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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On Pierre Lemonnier's Thoughts of Technological Anthropology
    WANG Hao, XIA Bao-hua
    2018, 20 (5):  441-446.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.001
    Abstract ( 534 )   HTML   PDF (844KB) ( 818 )  
    Pierre Lemonnier, a famous French anthropologist, is the representative of the turn of the social system theory in the field of technical anthropology. Lemonnier summarized and elucidated the research of French technical anthropology since Mauss, and established the technical system including the five elements of matter, energy, objects, gestures and specific knowledge. The core content of Lemonnier's theory of technical anthropology is the study on social representation, compatibility and arbitrariness in the process of technological choices. Through the observation and reflection of social factors in technical activities, Lemonnier has become one of the founders of contemporary technical anthropology.
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    A Study on Nickles' View of Scientific Problems
    GU Yi, WU Hai-yan
    2018, 20 (5):  447-453.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.002
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (858KB) ( 825 )  
    Thomas Nickles believes that philosophy of science should shift its focus from scientific theories to scientific problems; however, the empiricists' viewpoints of scientific problems cannot answer Meno paradox of problems, and the model of scientific problems by Karl Popper overlooks the more profound conceptual problem. Nickles proposes the constraint-inclusion modelof scientific problems, and solves the above-mentioned problem from the perspective of problem solving. He believes all the structural conditions that constrain problem solving define scientific problems, and by problem reduction, scientists can unceasingly search for more reasonable solutions in the process of defining problems more precisely. The conceptual problem of Nickles can be expanded to scientific problems of theories and concepts.
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    On the “Basic” Role the Views of Nature Plays in the Confucian Technical Thoughts in Pre-Qin Dynasty
    KAN Di, WU Zhi
    2018, 20 (5):  454-459.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.003
    Abstract ( 554 )   HTML   PDF (826KB) ( 933 )  
    The study on Confucian technical thoughts of Pre-Qin Dynasty needs to get rid of the simple way of talking about ideas by talking about ideas. Deeper and more comprehensive study on Confucian technical thoughts of Pre-Qin Dynasty will ensue at both the content level and the perspective level by clarifying and analyzing the Confucian views of nature in Pre-Qin Dynasty as the foundation of Confucian technical thoughts in that period. The Confucian views of nature of Pre-Qin Dynasty—“nature is the true law”, “the destiny of heaven can be controlled by the people” and “love all the people and the world”, respectively lay the foundation for the ontology, subjectivity and ecology of Confucian technical thoughts in Pre-Qin Dynasty. Meanwhile, the Confucian views of nature of Pre-Qin Dynasty advocate a holistic, harmonious and organic ecological concept, which provide us with valuable implications on enriching ecological views of Marxism and solving the lack of humanism and ecology of technical thoughts as well as ecological crisis.
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    Economics and Management
    Have Stock Index Futures Reduced the Positive Feedback Trading of Stock Market?——An Empirical Analysis Based on CSI 300 Index
    TIAN Shu-xi, LIU Dong-yang, YAN Peng-fei
    2018, 20 (5):  459-465.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.004
    Abstract ( 494 )   HTML   PDF (998KB) ( 586 )  
    Based on the positive feedback trading model and EGARCH model with stock index futures trading used as a dummy variable, the positive feedback effects of CSI 300 index market are tested. The test results show that the introduction of stock index futures has inhibited the positive feedback trading of CSI 300 stock market under the current information shock, but it has not eliminated the long-term dependence of positive feedback trading under the lagging information shock. The reason lies in that the introduction of stock index futures has changed the information response mode of the market, but it has not improved the information efficiency, that is, although the stock index futures market has played a leading role in responding to changes in market information, this change has not been passed onto stock market efficiently through the index arbitrage, which causes the lagging reaction of stock market to the new information. The investors' decision-making relies more on the lagged information, resulting in a significant lagging effect of positive feedback trading.
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    An Analysis of the Prospects for Application of Blockchain Technology in Internet Financial Credit
    TA Lin, LI Meng-gang
    2018, 20 (5):  466-474.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.005
    Abstract ( 895 )   HTML   PDF (1278KB) ( 1332 )  
    Starting from the current situation of the development in China’s internet financial platform, this paper analyzes its problems and challenges. In order to solve the existing problems, a cross-platform credit data sharing model based on blockchainis established, and its mechanism and application scenarios are discussed. The empirical results show that the number of institutions in the credit information system has a negative relationship with the overdue rate. After using the blockchain technology to open up the credit platform, the number of institutions providing credit information services in the system can be greatly increased.According to the statistical results, the project overdue rate will be reduced accordingly, which is conducive to the healthy and orderly development of the Internet finance industry and the government supervision function. The blockchain has solved the existing problems to a certain extent, but it still takes time to integrate into the credit information system. In the long run, it is inseparable from the supervision of the government departments.
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    Research on Evaluation Indicators and Influencing Factors of Job Burnout of Grassroots Civil Servants
    LYU Wei-xia, XU Xiao-ming, WANG Chao-jie
    2018, 20 (5):  475-482.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.006
    Abstract ( 755 )   HTML   PDF (893KB) ( 1556 )  
    Based on Maslach's theories of job burnout and job matching, three evaluation indicators, namely, low mood, split personality and lack of achievement are determined after in-depth interviews and literature review. Three influencing factors, namely, difficulty in occupational control, low occupational value and inadequate occupational motivation, are also identified. Nine hypothetical relationships among the three evaluation indicators and three influencing factors are established. The influence mechanism of influencing factors on civil servants' job burnout is verified, and the differences of different statistical attributes on the sense of job burnout among customs civil servants are analyzed. The data shows that occupational control difficulties can easily lead to low mood, lower professional value can lead to low mood, split personality, and lack of sense of accomplishment and professional incentives can lead to personality split.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Demand Management Model and Reform Direction of Government Purchasing Services
    CHEN Jian-guo
    2018, 20 (5):  483-489.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.007
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (854KB) ( 893 )  
    The Chinese government has made great progress in purchasing services, but it faces the public's questioning of lack in the sense of gains. The demand management of purchasing services is mostly led by decision makers or producers, and the terminal demanders do not play a big role in the process. Therefore, there might exist such problems as the replacement of terminal demanders’ preferences by the social forces or government and the mismatch of supply and demand. In the future, priority should be given to promoting the transformation of decision maker-led and production-led demand management models to the end-user-driven management model at the institutional level so as to implement purchasing decisions in the smallest collective consumption unit. At the methodology and technology level, it is necessary to promote effective communication between terminal demanders, purchasing decision makers and producers so as to enhance the participation ability of terminal demanders. In terms of policy tools, end-users should be given a substantial choice through the voucher system to resolve the mismatch between supply and demand.
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    Study on the Information Gate-keeping Process of Policy Issue Construction in the Network Era
    SUN Feng
    2018, 20 (5):  490-497.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.008
    Abstract ( 497 )   HTML   PDF (1248KB) ( 1008 )  
    Information is the core resource of policy issue construction in the network era. Gate-keepers who occupy information structure holes are rising in importance and even can control the decision process. Gate-keeping includes nine continuous links with the progressive, synergetic and vague properties. Gate-keeping in the modern society is becoming specialized, standardized and compulsive, reducing decision-making risks while increasing potential dangers. To optimize information gate-keeping, we should conform to the trend of modernization, follow the principles of openness, prudence and inclusiveness, continuously improve the information structure and governance environment, establish the quality improvement, supervision and incentive mechanisms, and reduce the systemic risk of information gate-keeping so as to set up the multi-dimensional compound mode.
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    Study on Regional Difference of Linkage Between Land Fiscal Components and Urban Land Use Scale
    WANG Yu-bo, ZHANG Ao
    2018, 20 (5):  498-504.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.009
    Abstract ( 439 )   HTML   PDF (961KB) ( 1015 )  
    It is great significance to study the linkage mechanism between land financial components and urban land scale in order to formulate varied land fiscal policies in the process of urbanization in different cities. Based on the view that land fiscal components provide financial support for the expansion of urban land use scale, the interaction mechanism between them is discussed. Systematic clustering is used to partition the data of 31 provinces and cities and the coupling degree of the two systems. The grey correlation between the land fiscal components and the urban land use scale are calculated, whose results show that land finance has not dominated the expansion of urban land use scale in the fast developing regions, but the areas with slow economic development still expect land finance to play a positive role. In view of different regions, some suggestions are put forward to help optimize the relationship between them, improve the carrying capacity of urban land and urge the change of land fiscal policies.
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    Challenges and Countermeasures of Sharing Economy to the Modernization of Taxation Governance
    CHEN Bing, CHENG Qian
    2018, 20 (5):  505-512.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.010
    Abstract ( 562 )   HTML   PDF (872KB) ( 666 )  
    Sharing economy has experienced an explosive growth. At the same time, the phenomenon that related industries and their practitioners involved in huge amounts of funds and serious tax evasion has aroused widespread public concern. In taxation practice, comparing with traditional economy, sharing economy has two core difficulties, i.e. the pressure of deep utilization of data on taxation model informatization and heavy dependence on the credit system in the taxation. It has challenged the modernization of tax governance in the new era. The fundamental concept of tax governance of sharing economy should be based on the idea of updating the legal system of tax governance, strengthened by promoting information management in taxation under the big data scenario, and guaranteed by the construction of tax credit so as to upgrade it to a full-cycle intelligent tax governance system. Therefore, we can consolidate the basis of tax governance of sharing economy, weaken the substantive dependence of the current tax system, promote the construction of tax credit bureaus in accordance with the law, and achieve the sharing combination of four specific measures in tax credits, give impetus to updating the modernization process of the governance of sharing economy.
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    An Analysis on the Responsibility of Assignor of a Motor Vehicle Without Vehicle Annual Inspection in Traffic Accidents
    YUAN Jin-hua
    2018, 20 (5):  513-519.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.011
    Abstract ( 457 )   HTML   PDF (860KB) ( 749 )  
    No clear legal regulations are available in our country at present about the responsibility of the assignor in transferring ownership of a motor vehicle without vehicle annual inspection after traffic accidents. In judicial practice, there have been “different judgments for similar cases” in which the assignor and the assignee are sentenced to bear the joint responsibilities and thus the assignor is put in an unfair situation. Transferring the motor vehicle without vehicle annual inspection belongs to the field of party autonomy. The assignor has no theoretical basis for taking dangerous liability and should be judged in principle according to Article 50 of Tort Law and held irresponsible with the exception of joint and fault liabilities based on evidence from the victim so as to balance the values of fairness and victim protection, and thus safeguard the judicial justice.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Scientificity and Contemporary Value of the Spirit of Model Workers
    TIAN Peng-ying, WANG Yuan-yuan
    2018, 20 (5):  520-526.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.012
    Abstract ( 934 )   HTML   PDF (851KB) ( 1345 )  
    The types of dispute and censure against the spirit of model workers since China's reform and opening up can be summed up as the so-called “Out of Date Theory”, “Political Theory”, “Special Case Theory”, “Materialization Theory” and “Hero Theory”. In essence, all the misinterpretations are due to the fundamental abandonment of dialectical materialism and historical materialism of the scientific worldview. To argue for the scientificity, contemporaneity and value of the spirit of model workers, its theoretical system should be investigated comprehensively and systematically—the spirit of model workers is based on real labor, answering the questions of times as the historical orientation, meeting the needs of the masses as the value orientation and taking the Chinese excellent traditional culture as the spiritual resources. All these fully manifest the practical, developing, people-based and national characteristics. Vigorously carrying forward the spirit of model workers and fostering the social custom of glorious labor are of great significance of times to the great practices of the new socialist era with Chinese characteristics.
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    Historical and Practical Logic of Practicing the Socialist Core Values Driven by the Spirit of Model Workers
    LU Xiao, ZHAO Shu-liang
    2018, 20 (5):  527-531.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.013
    Abstract ( 640 )   HTML   PDF (824KB) ( 1037 )  
    The spirit of model workers is the valuable spiritual wealth accumulated in the course of socialist revolution and construction with Chinese characteristics. The driving role the spirit of model workers plays in practicing the socialist core values is the concrete embodiment of the Marxist view of labor in the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is a good tradition formed by the Communist Party of China in the revolutionary war, a precious experience accumulated in the process of China's socialist transformation, and an ideological innovation in the practice of China's reform and opening up. In the new socialist era of building a well-off society in an all-round way, giving full play to the driving role of the spirit of model workers in practicing the socialist core values can efficiently fight against the negative influences by the market economy, strengthen the comprehensive moral level of the society, use labor to uphold the Chinese dream, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Research on the Elderly's Attitude Towards Speech Communication
    LI Yu-feng
    2018, 20 (5):  532-538.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.014
    Abstract ( 480 )   HTML   PDF (861KB) ( 827 )  
    Attitude towards speech communication refers to an individual's overall evaluation and relatively stable response tendency on the receiver in the process of speech communication. The conversational attitudes of both sides of communication are often important factors affecting the successful implementation of interpersonal communication. Although the elderly often become keen on communicating with others due to loneliness and solitude after retirement, the interpersonal communication of most of them cannot be understood and satisfied. From the perspective of willingness to communicate, the elderly's active willingness to communicate tends to decline. From the angle of communicative role, most of the elderly choose the role of the speaker in verbal communication. From the perspective of the focus of conversation, most of the elderly are more concerned with communicative attitudes instead of communicative contents. Besides, in terms of attention to conversational objects' emotion, the elderly rarely pay attention to the conversation object's emotion.
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    Three Paradigms in Culturally-oriented Pragmatics and Their Interrelationship
    ZHU Xu-feng, HE Gang
    2018, 20 (5):  539-544.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.015
    Abstract ( 553 )   HTML   PDF (865KB) ( 945 )  
    Culturally-oriented pragmatics probes into the pragmatic phenomena and issues from the cultural perspective and highlights the interconnectedness between language use and its cultural context. Based on the relevant literature review, there exist three prototypical research paradigms in this field, namely, cross-cultural pragmatics, seeking for the similarities and differences via cross-culturally comparative studies; inter-cultural pragmatics, which focuses on the pragmatic issues occurring in/alongside with the interaction among interactants with diverse cultural/linguistic backgrounds; intra-cultural pragmatics, adopting an emic perspective to explicate the way how the specific cultural context influences the language use of members within the same community and plays a part in the process of meaning generation and interpretation. Although the three paradigms are distinctive from each other in research objects and methods, they are complementary and reciprocal.
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    J. M. Coetzee and the Transcendental Homelessness——The “Farm” Theme in Boyhood and Life & Time of Michael K.
    FENG Yang
    2018, 20 (5):  545-550.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.05.016
    Abstract ( 664 )   HTML   PDF (844KB) ( 976 )  
    As an important theme in J.M.Coetzee's novels, “farm” represents the Homeric Ithaca to which people can never return, causing suffering from the transcendental homelessness illustrated by Lukács. The “farm” theme in Coetzee's two works Boyhood and Life & Time of Michael K. is focused upon, and the transcendental homelessness experienced by the two protagonists on their voyage of life is illustrated. This transcendental homelessness stems from the collective experience of enormous historical trauma as well as the individual deprivation of meaningful lives in the modern society. It reflects the complicated feelings J.M. Coetzee experienced towards his former homeland of South Africa, highlighting the identity crisis and emotional conflicts suffered by the contemporary diasporic intellectuals.
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