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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Foundation for the Human's Realm of Technology——Francis Bacon's Epoch-making Call for Technological Transformation
    XIA Bao-hua
    2018, 20 (6):  551-555.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.001
    Abstract ( 513 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 784 )  
    As a great philosopher who took technology seriously, Francis Bacon should be considered to be the founding father of philosophy of technology. He called himself a guide for human technological transformation, and disclosed its grounds and foundations from varied perspectives such as of human nature, society, religion, and nature. Francis Bacon called upon the people to construct a technological realm over the universe, who emphasized that human beings are endowed with a kind of innate and endogenous potential for developing technology, and social development must objectively require the great development of technology. The true power and greatness of human beings are embodied in the conquest of things. In addition, technology and nature are the same, and the deeper and more hidden qualities of nature could fully unveil only through technology.
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    On the Connection Between the Technical Thought of Ancient Greece and the Natural Philosophy in the Pre-Socratic Period
    ZHAO Mo-dian, BAO Guo-guang
    2018, 20 (6):  556-562.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.002
    Abstract ( 517 )   HTML   PDF (924KB) ( 1137 )  
    When Socrates shifted the thought of “origin” from “nature” to “human affairs”, “technology” became an important topic of philosophy. The “technical thought” of ancient Greece is contained in the religious myth and the philosophical thought proposed after the wise and Socrates, while the natural philosophy of the pre-Socratic period is related to the “technological thought” of the philosophy at the conception level. Though the theory of “origin and everything”, “cosmogony” and “nous” in natural philosophy is a probe into the way of “creation” of “nature”, it, in the aspect of theoretical conception, affects the development of “technical knowledge”, “technological creation” and “technical purpose” in ancient Greek philosophy. The “generative theory” of “natural philosophy” gave birth to the converting of “technological thought” of ancient Greece from “religious myth” to philosophy, and the interpretation of “technology” by ancient Greek philosophy can be regarded as “inheritance” and “reengineering” of the “generation” mode of natural philosophy.
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    Process of Localization of Science in the Early 20th Century China and Its Reflection
    LEI Huan-jie, LIU Da-chun
    2018, 20 (6):  563-568.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.003
    Abstract ( 535 )   HTML   PDF (910KB) ( 756 )  
    The localization of science in China mainly occurred in the early 20th century, including three stages of localization which were concept of science, view of science and enterprise of science. The localization of concept of science is reflected in the Japanese translation of “science” in the period of Hundred Days Reform, replacing the Chinese translation “gezhi” in the Westernization Movement. The localization of view of science benefited from promoting the ideological trend of scientific salvation and the realization of May Fourth New Culture Movement, and advocating “Mr. Science” also made the thought of regarding science as an ideological weapon reached its climax. The localization of enterprise of science was implemented in science's becoming a kind of social system and common pursuit. To objectively evaluate this localization of science, its stage characteristics and specific patterns of changing the name of science should be analyzed, it should be made known to the public and the people's opinions about it should be verified, and its negative effects should be reflected upon and the causes should be explored. The historical significance of science's rooting and growing in China is worth affirming.
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    Economics and Management
    Analysis of the Research Structure of Enterprise Efficiency in China Based on Co-word Network
    ZHANG Yue-mei, ZHOU Qian
    2018, 20 (6):  569-578.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.004
    Abstract ( 374 )   HTML   PDF (983KB) ( 855 )  
    Enterprise efficiency research is of great significance for optimizing the capital layout structure and enhancing the efficiency of enterprise supply. Using CNKI as the data source and Endnote, Bibexcel,Ucinet and other text classification tools, this paper makes a co-word network analysis of the representative researches on enterprise efficiency from 2006 to 2015 and clarifies the branches, hot spots and trends in the research structures.The results show that: the 17 knowledge nodes with degree centers higher than the mean such as DEA, industrial enterprises and so on are the hotspots of enterprise efficiency researches; the 17 information connectivity points with high intermediate centrality and closeness centrality such as DEA, enterprise performanceand so on are the high incidence areas of new theories and new methods in the future. Enterprise efficiency research forms the four research structures of efficiency concept, enterprise type, measurement method, and influencing factors (or economic consequences).This systematically provides a structured context for subsequent researches.
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    Research on Super Network Modeling of Multi-organization Knowledge Learning and Its Learning Performance ——For Complex Product Industrial Clusters
    KAN Shuang, GUO Fu, YANG Tong-shu
    2018, 20 (6):  578-585.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.005
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML   PDF (1099KB) ( 1134 )  
    According to the research paradigm of network modeling from the perspective of system science, the main body, resources and dynamic mechanism of the knowledge activities in complex product industrial clusters are analyzed. A super network model of multi-organization knowledge learning with dynamic characteristics is constructed. It is found by going deep into the evolution process of the model through simulation experiments that the organizing characteristics of different project teams will bring different industrial clusters' learning performance and there exists an optimal project team size that can achieve maximum performance. When the topological structure of the organizational sub-network where the project team located is in the small world characteristic, the knowledge level of multi-ganization knowledge learning super network can rise rapidly, and learning performance is high. When the project team size is smaller than the optimal scale, the duration of the small world structure of the organizational sub-network is inversely proportional to the project team scale, etc. There are still some works to improve the learning performance of the complex product industrial cluster, including optimization of the public knowledge and information platform, control of the size and structure characteristics of the project team, and management of the multi-organization learning network, etc.
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    The Exploratory Experiment of Introducing Time Currency into Community Home Care
    ZHENG Hong, WANG Hui-ying, LI Ying
    2018, 20 (6):  586-593.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.006
    Abstract ( 456 )   HTML   PDF (997KB) ( 1214 )  
    From the perspective of modern monetary theory, the limitations of current time banking are analyzed and the time currency with national credit guarantee is proposed to be introduced, which may be an idea to solve the problem. To verify this theoretical thinking in practice, the exploratory experiment of introducing time currency in the community home care service center is carried out by systematically recording and observing the basic situation of the time currency received by the elderly as well as the distribution and use of such time currency. Problems and solutions existing in the actual circulation of time currency in the community are analyzed, which provides reference for the pilot time bank model. Combined with the experiment results, it is recommended that the government issue time currency as the unit of account, transaction currency, payment currency and reserve currency of social care services.The government issues a certain amount of time currency for middle-aged and elderly people in need of care to purchase social care services and establishes a national unified time bank engaging in time currency savings and lending business to serve community residents.
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    Politics and Public Management
    The “Involution” of Government Service Purchase——A Case of Empirical Analysis Based on A County Government's Purchase of Urban Planning Service
    GENG Guo-jie, LI Chao
    2018, 20 (6):  594-600.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.007
    Abstract ( 495 )   HTML   PDF (923KB) ( 751 )  
    Government service purchase has not only instrumental value, but also governance value. But its implementation effect is not ideal. The reason is that as a “structural embedding” policy tool, its operation is subject to the existing political-social structure. Based on the existing political-social structure, the government's supportive regulatory mechanism for purchasing social service is weak while the established political-social structure is mature and powerful. The “competition” between the two determines the operational effect of the “involution” of government's purchase of social services. That is, the government's purchase of service as a policy tool has not achieved the desired effect, and is largely modified and utilized by the existing political-social structure. The key breakthrough in overcoming the “involution” of the government's purchase of social services lies in the improvement of corresponding supporting institution.
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    Research on Effective Mechanism of Platform-based Enterprises Participating in Public Service Governance——Taking Online Car-hailing as an Example
    WANG Li, ZHOU Xiang-hong
    2018, 20 (6):  601-607.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.008
    Abstract ( 471 )   HTML   PDF (1017KB) ( 1178 )  
    Internet technology and platform economy have created new models of public service, such as online car-hailing. The effectiveness of platform-based enterprises participating in such public service governance should be noted. Through analysis of the motivation, means and effect of the platform for online car-hailing enterprises participating in online car-hailing governance, the dual effects of effective governance and governance failure are found among platform-based enterprises participating in public service governance. The reasons for the governance failure are further analyzed by using the theory of Actor-System Dynamics. The result shows that the participation of platform-based enterprises in public service governance faces multiple challenges involving the subject, the system and the environment. It is suggested that, by adhering to the concept of cooperative governance, the linkage governance mechanism, incentive mechanism, legal constraint mechanism and big data governance mechanism should be built so as to enhance the effectiveness of platform-based enterprises in their participation in public service governance.
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    Research on University Sport Policy in China Based on Two-dimensional Framework of Value Chain & Policy Tool
    CAO Sheng-min, SHI Wan-bing
    2018, 20 (6):  608-614.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.009
    Abstract ( 513 )   HTML   PDF (1059KB) ( 917 )  
    The rational selection and application of university sport policy tools can basically achieve the expected goals of university sports policy and promote the healthy and rapid development of university sports. By means of content analysis and policy tool theory, 50 representative texts of university sport policy are analyzed in depth, which reveals the general laws in the application and selection of university sport management tools in China. The results show that the supply-oriented policy tools are weakly balanced, the environmental policy tools are clearly differentiated and the demand-based policy tools are absent, which are characteristic of the texts of sport policy in colleges and universities in China. It is put forward that the proportion of environmental policy tools should be appropriately reduced, both supply and demand policy tools should be emphasized, and the operational and effective policy tools should be improved. It is proposed to diversify and balance the use of the university sport policy tools so as to promote the vigorous development of university sports in China.
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    Reflections on and Countermeasures for the Judicial Adjudication of Organizing, Leading, and Participating in the Crimes of the Underworld Organizations
    LI Hai-ying
    2018, 20 (6):  615-620.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.010
    Abstract ( 581 )   HTML   PDF (922KB) ( 1292 )  
    Regarding the crime of organizing, leading, and participating in the underworld organizations, there exist four main problems in the current judicial adjudication as follows. The criminal circle of the criminal offense of the underworld organizations is determined too flexibly. When the property is confiscated, the scope of the confiscation, especially the confiscation amount, is decided too freely. In the judgment, the circumstances of illegal income confiscation are stated ambiguously. There is no general distinction between legitimate property and property of the organized crime groups. Therefore, the court in the trial of the crime needs to first straighten out the relationship between the underworld organization and related concepts, and combine the four legal characteristics of the organization while paying attention to protecting the legal property of the offender.
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    The Predicaments and Breakthroughs of Environmental Reporting System in the Implementation of New Environmental Protection Law
    LENG Luo-sheng
    2018, 20 (6):  621-627.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.011
    Abstract ( 508 )   HTML   PDF (919KB) ( 877 )  
    It is a statutory obligation for governments at all levels to report environmental protection work to the People's Congress and its standing committee. Whether the environmental reporting system can be implemented or not reflects the determination and confidence of the governments at all levels to manage the environment according to the law. Practice has indicated that the implementation of the environmental reporting system in 2016 was not optimistic, but in 2017 it shows such characteristics as “the number of reporting entities has greatly increased, the content of the reports has become more standardized, and the reporting time has basically reflected the annual restrictions”, etc. However, it still has some problems such as insufficient disclosure of environmental report information, lack of active environmental reports by government departments, lack of normalized supervision mechanisms of the People's Congress along with supervision mechanisms of social participation, and also lack of legal liability mechanisms. In the future, in addition to disclosing the environmental reporting information timely and improving the government's accountability mechanism for not performing its duties according to law, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the normalization mechanism of the People' Congress and the communication and connection between the People' Congress and the government.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Logical Evolution of Marxist Subject Emancipation Thought
    ZHU Chun-yan, QI Cheng-shui
    2018, 20 (6):  628-633.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.012
    Abstract ( 466 )   HTML   PDF (899KB) ( 813 )  
    Marx not only pays attention to the constant generation and development of the subject, but also devotes himself to the emancipation of the subject. The understanding of the subject shifts from epistemology to the theory of survival practice, and gives the subject a unique practical connotation of emancipating the mind. Marx sees the emancipation of the subject from the diachronic changes of his philosophical thoughts, experiencing the transformation from the self-conscious subject to the citizen social subject, the transformation from the class subject to the individual subject, the transformation from the capital subject to the class subject, and so on, highlighting the profound meaning of the subject's emancipation thought in Marxist philosophy. An in-depth explanation of Marx's subjective emancipation thought helps to understand Marxist philosophy of ultimate concern for man, and has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the development of individual subjects and national subjects in contemporary Chinese society.
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    Shared Development Is the Goal of Deepening the Reform of the Distribution System in the New Era
    YANG Hong-wei, ZHANG Qian
    2018, 20 (6):  634-639.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.013
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML   PDF (901KB) ( 699 )  
    Shared development is an important part of Marxist distribution theory. The concept of shared development conforms to the development needs of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, responds to the difficult problem of the current development imbalance in China, reflects the fairness and justice requirements in the distribution system at China's initial stage of socialism, and points out the direction for deepening the reform of the distribution system. Faced with the historical transformation of social principal contradiction, implementing the concept of shared development, deepening the reform of the distribution system, and enriching the contents and methods of distribution practices are of great significance to solving the contradiction between the people's needs for a better life and the imbalanced development.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    An Analysis of the Scene-frame Cognitive Model of Translator's Choice
    YAN Yi-xun, CHENG Xiao-guang
    2018, 20 (6):  640-648.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.014
    Abstract ( 510 )   HTML   PDF (991KB) ( 1783 )  
    Translation is a process of recreation, in which translator's choice decides the final presentation of the translation works. What words and styles in the translated works are like will decide the form of the translation creation and its success. The fact that the works of Mo Yan and other Chinese writers can travel worldwide speaks very loud because of the translation of Howard Goldblatt. This is a great evidence of a successful translator's choice. Based on the linguistic prominence view and attentional view, using Fillmore's scene-frame cognitive model as the analytical tool, the study tests, explores, analyzes and interprets the translation process of 59 book titles of the works translated by Goldblatt in order to cognitively analyze translator's choice. The results show that translator's choice can be constrained or influenced by translator's cognition, readers' understanding, publisher's advice, post-translation editing, financial support, thus these choices finally decide how the translation works would be rendered and the original works would be spread.
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    Research of English Writing Revision Feedback Based on Track Correction and Word Treater
    MIAO Jia
    2018, 20 (6):  649-656.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.015
    Abstract ( 427 )   HTML   PDF (1012KB) ( 862 )  
    The effectiveness was explored of three technological types on revision feedback of computer-mediated English writing—track correction, word treater, and mixed use of track correction and word treater. Starting from the time effect of grammar acquisition and choosing 64 university students, the functional mechanisms of three computer-mediated technological types on writing feedback were analyzed with 11 error types as research materials through 9-week eight writing tasks and three tests. The experiment results showed that the mean errors and mean feedbacks of student writings both decline and in the immediate test and delayed test the revision feedback is of significance, especially for the group adopting the mixed track correction and word treater. Therefore, the mixed use of track correction and word treater is likely to result in more precise and lasting grammatical accuracy in English writing.
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    Narrative Techniques of Nabokov's Novels and Chinese Classical Novels——Based on Lolita and A Dream of the Red Mansions
    QIU Chang
    2018, 20 (6):  657-662.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2018.06.016
    Abstract ( 496 )   HTML   PDF (1121KB) ( 1413 )  
    As a postmodern writer, Nabokov always demonstrates postmodern styles in his novels. However, his novels are abundant with Chinese traditional elements if read in depth. The narrative of Nabokov's novels is in compliance with the narrative of Chinese traditional novels, which can be put under the framework of oriental aesthetic values. Taking Lolita and A Dream of the Red Mansions as examples, the author innovatively uses narration theories to bridge western postmodern novels and Chinese classical novels, and employs the research method of point and sphere integrated correlation to analyze the common features of the two novels and their relationship in the aspects of narrator, narrative space and narrative foreshadowing. Firstly, the two novels both use unreliable narrative, which corresponds to each other; secondly, the two novels both use three-layer space, which are endowed with similar connotations though under different titles; thirdly, the two novels both use narrative foreshadowing, contributing to their structures and plots.
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