The Exploratory Experiment of Introducing Time Currency into Community Home Care
ZHENG Hong, WANG Hui-ying, LI Ying
2018, 20 (6):
DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.006
From the perspective of modern monetary theory, the limitations of current time banking are analyzed and the time currency with national credit guarantee is proposed to be introduced, which may be an idea to solve the problem. To verify this theoretical thinking in practice, the exploratory experiment of introducing time currency in the community home care service center is carried out by systematically recording and observing the basic situation of the time currency received by the elderly as well as the distribution and use of such time currency. Problems and solutions existing in the actual circulation of time currency in the community are analyzed, which provides reference for the pilot time bank model. Combined with the experiment results, it is recommended that the government issue time currency as the unit of account, transaction currency, payment currency and reserve currency of social care services.The government issues a certain amount of time currency for middle-aged and elderly people in need of care to purchase social care services and establishes a national unified time bank engaging in time currency savings and lending business to serve community residents.
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