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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    From Internet to Internet of Things: A New Exploration of Philosophy of Technology
    XIAO Feng
    2013, 15 (3):  221-227.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 384 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 1439 )  
    As the third generation of IT, internet of things further expands internet in network object, network function and network range, and brings about a lot of new philosophical reflections. The existing philosophical inquiries into Internet of things have already revealed the new modes of production, existence of things and mankind survival, but its philosophical significance should also cover the relationship between IT and production technology and between information and material, and involve such issues as the human alienation, the naturality of objects and the limitations of Internet of things.
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    Ecophenomenology: A New Path to Ecological Philosophy
    ZHAO Ling, WANG Xianwei
    2013, 15 (3):  228-233.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 493 )   HTML   PDF (845KB) ( 2069 )  
    The naturecentered ecological ethics has defended for the intrinsic values of nature but failed to provide justifications for the moral subjectivity of environmentalists. Based on the theory of intentionality, ecophenomenology advocates restoring human beings moral subject status and looking at nature by going back to the life world. Ecophenomenology not only improves the holistic ecological view of nature, but also fully justifies the moral rationality of human subjectivity while recognizing the intrinsic values of nature. Distinct from ecological ethics in terms of view of nature, value theory and methodology, ecophenomenology has become a new ecological philosophy.
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    Ethical Hue of Confuciuss Views on War
    LUO Yi
    2013, 15 (3):  234-238.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 610 )   HTML   PDF (835KB) ( 1665 )  
    Confucius was in pursuit of “rule through virtue”, who described the legendary times of Yao and Shun as an age of “Great Harmony” with “equal justice for all” and regarded it as an ideal realm of rule by moral. Confucius realized profoundly that there was nothing worse in violating moral ruling than waging a war. Therefore, he opposed all warfare. Nevertheless, Confucius lived in a period of great upheaval when the rites had collapsed, the various states were merged, and regicide and fratricide were quite common, such posing a complete antithesis to Confuciuss ideal government. Faced with the cruel social reality, Confucius gave a deep rational thought to warfare from the perspective of humanitarianism and realism, and formulated his views of war. Basing his viewpoints of war on ethical thought, Confuciuss views on war carried a rather distinct ethical hue.
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    Social Management and Formation of Individual Subjectivity in Chinese Modernity
    WANG Yingwei, CHEN Fan
    2013, 15 (3):  239-244.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 435 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 687 )  
    Formation of individual subjectivity is a key issue in the construction of Chinese modernity. Social management, taking human social system as the management object, plays a vital role in the formation of individual subjectivity. Basically speaking, there are three problems in the formation of individual subjectivity in Chinese modernity: shortage of subject status and consciousness; inadequacy of freedom and rights; and emergence of individualism. To handle them, ideological and political education is needed to cultivate individuals subject consciousness, management means regulated by law are needed to improve individuals subjectivity in legal rights, and administrative methods are needed to realize individuals social adaptation so as to promote the formation of individual subjectivity in Chinese modernity.
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    Economics and Management
    An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between IT Investment and Corporate Market Value
    SHI Chuan, REN Fei, LI Dong
    2013, 15 (3):  245-250.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 328 )   HTML   PDF (865KB) ( 686 )  
    The rapid development of information technology makes it possible for enterprises to increase their investment in IT assets, which will bring about tangible benefits, improve future operations, create intangible values and lead to growth opportunities. Therefore, IT investment may have an impact on corporate market value. Based on the 4335 samples from the Chinese listed companies disclosing their IT investment from 2001 to 2011, a regression analysis was given to examine the relationship between IT investment and corporate market value. The empirical results showed that IT investment exerts a significantly positive effect on corporate market value. Furthermore, it was found that IT investment has a much stronger effect on corporate market value than nonIT investment. Compared with the manufacturing industry, IT investment has a more positive effect on the market value of nonmanufacturing sectors.
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    Natural Resources, Geographical Location and Economic GrowthBased on the Provincial Panel Data in China from 2000 to 2010
    LI Qiang, XU Kangning, WEI Wei
    2013, 15 (3):  251-257.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 395 )   HTML   PDF (866KB) ( 915 )  
    This paper analyzes the impact of natural resources and geographical location on regional economic growth based on Chinas 2000-2010 provincial panel data. The empirical research indicates that the resource curse hypothesis holds true to a significant degree after controlling such factors as initial level of economic development, investment, human capital, industrial structure and geographical location. The research also shows that the distance from regional central cities and the regional economic growth take on a “∽” relationship, that is, the economic growth rate of the central and western regions is faster than that of the eastern regions, the impact of the coastline length on the eastern regions is not significant, and the distance to seaport cities does not exert a significant impact on the central and western regions economic growth.
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    Temporalspatial Evolution of Economic Developmental Inequity of Northeast China
    LIU Jinhong, LIU Zeyuan, WANG Xianwen
    2013, 15 (3):  258-264.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 422 )   HTML   PDF (5268KB) ( 1211 )  
    In the CPC Central Committees Proposals for the 12th 5year Plan, the Chinese government has advocated the harmonious development among regions. Based on the spatial econometric analysis of the economic development of 36 regions in Northeast China from 2000 to 2010, this paper explores the evolution process of spatial economic developmental inequity in Northeast China. The findings indicate that the spatial inequity of Northeast China is closing the gap yearly and the regional dual structure of economic development is disappearing gradually. However, the spatial autocorrelation has become more and more significant. The evolution pattern of Liaoning Province is consistent with the overall situation of Northeast China while the cases of Jilin and Heilongjiang are to the contrary.
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    Empirical Research on the Transfer Patterns of Migrant Workers in Liaoning Province
    LIU Ming, AN Gang, KOU Zhenliang
    2013, 15 (3):  265-269.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 404 )   HTML   PDF (933KB) ( 956 )  
    Migrant workers flow and transfer is related to such issues as Chinas industrialization and urban employment management. Based on the theories of dual economic transformation and surplus rural labor transfer, and the massive survey data of Changtu County and other places in Liaoning Province, an empirical research was conducted on the characteristics and patterns of labor force transfer. Through the regression analysis of data, the transfer patterns of Liaoning migrant workers were obtained, and the relationship model of Liaoning labor transfer and income in the dual economic structure was constructed. Using ARMA model, it was estimated that the number of Liaoning migrant workers will increase yearly but the growth rate tends to be stable.
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    Politics and Public Management
    The Emergence, Evolution and Dilemmas of RegionalismBased on the European and East Asian Historical Experience
    CHENG Xiaoyong
    2013, 15 (3):  270-275.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 312 )   HTML   PDF (850KB) ( 722 )  
    The emergence of regionalism was an important international political phenomenon after World War II. In the twopole pattern under the cold war background, the European countries sought for an integration of regional economy and politics in order to eliminate the internal wars and realize the European Renaissance. Consequently, the European integration has become a paradigm of regionalism. Apart from Europe, there are different forms of regionalism in other areas and East Asian regionalism, another mode of regionalism, originated from the regional cooperation of Southeast Asia, and has developed rapidly since the end of the cold war. The historical experience of European regionalism and East Asian regionalism indicates that the builtin incentive for the emergence and evolution of regionalism is the interests beyond national boundaries, and the current dilemmas of regionalism are related to such underlying reasons as nationalism.
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    A Multiplestreams Analysis of Social Management Policy: Agenda, Program and Mechanism
    DENG Jianwei
    2013, 15 (3):  276-281.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 484 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 2353 )  
    The multiplestreams theory is quite effective in analyzing agenda establishment and policy making, which can be used to explore Chinas policy of social management. The findings show that the problem stream of social management policy is composed of severe social issues, social crises and focal events, the policy stream consists of the views of government officials, researchers and the public, and the political stream is made up of the public sentiment, the ruling partys ideology as well as the government changes. Perfect activity mechanism, smooth information mechanism and scientific evaluation mechanism could contribute to the intersection of three streams, thus helping to open the policy window of Chinas social management.
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    A Study on Chinas Housing Policymaking Process: From the Perspective of Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
    XU Tao, WEI Shuyan
    2013, 15 (3):  282-287.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 302 )   HTML   PDF (845KB) ( 1358 )  
    The first step to research the policymaking process in China through institutional analysis and development framework is to locate a policy arena, which includes many actors and complex action chains. Three arenas which interact are distinguished—the central policy arena, the official arena of the ministries, and the unofficial arena of the ministries. The first two arenas are intended for choosing the policy goal and designing the policy schemes respectively, and the last one is defined as a problem network aimed at the policy schemes. The three arenas, influenced by three external variables including the attributes, value and ideology, and practical rules of real estate, take on different situational structures and different functions. The housing policymaking process could be interpreted during the interactions within and among the arenas.
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    The Path Design of Individual Account Funds Investment and OperationBased on the Successful Experience of the National Social Security Fund
    SHEN Che, DENG Dasong
    2013, 15 (3):  288-293.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 345 )   HTML   PDF (915KB) ( 581 )  
    In the traditional investment mode of government bondsbanks, the pension funds return rate has generally been low. However, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has been actively involved in the capital market with spectacular success. The individual account fund (IAF) with the property of capital has a prerequisite of investment and operation, and the NSSF has set up a model for IAFs asset allocation, entrusted investment and diversified investment. Based on the successful experience of the NSSF, the IAFs investment path should conclude the transitional, midterm and longterm periods, its investment objective should shift from safety to profitability, its investment channel should be expanded from the bond market to the stock market, and the investment agency should be transformed from the council into the IAF’s investment company.
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    Analysis on the Effect of Proof RegulationsAn Interpretation of Regulations of Reviewing Evidence for Death Penalty Cases
    XU Yang, ZHANG Rongkai, ZHANG Wanchu
    2013, 15 (3):  294-298.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 503 )   HTML   PDF (830KB) ( 622 )  
    There are a great number of Chinese proof regulations in Regulations of Reviewing Evidence for Death Penalty Cases; however, compared to the evidence rules in the AngloAmerican legal system, the Chinese proof regulations are characterized by weak normalization, nonnormalization and nonauthorization. It is essential that the rule makers should reflect on the textbookstyle expressions of Chinese proof regulations in terms of legislative techniques. With the judicial experience taken as law provisions, the time of inquisitorial procedure seems to revive. In addition, the weakening of exclusion provisions might degrade the warning function, which goes against the regulators original intentions.
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    Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation by Law: Based on the American Experience and Enlightenment
    FEI Yanying, WANG Yue, LIU Linlin
    2013, 15 (3):  299-303.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 883 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 1942 )  
    To the state and enterprises, scientific and technological innovation is an inexhaustible power to maintain rapid economic development. With the purpose of promoting scientific and technological innovation. America has passed a variety of bills including laws of elevating the national innovation ability, laws of regulating the governmental R&D investment, laws of sponsoring SMEs innovative activities, laws of encouraging innovative subjects initiatives and laws of cultivating and introducing technological innovation talents. Based on the effectiveness of the American laws to promote technological innovation, this paper puts forward some proposals for promoting Chinas scientific and technological innovation by law such as improving the legal system of technological innovation, increasing investment in science and technology, tapping SMEs innovation potentials, regulating the taxation and the government procurement systems, and enhancing the cultivation and introduction of innovative talents.
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    Colleges and Universities Information Disclosure and Legal ProcedureExploring the System Perfection of Guaranteeing Students Right Relief
    YU Yi
    2013, 15 (3):  304-309.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 349 )   HTML   PDF (847KB) ( 721 )  
    Managing colleges and universities legally is an important representation of governing a country by law. Based on the specific cases, this paper points out the existing conflicts between students and school administrators, and aims to locate the common points of state authorization and community autonomy, the two types of power attainment at colleges and universities. It is hoped that through the preevent, inevent and postevent information disclosure in handling student affairs at colleges and universities, students basic rights to know, to participate and to appeal could be guaranteed so that a path to legal power restriction could be paved in line with the Chinese context. By analyzing the relationship between information disclosure and national laws as well as academic autonomy, this paper stresses that legislators should plan as a whole to coordinate the interests of all parties and pay attention to the “extent”.
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    Marxism Theory
    An Analysis of Hu Jintaos Thoughts of Sustainable Development
    QIN Shusheng, WANG Kuan, ZHANG Rui
    2013, 15 (3):  310-314.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 525 )   HTML   PDF (834KB) ( 773 )  
    As an important component of the scientific development view, Hu Jintaos thoughts of sustainable development have emerged against the profound internal and external backgrounds. In order to achieve a sustainable development of resources and environment, Hu Jintao proposes conserving the resources and protecting the environment. As for the economic sustainable development, he sets forth such thoughts as the transformation of economic growth modes and the development of green, circular as well as lowcarbon economy. In terms of the social sustainable development, he suggests improving peoples quality of life and health, guaranteeing social fairness and justice through sustainable development, and strengthening and innovating social management.
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    A Logical Approach to MarxistEngelsist Communist Ideology
    ZHANG Lei
    2013, 15 (3):  315-318.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 389 )   HTML   PDF (816KB) ( 706 )  
    Marx and Engels interpret communism from the perspective of humanity as a resurrection of human nature and a real movement for eliminating the existing situations. They empirically take the world history as a natural generation process of human society and communism as an emancipation of the mankind. The historical inevitability of communism does not follow that a national center makes way for anarchy; rather, it makes way for social regulation, thus constructing a social center of humanism and a social form of human nature. The dialectics of Marx and Engels in the form of communism has formulated the basic dialectics of social formation and avoided falling into nihilism in removing the mysterious form of Hegelian dialectics.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Analysis of Lexical Deviation from the Perspective of Linguistic Memetics
    HAN Zhongjun
    2013, 15 (3):  319-324.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 662 )   HTML   PDF (859KB) ( 1750 )  
    A meme is a cultural gene, spreading through imitation, with language being its carrier and representation. Language variation often occurs in the reproduction and dissemination of linguistic memes. Among the variations of linguistic components, lexical deviation is the most active and the most prominent. Strong meme proves to be dominant in language variation through an analysis of lexical deviation based on wrong memes or meme interventions. It is from the meme mutation and the establishment of strong memes that neologisms derive. With lexical variation observed from the perspective of memetics, and the justifications and rules of lexical deviation explored, new light is shed on the research of language development and evolutionary trend. Besides, theoretical foundation is laid to empiricismbased language learning methods.
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