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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    The Technicalization and Salvation of Play
    WEN Chengwei, ZHENG Yanyan
    2014, 16 (4):  331-335.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 363 )   HTML   PDF (218KB) ( 927 )  
    Play is a kind of “occasional” practical activity, characterized by selfconstructivism, regularity and nonutilitarianism. It represents a state of spiritual aesthetics, and functions to interpret and reinforce the meanings of life. However, videogames in the new era make play move towards technicalization, and manifest themselves as preconstructivism, virtual reality and commercial utilitarianism. This technical tendency brings more freedom to play, but narrows the meanings of play, and therefore changes the true nature of play, bringing about many social problems. Based on a rational analysis of the nature and technical characteristics of play, this paper suggests adopting a systemic method called WSR(WuliShiliRenli) to redeem the negative effects videogames hold. The purpose of doing so is to emphasize the unification of truth, goodness and beauty that play contains, and lead a healthy development of play in the new technological era.
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    On Abbott P. Ushers Thoughts of Technological Invention
    WU Hong
    2014, 16 (4):  336-342.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 437 )   HTML   PDF (281KB) ( 798 )  
    As a famous economic historian and the first American historian of technology, Abbott P. Usher raised some unique and profound thoughts about the problems of technological invention in the first half of the 20th century, which include criticisms on the invention transcendentalism and the mechanistic process theory. It is Usher who introduces the theory of Gestalt psychology to explain insight learning in the process of invention and argues that invention is a process of cumulative synthesis. Unfortunately, his thoughts have not been echoed and supported. It is of both theoretical and practical significance to reevaluate his thoughts of technological invention under the current situation.
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    Study on the Technocratic Movement of the Soviet Union in 1920s
    FAN Yuhong, WAN Changsong
    2014, 16 (4):  343-348.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 893 )   HTML   PDF (282KB) ( 1439 )  
    The Soviet Unions technocratic movement in 1920s resulted mainly from the need for a large number of professional and technical personnel in the process of socialist industrialization. At that time, only the technical experts of the bourgeoisie from the old regime were competent for the task, making it possible that the new economic policies should aim to improve the intellectuals material benefits and political status. As the sponsors and organizers of the campaign, P. Palchinsky and P. Engelmeier racked their brains to make the engineers undertake greater social responsibility for the national recovery and construction, and ultimately fulfill the objective of technocracy in the Soviet Union. The failure of the technocratic movement is largely due to the authorities distrust of the technologists. A series of miscarriages of justice not only led to a lack of talents for the national construction, but also brought about quite a few detours in the Soviet Unions industrialization. The rise and fall of the technocratic movement in the Soviet Union sets a negative example in understanding the social role of intellectuals and formulating the reasonable policies for intellectuals.
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    An Analysis of Foreign Countries Development of Technological Innovation of Culture Industry and Its Implications
    CAO Dongming, LUO Lingling, REN Qiaohua
    2014, 16 (4):  349-353.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 591 )   HTML   PDF (222KB) ( 1676 )  
    In such countries of stronger technological innovation of culture industry, a framework of basic research, professional technology and industrial technology has been set up and a consensus has been reached in terms of development supporting strategy—creativity serves as the very soul for technological innovation of culture industry and the value of design is reestimated for technological innovation of culture industry; local cultures comparatively advantageous creativity is employed as the foundation for developing cultural industry chains; appropriate and flexible policies are made to guarantee the development of cultural technology. It is suggested that a breakthrough should be made for technological innovation of culture industry at the national, industrial and product levels.
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    Economics and Management
    Inflation Expectation and Urban Consumption Growth from the Perspective of Nonlinearity
    WANG Shumeng
    2014, 16 (4):  354-359.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 318 )   HTML   PDF (245KB) ( 790 )  
    By extending the consumption utility function and constructing the panel threshold model, this paper explores the nonlinear effect of inflation expectation on urban consumption growth. The findings indicate that when inflation expectation is below the threshold value, it will restrain urban consumption growth significantly. However, as inflation expectation exceeds the threshold value, it will make a positive contribution to urban consumption growth. In the meanwhile, the nonlinear effect of inflation expectation on urban consumption growth exhibits a significant regional difference. Based on inflation expectation changes, monetary policies together with tax, subsidy and social insurance policies should be implemented effectively so as to regulate urban consumption growth and strengthen the rational guidance of inflation expectation.
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    Cluster Analysis of Chinas GEM Listed CompaniesAn Empirical Study Based on Different Fiscal Indexes with MATLAB
    LIU Hongjie
    2014, 16 (4):  360-365.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 363 )   HTML   PDF (253KB) ( 1031 )  
    Growth enterprise market (GEM), as an important component of the multilevel capital market, plays a significant role in perfecting the capital market structure, promoting the financing of hitech and small and mediumsized enterprises, and improving the governance level of listed companies. Based on the solvency, management capacity, profitability and growth potential of Chinas GEM listed companies, nine basic fiscal indexes of 355 listed companies were investigated, which include assetliability ratio, flow ratio, ROE, increase rate of main business revenue and total assets turnover. Then, a cluster analysis was given by using MATLAB software, whose findings indicated that there exists an obvious imbalance of trade and industry distribution, Chinas GEM listed companies can be divided into three clusters and their basic fiscal index analysis exhibits a comparatively strong similarity.
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    Effect of Accountability and Moral Intensity on Auditors Ethical Identification 〓
    WU Li, LIN Nan, YU Yanqi
    2014, 16 (4):  371-376.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 388 )   HTML   PDF (225KB) ( 872 )  
    Ethical behaviors spring from individuals identification of ethical issues. By taking auditors from Liaoning Institute of Certified Public Accountant as the research sample and adopting such research methods as questionnaire survey and scenario simulation, the relationships between accountability, moral intensity and ethical identification were tested empirically based on Rests ethical decision making theory. It was found that accountability significantly improves auditors ability of ethical identification; meanwhile, auditors are more likely to identify problems with high moral intensity. Accordingly, it was proposed that quality control should be added to the key procedures to strengthen the internal office affairs by exerting higher accountability, and auditors ethical awareness should be raised by providing relevant training and educating programs.
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    CIPPbased Study on the Capability Evaluation Indicator System for Entrepreneurship Education at Chinese Universities and Colleges 〓
    GE Li, LIU Zeyuan
    2014, 16 (4):  377-382.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 583 )   HTML   PDF (232KB) ( 1349 )  
    The CIPPbased education evaluation model has been introduced to the capability evaluation studies on the entrepreneurship education at Chinese universities and colleges. After clarifying CIPP models connotations and advantages, this paper explains CIPP models applicability to the capability evaluation on Chinese universities and colleges entrepreneurship education from the perspectives of decision orientation, process orientation and function improvement. Furthermore, the capability components of entrepreneurship education matching CIPP model are explored and the capability evaluation indicator system on entrepreneurship education is constructed so as to promote the basic capability of entrepreneurship environment based on context evaluation, the allocation capability of entrepreneurship resources based on input evaluation, the action capability in the process of entrepreneurship based on process evaluation, and the achievement and performance capability of entrepreneurship based on product evaluation.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Research of Government Administrative Decisions in the Temporal Context 〓
    LI Zhaoyou, SHI Rong
    2014, 16 (4):  383-387.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 356 )   HTML   PDF (216KB) ( 615 )  
    The society has entered into a highly complex and uncertain age under the influence of postindustrialization and postnormal science. Meanwhile, the influx of large amounts of information in a short time has posed a huge challenge to the governments administrative decisionmaking efficacy. The ability of decision making within a reasonable time is affected by the governments administrative decisionmaking time limit as well as the timeliness of their policy outputs. Time, in the form of time limit and time pressure, plays an important role in administrative decision making. The fluctuation of decisionmakers cognitive emotions may affect information gathering, program choosing and the validity of decision assessment, which consequently influences the level and ability of the governments administrative decision making. Therefore, the administrative staff need to integrate learning into decision making, seize appropriate opportunities in the process of decision retrospect and prospect, and have control over time limit and time pressure. Only in this way could the efficacy of the governments administrative decision making be improved.
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    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Chinese Urban Residents Community Selfgovernance BehaviorBased on a Survey Data of 20 Cities Nationwide
    ZHANG Ping, LOU Chengwu
    2014, 16 (4):  388-393.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (240KB) ( 738 )  
    Based on the theory of planned behavior, a questionnaire was designed on Chinese urban residents community selfgovernance behavior. The descriptive statistics of 1794 residents indicated that Chinese urban residents community selfgovernance behavior exhibits the following characteristics: the participation level of residents selfgovernance was low; the residents sense of selfgovernance actual control was moderate; the residents attitude to selfgovernance was quite positive; and the residents could understand correctly the basic meanings of community selfgovernance. Accordingly, some measures should be take to effectively promote residents community selfgovernance behavior—providing residents with successful experiences of selfgovernance to improve their selfefficacy; promoting healthy economic and political development to closely connect community selfgovernance with residents interests; striving to foster communitybased social organizations and increase the stock of communitybased social capital; and pooling efforts of families, schools and professionals to publicize vigorously the knowledge on community selfgovernance.
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    Effectiveness of Internetbased Public Assessment and Its Contributing Factors 〓From the Perspective of Public Servants Perception
    YAN Haina, YANG Junwen
    2014, 16 (4):  394-400.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 520 )   HTML   PDF (272KB) ( 819 )  
    Taking the survey data of the public servants from 43 government departments in District B of City A, the effectiveness of Internetbased public assessment was studied from the perspective of public servants perception, and a structural equation model (SEM) was constructed to examine the characteristics of participants, the effect of departmental discrepancies, and the relationship between the public servants perception towards the value of Internetbased assessment and the actual effectiveness of Internetbased assessment. The findings showed that the motivation and ability of social assessors (i.e., the public) and the discrepancies among government departments exert a significant effect on the effectiveness of Internetbased assessment. Therefore, the assessment mechanism should be improved and the effect of government department discrepancies should be reduced. Moreover, the motivation and ability of public participation should be enhanced through empowerment, education and guidance.
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    The Interaction Between Formal Institutions and Informal Institutions in the Process of National ReformA Case Study of Argentine Reform in 1980s and 1990s
    TAN Yang
    2014, 16 (4):  401-406.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 419 )   HTML   PDF (241KB) ( 874 )  
    From the perspective of institutionalism, national reform is concerned with reforming the formal institutions and changing the informal ones. However, the redesigning of the formal institutions, subjected to the subjective factors of decision makers, will inevitably produce a variety of discordance and even conflict with the informal institutional system. During the Argentine national reform in 1980s and 1990s, the policies of economic liberalization clashed with the informal rules of traditional populism, and the policies of political democratization kept reinforcing the traditional informal rules of “local clientelism”. Such an interaction between the formal system and the informal system greatly affected the stability of the countrys political and economic system, and eventually led to a national crisis.
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    Common Theorys Misunderstanding in the Elements of Embezzlement 〓
    CHEN Hongbing
    2014, 16 (4):  407-412.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (228KB) ( 806 )  
    Common theory tends to misinterpret such embezzlement elements as the subject, the object and the way of act. Forgotten things include lost property, but should not be extended to cover occupations that are out of possession. Except forgotten things and buried things, the occupations out of possession can be interpreted as “others property in commendam”. The denotation of “duty abuse” in duty encroachment is narrower than that of corruption, and the ways of act do not include stealing and cheating, which should be defined as personal occupation of businessbased property. The staff obtaining corporate property by stealing or cheating will be found theft or fraud. According to such articles as No.270, No.271 and No.382 in criminal law, an encroachment system with a successively aggravated legal punishment has been set up, which covers such crimes as outofpossession occupation, business encroachment and official embezzlement. Possessing property entrusted is involved with the illegal identity, businessbased property occupation is concerned with the responsibility identity, and owing property of public duty belongs to the identity of double responsibility.
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    Falsification or Integration: Options in the Development of Crime Causation Theory
    LI Qitong
    2014, 16 (4):  413-418.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 411 )   HTML   PDF (244KB) ( 970 )  
    After a longterm development, the western criminology theory came into a choke point period at the end of 1970s. Likewise, the crime causation theory of Chinas criminology got into a state of stagnation after a booming period. There exists a conflict between falsification and integration on how to develop the theory in western criminology, and the integration at issue in China has brought about difficulties in developing the criminology theory. Such methods as falsification and integration should play different roles in different aspects. In terms of theoretical research, the falsification approach, onesided but profound, should be adopted. When it comes to clarifying criminology theories and preventing crimes, the integration approach should play an essential role.
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    Marxism Theory
    Marxist Thought of Resources Conservation and Its Development in China
    QIN Shusheng, WANG Kuan
    2014, 16 (4):  419-423.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 405 )   HTML   PDF (211KB) ( 660 )  
    Marxist resources conservation refers to the conservation as a result of the progress of science and technology, the recycled excreta from production, the aggregation of production and the collaboration of workers. Karl Marx criticizes the capitalist way of resources conservation, which strives to reduce the cost and improve the profit by exploiting workers. Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaopings thoughts of diligence and frugality as well as Jiang Zemins thought of comprehensive resources utilization have made Marxist resources conservation applicable in China. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, resources conservation has been regarded as an important measure to realize sustainable development, develop circular economy, promote frugal consumption and construct ecological civilization. Such thinking has enriched and developed Marxist thought of resources conservation.
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    Innovation Driven: A New Stage of Marxist Motive Force for Social Development 〓
    ZHANG Lei
    2014, 16 (4):  424-428.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 441 )   HTML   PDF (221KB) ( 771 )  
    The essence of development is the birth of new things and the death of old ones, and the evolution of something from a lower stage to a higher stage. Hence, innovation is an essential motive force for social development by such practice forms as technological innovation, system innovation and knowledge innovation. For the sake of innovationdriven social development, we should further emancipate the mind, and actively cultivate the atmosphere conducive to innovative culture; vigorously reinforce independent innovation, and make enterprises the main body of innovation; play the governments role in regulation and guidance, and strengthen the construction of collaborative innovation mechanism for industry, university and research; increase the investment in education, make greater efforts in reform, improve the level of national education, and provide security for innovative personnel.
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    The Representation and Extension of Imperial DiscourseFrom the Novel Lord Jim to the Movie Avatar
    MA Xin, GU Hua
    2014, 16 (4):  429-434.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML   PDF (278KB) ( 1004 )  
    By a comparison of the story background, character destiny, and narrative plot of the two works—Lord Jim and Avatar, Lord Jim, a novel spreading the imperial discourse through the narration of an “Oriental” Malay island, is viewed as the archetype of Avatar which propagandizes the imperial ideology, represents and extends the Orientalism embedded in Lord Jim. In the context of globalization, Western countries disseminate their imperial discourse and ideology not only by means of novels, but through such more extensive, effective and influential cultural means like movies to ensure the implementation of cultural hegemony over the thirdworld countries and even the whole world.
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    Isabellas Significant Role in Wuthering Heights
    YANG Baiyan, WANG Yuwen
    2014, 16 (4):  435-440.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 451 )   HTML   PDF (277KB) ( 1125 )  
    Readers and critics of Wuthering Heights have long considered Isabella a minor and insignificant character, who is seldom studied and analyzed. However, Emily Bronte aims to convey significant messages by creating such a role. She grants Isabella the opportunity to speak for herself, clear the air and expose Heathcliffs crafted lies. As one transforming from an insane and spoiled girl to a mature and resolute lady who dares to challenge masculine power, Isabella offers us a distinctive voice from a different female narrative perspective and enables us to get a glimpse of the Victorian middleclass marriage and family life, including unhappy marriage, abused masculine power and prevalent domestic violence.
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