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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Technology in the Perspective of Cultural Feminism
    YI Xianfei, ZHANG Yanchao, FU Changmei
    2014, 16 (3):  221-225.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 347 )   HTML   PDF (676KB) ( 875 )  
    Cultural feminism advocates uplifting the belittled womens values, reclaiming their value space and reestimating their contributions to the development of human technology. In the view of cultural feminism, technology contains a gender metaphor. From the perspective of gender culture, Morgan, based on the evolutionary anthropology, divided technology into collecting and mining technology, Mumford divided technology into container and disposable technology, and Riane Eisler divided technology into “Holy Grail” and “Sword” technology. Social constructivism serves as the basis of cultural feminisms understanding towards technology, expanding a new technology system with femininity would be the goal of technology development, and the value of technological innovation could be achieved through the mutual construction of technology and gender.
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    Innovative Approaches and Ethical Considerations of Technical Design 〓A Review on B. Friedmans Value Sensitive Design
    LIU Ruilin, CHEN Fan
    2014, 16 (3):  232-237.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML   PDF (682KB) ( 1293 )  
    As an innovative theoretical approach, value sensitive design dialectically views technical design and social context through the interaction between value and technical design. It employs a tripartite methodology, which consists of conceptual, empirical and technical investigations. Throughout the process of technical design, ethical import is emphasized and ethical issues are addressed. Value sensitive design advocates that designers should take full account of the moral feelings and value appeals of technical users and other stakeholders. Despite the obvious practical significance and some advantages, doubts and questions do exist. There is still a long way to go in that its application may be affected by the complex factors of technology.
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    The Ecological Turning and Realization of Engineering Philosophy from the Perspective of Evolution
    SUN Jiacheng, ZHENG Wenfan, LU Xichao
    2014, 16 (3):  238-242.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 405 )   HTML   PDF (676KB) ( 681 )  
    As a major practice of human social development, engineering has a long history, wide audience and great influence. Based on the engineering philosophy from the perspective of evolution, engineering can be divided into ancient engineering, traditional engineering and ecological engineering. Accordingly, engineering philosophy is characterized by complying with nature, changing nature as well as respecting nature, which will gradually be inclined to the rational multivalue fit in terms of value. In the process of ecological engineering evolution, the promoting strategies can be classified in three dimensions—defining the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature as the principle of engineering philosophy; perfecting the ecological legislation and compensation mechanism; promoting the public understanding of and participation in engineering and fostering the cultural connotations of ecological engineering.
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    Economics and Management
    Can Culture Control Sustainably Improve Enterprise Performance?Empirical Evidence from Enterprise Groups in Finance Industry
    LIANG Erang, ZHANG Yuming
    2014, 16 (3):  243-249.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 377 )   HTML   PDF (703KB) ( 552 )  
    In the transitional economy circumstance, enterprise groups in our country are confronted with huge press of control model reform. Based on the empirical evidence from 60 enterprise groups in finance industry, the paper comes to the conclusion that, excluding the elements of enterprise scale, age, nature and entrepreneur, group culture control significantly reinforces the performance of subsidiaries. However, the relationship is not simply linear but curve, showing the form of inverted U. Besides, in the environment with high uncertainty, the effect of group culture control on performance is more obvious, which means that culture control can serve as an effective control method through performing sustainable influence.
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    Research of Transfer Pricing Model Based on Chinas Tax Policy
    LIU Wenli, ZHENG Wenrui, XIA Qiu
    2014, 16 (3):  250-255.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 354 )   HTML   PDF (686KB) ( 1470 )  
    In view of transnational enterprises maximizing their overall profit worldwide, a transfer pricing model, which can be applied to Chinese transnational enterprises, is constructed with careful consideration to business income tax, tariff, punishment for transfer pricing once found and specific circumstances of tax administration in China. The findings show that the reported price of transfer pricing can be expressed by a function of comparable normal price, punishment coefficient, tax factors (determined by business income tax and tariff) and tax system of the country where a parent company is located. The rates of business tax and tariff determine the direction and motivation of transfer pricing while the punishment for transfer pricing may reduce the chances of price manipulation. In order to reinforce the regulation of transnational enterprises transfer pricing, some suggestions are raised that the judging criteria for enterprise affiliation should be clarified, the gap between fair value and transfer price should be narrowed through tariff adjustment, and the punishment for transnational enterprises tax evasion by transfer pricing should be stiffened.
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    An Analysis of the Land Use Structure Change and Driving Mechanism in Liaoning Province
    WANG Haitao, YI Jiumei
    2014, 16 (3):  256-262.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 478 )   HTML   PDF (691KB) ( 818 )  
    Based on the land change data of 1996-2009, this paper analyzes the evolution of land use structure in Liaoning Province by using the structure information entropy, and finds that in Liaoning Province the construction land is on the rise and the farmland is on the decline, with the cultivated land and grassland decreasing significantly. Then, the principal component analysis is applied to explore the driving factors of land use structure change in Liaoning Province. The findings indicate that the socialeconomic factors driving Liaonings land use structure change mainly include population, economy and urbanization. Aiming at rationalizing the land use structure in Liaoning Province, some corresponding policy recommendations are finally made.
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    An Empirical Study on the Internal Relationship Marketing at Universities 〓
    HE Xiaozhou, LIU Kan
    2014, 16 (3):  263-268.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 425 )   HTML   PDF (710KB) ( 855 )  
    From the perspective of internal marketing, this paper chose university faculty and graduate students as the research subjects, put forward two components of internal relationship quality at universities with reference to the concept of external relationship marketing, established a structural equation model of relationship quality perception, feelings of organizations and jobs as well as employees behavior disposition, and then tested it empirically. The research findings indicate that universities could boost their teachers job performance by improving the quality of internal relationship, thus enhancing the satisfaction of its clients such as students, parents, employers, governments and cooperators.
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    Application of Lean Logistics Cost Management in Sportswear Industry 〓A Case Study of Company A
    LU Xin, WANG Qiaowan
    2014, 16 (3):  269-273.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 405 )   HTML   PDF (1098KB) ( 791 )  
    With the introduction of Toyotas lean thinking, lean logistics as a new method has been widely used in supply chain management. Known as a customer demandoriented approach, lean logistics is an effective management mechanism that helps companies to reduce logistics cost and shorten inventory turnover. Taking Sports Company A as a case, this paper provides a detailed analysis of its problems in supply chain management, its implementation of lean logistics to achieve cost reduction, and the improvement of supply chain operations and related financial indicators after its supply chain optimization. Moreover, the actual effects of application of lean logistics on cost management are also explored.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Contemporary Value Conflict and Its Adjustment from the Cultural Perspective of Filial Piety
    REN Peng, LOU Chengwu
    2014, 16 (3):  274-279.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 392 )   HTML   PDF (686KB) ( 1115 )  
    Value conflict is the most profound and typical manifestation of contemporary Chinese values. Now that filial piety is placed at the heart zone and node area of the conflicts, it serves as a wonderful window through which to observe the conflicts. The declining of filial piety as a holistic consensus, the unbalanced development as an overlapping consensus, and the dual evolution at the practice level fully reveal the complexity and depth of social value conflicts in contemporary China. In such a complex conflict context, any uniform and inflexible criteria of value would prove fruitless. Instead, a holistic consensus pattern should be formulated, which includes basic consensus (attitudeoriented consensus), dominant consensus (core socialist value system) and vision consensus (Chinese Dream), so as to realize the adjustment of conflicts and achieve the truth of reasonable pluralism.
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    “Just Sustainability”: A New Research Paradigm and Theoretical Framework 〓
    ZHANG Xiaojie, GENG Guojie, SUN Ping
    2014, 16 (3):  280-285.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (689KB) ( 1203 )  
    The classic theory of sustainable development is primarily focused on the environmentally sustainable development. As a result of its elitedominating pattern, the sole orientation of environmental protection and a lack of social justice concerns, it has become “the politics of nobility”. Therefore, the American scholar Julian Agyeman incorporates environmental justice, which is socially equityoriented, into the sustainable development theory. He proposes a new research paradigm and theoretical framework called “just sustainability” for the first time, which emphasizes that environmental justice is the prerequisite for achieving sustainable development. Moreover, the new paradigm could add inclusiveness and accessibility to the discourse system of sustainable development. Some international organizations and the UK and US governments have already incorporated “just sustainability” into their policy designs and actions.
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    Research Progress of Citizen Participation from the Perspective of Public PolicyBased on a Bibliometric Analysis
    GENG Xu
    2014, 16 (3):  286-291.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 410 )   HTML   PDF (1849KB) ( 2087 )  
    Taking 318 core journal papers from CNKI (China National Knowledge Internet) as sample data, this study aims to analyze the research progress of citizen participation in the field of public policy. By using the bibliometric software to examine its status quo and core contents, several characteristics have been summarized—stability of change, broad content but lack of focus, emphasis on theory and system design, and reliance on one single method. Combining the software analysis results and the development trend of the discipline, it suggests that the future research should focus on the citizen participation in specific policies, pay attention to the specific participants, emphasize the citizen participation in the governmental financial information disclosure, and strengthen the studies on the citizen participation in public policy evaluation.
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    The Experience of Japanese Civil Servants Ethics Training and Its Implications 〓
    XUAN Yan
    2014, 16 (3):  292-296.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 479 )   HTML   PDF (675KB) ( 705 )  
    Japan has relatively rich experience in civil servants ethics training, which includes multilevel and comprehensive training modes, clear and concrete training goals, diverse and practical training methods, and effective training courses. Learning from their strengths will be helpful for the Chinese governments at all levels to further strengthen the civil servants ethics training in the new period. More attention should be paid to the civil servants ethics training by unifying thinking and action. In terms of training modes, training of varied ranks and phased training should be combined, and when it comes to training methods, normalized training and daily mutual learning should be integrated. As regards training courses, centralized training and self education should be put together so as to further enhance the effectiveness of civil servants ethics training.
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    Study on Chinas Legal Protection Mechanism of Lending Between Enterprises 〓
    ZHAO Ying
    2014, 16 (3):  297-302.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 413 )   HTML   PDF (743KB) ( 567 )  
    As a common practice in China, lending between enterprises has been identified as invalid by the judicial organizations. However, from the perspective of legal analysis and present legislation in China, denying the validity of business lending lacks legitimate foundations. Based on Chinas current economic situation, the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing lending between enterprises are analyzed. The findings indicate that in such an economic transition period, China should draw on the basic concepts including freedom of contract, financial security and good faith, and clarify the basic contract execution conditions and interest return standards of lending between enterprises. Meanwhile, it can yet be regarded as a realistic path to strengthen the enterprises internal risk control and the national external supervision system, to construct a legal protection mechanism of lending between enterprises, and to direct the orderly execution of lending between enterprises.
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    Moral Luck and Distribution of Punishment: Challenges and Solutions 〓
    MA Le
    2014, 16 (3):  303-308.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (682KB) ( 1867 )  
    Moral luck has always been one of the most controversial ethical issues since its first appearance. Meanwhile, it is also an unavoidable challenge for criminal law theorists. Revealing a clash between peoples beliefs about moral responsibility and their actual manners in moral judgment, the phenomenon of moral luck may be a result of the misunderstanding of the true nature of daily moral judgments. In the field of criminal law, luck should be ruled out normatively and the Kantian concept of moral responsibility should be upheld. Resultant luck is irrelevant to moral desert, and the traditional resultcentered distribution of punishment should be corrected. Harmful result is not a legitimate cause of accumulative punishment beyond ones moral desert. However, the alleviation of punishment based on luck is permissible under limited circumstances. Reckless and negligent behavior is punishable despite the absence of harmful results, and selfdefense based on reasonable belief should be justified. Whats more, the theory of probability of anticipation is in accord with the refutation of situational luck.
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    An Analysis of University Students Learning Outcome Based on Educational Data Mining
    SHU Zhongmei, QU Qiongfei
    2014, 16 (3):  309-314.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 723 )   HTML   PDF (816KB) ( 2287 )  
    Based on the classic development theory and from the perspective of learning experience, regression and neural network analysis are combined to empirically explore the affecting mechanism of university students learning outcome. Taking account of such factors as individual students and universities, a predication model of student learning outcome is constructed. The findings indicate that student engagement is the most important factor for learning outcome when it comes to individual students, learning resources and campus culture are two major factors for learning outcome at the university level, and learning satisfaction exerts a certain effect on learning outcome in terms of both students and universities. In addition, an integration of academic system and social system could contribute to a better learning outcome for university students.
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    A Textbased Study on Development Goal Positioning of Chinas Colleges and Universities
    XIANG Xinghua, ZHAO Qingnian
    2014, 16 (3):  315-320.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 446 )   HTML   PDF (679KB) ( 736 )  
    Currently, there still exist some problems in development goal positioning of Chinas colleges and universities, for example, some schools lack a clear positioning of development goals, some have no explicit connotation of positioning, some set up their development goals that discord with national development strategies, and some others change their development goals in a short time. Development goal positioning, as a core component of college and university positioning, is of great importance, which could be accurately expressed by the concept—public awareness. It is necessary to appropriately adjust the development goal positioning of colleges and universities, but it is inappropriate to change it in a short time without achieving the original goals. From the perspective of system theory, it is the higher education system instead of each college or university that should seek for a reasonable positioning. Therefore, the government together with colleges and universities should become the subjects of positioning.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    A Study on the Correlation Between English Learners Reading Model and Their English Reading Proficiency
    WANG Boran, ZHAO Wen
    2014, 16 (3):  321-326.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (708KB) ( 1076 )  
    Reading is a rather complex linguistic activity involving varied psychological factors and it is a dynamic process in which learners actively understand and construct meanings. Based on the psycholinguistic process models, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of topdown reading model, bottomup reading model as well as interactive reading model. Taking 268 Northeastern University nonEnglish majors as the participants, this study explores quantitatively the learners reading model preference, reading proficiency and their correlation, which might contribute to a fundamental understanding of reading process. In this way, learners could locate their own reading model and make clear the relationship between reading model preference and reading proficiency, thus selecting effective reading strategies and ultimately enhancing their comprehensive proficiency in English.
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    Lack and Pursuit of IdentityInterpreting Pigen Flew
    ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Wanchu, FENG Feifei
    2014, 16 (3):  327-330.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 612 )   HTML   PDF (668KB) ( 3288 )  
    In the context of European integration, the identity of diaspora groups has become a major concern. Winning the 2010 German National Book Award, the immigration novel Pigeon Flew deeply reflects this theme, which highlights the heros concerns of marginal survival and the puzzles of identity. As a former Yugoslav who moved to Switzerland many years ago, the hero has been indignant with diaspora groups lack of identity in face of the Swiss mainstream culture; meanwhile, exposure to the YugoslaviaHungarian culture has impacted her identity as well. Based on the theory of identity, the novel explores the heros concerns as she pursues her identity in her new country and reveals the true state of mind and hybrid identity of contemporary European immigrants in the course of European integration.
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