination hit are analyzed and several corresponding suggestions are put forward.
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    On Recipients Qualification Recognition in the Welfare Administration 〓
    ZHENG Zhihang, GUO Zhibo
    2014, 16 (1):  81-85.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 284 )   HTML   PDF (2028KB) ( 533 )  
    Welfare administration is the sum of all the administrative affairs that a country handles to ensure the realization of its citizens welfare rights. In terms of welfare recipients qualification recognition, it consists of a qualification recognition program and the actual qualification. Based on the American midnight inspection system, it is pointed out that the rise of “new property” concept directly pushes the application of due legal procedures in the welfare administration. In terms of the actual qualification of welfare administration recipients, Japan emphasizes the specific instruments for criteria while the United States places more emphasis on the specific criteria. On this basis, some suggestions are raised such as building a sound relationship between welfare and privacy, improving the specific procedure of recipients qualification recognition.
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    Effect Realization of Constitutional Basic Rights in Foreign Countries and Its Implications
    YANG Xiaonan
    2014, 16 (1):  86-91.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 397 )   HTML   PDF (1766KB) ( 572 )  
    Most countries constitutions provide basic rights as a powerful tool against the abuse of public powers. Traditionally, the constitution serves as a type of public law, which is mainly applied to the relationship between government and citizens, not to the relationship among private parties. Modern constitutional theories have gradually emphasized the effect realization of basic rights among private parties so as to widen the path to realizing basic rights. The latest development of state actor principle in the US, the third party effect in Germany and the judicial practices in some other countries have gradually differentiated the various patterns of realizing basic rights. This comparative study could provide some useful references for developing the effect patterns of constitutional basic rights in China.
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    Enlightenment of the Legal Status of American Public Entrepreneurial Universities 〓Based on the Relationships Between American Public Universities and State Governments 〓
    GAO Ming, YUN Xiaofang, SHI Wanbing
    2014, 16 (1):  92-96.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 382 )   HTML   PDF (1792KB) ( 528 )  
    In America, corporations are classified into aggregate corporations and sole corporations according to their staff numbers. On this basis, the legal status of public universities can be divided into government agency, public trust and constitutionally autonomous university. However, the legal status of public entrepreneurial universities remains a controversial issue. By sorting out the relationships between the American public entrepreneurial universities and the American state governments, this study finds that the American public entrepreneurial universities are autonomous universities. As to Chinas public entrepreneurial universities, on one hand, their legal status should be clarified and the administrative corporate governance structure should be established; on the other hand, the government should decentralize its administration so as to diversify the funding sources of Chinas public entrepreneurial universities.
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    Evaluating the Actual Effect of Schools Moral Education: Problems and Wayout 〓
    WU Linlong, WANG Liren
    2014, 16 (1):  97-101.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 334 )   HTML   PDF (1235KB) ( 483 )  
    Most of the previous discussions about the actual effect of moral education are focused on the surface views. The views in terms of moral education objectives, functions or values all fail to reveal the essential connotation of actual effect, which might be interpreted as the educated approving and accepting the actual situations requested by the education content. The evaluation system of moral education, the evaluation system of morality and the macroscopic standards for moral education cannot successfully evaluate the actual effect. A possible wayout is to generalize the education content in such dimension as knowledge understanding, concept acceptance and behavior externalization so that a more feasible system for evaluating the actual effect of moral education could be set up.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Theories of Linguistic Stratification From Saussure to Halliday
    XU Laijuan
    2014, 16 (1):  102-106.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 759 )   HTML   PDF (844KB) ( 565 )  
    The stratificational nature of language as sign is a core concern of modern linguistics. Although Saussure himself did not study the stratificational nature of linguistic sign, his philosophical understanding of the two binary opposites—signifier vs. signified, form vs. substance, arbitrariness of the sign and linear character of the signal, provides a common theoretical background for Hjelmslev, Lamb and Halliday to develop their stratificational theories. Based on a careful comparison and contrast of how the strata are classified, what each stratum consists of and what the relationships among and within the strata are, this paper describes and comments on the background and development of the three linguists stratificational theories in order to have a better understanding of the properties of linguistic sign.
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    The Feminist Narrative Beyond the Patriarchal DiscourseOn the Deconstruction of Cinderella Mode in Alice Munros Female Initiation Novel The Beggar Maid
    DUAN Hongyu
    2014, 16 (1):  107-110.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML   PDF (1475KB) ( 623 )  
    Underneath the literary discourse of Cinderella is the patriarchycentered consciousness, which holds that womens promotion is realized by mens favor of them. In Alice Munros female initiation novel The Beggar Maid, Munro sets the Cinderella mode in the background of a modern society, where she exposes its inner conflicts and crises from the dimensions of identity, class and sex. Munro follows the writing model of an initiation novel to depict a dynamic female hero, and finally deconstructs the Cinderella mode through the heroines breaking away from marriage. Furthermore, Munro’s emphasis on the heroines economic independence makes her narrative on the deconstruction of the Cinderella mode complete and reliable.
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