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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Challenges of the Intelligent Information Society for Collective Responsibility
    WU Sang
    2024, 26 (2):  1-9.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.001
    Abstract ( 227 )   HTML ( 122)   PDF (996KB) ( 342 )  
    All-round changes are brought to a society by the intellectualization of the information society, and new challenges are also posed on the studies of collective responsibility. Analyzing the root of the challenges faced by collective responsibility involves the bearers of moral responsibility, the attribution of responsibility, the norms of responsibility and the distribution of responsibility. The “mindless” challenge of collective responsibility subjects, i.e., the ontological reconstruction of people and intelligent technology with information produces mindless agents; the cognitive responsibility challenge from responsibility attribution and responsibility norm change, i.e., the hyperconnectivity of information is further improved, and the collective must bear cognitive responsibility and cannot be exempted; the challenge of information power to the collective responsibility structure, i.e., intelligent technology has brought a more hidden form of power, which requires the structure of collective responsibility for further analysis; the challenge of distributed morality governance, i.e., intelligent technology makes distributed morality more extensive, but the governance path is not clear. These challenges not only reflect the new demands for collective responsibility research in an intelligent society, but also demand changes in the basic framework of ethics.
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    Computational Scientific Discovery: Reflections on Its Aims and Methodology
    PU Jianghuai
    2024, 26 (2):  10-17.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.002
    Abstract ( 148 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (985KB) ( 379 )  
    Computational scientific discovery arises from the convergence of artificial intelligence and science. It computationally reconfigures the cognitive processes of human scientific discovery and realizes the technological enhancement of natural human cognitive abilities, enabling appropriately programmed computers to simulate human discovery activities and assist the mankind in acquiring new knowledge of the objective world. Computational scientific discovery introduces computation as a method and perspective into the studies on scientific discovery, revealing finer structures in the past modes of reasoning and providing new insights into classic problems. Through methodological reflection, it becomes evident that the limitations of computational science discovery depend on the extent to which one can characterize specific scientific discovery activities as computationally tractable problems, design efficient algorithms for these problems, provide ample and accurate scientific data, and establish reasonable and necessary trust in the discovery system.
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    Perceptual Empathy: An Analysis of the Fourth Dimension of Empathy
    CUI Zhongliang
    2024, 26 (2):  18-26.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.003
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML ( 22)   PDF (1004KB) ( 786 )  
    Traditional empathy research divides empathy into three dimensions: emotional empathy, cognitive empathy and action empathy, and does not focus on the ways to obtain empathy. Combining the research of phenomenology and cognitive science on empathy, it is pointed out that perceptual empathy as the fourth dimension of empathy is the basis of the other three dimensions. The function mode of perceptual empathy is as follows: perceptual empathy and action empathy are synergetic with each other, perceptual empathy and cognitive empathy permeate each other, and perceptual empathy is the guarantee of empathy as a whole. The comprehensive view of the internal relationship of the four-dimensional empathy gets rid of the separated view and the oneness view of empathy, and solves the cognitive consumption of the separated view and the otherness of the oneness view.
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    Economics and Management
    Why Do Risky Things? Impact of Managerial Openness on Creative Deviance
    WANG Hongyu, YU Jiali, CUI Zhisong
    2024, 26 (2):  27-36.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.004
    Abstract ( 158 )   HTML ( 15)   PDF (1073KB) ( 274 )  
    Exploring how leadership can help organizations effectively guide employees to implement creative deviance has become a hot issue in the theoretical and practical circles. However, few scholars have investigated the impact of managerial openness on creative deviance from the perspective of risk perception. Based on the two-stage data of 236 in-service employees, the mechanism and boundary conditions of managerial openness on creative deviance are discussed. The results show that managerial openness has a significant positive impact on creative deviance. Psychological safety plays a mediating role between managerial openness and creative deviance. Innovation-oriented human resources management practices play a positive moderating role between managerial openness and creative deviance. The collectivist orientation plays a positive role in moderating the relationship between psychological safety and creative deviance. The conclusions of this study are helpful to deeply understand the formation mechanism that stimulates employees' creative deviance, and provide relevant countermeasures for enterprises to better stimulate and guide creative deviance.
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    Effect of Image Saturation on the Willingness of E-commerce Agricultural Assistance and Its Mechanism: From the Perspective of Narrative Transportation Theory
    ZHOU Yanfeng, ZHANG Ying, LI Tianqi
    2024, 26 (2):  37-47.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.005
    Abstract ( 147 )   HTML ( 17)   PDF (1193KB) ( 242 )  
    Visual stimulation is an important factor affecting people's donation decisions. Based on the narrative transportation theory, the effect mechanism of image saturation on the willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance is explored by conducting one secondary data analysis and five experiments. The results show that images with low saturation (compared with high saturation) can significantly increase people's willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance. Narrative transportation plays a mediating role in the effect of image saturation on the willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance while information framework and identity type have moderating effects. Under the negative information framework, browsing low-saturation pictures can trigger stronger narrative transportation and willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance, while under the positive information framework, browsing high-saturation pictures can trigger stronger narrative transportation and willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance. When the consumer identity is activated, people's willingness of e-commerce agricultural assistance and narrative transportation is higher after viewing low-saturation (compared to high-saturation) images, while when the donor identity is activated, the difference in saturation effects is weakened. The research results provide theoretical guidance and practical references for the publicity of e-commerce agricultural assistance.
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    Factor Analysis of Routine Transfer: Empirical Study of Inter-Niche Project Learning of Air Pollution Control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
    WANG Jiang, WANG Lijuan
    2024, 26 (2):  48-58.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.006
    Abstract ( 129 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (1281KB) ( 182 )  
    The routine transfer of inter-project learning of air pollution control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is studied. Firstly, it combs the concept and connotation of routine transfer, and theoretically discusses the interaction among routine transfer, internal and external environments, knowledge ability and teamwork. Based on the principal component analysis (PCA) and random forest (RF) model, the important factors that affect routine transfer are explored. A quantitative analysis of the interaction and relationship of the factors is given to evaluate the difficulty of routine transfer. Based on the analysis of routine transfer in the air pollution control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2015 to 2019, it is found that routine transfer is affected by different environmental factors and is in the process of continuous evolution. Knowledge resources and economic environment are important and effective factors for the transfer of most routines, which are prone to transfer in other environments, while terminal governance increases the transfer difficulty of knowledge resources (general knowledge). Natural resources, natural environment and other factors are the main conflict factors in the process of routine transfer, which makes it difficult to replicate routines in other environments.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Hierarchical Study on the Influencing Factors of Grassroots Emergency Response Capacity Based on ISM-MICMAC Model
    LI Hui, TENG Wuxiao
    2024, 26 (2):  58-68.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.007
    Abstract ( 277 )   HTML ( 20)   PDF (1145KB) ( 366 )  
    It is essential to clarify the hierarchical relationship between influencing factors and be able to identify key factors to support the improvement of grassroots emergency response capacity, which is affected by complex factors. The Delphi method is adopted to determine the influencing factors of grassroots emergency capability and the ISM model is used to construct the influencing factor system. The cross-influence matrix multiplication is used for confirmatory analysis. The influencing factor system of grassroots emergency capability is constructed, which consists of 25 factors and is divided into 9 levels and 3 factor groups. The factor groups affect grassroots emergency capability through different mechanisms from bottom to top. Based on the MICMAC driving force-dependence matrix, independent factor group, linkage factor group, dependent factor group, and autonomous factor group that affect grass-roots emergency capability are obtained, which are highly consistent in the nature of influence. Accordingly, policy recommendations are made as follows: strengthening top-level design, promoting the standardization of grassroots emergency work and increasing funding.
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    Leadership Brokerage: A New Explanation of Party Building Guiding Grassroots Social Governance Based on a Case Study of Governance Innovation in Area A
    DU Li
    2024, 26 (2):  69-80.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.008
    Abstract ( 219 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (1043KB) ( 419 )  
    With the changes in the grassroots governance situations, the traditional brokerage mechanism has been unlikely to adapt to China's actual needs to build a grassroots social governance pattern of joint construction, joint governance and sharing. To this end, China has begun to attempt to build leadership brokerage based on grassroots party organizations and guided by party building to achieve the re-establishment of governance authority and improvement of governance efficiency. Different from the management and control orientation of traditional brokerage mechanisms based on the logic of power dominance, leadership brokerage is distinctive with leadership and co-governance orientation. It achieves effective connection between the state and society through the organizational network of the ruling party, and uses forum construction, project operation and social connection to achieve consensus shaping, resources integration and joint action, thereby promoting effective cooperation between the state and society. From the perspective of understanding the governance of China, leadership brokerage maps the relationship between the state, political parties and society, which is very different from the political situations in Western countries. It is of great significance for the localization of the theory of state-society relations and the construction of the basic theory of political parties with Chinese characteristics.
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    Research on the Role Local Governments' Policy Tool Mix Plays in Promoting Geographical Indication Brands: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on 32 Cases
    GAO Jin, MA Fushun, ZHANG Jiahe
    2024, 26 (2):  81-91.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.009
    Abstract ( 150 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (1140KB) ( 400 )  
    Local governments' use of policy tool mix to promote geographical indication (GI) brands is an effective way to promote Chinese-style modernization through high-quality development. Based on the data of 32 local GI brands in China, a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis is given to explore the types of policy tool mix adopted by local governments to realize the brand enhancement of GI products. It is found that there are four significant policy tool mixes for local governments to enhance GI brands. Among them, the policy planning tool is the necessary core condition for improving GI brands. Public service and publicity policy tools tend to exist in the reverse form or in absentia, while the simultaneous adoption of policy planning and legal protection tools has a higher driving force for the enhancement of GI brands. By studying the policy tool mix for GI brand enhancement, it provides policy references for local governments to promote the sustained and healthy development of regional GI brands.
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    On the Litigation Form of Civil Contract Validity Precedent Cases
    FENG Zhuheng
    2024, 26 (2):  92-101.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.010
    Abstract ( 179 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1143KB) ( 301 )  
    The successful settlement of civil contract validity precedent cases needs to explore its specific litigation form. Contract validity as a substantive precedent issue is “slightly local” and plays a unique role in China's civil procedure. Traditionally, the handling of contract validity precedent cases was done in different ways according to the procedural role of contract validity. At present, the arbitrary expansion of the objective scope of the res judicata and the omission of the combined form of the lawsuit, are the main sources of the problems of the traditional handling mode. In this regard, there is a better way to do paradigm reconstruction: pull the objective scope of the res judicata back to the identity of “the object of action-res judicata”, and further determine the complete combined form of the lawsuit according to the substantive law rights system while transforming the contract effect into the object of action. This presents the reasonable litigation form of contract validity precedent cases—combining the lawsuit of affirmation and two real lawsuits of preparatory consolidation. Naturally, this kind of litigation form realizes the function of the consolidation of the lawsuit, and it is the “trapping potential” of the existing litigation system.
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    Function Orientation and Legislation Logic of General Provisions of Tax Laws Under the Codification Goal
    ZHANG Xu
    2024, 26 (2):  102-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.011
    Abstract ( 151 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (1006KB) ( 324 )  
    The codification of China's tax code should reach a compromise between systematization and compilation, and focus upon improving the quality of legislation and responding to the practical needs of tax collection and management. It should formulate the general provisions of tax laws to achieve necessary abstraction and leading utility, and compile the specific tax laws as the specific provisions to maintain the existing legislative achievements and normative system as much as possible. The general provisions of tax laws should uphold the practical characters of responding to social and economic life, which should consider the difficult problems of tax collection activities in a forward-looking way, stipulate the basic concepts, principles and systems that have great influence on tax collection and management, focus upon the formulation idea that providing the basis can be quoted or referred to by law applicators, and strengthen the supplementary role of the norms in the case of the specific rules' weak responsiveness. China should also maintain a certain degree of system openness, give the administration and judiciary space to reconstruct rules, explore innovative ways to draw ideas of the formulation and revision of general provisions from tax enforcement and judicial activities, and transform the rules that can be repeatedly applied into the general provisions of tax laws, so as to achieve the updating of the legal norms and enhance the inclusiveness and responsiveness of China's tax code.
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    Predicament of Improving DNFBPs' AML Regulatory System in China and Its Way Out
    MA Wenbo
    2024, 26 (2):  111-120.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.012
    Abstract ( 278 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (1011KB) ( 384 )  
    Given the international consensus on strengthening anti-money laundering (AML) regulation, how to make up for the shortcomings of China's DNFBPs' AML regulation has become an urgent issue to be resolved. As an atypical institutional transplantation, the construction of a DNFBPs' regulatory system based on the international consensus standards is not compatible with China's socio-economic development. It is difficult to match the existing AML structure with the financial regulatory orientation, nor does it eliminate the conflict with the basic professional ethics of a particular industry, and it lacks systemic support from the general rules of conduct on access to information. In the process of mitigating the rejection of institutional transplantation, it is necessary to reveal how macro policy focus and governance model transformation can provide incentives for innovating the DNFBPs' AML regulatory system from a bidirectional perspective. In turn, based on a functional and scenario-based approach and a risk-based approach, an intelligence-focused collaboration mechanism will be built, a scenario-based disclosure standard will be reshaped and a risk-based compliance system will be promoted. Ultimately, the local adaptation of DNFBPs' AML regulation based on practical constraints will be realized.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Development Process, Theoretical Connotation and Practical Path of the People's Happiness View of the Communist Party of China
    REN Peng, LIU Dandan
    2024, 26 (2):  121-128.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.013
    Abstract ( 261 )   HTML ( 21)   PDF (979KB) ( 380 )  
    The development history of the Communist Party of China is a history of struggle that leads people to pursue a happy life, which has gone through four stages: “independence”, “hard work”, “common prosperity” and “better life”. Under the specific conditions of the times, on the one hand, each stage is sublated in the latter stage, thus forming the internal link of the people's happiness view of the Communist Party of China. On the other hand, each stage includes several previous links within itself, thus forming the whole of the people's happiness view of the Communist Party of China. Thus, these different stages of the concept of happiness constitute a growing organic whole, in which “independence” is a prerequisite for people's happiness, “hard work” is the realization path, “common prosperity” is the material basis, and “better life” is the goal. From a new historical perspective, we must accurately grasp the new demands of Chinese people in terms of independence, hard work and common prosperity, and continue to realize the people's aspirations for better life.
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    On Marx's Critical Transcendence of Hegel's Self-confirmation
    GAO Shuang
    2024, 26 (2):  129-134.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.014
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML ( 23)   PDF (944KB) ( 288 )  
    Self-confirmation is not only the key link of Hegel's dialectics, but also the subjectivity principle of modernity. In Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx criticizes Hegel's abstract logic that self-confirmation is the sublation of self-alienation, and points out that self is the realization of its own life force and the essential force of the object in the objective activity, thereby confirming its existence. Then Marx creatively combined Feuerbach's perceptual materialism with “the third party” of Hegel, and put forward that “the third being” is the intermediary of mutual confirmation between subjects and objects, which transcends the absolute opposition between subjects and objects, thus breaking through the closed circle of Hegel's self-confirmation and providing the realistic basis for man's self-understanding and self-liberation.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Study on the Applicability of the Self-assessment Scale for Pragmatic Competence of College English Learners
    PENG Yuchen
    2024, 26 (2):  135-143.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.015
    Abstract ( 158 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (1164KB) ( 293 )  
    The evaluation of pragmatic competence is important for promoting pragmatic teaching and learning, but the existing evaluation tools are not rich enough. Therefore, it is significant to proactively explore the applicability of self-assessment scales for pragmatic competence. A questionnaire survey and test were conducted for 483 higher education students ranging from specialists to postgraduates, 439 valid data were obtained, and Rasch model was used to carry out a specific study in terms of validity validation and item function bias. The results showed that the self-assessment scale has good reliability, validity and discriminability, and its 28 descriptors do not show significant bias in terms of language proficiency. However, there are several descriptors with significant bias in terms of gender and major. Therefore, it was suggested that the bias of certain items should be reconsidered in the future application of the self-assessment scale for pragmatic competence to ensure its fairness.
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    On the Narrative Functions of Sound Writing in The Sound and the Fury
    HUANG Xiaoyan, ZHANG Zhe
    2024, 26 (2):  144-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.02.016
    Abstract ( 212 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (4393KB) ( 475 )  
    Sounds have distinct narrative functions in The Sound and the Fury, serving as Faulkner's artistic way of fusing Southern literary traditions with modernist aesthetics. They either constitute different plots or scenes, or contribute to themes and cultural implications, thus playing a multifaceted role in characterization, story construction, and thematic expression. The inner timbre of speech sounds and the guiding role of external sounds in psychology provide an effective perceptual path for molding characters' personalities, consciousness, emotions, and cognitive traits. Specific sound signals and images forecast plot growth, reconstruct the story timeline, influence the narrative rhythm, and generate space-time aesthetics in conjunction with macro narrative voice. Furthermore, Faulkner adopts “personal voices” to tell the spiritual ecology and living conditions of special groups in the changing times, and writes about the motif of survival and development from the standpoint of humanistic care, demonstrating his clear southern identity and his critique and reflection on historical, religious, social, and cultural issues.
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