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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    The Interface of Knowingpracticing and Its Philosophical Meanings
    XIAO Feng
    2014, 16 (2):  111-118.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 376 )   HTML   PDF (724KB) ( 985 )  
    Interface not only distinguishes different things but also puts them together. Interface technology is a means by which to link different objects artificially. There is no doubt that certain interface technology does exist between man and machine, especially between man and todays information machine—computer. As an advanced product of manmachine interface, brainmachine interface involves knowing and practicing, and thus possesses the function of knowingpracticing. When information technology (IT) makes such a function possible, the increasingly sophisticated philosophical meanings will emerge. In the process, the traditional “doing by hand” and “doing with words” have developed into “doing by thinking”, thus making possible integrating peoples “knowing” and “practicing”. Meanwhile, the implied ontology, epistemology, humanism, political philosophy and other issues might also be highlighted.
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    An Analysis of Lewis Mumfords Megamachine
    LIAN Xinyan
    2014, 16 (2):  119-124.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1371 )   HTML   PDF (708KB) ( 2519 )  
    Megamachine is a core concept of Lewis Mumfords philosophy of technology, through which he summarizes the essence of modern society as well as the living conditions of modern men, and reveals the origins and nature of modern technology. Mumford explores the historical development of megamachine, and points out that megamachine is closely related to megatechnics and war machines. As a modern version of ancient megamachines and a product of the two world wars, megamachines have inflicted tremendous destruction and harm to humanity, which ignore life and turn modern people into organized men, replaceable men and lonely crowds. Moreover, mechanized men have become a reality rather than the humanization of machines.
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    An Analysis of Reductionism and Emergentism of Scientific Theories 〓Based on Received Views and Kuhns Paradigm Theory
    KUANG Yinyin
    2014, 16 (2):  125-128.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (687KB) ( 876 )  
    The structure of scientific theories is an important issue in the philosophy of science, in which theoretic reductionism based on received views and emergentism based on Kuhns paradigm theory take distinct paths of scientific progress. By comparing the two views, this paper points out that neither mere reductionism nor mere emergentism can give an objective description of scientific development. A static analysis of the structure of scientific theories is not completely but partly reducible and a dynamic analysis of the revolution of scientific theories from the perspective of social history does take on an emergent characteristics; however, it is not completely but partly incommensurable between paradigms. It is suggested that the partly commensurability of paradigms can be explained by the corresponding rules of received views.
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    Experimental EpistemologyA Research Path of Experimental Philosophy
    ZHANG Xueyi, CAO Xingjiang
    2014, 16 (2):  129-134.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 531 )   HTML   PDF (708KB) ( 865 )  
    Experimental philosophy has become a new philosophical movement in the recent years, which applies the empirical methods for such areas as social science and cognitive science to explore the important philosophical propositions or theories by lay peoples intuition, and questions or verifies the rationality of such propositions or theories by analyzing empirical data. Traditional epistemology holds that knowledge is a justified true belief; however, it has been challenged by Gettier problems and raised a prolonged dispute on the definition of traditional knowledge. Experimental philosophers have also joined in the debate and believed that traditional epistemology is based on the universality and reliability of peoples intuition, but challenged some views of traditional epistemology by experimentally confirming the changeability and diversity of peoples intuition.
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    Probabilistic Justification of Degrees of Belief in EpistemologyBayesian Epistemology
    ZHENG Huijun, CAO Jianbo
    2014, 16 (2):  135-140.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 674 )   HTML   PDF (705KB) ( 1121 )  
    Since the emergence of Gettier problems, modern epistemologists have focused on the element of justification, which is controversial and inconclusive in terms of its structure and function. Departing from the debates on justification, Bayesian epistemology makes an attempt to formulate a theory that is concise, straight, precise and elegant. Subjective probability is a presupposition and an appropriate entry point of understanding Bayesian epistemology. Dutch Book Argument and conditionalization serve as the two cornerstones of Bayesian epistemology. However, Bayesian epistemology has its own shortcomings, which inevitably undergoes a lot of criticism.
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    Economics and Management
    An Empirical Research on the Relationship Between Chinas Export Mix and Environmental Pollution
    LI Peng
    2014, 16 (2):  141-145.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 327 )   HTML   PDF (717KB) ( 930 )  
    Theoretically and empirically, this study explores the relationship between export mix and environmental pollution. By constructing the mathematical models, it is concluded that at the initial stages of a countrys economic development, environmental pollution is likely to worsen as export mix gets optimized. By applying the data of Chinas industrial waste gas ranging from 1981 to 2010, the empirical test shows that the optimization of Chinas export mix has a positive effect on the emission of industrial waste gas. Therefore, it is not feasible to lessen Chinas environment pollution by merely optimizing its export mix.
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    An Analysis of the Interactive Effects Between HS 300 Index Futures Market and Its Spot Market
    TIAN Shuxi, JING Hongmei, CAO Rui
    2014, 16 (2):  146-151.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 375 )   HTML   PDF (856KB) ( 1761 )  
    With the VEC model and EGARCH model, an econometrical test was taken on the interactive effects of arbitrage between HS 300 index futures market and its spot market. The results showed that the selling of futures contracts in arbitrage trading led to a decline in futures prices, but its spot prices were not driven by the buying of spot contracts due to the limited transactions, which meant the convergence of basis between HS 300 index futures market and its spot market was not caused by the negative feedback effects between them but by the futures price responding faster to information than the spot price. Thus, it can be concluded that the arbitrage between HS 300 index futures market and its spot market played a boosting role rather than a buffering role in the asymmetric volatility of the spot market.
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    An Empirical Research on the Relationship Between Agricultural Fiscal Expenditure and Economic GrowthBased on the VAR Model
    LIN Yanli, MENG Xiaochen, WANG Haitao
    2014, 16 (2):  152-157.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 376 )   HTML   PDF (757KB) ( 746 )  
    By using 1978—2010 annual economic data of Liaoning Province, this paper tracks the dynamic responses of agricultural fiscal expenditure and the added value of the primary industry with the VAR model and impulse response function, and confirms the leading and lagging relationships in time between the two variables through the Granger causality test. The findings indicate that there is a stable equilibrium relationship between them in the long run. Furthermore, the effect of agricultural fiscal expenditure on the added value of the primary industry is always positive and gradually increases with time. Meanwhile, the positive impact of the added value of the primary industry produces a strong cumulative effect to agricultural fiscal expenditure. Based on the Granger test, there exists only oneway causal relationship between the two variables; that is, agricultural fiscal expenditure only serves as the Granger cause of the added value of the primary industry in the short run.
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    Research on the Situations and Tactics of Liaoning Industrial Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance
    ZHANG Zaiqun, YUAN Yijun, CHEN Dequan
    2014, 16 (2):  158-163.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 361 )   HTML   PDF (706KB) ( 698 )  
    The theories of industrial technology innovation strategic alliance were sorted out, and the relationship and significance of industrial technology innovation strategic alliance and regional innovation system were analyzed. Besides, the paper explored such problems of Liaoning industrial technology innovation strategic alliance as the small number of alliances, the poor sense of responsibility of backbone enterprises participating in the construction of alliances, the unsound operating mechanism and the low level of overall alliance construction. It is suggested that the three spiral structures be strengthened, the alliance partnership be optimized, the relationship between different levels of technology research and development be deepened, the findings and risk sharing mechanism be perfected, the relationship between government investment and enterprise investment be coordinated, the relationship between overall interest and individual interest be optimized, the relationship between competition and cooperation be established, the relationship between resources integration and optimal configuration be clarified, the relationship among various alliance modes be coordinated, and the openness and limitation of alliance be ascertained.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Integrating Hierarchy and Networks: The New Form of Executive Agency Model for Giant Departments Triplepower Structure
    DU Qianbo
    2014, 16 (2):  164-169.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 386 )   HTML   PDF (781KB) ( 565 )  
    In the past 30 years or so, the power structure of giant departments decisionmaking, implementation and supervision (triplepower structure for short) in the executive agency model has taken on a new form, which is represented as the development of autonomous networks in the horizontal dimension, and the hierarchical supervision and control over executive agencies autonomy by decisionmaking and supervision powers of core departments in the vertical dimension. There are four static types of power structure for integrating hierarchy and networks—networks in hierarchy, coexistence of hierarchy and networks, hierarchies as the nodes of networks, and political hierarchy structure for controlling networks. The dynamic mechanisms of integrating hierarchy and networks are realized in the process of exercising decisionmaking powers, executive powers and supervision powers.
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    A Study on the Modes and Effects of Government Purchase of Community Public Health ServiceBased on Five Typical Cases in China
    CHU Yaping
    2014, 16 (2):  170-175.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 688 )   HTML   PDF (707KB) ( 1518 )  
    The essence of purchasing health service is a separation of buying and supply, and a term of payment based on performance. In the recent years, this practice has developed very quickly in China, whose purchase modes include voucher system, internal contract and outsourcing contract. Based on the five typical cases in Chongqing, Weifang, Hefei, Suzhou and Wuxi, it is found that the three health service purchase modes have all improved dramatically in terms of the public, the government and the community health organizations. Because health service purchase is a complicated arrangement, there still exist some challenges and problems in the process. To improve the effectiveness of health service purchase, it is essential to choose the purchase modes and service providers according to the actual situations, determine the pricing and compensation systems reasonably, strengthen the assessment and supervision, and introduce the appropriate competition mechanisms.
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    An Interpretation of Realistic Predicaments and New Path of Chinese Governments Network Supervision
    CHEN Dequan, WANG Airu, HUANG Mengmeng
    2014, 16 (2):  176-181.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 493 )   HTML   PDF (707KB) ( 1191 )  
    A string of recent social events and crises has proved that the network is free in the real sense only if this kind of freedom is under supervision. Network supervision by the Chinese government has undergone an evolutionary process and at present it is faced with some realistic predicaments and challenges such as the composition of supervisory subjects, the scope of supervisory content, the selection of supervisory modes and the creation of a positive public opinion on network supervision. The new path design of network supervision in China should follow a systematic philosophical reflection. Most importantly, supervisory behaviors should conform to the wellaccepted values of supervision, follow the rules of net operation, make good use of dialectics and integrate netizens creativity with their selfdiscipline. In addition, the Chinese government should learn to utilize philosophical methods to formulate practicable measures of network supervision, handle the main conflicts in network supervision, pay close attention to net incidents, and strengthen the regulation and legislation of network supervision.
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    On the Legal Hierarchy of the NPC Standing Committees Legislation A Case Study of The Law of Application of Laws for Foreignrelated Civil Relations 〓
    WANG Wei
    2014, 16 (2):  182-188.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 460 )   HTML   PDF (720KB) ( 1052 )  
    To a large extent, the legal hierarchy of the NPC Standing Committees legislation is an issue of constitutionality. Although the promulgation of The Law of Application of Laws for Foreignrelated Civil Relations marked the official position of this act, it is necessary to discuss and research the constitutional controversy of legal hierarchy and legislation itself in that such constitutionality not only directly affects the implementation and effectiveness of this particular law in our current legal system, but also provides a case in point to analyze the displacement of legislation of the NPC Standing Committee. The fact that this act, which serves as a basic element of the private international laws and an important component of the future Civil Code, was enacted by the NPC Standing Committee rather than the NPC indicates there exist serious unscientific and irregular problems concerning the legislation of basic and nonbasic laws. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate such displacement of legislation at the levels of constitution and constitutionalism.
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    Rethinking the Relationship Between International Economic Law and Domestic Economic Law
    SONG Yang, MU Kaiying
    2014, 16 (2):  189-194.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (706KB) ( 1078 )  
    After examining the nature of international economic law, it is found that, different from international commercial law and international law, international economic law mainly functions to protect the civil economic rights by regulating the national economic sovereignty. However, at the same time, international economic law should also be formulated and executed with a certain flexibility so as not to become a tool for great powers to violate weak states. By analyzing the relationship between international economic law and domestic economic law, it is argued that the monism and dualism of international economic law cannot meet the demand for setting up a new international economic order. The international society should consider building a good communication mechanism and maximizing the international and domestic economic preferences by means of policy balance.
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    Marxism Theory
    On Habermas and Honneth New Interpretations of Marxs Theory of Labor
    LIU Guangbin
    2014, 16 (2):  195-201.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 536 )   HTML   PDF (710KB) ( 808 )  
    Karl Marx put forward a production paradigm to understand the concept of labor, and revealed the liberated normative connotation of labor by criticizing the theory of alienated labor and commodity fetishism. By means of a communicative paradigm, Habermas applied interaction instead of labor to explain the liberated normative connotation by distinguishing labor from interaction. In his recognition theory, Honneth pointed out that labor contains the liberated normative connotation, which should rely on the intersubjective struggle for recognition. Evolving from the production paradigm to the communicative paradigm and to the recognition paradigm, Habermas and Honneth offered new interpretations of Marxs theory of labor, which reflect their rational thinking of the status quo of capitalism. However, their onesided interpretations of the normative connotation deserve a careful reflection.
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    On the Moral Dilemma from the Perspective of ModernityStarting from Eichmann of Jerusalem
    LIU Yang
    2014, 16 (2):  202-207.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 474 )   HTML   PDF (706KB) ( 892 )  
    Modernity is represented by the dual dimensions at the levels of social structure and cultural psychology, and the moral dilemma of modernity is unfolded in the two dimensions. The modernity at the social structure level emphasizes rationalism, leading to moral neutrality and moral freedom, and the modernity at the cultural psychology level stresses sensory principles, resulting in moral emotionalism and value individualism. Rational ethics and virtue ethics interpret the moral dilemma of modernity from reason and moral respectively, but both only cling to one aspect of the truth. The construction of modern moral system of normmoralvirtue is a coordination and transcendence of the two, which emphasizes rational moral norms internalizing individual morality and individual morality externalizing individual behaviors in the social life.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Study of Critical Metonymy Analysis from the Perspective of Rhetorical Situation
    LI Shukang, LI Ke
    2014, 16 (2):  208-214.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 517 )   HTML   PDF (719KB) ( 1316 )  
    Critical metonymy analysis, generating from an integration of rhetorical criticism and metonymy, aims to disclose text constructors persuasive motives hidden in the metonymic selection towards their audience by metonymic description, explanation and evaluation. As an important parameter of critical metonymy analysis, rhetorical situation can be subdivided into rhetorical situation in the broad sense and rhetorical situation in the narrow sense, with the former mainly referring to social context and the latter context. These two kinds of rhetorical situations play their particular roles in metonymic description, explanation and evaluation. On the one hand, only in an appropriate rhetorical situation can metonymy be reasonably and scientifically described, explained and evaluated; on the other hand, the description, explanation and evaluation of metonymy might help us to reshape and reconsider rhetorical situations.
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    On Gnosticism and Silkos SyncretismA Case Study of Gardens in the Dunes
    ZHAO Li
    2014, 16 (2):  215-220.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 433 )   HTML   PDF (706KB) ( 1379 )  
    Leslie Marmon Silko, a contemporary American Indian writer, has evolved her subject from simple nationalism to syncretism. The subject transition in her works is reflected clearly in her view of salvation that no longer just focuses on the issues of her own aboriginal culture but more on the living crises of other nations and countries. Meanwhile, Silko infuses other cultures and elements such as Gnosticism into her works to explore the possibility of her syncretism. In her third novel, Gardens in the Dunes, Silko, inspired by Gnosticism, finds the correspondence between American Indian culture and Gnosticism, through which she transforms Gnosticism into the spirit of salvation so as to achieve her assumption of worldwide syncretism.
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