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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Examination on Marxist Humanistic Dialectics from the Technological Perspective
    QI Chengshui
    2023, 25 (3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.001
    Abstract ( 376 )   HTML ( 92)   PDF (912KB) ( 323 )  
    Marxist philosophy contains rich thoughts of humanistic dialectics, which is a scientific methodology for us to deeply understand technology. The technological survival of humans is based on the survival theory of hominology. The development and utilization of technology need to adhere to the dialectical unity of human initiatives and passivity. As the existence of social relations, technology is logically based on the manifestation of human intersubjectivity. Only by shifting from the relation of subjects and objects to the relation between subjects, the inherent nature of technology can be deeply seen. Technology is not an abstract concept, but rooted in real social life. While promoting the progress of real life, technology is also affected by the reaction of real life. Based on Marxist humanistic dialectics to examine technology, the theoretical interpretation of technology can be deepened, and the important enlightenments can be provided for actively building a harmonious development relationship between people and technology in the new era.
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    Historical Evolution of Technocracy: From Political Utopia to Governance System
    LAN Lishan
    2023, 25 (3):  8-15.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.002
    Abstract ( 424 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (933KB) ( 486 )  
    Technocracy is a research hotspot in the fields of contemporary western politics and philosophy of technology. However, nowadays the academic circles do not have the same definition of technocracy, and mainly hold a critical attitude. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the historical development of technocracy in order to fully understand the theoretical connotations and practical values of technocracy. Generally speaking, technocracy has mainly experienced three stages of development. In the first stage, technocracy was mainly regarded as a political Utopia or political system in which political power is completely controlled by scientific and technological experts. In the second stage, technocracy mainly appeared as a social movement, that is, the American Technocracy Movement. In the third stage, technocracy mainly referred to a governance system advocating that scientific and technological experts operate based on scientific theories and technological principles.
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    Economics and Management
    Research on the Governance Effect of Financial Report Inquiry Letters on Performance Forecast Quality
    SUN Shimin, GUAN Shuyu
    2023, 25 (3):  16-27.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.003
    Abstract ( 255 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (995KB) ( 1127 )  
    Taking Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges and listed companies as two sides of the game, a static game model with incomplete information is constructed to reveal the governance effect of financial report inquiry letters on performance forecast quality through equilibrium analysis. With the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2015 to 2019 as the research sample, the empirical test draws the following three conclusions: the financial report inquiry letters improve the forward-looking and backsight performance forecast quality, indicating that financial report inquiry letters have a real governance effect on the dual performance forecast quality. The financial report inquiry letters of Shenzhen Stock Exchange have a more significant governance effect on the dual performance forecast quality. The governance effect of the financial report inquiry letters is still significant in the second year after letter receiving, but no longer exists in the third year after letter receiving, indicating that the governance effect of the financial report inquiry letters on performance forecast quality is transient.
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    Nonlinear Influence of Fiscal Decentralization on Local Government Debt Scales: Moderating Effect Based on Fiscal Transparency
    ZHAN Shaoguo, LI Xin
    2023, 25 (3):  28-37.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.004
    Abstract ( 381 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (955KB) ( 509 )  
    Taking the reform of fiscal decentralization in China as the institutional background and combining the environmental factors of the fiscal system, the internal relationship and the working mechanism between fiscal decentralization, fiscal transparency and local government debt scales are deeply explored, and the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2009 to 2017 is used to test the impact of fiscal decentralization on local government debt scales. The results show that the impact of fiscal decentralization on local government debt scales presents a significant inverted U-shaped relationship, that is, a lower level of fiscal decentralization will stimulate the rise of local government debt scales. As the level of fiscal decentralization expands, after reaching a certain critical value, fiscal decentralization will reduce the level of local government debts. Fiscal transparency is an important factor influencing the inflection point effect of fiscal decentralization and local government debt scales. The higher regional fiscal transparency is, the easier the inhibition effect of fiscal decentralization on local government debt scales is to squeeze out the stimulus effect, and the inflection point effect of fiscal decentralization may appear earlier. The impact of fiscal decentralization on local government debt scales is heterogeneous in different regions and at different debt risk levels.
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    Innovation-driven Strategies, Scientific and Technological Investment and High-quality Innovation in National High-tech Zones
    WANG Jinglei, CHEN Xin, HE Zenghua
    2023, 25 (3):  38-47.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.005
    Abstract ( 253 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (958KB) ( 169 )  
    Innovation-driven strategies are an important support for achieving high-quality innovation in national high-tech zones, and have become a key support for the transformation and development of national high-tech zones. However, in-depth research is needed on what impact they have on high-quality innovation. The quasi-natural experiment method was adopted to empirically test the influence of innovation-driven strategies on high-quality innovation, and the role of scientific and technological funds and talent elements was further analyzed in this process. It was shown that innovation-driven strategies have significantly promoted the high-quality innovation of national high-tech zones, and this effect has been significantly strengthened by gathering scientific and technological funds and talent elements. Moreover, it was found that innovation-driven strategies have significant impacts on the high-quality innovation of high-tech zones. There exist the heterogeneity of growth cycles and the heterogeneity of development positioning, that is, the innovation-driven strategies of “immature” and “non-world-class” high-tech zones have more significant impacts on high-quality innovation.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Service Power Governance of Urban Grassroots Party Organizations: Reasons for Action, Basis for Operation and Implementation Mechanism
    XU Jianyu
    2023, 25 (3):  48-57.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.006
    Abstract ( 246 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1078KB) ( 222 )  
    The service power governance of urban grassroots party organizations is a new governance thinking that effectively copes with the tension between the hierarchical power operation and the element-oriented life autonomy. In light of clarifying the basic essentials of the service power governance of urban grassroots party organizations from three dimensions of interpretation and technology, norm and experience, and form and function, the service authority concept based on historical stipulation and realistic situations and the pursuit of community governance reforms from public nature to common nature may constitute the reasons for action. Urban grassroots party organizations have become the operational basis of service power governance based on the power application of administrative-autonomy and organizational structure superimposition and the cross-border governance ability pointing to more integrated border management. Based on the mechanism of political absorption and governance, enabling-responding, consultation-guidance and leadership-coordination become the specific implementation mechanism of the service power governance of urban grassroots party organizations.
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    Study on the Competition-oriented Innovation Type of Governance in Urban Grassroots Communities: Based on a Tracing Case on the Governance Innovation of A Community in Chengdu
    XIE Xiaoqin
    2023, 25 (3):  58-66.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.007
    Abstract ( 320 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1026KB) ( 501 )  
    In recent years, grassroots community governance innovation activities are on the rise. The existing studies are more concerned with the basic process and functions of innovation while the types of innovation are neglected and call for more exploration. Based on the continuous case tracking of the governance innovation behaviors of A community in Chengdu, the new type of “competition-oriented innovation” is put forward. The triple driving forces of competition-oriented innovation in A community governance are bureaucratic compliance under the pressure system, striving for excellence in horizontal competition and territorial responsibility under the construction of service-oriented government. Competition-oriented innovation is more a coproduction of multi-agent interaction rather than a single action, the scenario of competition-oriented innovation includes the acceleration of time and the efficiency of space, the coupling of the window of opportunity and the window of consensus should be promoted, and the party construction leading, the government's leadership and community autonomy should be the multi-track governance mechanism for competition-oriented innovation.
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    How to Realize “Hand-in-hand” Cross-regional Environmental Governance? Based on the Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Multiple-cases
    HU Chunyan, ZHOU Fujun
    2023, 25 (3):  67-76.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.008
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML ( 15)   PDF (997KB) ( 443 )  
    Cross-regional public environmental issues keep emerging, and the horizontal coordination of local governments in cross-regional environmental governance actions is of great importance. Based on the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, a theoretical analysis framework is constructed from the perspectives of development difference, political potential, policy environment, organizational carrier and governance capability, and three paths of cross-regional environmental governance are found: “high-level dominant”, “radiation-driven” and “fully supporting”. Among them, political potential is a necessary condition for the horizontal coordinated governance of cross-regional environments. By releasing political pressure and promotion incentives, a binding force is formed that drives collective governance actions. Policy environment and organizational carrier are the sufficient conditions to provide the cooperation space and action carriers required for collective governance actions, and jointly provide constraint rules for the collaborative governance of regional environments. Development difference needs to be combined with specific conditions to affect synergistic effects. Under the interaction of compulsory restraint forces and perfect rules, cross-regional governance entities can work hand in hand to move towards coordinated co-governance. The research results have positive significance for understanding the internal logic of cross-regional environmental and horizontal coordinated governance and exploring a better environment for horizontal coordinated modes.
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    Smart City Construction from the Perspective of Municipal Social Governance Modernization: Based on the Empirical Analysis at the Prefecture Level in China
    DENG Xue, WU Jinpeng
    2023, 25 (3):  77-85.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.009
    Abstract ( 402 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (990KB) ( 319 )  
    Smart city construction is a key link in the modernization of municipal social governance. The new strategies of municipal social governance modernization point out a new direction for smart city construction. Based on the TOE framework, an empirical analysis was given on the factors influencing the development level of prefecture-level smart cities in China. The results showed that the development level of science and technology, financial resources and demand pressure are the key factors affecting the development level of smart cities, while the input of science and technology, political pressure and openness do not have significant influence on the development level of smart cities. The transformation path of smart cities from the perspective of municipal social governance modernization includes optimization of the technical governance system, enhancement of the organizational mobilization capacity and improvement of the external resources environment.
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    Study on the Driving Effect of Regional Integration on Urban Land Use Efficiency from the Spatial Perspective
    CHEN Danling, ZHAO Ke, LU Xinhai
    2023, 25 (3):  86-94.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.010
    Abstract ( 233 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (1762KB) ( 223 )  
    12 urban agglomerations in China were taken as the research object, and the random forest algorithm and the spatial econometric model were used to test the spatially driving effect of regional integration on the urban land use efficiency. The results showed that from 2013 to 2019, the level of regional integration and urban land use efficiency of 12 urban agglomerations in China fluctuates and increases in the time dimension, and a “decreasing” spatial evolution from the east to the west is featured in the spatial dimension. On the whole, regional integration has significant direct impact and spillover effect on the improvement of urban land use efficiency. From the regional perspective, the direct role of regional integration in improving urban land use efficiency is becoming stronger and stronger from the east to the west, but its spatial spillover effect is only prominent in the east. Therefore, in the process of promoting the efficient use of urban land, the regional integration strategy to speed up the transformation of land use modes should be implemented in depth, the spatial spillover between regions should be paid attention to, and the differential paths of regional integration to promote urban land use efficiency should be explored.
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    An Empirical Test of Adverse Selection in Employee Maternity Insurance
    YANG Panxu, ZHONG Renyao
    2023, 25 (3):  95-105.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.011
    Abstract ( 241 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (1104KB) ( 268 )  
    Fertility behavior can be planned, so the risks covered by maternity insurance are essentially different from other social risks. Mandatory maternity insurance has lower coverage than other social insurances for employees, which has not yet been reasonably explained. The 2015 data of China Micro and Small Enterprise Survey was used to confirm that there is a positive “coverage-risk” relationship in employee maternity insurance. The proportion of female employees represents the probability of the occurrence of “fertility risk” in an enterprise. The study found that the higher the proportion of female employees in small and micro enterprises, the more inclined enterprises to adversely selection into maternity insurance, and the average age of employees negatively moderates the relationship between the proportion of female employees and whether enterprises participate in maternity insurance. The younger the average age of employees, the more serious the adverse selection. The insurance participation behavior of small and micro enterprises is affected by the abundance of local maternity insurance fund, and the more abundant the fund, the easier it is for small and micro enterprises to avoid participating in maternity insurance. To promote the coverage of maternity insurance, it is necessary to implement mandatory social insurance for employees, and focus on the adverse selection of small and micro enterprises in insurance participation.
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    Functional Replacement of the Defaulting Party's Right of Rescission by the Mitigation Rule: Centering on the Real and Fake “Contractual Deadlocks”
    YAN Li
    2023, 25 (3):  106-115.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.012
    Abstract ( 283 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (984KB) ( 292 )  
    The defaulting party's right of rescission can solve real contractual deadlocks where nonpecuniary obligations fall into impossibility. Its normative value is to clarify that no matter whether the impossibility is attributed to the parties or not, the obligee who shall receive the nonpecuniary performance cannot release automatically from his own debt, but has to resort to the right to rescind instead. That the obligee who shall receive the nonpecuniary performance refuses to do so and hopes to rescind his own debt is the so-called fake contractual deadlock, which has unfortunately been confused with its real counterpart by theory and practice as well. Expanding the rules for real contractual deadlocks to the fake ones has invited a lot of doubt and opposition. Where a fake deadlock happens, the obligee who wants to escape from the binding force of the contract may urge the obligor to rescind the contract initially according to the mitigation rule. To this extent, the mitigation rule can be regarded as the functional replacement of the defaulting party's right of rescission.
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    Legal Regulation of Workplace Electronic Monitoring: Centering on the Principle of Proportionality
    WANG Dongfang
    2023, 25 (3):  116-123.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.013
    Abstract ( 272 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (933KB) ( 400 )  
    In the labor relations, though employers can conduct electronic monitoring on workers without obtaining their consent based on the “necessity for the implementation of human resources management”, the exercise of such monitoring power is not arbitrary and should be limited by the principle of proportionality. The legal regulation of workplace electronic monitoring should include “entity” and “procedure”. In terms of the “entity” regulation, on the one hand, when employers conduct electronic monitoring of workers based on the “necessity for the implementation of human resources management”, electronic monitoring conducted by employers should meet the requirements of appropriateness, necessity and balance. On the other hand, when employers conduct workplace electronic monitoring on workers by obtaining their consent, workers' consent should be strictly restricted. As far as the “procedure” regulation is concerned, employers should inform workers in advance before conducting workplace electronic monitoring.
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    Empirical Analysis and Precaution Measures of Corruption in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights
    FENG Xiaoqing, WANG Zhijian
    2023, 25 (3):  124-133.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.014
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (964KB) ( 480 )  
    Based on the practical manifestation of corruption in the field of intellectual property rights, the characteristics of the types of “traditional corruption”, “hidden corruption” and “grey corruption” are analyzed and the social harms are studied in terms of impairing the integrity of public power, deviating from the orientation of encouraging innovation, disturbing the order of market competition, impairing the legal rights and interests of the subjects, and affecting the international image of China, and etc. The study found that the phenomenon of intellectual property corruption will be long-term existence in a certain period, and is characterized by diverse forms, spiral repeated development, and a certain fluctuation. The reasons of such corruption are explored including the natural relationship between intellectual property rights and public power, the inadequacy of examination and approval mechanisms and security systems, and the serious imbalance of the cost-benefit ratio of corruption. Accordingly, corruption in the field of intellectual property rights should be handled by perfecting the guarantee system of “examination and approval”, “rights”, “supervision” and “punishment”.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    From Subjectivity to Objectivity: Criticism and Breakthrough of Carlson's Environmental Aesthetics to Traditional Natural Aesthetics
    LIU Xiyan
    2023, 25 (3):  134-142.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.015
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (962KB) ( 479 )  
    Western traditional natural aesthetics has a strong color of “subjectivity”: nature itself lacks aesthetic value. The reason why it is judged as “beautiful” is that its certain characteristics are in line with the aesthetic needs of human beings (sensory level or spiritual level). This kind of concept not only makes natural aesthetics become a vassal of human will and lose the meaning and value of independent existence, but also causes the tension between humans and nature and intensifies the ecological crisis. Carlson advocates “objectivity”, namely, the establishment of an “object-oriented aesthetic appreciation theory”—“the nature itself and its factual attributes” as the research object, “appreciating the nature on its own terms” as the research method, and “deeply understanding and consciously respecting the intrinsic value of the nature” as the research goal. This theory not only meets the requirements of aesthetic reconstruction and can provide the theoretical basis for the legitimacy of natural aesthetics, but also meets the requirements of environmental protection theories, so that natural environmental aesthetics can become a solid foundation of environmental ethics. Thus, it is an appropriate path of natural aesthetics.
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    What Is Urban Literary Interdisciplinary Studies?
    WANG Taohua, HUANG Meiqi
    2023, 25 (3):  143-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.03.016
    Abstract ( 274 )   HTML ( 9)   PDF (941KB) ( 271 )  
    Urban literary interdisciplinary studies has emerged in the western academia in the past decade, in which the Finnish School, by proposing the concept of “citiness”, explores urban literature in the interdisciplinary context of both literary studies and urban studies. By examining the formative logic of this trend and the theoretical significance of “citiness” with representative works of the Finnish School and frontier theories in urban studies, it can be found that as the research target of the Finnish School, the studies on “citiness” represent a quest for the disciplinary identity of urban literature. Though this concept is in itself an uncertain signifier, a comparative analysis of urban, social and regional issues offers a macro contemplation on the research scope and orientation of urban literary interdisciplinary studies: issues of cities should be distinguished from issues in cities to avoid the excessive extension of the research scope; particular issues of a certain city should be distinguished from general issues of cities around the world, thus reorienting the vision from local “citiness” to global “citiness”.
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