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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    The Ethical Limits of Artificial Intelligence in Providing Family Support and Its Philosophical Reflections
    HU Shenglan
    2024, 26 (3):  1-8.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.001
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML ( 39)   PDF (984KB) ( 630 )  
    The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and the ethical needs of family life have opened up a realistic channel for the family application of artificial intelligence. However, the ontological distinction between emotional privacy based on biological characteristics and technical publicity based on data algorithms makes the dilemma of fusion of technology and ethics prominent in the family field. From the practical level of technical application, the ethical application of artificial intelligence in the family requires the participation of multiple perspectives such as engineers, ethics reviewers, and family members. From the perspective of ethical thinking, the possible situations such as the invasion of computationalism into the emotional realm, the compatibility dilemma between machine metaphors and family metaphors, and the “collapse” or “new model” of the relationship between individuals and entities cannot be ignored. Considering that the family intervention of artificial intelligence may change the existing form of family ethics, to answer whether artificial intelligence can provide ethical support for the family, a conservative position that is alert to the changes of ethical subjectivity is needed.
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    Theoretical Construction of Digital Hermeneutics of Co-existence
    QIN Mingli, CHAI Yifan
    2024, 26 (3):  9-15.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.002
    Abstract ( 166 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (968KB) ( 305 )  
    Digital hermeneutics of co-existence is dedicated to solving the fragmentation, diversity and inequality of understanding caused by digital existence, and to reconstructing the existence of multiple symbiosis in the rapidly changing digital age. In the new round of integration of digital technology and hermeneutics, digital hermeneutics of co-existence advocates taking digital technology as the new subject of hermeneutics to explore human digital existence. Digital hermeneutics of co-existence integrates the hermeneutic thought of co-existence since Schleiermacher, the thought of community and the thought of co-existence in the fine traditional Chinese culture as the theoretical basis, aiming to elucidate the technical co-existence of human beings in the digital world, the social co-existence of the multiplicity of existence, the artistic co-existence of the human culture,the ethical co-existence of human beings as the basic interpretative dimensions, so as to assist in the construction of digital China's five-sphere integrated plan.
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    Agent-causality,Agency and Rationality: A Kantian Response
    TIAN Changqi
    2024, 26 (3):  16-23.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.003
    Abstract ( 197 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (977KB) ( 236 )  
    Free action includes two elements—agency and rationality. There are two theories to explain free action, i.e.,reason-causalism and agent-causality. Compared with causality,agent-causality can illustrate agency better. The explanation of free action needs not only agency and rationality,but also the relationship between the two. However, neither of the two representative models of agent-causality can reconcile the two. Randolph Clarke's agent-causality would weaken agency,while Timothy O'Connor's agent-causality would meet the dilemma of reasons and cannot explain rationality. The common flaw of them is that they presuppose that the agent's active role and reasons are separate. A Kantian agent-causality claims that the basic reasons that explain rationally actions are rooted in the essential properties of the agent;therefore,when the agent exerts the active role,he is also providing the reason. In this way,Kantian agent-causality can effectively reconcile agency and rationality,thus explaining free action.
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    Economics and Management
    Effect of the Presence of Chief Marketing Officer Positions on Corporate Marketing Performance
    CAO Zhongpeng, YAN Xingquan, ZHANG Yanyan
    2024, 26 (3):  24-33.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.004
    Abstract ( 193 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (1050KB) ( 317 )  
    With the marketing management in a company becoming more and more complicated, the top management needs to know whether the presence of a chief marketing officer (CMO) position in the team can improve corporate marketing performance either from a practical or theoretical perspective. Based on the gaps of the existing literature and the panel data of the wholesale and retail industry between 2015 and 2019 retrieved from CSMAR, the upper echelons theory and the resources-based theory are used to analyze the effect of the presence of CMO in TMT on corporate marketing performance. The results show that the presence of CMO positively affects corporate marketing performance, and corporate marketing capabilities and media attention play partial mediation roles between the presence of CMO and corporate marketing performance. In addition, the degree of marketization in the region where the company is located positively moderates the relationship between the presence of CMO and the corporate marketing capabilities. The research conclusions may provide valuable suggestions for top management team building and marketing management practices.
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    Carbon Emission Effect of Fiscal Decentralization: Spatial Spillover and Mechanism Test
    YANG Zhian, HU Bo
    2024, 26 (3):  34-42.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.005
    Abstract ( 183 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1019KB) ( 255 )  
    Based on the actual needs of realizing the “dual carbon” goal, on the theoretical basis of analyzing and clarifying the regional carbon emissions affected by fiscal decentralization, and based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2007 to 2019, the spatial Durbin and mediation effect model is used to empirically test the direct effect, spatial effect and action path of fiscal decentralization on regional carbon emissions. The national level test found that fiscal decentralization has a significant promoting effect on both local and neighboring carbon emissions, and the effect of revenue decentralization is greater than that of expenditure decentralization. The sub-regional test found that the direct effect is significantly negative in the central region, and the indirect effect is significantly positive, and the impact characteristics of the western region are consistent with those at the national level, while the eastern region is completely opposite. The mechanism test found that fiscal decentralization tends to hinder the industrial structure upgrading in the two dimensions of rationalization and advancement of industrial structure, thereby indirectly promoting regional carbon emissions. Based on this, policy suggestions are put forward, such as strengthening the game power of central carbon emission governance affairs, exploring and promoting carbon tax collection, strengthening inter-governmental cooperation, and optimizing industrial structures.
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    Does Internet Public Opinion Affect Trade Credit Financing?
    DONG Zhu, LI Youwen
    2024, 26 (3):  43-54.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.006
    Abstract ( 146 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (1091KB) ( 353 )  
    The Chinese A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2020 are taken as the research object to empirically test the relationship between internet public opinion and trade credit financing. It is found that internet public opinion significantly inhibits trade credit financing and the conclusion still holds valid after a series of robustness tests andendogeneity discussions such as changing the measurement method, using the first-order difference model, and Heckman two-step method. The mechanism analysis shows that internet public opinion can reduce the quality of information disclosure and increase the financialization of enterprises, which inhibits the scale of trade credit financing and supports the “market pressure” hypothesis. Further analysis shows that the negative impact of online public opinion concerns is more significant among companies with higher executive stress sensitivity, more competitive industries, non-manufacturing companies, and companies in the eastern region.
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    Environmental Judicial Specialization and Corporate Green Innovation: Evidence from the Establishment of Environmental Court
    LI Yating, LI Zijie
    2024, 26 (3):  55-66.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.007
    Abstract ( 318 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (1044KB) ( 492 )  
    Environmental regulation has an important impact on enterprises' green innovation. However, most of the existing studies are based on the perspectives of legislation and law enforcement, and less attention is paid to the effect of judicial means. Based on the quasi-natural experiment of the establishment of environmental court (EC) in China's intermediate people's courts of prefecture-level cities, A-share listed firms from 2007-2020 are taken as the sample in a DID model to study the incentive effect of environmental judicial specialization on enterprises' green innovation. The results show that the establishment of EC can improve enterprises' green innovation significantly, and the results remain valid after conducting various robust tests. Moreover, by using the DDD method to explore the boundary condition of the foregoing effect of the establishment of EC, it is found that the positive impact is even greater when the enterprises are in the high-pollution industry, are state-own, and are located in areas with worse legal environment, or have lower degrees of digital transformation. Further analysis of enterprises' green innovation strategies finds that the incentive effect of the establishment of EC on green innovation is a crowding-out effect on the existing non-green innovation on one hand, and the establishment of EC can improve the quantity and the quality of enterprises' green innovation simultaneously on the other hand. Environmental judicial specialization is an effective way for green governance, which complements the lack of attention to environmental justice in the existing environmental regulation research, and provides an important reference for promoting the formation of a comprehensive environmental legal system in China, and achieving the coordinated development of “having laws to abide by” and “abiding by the laws”.
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    Politics and Public Management
    How do Cultural Values Influence Police-people Trust?A Moderated Chain Mediation Model
    LI Hui, ZHANG Bochun
    2024, 26 (3):  67-79.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.008
    Abstract ( 488 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (1143KB) ( 455 )  
    In order to investigate the mechanism by which cultural values influence police-people trust, a moderated chain mediation model of cultural values on police-people trust is constructed by using the framework of “cultural values-perceptual feelings-cognitive evaluation-police-people trust”. Based on the empirical results from a sample of 730 participants, it is found that the four sub-dimensions of cultural values—collective orientation, relationship orientation, interpersonal orientation, and harmonious orientation—positively impact police-people trust. Cultural values affect the image of the police through external perceived police efficacy, which in turn positively mediates the chain of police-people trust. Furthermore, sense of well-being enhances the positive influence of interpersonal orientation and harmonious orientation on external perceived police efficacy and moderates the chain mediation effect on police-people trust. By exploring the mechanism behind police-people trust from the perspective of cultural values, this study sheds light on the significance of local values in fostering strong relationships between law enforcement agencies and communities. It also highlights that public security authorities should consider people's value heterogeneity when developing the policy campaigns aimed at building positive relationships with communities.
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    Practical Logic of Urban Governance Digitization from the Perspective of Complex Adaptability: Comparative Analysis of the Cases of “Responding to Complaints Immediately” in Beijing and “Unified Management with One Network” in Shanghai
    ZHAO Ji, CHENG Xiaoqin
    2024, 26 (3):  80-88.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.009
    Abstract ( 416 )   HTML ( 25)   PDF (1021KB) ( 366 )  
    Urban governance digitization is affected by complex environments and inter-government relationships, which shows the practical logic of business trip alienation. Based on the analysis framework of the complex adaptive system, the digital practice of urban governance is the result of the internal reform of the government to deal with the complex external problems and emerges from a series of interaction processes. Based on the actual scene of public demands and problem solving, “responding to complaints immediately” promotes the digitalization of the whole process and drives the overall digitalization of urban governance by making full use of digital technology. “Unified management with one network” responds to the shortcomings of mega-city governance on the whole, realizes the overall intelligent governance by integrating the massive urban data, and achieves the coverage of urban governance system by building the multi-level government digital governance system, so as to promote the digital upgrading of the whole scene of urban governance. Both cases reflect the complex adaptability characteristics of the digital transformation of urban governance, but differences do exist such as the focus of urban governance problems and the logics of organizational change as well as process reengineering.
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    Legal Effect of Shareholders' Loss of Equity Under the Statutory Capital System
    WANG Yixuan
    2024, 26 (3):  89-97.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.010
    Abstract ( 272 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (993KB) ( 456 )  
    Shareholders' loss of equity is a disciplinary measure for shareholders who have failed to fulfill the obligations of capital contribution; however, it is not a legal cause for the extinction of shareholders' capital obligations. The liability of defaulting shareholders should be observed and determined in the system of corporate capital. Under the statutory capital system, the defaulting shareholder shall be liable for the company within the scope of its delinquent capital contribution, depending on the company's handling of the recovery of equity. If the company chooses to transfer this equity, the rules of equity transfer shall be articulated, the transferee shall assume the obligation of capital contribution, and the defaulting shareholder shall be jointly and severally liable to the extent of its subscribed capital. At the same time, if the equity transfer amount is lower than the subscribed capital, the defaulting shareholder shall assume the responsibility to make up the amount. If the company chooses to cancel this part of equity, it shall articulate the rules of substantial reduction of capital, and the defaulting shareholder shall bear the supplementary liability to the creditors of the company within the scope of the capital contribution they have subscribed.
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    Application of the Experience Rules for Fact-finding in Criminal Cases
    ZHANG Yunpeng, SU Bojia
    2024, 26 (3):  98-105.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.011
    Abstract ( 201 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (981KB) ( 471 )  
    The experience rule is the basis of evidence evaluation, the bridge between evidence and facts, and the test standard for the reasonableness of fact-finding, the application of which is indispensable in fact-finding of criminal cases. The proper selection of experience rules is the premise and basis of their normative application. For rules with the same objects, the selection criteria should be based on the degree of probability, while for rules with different contents, the selection criteria should be based on the conformity of specific conditions. Judgments should demonstrate the content of the experience rule and prove the rationality of the selection of the experience rule in combination with the fact and evidence of the case. For the experience rule quoted by the prosecution and defense, it is appropriate for the judgment to choose the method of response according to the situation, so as to enhance the legitimacy of the conclusion. For the mistakes in the application of the experience rule, the remedy can be realized by starting the second instance procedure and trial supervision procedure. The normative application of experience rules depends on the openness and debate of the application of experience rules by both prosecution and defense, the procedural guarantee including the full play of the function of people's jury system, and the thorough implementation of the principle of direct trial.
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    How Can the Allocation of S&T Resources Promote the Growth of Innovation Efficiency in Colleges and Universities?An Analysis of fsQCA Based on 31 Provinces in China
    YANG Bangxing, DU Baogui
    2024, 26 (3):  106-115.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.012
    Abstract ( 141 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (1023KB) ( 304 )  
    Colleges and universities are strategic highlands for science and technology resources allocation and original innovation. In order to explore the influencing factors and configuration paths of science and technology resources allocation on the high-quality development of innovation efficiency in colleges and universities, by using the fsQCA method and taking 31 provincial universities as cases, the influencing factors and configuration of the allocation structure, ways and environment of science and technology resources on the innovation efficiency in colleges and universities are explored. It is found that the applied research path, the experimental development path and the resources-driven path are three types of configuration paths that guide high innovation efficiency in colleges and universities, and none of them can alone constitute a necessary condition for influencing the high or low level of innovation efficiency in colleges and universities. Economic development level plays a universal core role in promoting the output of high innovation efficiency in colleges and universities, with market resources allocation and planned resources allocation commonly serving as the core driving conditions. Moreover, the configuration path leading to the output of high or low innovation efficiency shows significant regional and temporal differences.
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    New Trends and Implications of the Research Evaluation Reform in Australian Universities from the Perspective of Knowledge Production Model 3: Analysis Based on Excellence in Research for Australia 2023
    SHI Xueyi, WANG Siyi
    2024, 26 (3):  116-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.013
    Abstract ( 147 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1036KB) ( 334 )  
    The emergence of knowledge production model 3 that emphasizes the internationalization of research and focuses on the socially beneficial nature of research has put forward new requirements for the reform of research evaluation systems in various countries. From the theoretical perspective of knowledge production model 3, after several rounds of changes, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), which is the national university research evaluation system of Australian, has to a certain extent met the trend of changes in research evaluation under the background of knowledge production model 3, but there are still problems and weaknesses in the design of rating scales, the setting of evaluation units and the operation and management of evaluation, which hinders the internationalization of research, buries the social public interests of research, and neglects the complexity enhancement of research. In view of this, the new round of ERA 2023 further enhances the differentiation of rating scales, reconstructs the evaluation standard system by closely following the international benchmarks, adds task-oriented evaluation units, and strengthens the rational application of data and emerging technologies. Through these measures, ERA 2023 aims to effectively enhance the international competitiveness and social benefits of scientific research through research evaluation, while balancing the tension between the diversity of evaluation criteria and the consistency of the evaluation process, and seeking ways to break the high cost of running the evaluation. Australia's experience can provide important implications for China to build a scientific research evaluation system oriented by national strategic needs and to form a globally competitive scientific research and innovation ecology.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Structural and Functional Features of Lexical Bundles Used by English Learners at Different Proficiency Levels
    JIANG Lei, KANG Mengchao, XIAO Yao
    2024, 26 (3):  127-136.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.014
    Abstract ( 187 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (1345KB) ( 599 )  
    Based on China's Standards of English Language Ability (CSE) to evaluate learners' language proficiency levels, a corpus-driven method is employed to examine Chinese learners' use of lexical bundles in English writing and in particular the structural and functional features of the lexical bundles used by English learners at different proficiency levels. It is found that learners' language proficiency affects the accuracy and diversity of the lexical bundles they use. Students of lower proficiency are found to use more proportion of verb bundles and less proportion of phrase bundles, showing the characteristics of conversational discourse, while students of higher proficiency use more proportion of phrase bundles and less proportion of verb bundles, displaying the characteristics of academic discourse. In terms of their functions, the higher the students' English proficiency level, the lower the proportion of stance bundles and referential bundles are used. The higher the students' English proficiency level, the higher the proportion of discourse organizing bundles. These findings may provide experimental evidence for the description of language features of Chinese English learners at different proficiency levels, and some enlightenment for automated language assessment.
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    Spiritual Predicament, Human Nature Redemption and Narrative Innovation: On the Redemption Writing of Chi Zijian's Novel Worldly Fireworks Roll
    HE Mengjie
    2024, 26 (3):  137-143.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.015
    Abstract ( 492 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (969KB) ( 761 )  
    Chi Zijian's novel Worldly Fireworks Roll is a redemptive work that deeply explores human nature and asks for the soul. Through the spiritual predicament of individuals, the novel reflects three problems: moral degradation, ecological destruction and decline of traditional spiritual civilization. Then, it provides the possibility of human redemption and human return through the “self-salvation” and “saving others” of the guilty characters. Compared with Chi Zijian's previous redemption works, this novel has achieved narrative innovation in theme presentation, dialogue forms, narrative techniques and redemption methods. This not only makes Chi Zijian's redemption writing more perfect, but also makes the novel have milestone significance, becoming an indispensable model of contemporary redemption literature.
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    “Aura” in the Posthuman Era: Technology of Reproduction in Klara and the Sun
    ZHU Mengmeng
    2024, 26 (3):  144-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.03.016
    Abstract ( 334 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (967KB) ( 469 )  
    The concept of “aura” proposed in Walter Benjamin's book The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction provides significant insights into the technology, posthuman bodies and subjectivity shown in Kazuo Ishiguro's science fiction novel Klara and the Sun. Benjamin lived in an era of large-scale mechanical reproduction, in which he realized that the authenticity of artworks had been eroded. Similarly, what Kazuo Ishiguro imagined in this fiction is also a new era in which human reproduction is possible. Therefore, he explores not only whether human beings can be replaced by machines, but also whether humans can be replaced by copies of themselves. Through Klara's philosophical thinking, this novel points out that the “aura” of human beings is not entirely from oneself, but more in the way humans look at each other. In addition, this novel also indicates the crisis of alienation and waste from large-scale reproduction.
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