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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    An Analysis of the Internal Logic for Philosophy of Technology
    WU Guo-lin, LI Xiao-ping, LI Jun-liang
    2014, 16 (5):  441-446.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 412 )   HTML   PDF (241KB) ( 1939 )  
    Philosophy of technology experienced the engineering tradition of technological defense and the humanistic tradition of technological criticism, and it turned to empiricism in the late 1960s. After over 100 years of development, the sequence of basic issues on technological philosophy has been formed and technological artifact has become the research subject in the process of development. Studies on technological artifact, which represent the experiential tradition of technological philosophy, have been deep into the structure-function relationships. To analyze philosophy of technology calls for both experience and logic; however, the logic is not a deductive one in philosophy of science but practice reasoning with practical features. Philosophy of technology is currently moving toward logic-experience and logic-experience analysis serves as a significant research approach to make philosophy of technology philosophical.
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    An Analysis of the Internal Logic for Philosophy of Technology
    WU Guo-lin, LI Xiao-ping, LI Jun-liang
    2014, 16 (5):  447-452.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 307 )   HTML   PDF (236KB) ( 775 )  
    Philosophy of technology experienced the engineering tradition of technological defense and the humanistic tradition of technological criticism, and it turned to empiricism in the late 1960s. After over 100 years of development, the sequence of basic issues on technological philosophy has been formed and technological artifact has become the research subject in the process of development. Studies on technological artifact, which represent the experiential tradition of technological philosophy, have been deep into the structure-function relationships. To analyze philosophy of technology calls for both experience and logic; however, the logic is not a deductive one in philosophy of science but practice reasoning with practical features. Philosophy of technology is currently moving toward logic-experience and logic-experience analysis serves as a significant research approach to make philosophy of technology philosophical.
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    On the Evolution of Technological Design
    LIU Wei, CHENG Hai-dong
    2014, 16 (5):  452-456.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 378 )   HTML   PDF (199KB) ( 880 )  
    Mutation and genetic recombination is the driving force of biological evolution, with natural selection deciding evolutionary directions. Similar to biological evolution, the process of technological design is also characterized by evolution. The information carrier of technological design evolution is technological meme and it is those effective, applicable, innovative and representative technological memes that can be accumulated into new designs through heredity, recombination and mutation. Human selection helps to preserve the beneficial variations, accumulate the hereditary information and form new technological memes, aiming to make new designs adaptable to the environment. Meanwhile, human selection maintains the hereditary combinations of good adaptability and generates more complex and adaptable technological designs.
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    An Analysis of Ecological Engineering Failure from the Perspective of Technological Function-level Theory
    YIN Wen-juan
    2014, 16 (5):  457-52418.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 424 )   HTML   PDF (208KB) ( 748 )  
    Ecological engineering is proposed with an aim to obtaining energy in a green and natural way as much as possible by taking full advantage of the symbiotic mechanism of natural system. Theoretically it helps break through the mainstream anthropocentrism, but practically it encounters a lot of failure. Ecological engineering failure is mainly due to the two attributes embedded in technology low-level liability and system-level risk, which arise from the tension between de-contextual scientific research paradigms and human beings real living circumstances. To cope with this tension, it is reasonable for the mankind to keep an open-minded attitude and become more adaptive and creative.
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    Economics and Management
    Strategies of Management Innovative Services of Industrial Clusters: Based on the Problems Arising in the Development
    GUO Fu, KAN Shuang, LI Sen
    2014, 16 (5):  462-467.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 455 )   HTML   PDF (506KB) ( 1584 )  
    Based on spot investigation, problems in the development of industrial clusters are revealed such as unclear cluster attributes, low value-added products, weak capability of technological innovation, incomplete industrial chains, and low-level cooperation in cluster and extensive management. A detailed analysis is given on the service status of industrial clusters management and consultation, which points out that the current management cannot satisfy the development of industrial clusters, so the service contents and modes should be improved. Taking the center-satellite mode of industrial clusters in Taiwan as reference, strategies of management innovation services are promoted including specifying the purpose of management innovative services of industrial clusters, clarifying the six functions of management innovative services, doing more research on the key techniques in collaborative management, establishing dynamic alliance organizations and new business models based on the management innovative service platform, and providing the conditions needed for normal operation in management innovative services.
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    Effects of Customer Motivation on Product Innovation Behavior in Virtual Brand Communities
    LI Xue-xin, BAO Wen-li, XIA Tian
    2014, 16 (5):  468-473.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML   PDF (275KB) ( 1153 )  
    Taking virtual brand communities as the research background, this paper identifies the effect of various customer motivations on different product innovation behaviors and analyzes the moderating effect of virtual brand communities upon customer motivation and product innovation behavior. The results show that interest motivation exerts significant positive effect on product innovation, product testing and product launch, while social motivation and reward motivation have significant positive influence on product launch. Free atmosphere regulates the relationship between interest motivation and product innovation, reputation incentive regulates the relationship between interest motivation and product testing, and reputation incentive regulates the relationship between reward motivation and product launch.
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    Development of Factor Endowment Theory Based on Global Supply Chain An Input-output Analysis of the Steel Industry
    PENG Hui, GENG Nai-guo, WANG Ling-li
    2014, 16 (5):  474-479.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 387 )   HTML   PDF (293KB) ( 1485 )  
    In the context of global supply chain, intra-product specialization and elements of transnational movement have become essential features of production and trade. From the perspectives of intra-product specialization and elements of transnational movement, a case study in the steel trade, based on 1987—2010 data, was done to expand the classic theory of factor endowment by applying the input-output analysis, the residual test and Granger causality test. Its findings show that the factor endowment available serves as the key to a countrys participation in the intra-product specialization. The developing countries, on the one hand, could realize value chain climbing through involvement in the labor-intensive sections of high value-added industries. On the other hand, they could fulfill value chain leaping by accumulating resources and adjusting the characteristics of factor endowment.
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    Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Radical Innovation: From the Perspective of Complementary Assets
    LI Hong-qiao
    2014, 16 (5):  480-485.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 286 )   HTML   PDF (243KB) ( 861 )  
    This paper, from the perspective of complementary assets, attempts to integrate entrepreneurial orientation, complementary assets and radical innovation into one single framework, aiming to explore the impact of the multiple constructs of entrepreneurial orientation on radical innovation and the moderating role of complementary assets. A questionnaire was administered involving 641 manufacturing companies from Zhejiang Province and a multiple regression analysis was given. The results showed that the three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation—innovativeness, foresight and risk taking impact radical innovation positively. Both generic assets and specialized assets positively affect radical innovation, with the latter moderating the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and radical innovation. Finally, some relevant policies and suggestions were put forward.
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    Research on Employment Competency of College Students from Poor Families
    ZHANG Hao
    2014, 16 (5):  486-491.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 329 )   HTML   PDF (379KB) ( 1207 )  
    With the increasing competition in the talent market, the employment of college students from poor families has become more serious. Using scale development technology, this study attempts to explore the structure and content of these needy students employment competence and identify their differences in terms of gender and major. A specific scale is developed by combining college students employment competence scale and interviews. Adopting such software as SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0, this study uses factor analysis to explore and examine the structure and content of employment competence of college students from poor families. The results show that employment competence of college students from poor families consists of five dimensions—personality, professional ability, occupational adjustment, general skill and self-control. Furthermore, there exist significant differences in the understanding of personality among students of different genders and in the understanding of general skill among students from varied majors.
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    Politics and Public Management
    3D Inspection into the Eroding Trust in Government and Its Reshaping Path in China
    WEI Shu-yan, TANG Rong-cheng
    2014, 16 (5):  492-497.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 434 )   HTML   PDF (374KB) ( 1057 )  
    Eroding trust in government is one of the major challenges encountered by Chinas contemporary government, which can not only weaken the legitimacy of the government, but also impede governance. More importantly, it can undermine social harmony. Based on Sztompkas theory, the current situation of eroding trust in the Chinese government can be inspected from three aspects—remarks, actions and functional substitutes for trust. It is argued that eroding trust in government results from the international and domestic environmental impacts, as well as the factors of the citizens and the government. Reshaping trust in government is a process of governance transition as well as a psychological revolution of the citizens and the government. Therefore, taking initiatives to handle the challenges in the era of globalization, maintaining and realizing social fairness and justice, developing modern civic consciousness, and strengthening the capability of governance are the gateway to reshaping trust in government.
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    An Interpretation of the Political Process of Online Group Events
    ZHU Wan-jing
    2014, 16 (5):  498-504.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML   PDF (335KB) ( 1966 )  
    As a product of social structural change, online group events are considered the self-organization and resistance arising from the grassroots. From the epistemological point of view, it is impossible to explain and analyze their practical basis merely from the perspectives of psychological characteristics and communication channels, and it is only through establishing a political vision that their inherent logic can be actually grasped. By taking Mcadams political process theory as the framework, we can find that political opportunity amplification, endogenous tissue mobilization and Internet users cognitive liberation work together to promote the generation of online group events while the interaction among external organizations further accelerates the in-depth development. In addition, this paper also introduces such factors as discourse, emotion and culture as a complement and challenge to cognitive liberation in the analytical framework.
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    Reforms of Civil Service Pension Systems in Representative Countries and Their ImplicationsA Comparative Analysis of UK, USA and Japan
    YIN Bao-ming
    2014, 16 (5):  505-510.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 352 )   HTML   PDF (232KB) ( 1522 )  
    The UK, USA and Japan are the representative models of state welfare style, self-supporting with social aid style and East Asian welfare style respectively. Under the principle of striking a balance between equity and efficiency, the three countries have developed their civil service pension systems from initial separate ones into multi-layer ones by merging with the other systems, which consist of public basic pension, occupational pension and complementary pension. Despite the differences in funding models, funding resources, contribution rates, payment-related criterias and replacement levels, they have all achieved a collaborative share of financial responsibility between the government and the individuals, thus relieving the pressure of fiscal sustainability and meeting the differentiated old-age supporting demands.
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    Reforms of Civil Service Pension Systems in Representative Countries and Their ImplicationsA Comparative Analysis of UK, USA and Japan
    YIN Bao-ming
    2014, 16 (5):  511-517.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 319 )   HTML   PDF (262KB) ( 634 )  
    The UK, USA and Japan are the representative models of state welfare style, self-supporting with social aid style and East Asian welfare style respectively. Under the principle of striking a balance between equity and efficiency, the three countries have developed their civil service pension systems from initial separate ones into multi-layer ones by merging with the other systems, which consist of public basic pension, occupational pension and complementary pension. Despite the differences in funding models, funding resources, contribution rates, payment-related criterias and replacement levels, they have all achieved a collaborative share of financial responsibility between the government and the individuals, thus relieving the pressure of fiscal sustainability and meeting the differentiated old-age supporting demands.
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    Foreign Legal Policies of Farmland Protection and Their Implications to China
    Yan Qi-hua, LI Bing-ran
    2014, 16 (5):  517-522.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 391 )   HTML   PDF (235KB) ( 1703 )  
    Along with the rapid development of social economy and the consistent growth of population, many countries in the world have to face the problem that the quantity and quality of farmland is continuously on the decrease. Therefore, these countries have introduced different types of legal policies to protect farmland, which include full property interests, partial property interests, taxation, TDR, and command-and-control regulation. Based on their experiences, the protection policies that make economic incentive as the core value seem to work the best. Currently, the main policies of farmland protection implemented in China are enforced by the governments intervention, which are classified into command-and-control regulation. Due to a lack of economic incentive mechanisms, the legislative agenda of farmland protection is difficult to achieve. Accordingly, in order to better protect the increasingly scarce farmland resources, it is necessary to enact the legislative contents in improving the relevant legal policies, which include applying more economic means, limiting the governments excessive intervention, and introducing such policies as partial property interests and TDR so as to achieve the goal of farmland protection.
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    Research on the Essence and Classification of Status Crime
    WANG Jun-ming
    2014, 16 (5):  523-527.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 364 )   HTML   PDF (209KB) ( 1158 )  
    Since the theory of legal interest violation carries more practical significance to the construction of Chinas criminal law and criminal nomocracy, it is necessary that the basic concept that crime is a violation or threat of legal interests should be established and the essence of status crime should be interpreted as a violation of legal interests. Problems might arise from handling status crime in judicial practices in that Chinas criminal law does not specify status crime. A reasonable solution to such problems is introducing typological thinking, namely, the transformation from concept to classification. Meanwhile, it is suggested that the types of status crime in the general provisions of criminal law should be clarified and the typological regulations should be added to the provisions of status crime and its relevant criminal liabilities so as to guide the application of specific criminal law provisions, enhance the applicability of criminal legislation and eventually achieve the criminal nomocracy.
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    Marxism Theory
    On Ellen Woods Historical Materialistic Democracy
    LIU Ming-ming
    2014, 16 (5):  528-1047.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 538 )   HTML   PDF (210KB) ( 1649 )  
    According to some western left-wing intellectuals, the working class should be excluded from the core of socialist scheme and capitalist democracy could be regarded as a historical driving force for substituting class struggle and a “panacea” for realizing socialism. With anger, Wood refuted it by exploring the conceptual changes of democracy from the perspective of historical materialism and questioning the utopian fantasy of achieving socialism through expanding capitalist democracy. She then claimed that capitalist democracy and capitalist society were homogeneous and it was only socialist democracy that could work as a powerful weapon against capitalist society. Furthermore, Wood clarified the relationship between socialism and democracy while revealing the hypocrisy of capitalist democracy, which provides beneficial inspirations for us to uphold the right views of democracy.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Rewriting:“Gaixie” or “Chongxie” With Comments on Some Misunderstandings of Lefeveres Translation Theory
    QIU Jin, HU Wen-hua, DU Feng-gang
    2014, 16 (5):  539-544.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1417 )   HTML   PDF (248KB) ( 4608 )  
    The term “rewriting” proposed by André Lefevere has been translated into Chinese in two versions “Gaixie (改写)” and “Chongxie (重写)”. An analysis of the theoretical background of the term shows that Lefeveres rewriting theory takes advantage of Russian formalism, reception aesthetics and Marxist literary theories. After tracing the development of Lefeveres theory and conducting a detailed etymological study on the English prefix “re-” as well as the two Chinese characters concerned, it is pointed out that “Chongxie” is a more reasonable translation of “rewriting” in that it can better cover the wide-ranging research objects of Lefeveres theory, reflect the essence of Lefeveres idea about challenging the author-centered and text-centered paradigms, and reveal the philosophical significance of the original term. Meanwhile, some misunderstandings and disputes about “rewriting” partly resulting from the two confusing translations could be clarified.
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    A Fable of Postmodern Ethics and MoralityAn Exploration of The Road from the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism
    FENG Yi, LIU Zhuo
    2014, 16 (5):  545-550.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 463 )   HTML   PDF (242KB) ( 1703 )  
    Ethics and morality are the central themes that run through the novel The Road. Through an apocalyptic post-modern parable on ethics and morality, Cormac McCarthy discloses the ethical disorder and demoralization in post-modern society and depicts the ethical dilemma modern men are in. For the sake of being alive, “the man” and “the boy” are confronted with many ethical difficulties and ethical choices, which form the most important ethical complexes in the novel. Based on the post-modern ethical theories and from the perspective of ethical literary criticism, the paper analyzes the protagonists’ ethical identity and ethical choices, and decodes the ethical complexes for a good and new understanding of McCarthys ethical values.
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