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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    A Study on Aristotles Thoughts of Technical Making
    BAO Guo-guang, ZHAO Mo-dian
    2014, 16 (6):  551-557.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 655 )   HTML   PDF (397KB) ( 1803 )  
    Technical making has always been one of the research topics of technical philosophy, which was discussed by such ancient Greek thinkers as Plato and Aristotle. In terms of technical making energeia, Aristotle considers it a kinesis process from dynamis to entelecheia, and whats more, physis, human and agathon are the fundamental elements in the process of technical making energeia. Physis provides hyle and the ultimate underlying subject, which can support and disturb technical making energeia; human designs and operates technical making energeia through eidos extraction; agathon offers “target” to technical making energeia which contributes to the more exquisite, ingenious and sapiential technical making energeia, and meanwhile endows technology with ethical qualities. Aristotles thoughts of “agathon” in terms of technical guidance may still provide a useful reference to today’s modern technology.
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    Context: The Actual Field of Technology
    CHENG Hai-dong, LIU Wei
    2014, 16 (6):  558-562.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (315KB) ( 1219 )  
    Context is the actual field of technology. Although traditional research noticed the technological dimension of context, its approaches were mainly focused on separating context from technology, which failed to solve some problems. Actually, context is not outside technology but a basic component of technology, serving as a carrier for breeding and interpreting technology. Reality technology manifests itself with the technical-social system, and it is only in actual context that technology acquires its structure as well as functions and realizes its significance. In essence, technological reflection from the perspective of context is a specific, systematic and comprehensive study of technology, which owns a unique advantage.
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    A Theoretical Analysis of Science Communication Alienation
    YU Yang, XU Lin-lin, WANG Qian
    2014, 16 (6):  563-567.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 492 )   HTML   PDF (317KB) ( 926 )  
    Science communication alienation refers to the phenomenon of spreading pseudo-science and anti-science content in the name of science communication. According to the Marxist theory of labor alienation, science communication alienation can be divided into the alienation of science communication products, the alienation of science communication activity itself, the alienation of scientists image, and the relationship alienation among scientists, the media and the audience. Generated by the impact of social constructivism of scientific knowledge, science communication alienation views scientific knowledge as the social reality constructed from the media and the media as a chief constructor of scientific knowledge. Based on McLuhans media theory, it is the media form itself that may result in science communication alienation. An analysis of such theories helps to curb science communication alienation so as to ensure the accuracy and validity of science communication.
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    An Interpretation of the Essence of Modern Architectures Rational Space
    DENG Ming
    2014, 16 (6):  568-572.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 586 )   HTML   PDF (315KB) ( 2277 )  
    Leaving behind the solutions to modernist architecture alienation from the form level, which is adopted by the postmodern ideology of architecture, this study turns to a spatial approach. It holds that traditional architecture theory is different from modernist architecture theory in that the latter inherits the thought of scientific rational space. All the related elements are subjugated to this thought, which serves as the core of architectural theoretical principles. Led by this thought, the intended function is transformed into the objective quantified target, the methodological construction into the mechanical empirical approach and the resultant form into the mathematical geometric representation. In essence, modernist architecture is rational space, understanding of which will enable us to be relieved of contradictions and dilemmas and finally “dwell poetically”.
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    Global Warming: A Problem Without Solutions
    DU Xiao-xia, YIN Wen-juan
    2014, 16 (6):  573-577.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 449 )   HTML   PDF (321KB) ( 985 )  
    Due to the uncertainty of climate science, global warming is quite controversial. However, in order to facilitate policy making, the politicians directly related the issue to CO2 emission based on some incomplete information from the climate science community and accordingly laid down a range of emission reducing measures, which failed thanks to the environmental rules. Besides these attempts, the scientists tried different kinds of technological fixes, which also failed due to the complexity of the climate system itself. It is argued that global warming is not a problem, but a reality which needs to be confronted with by continuous learning.
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    Economics and Management
    Global Warming: A Problem Without Solutions
    DU Xiao-xia, YIN Wen-juan
    2014, 16 (6):  578-584.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 300 )   HTML   PDF (492KB) ( 1280 )  
    Due to the uncertainty of climate science, global warming is quite controversial. However, in order to facilitate policy making, the politicians directly related the issue to CO2 emission based on some incomplete information from the climate science community and accordingly laid down a range of emission reducing measures, which failed thanks to the environmental rules. Besides these attempts, the scientists tried different kinds of technological fixes, which also failed due to the complexity of the climate system itself. It is argued that global warming is not a problem, but a reality which needs to be confronted with by continuous learning.
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    An Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Its Influential Factors in China: Based on the SBM-Tobit Two-stage Model
    WANG Ming-shun, JI Jian-yue
    2014, 16 (6):  584-589.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 455 )   HTML   PDF (400KB) ( 1436 )  
    With the SBM-Tobit two-stage model, an analysis is given on energy efficiency of different provinces and cities in China. The SBM model considering undesirable outputs is first used to evaluate the energy efficiency of Chinese provinces and cities from 1995 to 2010, whose results show that Shanghai, Guangdong, Hainan and Qinghai have the highest energy efficiency while Guizhou ranks the lowest. The panel Tobit model is then adopted to give a regression analysis, whose results indicate that the factors influencing energy efficiency include optimizing industrial structure, improving energy structure, reinforcing technological introduction and enhancing government influence. It is still difficult to explain the impact of internal technical innovation and market level on energy efficiency, and the effect of social and economic development on energy efficiency is changing from negative to positive.
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    An Analysis of Cluster Development in Chinas Photovoltaic Industry: Problems and Strategies
    LI Tie-zheng, FU Zheng-ping
    2014, 16 (6):  590-595.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 468 )   HTML   PDF (538KB) ( 1289 )  
    Based on industrial cluster theories, this paper gives an analysis of Chinas photovoltaic industry. Currently such industrial cluster is still at a preliminary stage, whose main problems include improper industrial structure, weak links among industries, and low rankings in the value chain. Through an analysis of Qinghai Provinces development of photovoltaic industrial cluster, this paper proposes some strategies of developing Chinas photovoltaic industrial cluster in terms of government, industry and enterprise—government guidance and policy support, market adjustment and resources optimization allocation, construction of vertical integral industrial chain and cultivation of brand enterprises, technology leadership, industrial cluster innovation and product upgrading, formulation of quality standards, and reinforcement of industrial management.
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    A Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Staff Research Capability at Colleges and Universities: Based on Data Mining
    TAN Lei, ZHUANG Xin-tian, HAN Peng
    2014, 16 (6):  596-600.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML   PDF (526KB) ( 1351 )  
    By establishing evaluation indicators and designing a data mining method combining clustering analysis and association analysis, this paper analyzes staff research capacity at colleges and universities. The results showed that this proposed method can well reflect the problems of sampled colleges and universities including staff educational history, key talents development ability of horizontal projects and their research capacity diversity. Accordingly, some strategies were put forward, which include stressing talent introduction from key universities, strengthening academic exchanges among key talents and setting up specific encouragement policies, which could help personnel departments at colleges and universities to make scientific talent policies and improve the overall research capability.
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    Politics and Public Management
    On the Relationships Worthy of Attention in Constructing Citizens Internet Political Morality
    SUN Ping, HUANG Chun-ying
    2014, 16 (6):  601-605.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 326 )   HTML   PDF (366KB) ( 925 )  
    The construction of citizens Internet political morality is a practical need to regulate citizens Internet political participation behaviors and to promote the development of Chinas democratic politics. Much attention should be paid to dealing with the five-pair relationships in constructing citizens Internet political morality, including the relationship between Internet political ethics and citizens political participation intentions, the relationship between Internet political moral regulations and Internet technology applications, the relationship between hierarchy, partiality and wholeness of Internet political morality construction, the relationship between education, law and network technology management in the construction of Internet political morality, and the relationship between citizens Internet political morality awareness and their practice ability. In the actual operation of Internet political morality, strengthening the regulations of citizens Internet political ethics is the premise. Meanwhile, in order to gradually promote citizens’ Internet political moral cognition and moral practice ability, education should serve as the core, legal constraints and network technology should work as the necessary auxiliary devices, and typical demonstration should be closely combined with focus group construction.
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    Xu Fuguans Critical Analysis of the Western Classic LiberalismIn Comparison to Confucian Political Thoughts
    LIU Hong-he, LIU Yue
    2014, 16 (6):  606-610.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 410 )   HTML   PDF (366KB) ( 1338 )  
    According to Xu Fuguan, Western classic liberalism advocated the supremacy of reason and the natural rights of human beings, especially the supremacy of property right, and by doing so it played a key role in the development of democracy and the rule of law in the West. However, classic liberalism, with John Locke and Adam Smith as its leading exponents, championed the bourgeois property right at the expense of the working classs rights and freedom, and equality and distributive justice. Hence, Xu Fuguan proposed absorbing the essence of liberalism and discarding its dross, thereby realizing a creative integration of the core values of Pre-Qin Confucianism (i.e., rule of virtue, supremacy of the people, and spirit of political protest) with the essences of Western political culture so as to create a new Chinese political culture with the spirit of democracy and the rule of law.
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    A Study on the Core Issues of Chinas Land Resources Management in the Context of New Urbanization
    LOU Cheng-wu, ZHANG Jing-qi
    2014, 16 (6):  611-616.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 461 )   HTML   PDF (504KB) ( 782 )  
    The new urbanization state plan (2014—2020) makes an explicit deployment of Chinas urbanization over the next 15 years. Impacted by the new-type urbanization planning, necessary adjustments should be made in terms of land resources management. In the context of new-type urbanization, such problems as food safety, rural-urban divide elimination as well as public service equalization, and land management fairness and efficiency have become the core issues at present, whereas in the future, three new issues need to be taken seriously—the construction of ecological civilization in land resources management, the dynamic construction of land policies, and the integration of technological means with governing philosophy. Understanding and resolving these problems are of help to the implementation of new urbanization strategies and the improvement of land resources management reforms.
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    On the Approaches to Perfecting the Publics Right to Know in Chinas Construction of Ecological Civilization
    FEI Yan-ying, WANG Yue, ZHANG Wan-bin
    2014, 16 (6):  617-621.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 311 )   HTML   PDF (367KB) ( 971 )  
    In recent years, the public have been paying more attention to the construction of ecological civilization in that such problems as ecological destruction and environmental pollution occur frequently. Understanding the status of ecological civilization construction is not only a premise for the public to orderly participate in the construction of ecological civilization, but also of benefit to prevent the happening of unfavorable acts to ecological environment, handle environmental issues timely, and help achieve the goals of ecological civilization construction smoothly and fast. However, the system of right to know in China falls behind the times, with many deficiencies in terms of right subject, right object and right protection. Therefore, it is essential that the scope of right subject should be expanded, the scope of confidential information should be strictly limited, and the judicial relief should be perfected so as to provide legal protection of the publics right to know in the construction of ecological civilization.
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    Further Research on the Legalization of Administrative Decision-making Procedure
    ZHOU Shi
    2014, 16 (6):  622-627.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 377 )   HTML   PDF (400KB) ( 710 )  
    The administrative decision-making procedure has been implemented in a certain scope and to some degree in China; however, some new problems have arisen including insufficient and inaccurate information, unprofessional experts, citizens low enthusiasm and ineffective supervision. This paper analyses both subjective and objective factors that affect administrative decision-making, and proposes some countermeasures to perfect the legalization of administrative decision-making procedure, which include ensuring the completeness and authenticity of administrative decision-making information, constructing an expert assessment system, and improve the liability ascertainment mechanism so as to guarantee the legalization of administrative decision-making procedure both in form and in essence.
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    A Comparative Study on the Moral Orientation of Life Purpose Between Chinese and American College Students
    JIANG Fei, LIN Shan
    2014, 16 (6):  628-633.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 436 )   HTML   PDF (523KB) ( 1084 )  
    Given that college students life purposes could reflect their moral orientation. This paper aims to conduct a comparative study on the moral orientation and impact factors of life purpose between Chinese and American college students. A total of 379 college students were randomly selected and “Rank 1 Purpose” Survey taken from “Stanford Youth Purpose” Survey was administered in this study, whose data was analyzed with ANOVA. The results showed that a certain number of Chinese and American students possessed an altruistic life purpose. The moral orientation of Chinese students life purpose was significantly influenced by gender and source of origin, with male students and students from rural areas likely to have altruistic life purposes. However, the moral orientation of American students life purpose was not affected by their demographic background of this paper selected.
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    Historical Evolution and Experience of Higher Education Quality Assurance System in the United Kingdom
    FAN Zeng-guang, SHI Wan-bing
    2014, 16 (6):  634-639.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML   PDF (408KB) ( 2974 )  
    The construction of higher education quality assurance system is a core issue of contemporary higher education management. Historical analysis and comparative research are adopted to explore the evolution of quality assurance system in British higher education. From the university autonomy to the binary system and to the unified system, the current higher education quality assurance model has been established ultimately, which gives priority to the internal education quality assurance at colleges and universities and which is supplemented by external evaluation. With reference to British successful experience, the laws and regulations of Chinas higher education system should be perfected, and the quality assurance work should be regulated. Meanwhile, the autonomy of university operation and management should be expanded, and the construction of internal quality assurance system should be strengthened. Whats more, we should make good use of professional intermediary evaluation organizations so as to form a multi-appraiser guarantee mechanism.
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    An Empirical Study on Higher Education Convergence of Three Economic Regions in Liaoning Province
    GAO Yuan, GAO Li-li
    2014, 16 (6):  640-645.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 408 )   HTML   PDF (568KB) ( 830 )  
    Based on a comprehensive evaluation of higher education development of three economic regions in Liaoning Province, σ convergence, absolute β convergence and conditional β convergence of higher education development in each economic region were empirically examined with the panel data of 14 cities in Liaoning Province from 2005 to 2012. The results showed that although the higher education development improved greatly from 2005 and 2012, the development differences between regions did not display the characteristics of σ convergence; and in Liaoning Province as a whole, the coastal economic zone and the north-west economic region, there existed the characteristics of absolute β convergence and conditional β convergence of higher education development. However, the conditional factors impacting convergence were varied in different regions. Consequently, different policies and measures should be adopted in accordance with the local conditions so as to promote a balanced development of higher education in different regions.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    An Intersemiosis of Dynamic Multimodal DiscourseIllustrated by the Film Philadelphia
    JIANG Xue
    2014, 16 (6):  646-1165.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML   PDF (422KB) ( 1669 )  
    In a dynamic multimodal discourse (MDA), different modal semiotic systems all have meaning potential and three meta-functions—ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. A dynamic multimodal discourse-maker chooses different elements from transitivity, mood, modality and cohesion in the linguistic mode, from image vector, contact, social distance and attitude in the visual mode and from sound perspective and social distance in the aural mode, and then makes all these elements interact with each other in order to create either complementary or non-complementary intersemiotic relationships. After an intersemiosis of the film Philadelphia, it is proven that the linguistic mode plays a vital role in theme construction, but the visual and aural modes are indispensable and supplementary to it.
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    On the Consumer Culture Trend of Quentin Tarantinos Movies
    WU Wen-ying, QIAO Lu-qi, HONG Xiao-nan
    2014, 16 (6):  651-656.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 376 )   HTML   PDF (408KB) ( 1111 )  
    As a product of Western consumer culture, postmodernism movies have exerted remarkable impact on the evolution of world cinema. Based on Baudrillards consumer culture theory, this paper explores the classic works of Quentin Tarantino, a postmodernist filmmaker, from the perspectives of theme, content, skill, technique, element and style. It analyzes consumption of violence and violence aesthetics, structure of consumption illusion and crushing, consumption label and chowder plot, and the relationship between physical consumption and character reconciliation, and then examines the internal link between consumer society and consumer culture. A reflection on the consumer culture trend in his works may give rise to some thoughts of Chinas film industry and the Chinese consumption concepts.
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