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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Philosophical Meanings of Information Technology
    XIAO Feng
    2012, 14 (4):  283-288.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 596 )   HTML   PDF (731KB) ( 786 )  
    The philosophical meanings of information technology (IT) have derived from its daily usages but they are not completely equivalent in that IT in the sense of “modern technology” includes the traditional IT as well. From the philosophical meanings of “technology”, we can safely conclude that IT not only includes the implement information technology, but also the body information technology. And from the philosophical meanings of “information”, it can be confirmed that IT is different from the mass-energy production technologies and the implement information technology in the strict sense is merely “signal technology”. It is the body information technology that makes the real information technology.
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    A Reflection on Zhang Zis Attitude towards Technology
    GUO Ji-min, LU Zheng
    2012, 14 (4):  289-294.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 291 )   HTML   PDF (736KB) ( 932 )  
    The relationship between the mankind and the object is a basic problem that human beings have to confront. From the perspective of Zhuang Zis philosophy, both the mankind and the object are under the framework of syncretism, distinct from the so-called technological model of mutual possession in the West. It is believed that such western attitudes towards technology might lead to some mischance such as corruption of morality, vacuity of life meaning and imbalance of the ecological environment. Zhang Zi attitude towards technology not only resembles the western philosophy, especially the post-modern philosophy, but also offers a chance to bridge the communication between the East and the West. At present, reflections upon technology carry significant implications to the human beings existence and sustainable development.
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    The Logical Integration of the Interaction Between Technology and Capital
    SHENG Chun-hui, ZHENG Wen-fan
    2012, 14 (4):  295-299.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 326 )   HTML   PDF (724KB) ( 551 )  
    The interaction between technology and capital is both a driving force for the development of modern society and the very root of modernity. It is believed that there exists a logical integration between technology and capital. The essence of modern technology dominates modern science, which consequently has become a model function and form of technological essence. Hence, modern science is endowed with technological essence, represented by accuracy, quantification, predictability, high efficiency and the power of “Bestellen” via technology. The essence of capital is embodied by such natural attributes as proliferation and expansion movement and such social attributes as social relations and social power. The logical integration between technology and capital consists in the fact that technological essence of modern science fits well with capital proliferation, and the consistency of will control and technical power are the dominant force and pattern of capital power.
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    The Anatomy of the Regional Characteristics of Creative Techniques in JapanFrom a Perspective of Local Knowledge
    WU Qing-yan, LUO Ling-ling
    2012, 14 (4):  300-304.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 328 )   HTML   PDF (724KB) ( 559 )  
    With the development of science and technology, a series of creative techniques have been proposed in Japan since 1930s. By illustrating some specific creative techniques in Japan, this paper analyzes the regional characteristics of creative techniques in Japan, namely, integration, reformism, locality, operability, specialization and simplicity. A combination of such local knowledge theories as post-colonial scientific views, philosophy of scientific practice and cultural anthropology contributes to an analysis of the regional characteristics of creative techniques in Japan which reflect the local knowledge and methods. The findings suggest that creative techniques with unique Chinese characteristics should be incubated in the Chinese local culture; hereby, the Chinese local culture deserves to be valued.
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    Economics and Management
    The Anatomy of the Regional Characteristics of Creative Techniques in JapanFrom a Perspective of Local Knowledge
    WU Qing-yan, LUO Ling-ling
    2012, 14 (4):  305-310.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 254 )   HTML   PDF (870KB) ( 678 )  
    With the development of science and technology, a series of creative techniques have been proposed in Japan since 1930s. By illustrating some specific creative techniques in Japan, this paper analyzes the regional characteristics of creative techniques in Japan, namely, integration, reformism, locality, operability, specialization and simplicity. A combination of such local knowledge theories as post-colonial scientific views, philosophy of scientific practice and cultural anthropology contributes to an analysis of the regional characteristics of creative techniques in Japan which reflect the local knowledge and methods. The findings suggest that creative techniques with unique Chinese characteristics should be incubated in the Chinese local culture; hereby, the Chinese local culture deserves to be valued.
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    A Review of Overseas Research on Service Standardization
    ZHANG Duan-yang
    2012, 14 (4):  311-317.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 482 )   HTML   PDF (953KB) ( 1100 )  
    Service standards can reflect the sovereignty of a country in the service sector, which play a significant role in promoting the development of service industry. In general, the overseas research on service standardization can be reviewed from six aspects: definitions and classifications, economic benefit analysis, pitfall analysis, supply and demand analysis, system theory analysis and policy analysis. In the current research on service standardization, there are three schools of thought, i.e., public goods theory, competitive tool theory and system engineering theory. Public goods theory has led to the increasing analyses on economic benefits and pitfalls of service standardization. Competitive tool theory has made the supply and demand analysis of service standardization a prevalent topic, while system engineering theory has laid a firm foundation for the system theory based research on service standardization. A comprehensive analysis of the theoretical progress of overseas research on service standardization can provide a valuable reference for the relevant research in China.
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    Research on Competencies of Top Managers in Entrepreneurial-oriented CompaniesBased on Content Analysis of Recruitment Advertisements of Listed companies
    JIA Jian-feng, WANG Guo-feng, WANG Ying-nan
    2012, 14 (4):  318-324.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 329 )   HTML   PDF (816KB) ( 713 )  
    The effect of strategic orientation on competencies of top managers has been ignored in the existing research literature. From the perspective of entrepreneurial orientation and based on the recruitment advertisements of 91 listed companies on Growth Enterprise Market (GEM), this paper studied the competencies of top managers from the aspects of threshold competency and differentiating competency by means of content analysis. Two conclusions were drawn: In the aspect of threshold competency, entrepreneurial-oriented companies set a higher threshold in the educational background and placed more emphasis on practitioner time in the experience background, management experience and industrial operation modes in the knowledge background, and business-related majors in the professional background. In the aspect of differentiating competency, entrepreneurial-oriented companies focused on such competencies as interpersonal communication, adaptability, negotiation, business extension, teamwork, planning, independent problem analysis and solving together with organization and coordination.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Innovation of Social Management from the Perspective of Modern Community
    WANG Huo-gen
    2012, 14 (4):  325-329.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 337 )   HTML   PDF (724KB) ( 444 )  
    As a buffer between the individuals and the country, the community constitutes a very important force in social management. In an innovative social management characterized by “leadership by the party committee, responsibility shouldered by the government, social cooperation and public participation”, making full use of social cooperation and encouraging public participation are regarded as the foothold and fundamental guarantee, whose realization largely relies on the cultivation of modern communities. It is believed that modern communities have their distinct advantages in promoting public participation, activating the individuals subjectivity and vitality of society, providing social services, bringing into play social cooperation and so on. Hence, it is of practical significance to overcome the bottleneck of modern community cultivation, to prompt the development of modern communities and to enhance the innovation of social management.
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    Governance Dilemma and Way-out of the Municipal District Government from the Perspective of Holistic Governance
    WEI Shu-yan, KOU Dan
    2012, 14 (4):  330-333.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 346 )   HTML   PDF (715KB) ( 615 )  
    Recently, the municipal district governance in China has resulted in quite a few problems, and the dilemma of governance has arisen. To overcome the present dilemma, holistic governance might be an alternative. This paper, from the perspective of holistic governance, probed into the problems existing in the municipal district government and found that many factors might contribute to the dilemma of municipal district governance, including orientation, governmental internal integration and poor construction of public service platforms for the government, the markets and the NGOs. Therefore, simply canceling municipal district governments or reforming the government institutions cannot solve these problems once and for all. Instead, the holistic governance is probably a rational choice for us to make in both the long and short terms.
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    An Analysis of Construction Energy Conservation Policy Network in ChinaActors, Network Structure and Network Interaction
    SONG Lin-lin, SUN Ping
    2012, 14 (4):  334-338.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 418 )   HTML   PDF (720KB) ( 674 )  
    This paper analyses the construction energy conservation policy network in China from the perspectives of actors, network structure and network interaction. It is concluded that there are four types of relationship in Chinas construction energy conservation policy network, i.e., policy community, producer network, professional network and issue network. Currently as an affiliated policy network, Chinas construction energy conservation policy network does have some problems such as the actors low autonomy and the poor integration and interaction among actors. In order to effectively implement the construction energy conservation policies, it is a must to build an oriented policy network.
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    An Empirical Analysis of Household Income and Expenditure Influencing Residents Charitable GivingA Case of Liaoning Province
    ZHANG Jin-mei, LIU Wu, LIN Liang-chi
    2012, 14 (4):  339-344.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 415 )   HTML   PDF (733KB) ( 625 )  
    By applying Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing System (CATI) to randomly reach 1199 residents from 14 cities in Liaoning Province, this study made a descriptive statistics and a regression analysis by means of SPSS 17.0 with an aim to exploring how residents charitable giving was impacted by the household income and expenditure. It was found that charitable giving was impacted greatly by residents household income and expenditure, but there was only the salary of household income influencing residents charitable giving significantly. Moreover, the variables of household expenditure significantly impacting residents charitable giving were cash gift, personal income tax, expense in cultural entertainment, and alimony. Finally, some recommendations were made to promote residents charitable giving—increasing income and encouraging high-income groups to donate; publicizing the laws and regulations of tax reduction and increasing the proportion of tax break to encourage peoples donation; and directing residents from giving cash gifts to doing charitable work.
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    The Bottom Line of Welfare Rights and New Expansion Explanation Program of Social Security RightsFrom the Perspective of Human Dignity
    ZHAI Yi
    2012, 14 (4):  345-350.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 404 )   HTML   PDF (734KB) ( 710 )  
    The European debt crisis is essentially a crisis of welfare rights. There is a close relationship among welfare rights, social security rights and human dignity in that the original purpose of welfare rights was to protect human dignity in the form of social relief systems. The autonomous connotation of human dignity also determines the boundaries of welfare rights, which entails taking human dignity as the bottom line of welfare rights. Moreover, human dignity can serve as a tool to expand the rights of social security and helps to propose a new expansion explanation program of social security rights based on the human dignity clauses in Chinas Constitution. The program takes “possibility concept”as the core and covers “degree possibility”, “scope possibility” and “storage possibility”.
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    A New Interpretation of the Crime for Producing and Selling Food Not up to Safety Standards
    CHEN Hong-bing, QI Shu
    2012, 14 (4):  351-356.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML   PDF (730KB) ( 890 )  
    There exists co-competition between the crime for producing and selling food failing to meet safety standards and the crime for producing and selling poisonous or harmful food. The word “enough” does not manifest that the crime is a concrete dangerous offense; rather, it is to state the boundaries of the crime. As long as the food being produced or sold falls short of safety standards, the offense is accomplished. Thus, it also holds true when the food is only produced but not sold yet. According to the theory of “neutral conduct only helps”, when a person has realized that the service he/she provides is used to commit crimes and such service has objectively encouraged the crime, he/she wont be treated as an accomplice as long as such neutral conducts as loaning, transporting, mailing, warehousing and renting do not result in unlawful hazards.
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    Marxism Theory
    On Marx and Engelss Ideas of Fairness and Justice and Their Contemporary Enlightenment
    ZHANG Rui, QIN Shu-sheng
    2012, 14 (4):  357-362.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 708 )   HTML   PDF (728KB) ( 906 )  
    In the writings of Marx and Engels permeate rich and profound ideas of fairness and justice, which theoretically originated from German classical philosophy, Adam Smiths economic ethics and Utopian socialists thoughts on fairness and justice. Mainly consisting of the political, social and institutional thoughts on fairness and justice, Marx and Engelss ideas of fairness and justice are characterized by social historic significance, social class belongingness and dependence on mode of production. It is believed that their ideas would have important enlightenment in strengthening the fairness and justice of political, social and institutional construction in China.
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    An Interpretation of Ecological Marxism on the Ideas of Marx and Engelss Ecological Civilization
    MA Na, WANG Kuan, ZHOU Yan-xia
    2012, 14 (4):  363-366.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 540 )   HTML   PDF (715KB) ( 888 )  
    Ecological Marxism, as an important genre of Western Marxism, is a theoretical attempt of combining the latest research findings of modern ecology with Marxism by the modern western scholars, with Marx and Engelss ideas of ecological civilization being the academic matrix of ecological Marxism. Ever since the 1990s, the eco-Marxists have gradually realized that there exist rich ideas of ecological civilization in the thoughts of Marx and Engels. Specifically speaking, ecological Marxism aims to explore the thoughts of ecological civilization in Marx and Engelss dialectical materialist views of nature, the fracture theory of metabolism and the labor theory of value.
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    From “Reality” to “Death”: A Research on the Relationship Between Author and Text in Literature
    ZHANG Yan-nan, WANG Qiu-ju
    2012, 14 (4):  367-371.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 375 )   HTML   PDF (723KB) ( 586 )  
    By examining the status of the author from the age of Aristotle to Renaissance, to modern and to postmodern ages, this paper suggests that the author as the objective reality in Aristotles Realism has been converted into the one with self-consciousness as a hypothetical being, which in turn is hidden under the text, exiled by the New Critics and finally exterminated by Roland Barthes. Whereas the author, whose authority has been challenged, departs from the center to the margin and finally to the death, the readers position keeps rising and the autonomy of the text gradually shows up. Eventually, the text casts off restrictions and marches to joy. The duplex movement reveals the tendency of decentralization and deconstruction of authority subversion as well as the popularization of artistic aesthetics.
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    Expounding the Construction of the Black Community in Beloved from the Perspective of Space
    WANG Xiu-jie
    2012, 14 (4):  372-376.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 435 )   HTML   PDF (721KB) ( 627 )  
    Toni Morrison has a unique understanding of the sociality of space. Her Beloved presents the racial reality, the racial oppression, the racial discrimination, and the racial hatred in the Nineteenth-century America. As a matter of fact, all the problems presented could be boiled down to space. Expounding Beloved through Lefebvres “Spatial Triad” theory can bridge the racial relationship and spatial relationship in the novel, representing the journey of the construction of the black community from a spatial perspective, that is, the white exert their disciplines over the black through the written representations of space and internalize black peoples ideology, bringing about the ideological paralysis within the black community; the black choose the marginal space, carry out their spatial practices deviating from the disciplines of white peoples representations of space and “knit” their own space by means of space of representation. Eventually, the process of the construction of the black community is displayed in their spatial practices and representations.
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