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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Technological Philosophical Reflections on Digital Survival in the Post-epidemic Era
    LIU Lulu, ZHANG Feng
    2021, 23 (5):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.001
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML ( 24)   PDF (937KB) ( 597 )  
    In the post-epidemic era, digital survival shows a more distinctive characteristic of the times. By taking the analysis of the technological philosophy of digital survival as the theoretical support, a comprehensive understanding of digital survival is conducted from a technological perspective on four levels: technological essence, technological value, technological alienation and technological practice in order to affirm the positive significance of digital technology on the digital transformation of human production and life, and also to be alert to the crossing of human-based boundaries by the applications of digital technology. Once the boundaries are crossed, social problems of technological anxiety, outlawing of human experience and group loneliness will arise, and technological force is alienated into technological power. Accordingly, it is important for people to adhere to the human-centered value orientation and actively exert the value of digital technology for the overall development of human freedom to ensure the high-quality development of digital existence.
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    Significance of Mao Zedong's Epistemology to the Development of Contemporary Cognitive Science
    HU Xiaoyu, XIAO Feng
    2021, 23 (5):  8-14.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.002
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (937KB) ( 350 )  
    With the rise of 4E cognitive approach, practical cognitive science has become the development trend of contemporary cognitive science. In a sense, it can be said that the contemporary cognitive science in the practice turn “confirms” Mao Zedong's practice-based epistemology, which indicates the significance of Mao Zedong's epistemology to the development of contemporary cognitive science. Such limitations faced by contemporary cognitive science as theoretical integration problem, engineering practice dilemma, and subject positioning confusion can be overcome with the help of Mao Zedong's epistemology. Contemporary cognitive science also enlightens us to deepen the study of Mao Zedong's epistemology from such aspects as changing research methods, broadening research fields, refining research contents and strengthening individual research.
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    Economics and Management
    The Effect of Overall Financialization Level of Non-financing Enterprises on Chinese Industrial Investment: An Empirical Study Based on China's Listed Companies
    QU Zhen
    2021, 23 (5):  15-22.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.003
    Abstract ( 239 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1750KB) ( 620 )  
    This paper proposes a new indicator to measure the overall financialization degree of non-financial enterprises from the perspective of profit by taking listed companies in China from 2008 to 2018 as the research sample and using the structure vector autoregressive model (SVAR) to empirically test the dynamic effect of overall financialization level of the enterprise industry on investment rate. The results show that for listed companies with small scale and strong financing constraints, the increase in financialization level will play a significant role in squeezing out fixed asset investment of enterprises while for larger listed companies with weaker financing constraints, the squeezing effect of financialization level on fixed asset investment is not significant.
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    Research on the Relationship Between Paradoxical Leadership and Employee Bootleg Innovation: The Role of Psychological Safety and Leader Ability Trustworthiness
    CHEN Hui, YANG Ning
    2021, 23 (5):  23-30.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.004
    Abstract ( 347 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (1042KB) ( 1451 )  
    Bootleg innovation is an innovation activity that individuals privately engage in, which has the contradictory characteristics of high risk and high reward. Based on social information processing theory, this paper studies the effect of paradoxical leadership on employee bootleg innovation and explores the role of psychological safety and leader ability trustworthiness. The data are collected from 206 employees at multiple points in time. The results show that paradoxical leadership is positively related to employee bootleg innovation and this relationship is partially mediated by psychological safety. Leader ability trustworthiness positively regulates the mediating role of psychological safety between paradoxical leadership and employee bootleg innovation, that is, the higher the leader ability trustworthiness, the stronger the mediating role of psychological safety. The conclusions enrich researches on employee bootleg innovation and paradoxical leadership.
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    The Influence of Social Media Brand Page Characteristics on Customer Engagement Behavior
    HE Aizhong, LIU Shasha
    2021, 23 (5):  31-38.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.005
    Abstract ( 310 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1012KB) ( 653 )  
    This article explores the influence of social media brand page characteristics on customer engagement behavior by analyzing 515 valid questionnaires from Sina Weibo users through questionnaire survey method. The results show that Weibo brand page characteristics positively affect user experience perception, and user experience perception positively affects brand page attitude; brand page attitude positively affects customer engagement behavior; user experience perception and brand page attitude play a chain-like intermediary role in the positive influence of Weibo brand page characteristics on customer engagement behavior.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Influence Dimension and Control Path of Fault-tolerant Mechanism: Exploratory Research Based on Grounded Theory
    WANG Ying, WANG Meng
    2021, 23 (5):  39-47.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.006
    Abstract ( 276 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1062KB) ( 464 )  
    The fault-tolerant mechanism carries the mission of stimulating and protecting the reform and innovation of cadres in the comprehensive deepening of the reform period. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 government personnel from 9 prefecture-level cities in L Province, and the grounded theory was applied to code and construct a four-dimensional theoretical model of “scene-system-content-action” with the help of MAXQDA analysis software. The scene dimension is the source generated induced variable that the fault-tolerant mechanism fails to reach the ideal state, the institutional dimension is the reality condition variable, the content dimension is the internal observation variable, and the action dimension is the external situation variable. Then corresponding control strategies were put forward around the constituent factors and operational mechanism of the above four main categories, including cultivating the political ecological environment of positive atmosphere, consolidating the system foundation of front-end research and judgment and terminal guarantee, examining and approving the boundary extension of being fault-tolerant and flexible, and exploring the scientific and reasonable operation procedure.
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    Cultivating Social Capital: Common Direction and Path of Building Social Governance Community
    ZHANG Cheng
    2021, 23 (5):  47-53.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.007
    Abstract ( 379 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (933KB) ( 756 )  
    Building social governance community is an important way to promote the modernization of social governance in the new era, and also an internal requirement for building a new pattern of co-governance and sharing social governance. As an important resource embedded in social relations, social capital, which takes social trust, network participation and reciprocal norms as the core elements, has close logical relationship with social governance community, and is an important factor for building social governance community. In the period of social transformation, social capital is declining day by day, which is mainly manifested in the lack of social trust, weak network participation and breaking of reciprocal norms, thus constituting a practical constraint on the construction of social governance community. To promote the construction of social governance community, the stock of social capital should be accumulated and the quality of social capital should be improved by adhering to the guidance of Party building, reshaping social trust, expanding network participation and strengthening reciprocal norms.
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    Policy Tools and Governance Performance: A Multi-case Analysis of Community Governance Led by Party Building
    WANG Yang
    2021, 23 (5):  54-62.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.008
    Abstract ( 453 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (995KB) ( 945 )  
    With the successive promulgation of relevant central policies, the Party's leadership under grass-roots governance has been clearly defined in public policies. The policy objective of Party leading community governance is to transform the institutional advantages of Party leadership into the effectiveness of community governance. However, there is still insufficient empirical evidence and theoretical explanation achieving this policy objective. From the perspective of policy tools, four types of tools used by grassroots policy are summarized—structure, leading, collaboration and integration through a multi-case analysis of six typical communities. Based on the case comparison, it is found that employing the compound policy tools and appropriate key tools influences the community governance performance positively. It is thus concluded that the balance between authoritarian tools and governance tools as well as the combination of political and governance rules, would play an important role in the policy objective realization of Party-leading community governance.
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    Research of Public Service Quality Based on Weibo Data Analysis: A Case Study of Public Housing Security Service in Shanghai
    WEI Chengrui, WANG Yu
    2021, 23 (5):  63-72.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.009
    Abstract ( 300 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (3379KB) ( 415 )  
    Based on the attributes and characteristics of public service quality, the analytical method of Weibo data is introduced to develop a conceptual overall analysis framework for housing security service quality. It is found that the quality problems in public housing security services have a distinct “core-periphery” structure. The fairness of value dimension and the accountability of process dimension are key elements that affect the quality of housing security services. The “value-process” dimension elements in resettlement housing and economical housing have a more obvious impact on their service quality, but in the low-rent housing and public rental housing services, the “function-result” dimension elements play a more critical role. The quality problems in different spatial regions are also varied to some extents. Therefore, the government should take spatial and room type differences as the starting point, making precise policy and accurate execution the next focus of housing security.
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    Reconstruction of Social Communication: The Organizational Practice Path of Spiritual Comfort for the Rural Elderly
    MAO Yijing
    2021, 23 (5):  73-80.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.010
    Abstract ( 283 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (951KB) ( 955 )  
    The spiritual comfort plight of the rural elderly caused by weakening family communication and shrinking community communication is the main challenge of rural aging crisis. Taking the practice of rebuilding social communication of the elderly volunteer service team in Macun village of Yichang as the sample, this paper analyzes the realization path of spiritual comfort for the elderly with “low cost and high welfare”. It is found that the volunteer service team takes the elderly peer groups as the object, the village society as the space, and the public participation as the media. Under the three mechanisms of demand targeting, resource activation and organization mobilization, the volunteer service team reestablishes the social interaction of the elderly, responds to the spiritual needs of the elderly and maintains the social order of the village. Under the background of the weakening of the family pension function caused by urbanization, as a new form of village life for the elderly with “collectivization” and “organization”, it is a way out to deal with the crisis of rural aging through the reconstruction of social interaction of the elderly by volunteer service teams.
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    Function Orientation and System Construction of the Legislation of China's Spatial Planning Law
    HUANG Xisheng, WANG Zhongzheng
    2021, 23 (5):  81-87.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.011
    Abstract ( 896 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (937KB) ( 404 )  
    Spatial Planning is an important measure to modernize the national governance system and governance capacity. The problems in China's spatial planning, such as one-sided concepts, complex systems and fragmented laws, need to be solved and rescued by a comprehensive Spatial Planning Law. According to the analysis paradigm of “ontology-functionalism-constructivism”, the legislation of Spatial Planning Law is necessary, feasible and legitimate. Spatial Planning Law realizes the order value of law through integration and coordination, and the justice value of law through measurement and compensation. On the choice of legislative mode, Spatial Planning Law should adopt a separate and regulatory legislative mode, which belongs to the law of space planning in a large category. In terms of system construction, Spatial Planning Law should complete the system embedding through the mode of “exploitation+protection+supervision”.
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    The Standard of Withdrawal from the Joint Principal Offender: A Functional Reanalysis Based on “Psychological Causality”
    YU Runzhi
    2021, 23 (5):  88-97.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.012
    Abstract ( 306 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (974KB) ( 737 )  
    The causality cut-off standard for withdrawal from the joint principal offender focuses on the physical causality process, but the physical causality that has been caused is often difficult to change in fact, and its normative amendment is in conflict with the theory of the suspension of the individual principal offender. Although the psychological causality of the joint principal offenders not only realizes the attribution of the result, but also lays the foundation for principal criminal responsibility, it cannot be a sufficient basis for determining the intention of the crime. For the withdrawal from the joint principal offender, as long as active preventive behaviors can cut off the psychological causality between the withdrawer and the accomplished result, it will, regardless of the physical impact of the previous behavior, bear the responsibility of accomplice at most. If due to changes in active preventive efforts or objective situations, the withdrawer will not be responsible for the consequence resulting from his failure to foresee that the remaining accomplices continue to commit the crime, even if the causal influence remains.
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    On Constructing a New Regional Competition Order and Its Multilateralization: A Brief Discussion on Internal Relations Between the “Belt and Road” Initiative and RCEP Competition Rules
    JING Ming
    2021, 23 (5):  98-105.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.013
    Abstract ( 266 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (952KB) ( 365 )  
    The “Belt and Road” Initiative is significant for constructing a new regional competition order. This initiative presents itself as a regional cooperation mechanism, but its ultimate goal is to build a multilateral mechanism and serve the liberalization of global trade and investment. Although the “Belt and Road” Initiative is based on the principles of extensive consultation, joint construction, and sharing, it does not exclude competition. With the multilateral features of this initiative gradually emerging, a fair market will become an important part of this grand pattern. The ASEAN-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) covers a number of countries along the “Belt and Road”. Its competition rules fully consider the dialectical relationship between competition and cooperation, and basically continue the behavioral orientation of existing arrangements at the multilateral level. At the regional level, the policy contents of the “Belt and Road” Initiative related to a fair market can be transformed into rules, which will promote the construction of a new regional competition order. We should further promote the construction of the rule of law in the “Belt and Road” Initiative, adhere to the behavioral orientation when docking with higher-level regional free trade agreements, and promote the multilateralization of a new regional competition order.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Internal Law of Self-confidence of the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics
    DING Yihao
    2021, 23 (5):  106-112.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.014
    Abstract ( 290 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (939KB) ( 496 )  
    Self-confidence of the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics is a kind of solid faith and firm belief on the practice and theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and it is also a kind of conscious identity, affirmation and support on the efficacy and advantage of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. To strengthen system self-confidence, we must strengthen the understanding and grasp of the internal law of self-confidence of the socialist system with Chinese Characteristics. The dialectical unity law that reveals how the system theory and system practice develop is the basic premise to grasp system self-confidence. The important standards that always regard the participation and support of the people as a means of judging the superiority of the system is the value thread to consolidate system self-confidence. Constantly summarizing, testing and deepening the system's scientific truth is the power support to promote system self-confidence. The integration of the perceptual cognition of system goals and rational identification of system concepts is the key link to strengthen system self-confidence. Pursuing the system's optimal effect with most powerful execution is the core guarantee to realize system self-confidence.
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    The Dilemma of Creative Laborers and Its Causes in the Digital Age
    ZHU Chunyan, WANG Zhuolun
    2021, 23 (5):  113-119.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.015
    Abstract ( 364 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (934KB) ( 728 )  
    Creative laborers refer to those who rely on the creativity and imagination of the subject to create value in the process of labor production. The core value of the products created by creative laborers is creativity, regardless of whether the carrier is tangible or intangible. However, the dominant economic model in the contemporary society is based on capital. Capital not only requires creative laborers to cater to market needs, but also takes advantage of intellectual property rights to possess the products of creative work, and puts creative laborers in the contradictory “prisoner dilemma”. Faced with the difficulties, creative laborers should adhere to Marx's all-round critical theory of capitalism, unite the global creative laborers, and form an effective and powerful combination to fight against the exploitation of capital.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    “Recovery Means Self-destruction”: Discipline and Resistance in Regeneration
    WANG Taohua, LIN Wukai
    2021, 23 (5):  120-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.05.016
    Abstract ( 289 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (948KB) ( 641 )  
    In Pat Barker's Regeneration exists a paradox—the shell-shocked soldiers who are cured will be sent back to the Front, the place that caused their shell shock in the first place. By drawing upon Foucault's theory of power, it is argued that this paradox embodies two contrasting power dimensions, i.e., discipline and resistance. On the one hand, the discipline of spatial power converts the soldiers into docile bodies while the discipline of masculinity constructs their submissive subjects, leaving them no choice but to perform their duties. On the other hand, Sassoon is engaged in three discourse power confrontations with the British military authorities and deconstructs the disciplinary power with his death. His self-sacrifice awakens the conscience of those who work for the wartime state apparatus, thus metaphorically giving hope for national restoration and regeneration in the wake of the fall of the British Empire.
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