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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Metaverse Thinking in the Perspective of Taoism: Defense, Idea and Guidelines
    SAI Zihao
    2023, 25 (4):  1-8.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.001
    Abstract ( 327 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (987KB) ( 445 )  
    Metaverse is facing essence criticisms about falsehood in ontology and nihility in axiology. Taoism can provide defense,idea and guidelines for metaverse. In taoism, metaverse does not confuse true and false, metaverse living in the full-body immersion form is also not necessarily slide into nihility. There is no “original sins” so-called for metaverse. “Play” of free and happy in taoism can provide idea for metaverse, “satiety then play” insists on the conformity and concerns to the realistic benefits. “Leisurely play” keeps distance and transcendence from the realistic universe. “Bugan”“Buren”“Buzai”“Buzheng”, which are included in “Wuwei” in taoism, can provide practical guidelines for metaverse to avoid security, equity, freedom, and environment risks that may be brought about by metaverse technology.
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    Analysis of the Evolution Law of Technophobia
    WANG Bin , KONG Yan
    2023, 25 (4):  8-14.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.002
    Abstract ( 318 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (981KB) ( 339 )  
    Modern technophobia has been attached to technology and evolved along with its development and progress since its birth. The evolution of technophobia is a comprehensive process of ephemeral process and co-occurrence. Combining the four dialectical relationships of technology between the known and the unknown, the simple and the complex, the existential and the real, and the explicit and the implicit, the study finds that the evolution of technophobia is the evolution of the known fear of technological backwardness towards the unknown fear of technological advancement, the evolution of the monistic fear of single technology towards the multifaceted fear of compound technology, the evolution of the real fear of technological phenomenon towards the existential fear of technological system, and the evolution of the explicit fear of death technology towards the implicit fear of life technology. The regular cognition of technophobia will be conducive to dissipating the negative effects of technophobia while bringing into play the positive values of technophobia and truly promoting the realization of the purposeful value of technology in serving people.
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    Economics and Management
    Research on the Optimization of Fiscal Expenditure Structure in Different Stages of the Economic Cycle: Based on the Dynamic Effect of Fiscal Expenditure Structure on Economic Growth
    JIN Chunyu, XU Yueyue
    2023, 25 (4):  15-25.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.003
    Abstract ( 423 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (1978KB) ( 419 )  
    Under the framework of the extended endogenous economic growth model, this paper uses SV-TVP-FAVAR model to analyze the optimization and adjustment direction of fiscal expenditure structure in different stages of the economic cycle. The results show that during the recession caused by the economic crisis, the structural optimization direction of increasing the proportion of economic construction expenditure and health expenditure is more effective in promoting economic recovery. However, when the cause is the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is more effective to increase the proportion of health expenditure, cultural expenditure and educational expenditure. In the period of economic recovery, the structural optimization direction of increasing the proportion of cultural and educational expenditure and health expenditure is more effective in regulating economic growth. In the period of economic stability, the structural optimization direction of increasing the proportion of economic construction expenditure and cultural and educational expenditure is more effective in regulating economic growth.
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    Urban Belonging, Identity and Willingness of Migrant Workers to Return Home:An Empirical Study Based on CMDS Data
    SUN Zhenglin, ZHANG Zhiruo, CHEN Junlong
    2023, 25 (4):  25-36.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.004
    Abstract ( 384 )   HTML ( 15)   PDF (1059KB) ( 868 )  
    The overall promotion of rural revitalization is limited by insufficient human resources to a certain extent. The return of urban migrant workers is conducive to solving the problem of rural employment. Based on CMDS data in 2018, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of urban belonging on migrant workers' willingness to return home, examines the heterogeneity effect, and tests the mediating effect of identity between urban belonging and migrant workers' willingness to return home. The results show that urban belonging has a significant negative impact on migrant workers' willingness to return home. Migrant workers' willingness to return home is also affected by regional differences, age, health status, mobility characteristics, family endowment and so on. From the perspective of influence mechanism, identity plays an important mediating role. Based on these conclusions, we should strengthen the overall planning of urban and rural development, develop relevant institutional arrangements in urban and rural areas according to local conditions, optimize the allocation of migrant workers' resources in urban and rural areas, and promote the new trend of urban-rural integration.
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    The Influence Mechanism of Maladaptive Perfectionism on Employees' Taking Charge Behavior
    ZHANG Lanxia, CUI Wanying, MAO Mengyu
    2023, 25 (4):  37-47.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.005
    Abstract ( 212 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1107KB) ( 691 )  
    According to the work-family resource model, through the analysis of 305 valid data collected at two time points, this paper explores the impact of maladaptive work/family perfectionism on employees' taking charge behavior, and reveals the mediating role of work-family conflict/family-work conflict and the moderating role of perceived social support (organizational support perception and family support perception). The results show that maladaptive work/family perfectionism has a significant negative impact on employees' taking charge behavior. Work-family conflict/family-work conflict plays a mediating role between maladaptive work perfectionism/maladaptive family perfectionism and employees' taking charge behavior. Perception of organizational support/family support perception not only moderates the negative relationship between maladaptive work perfectionism/maladaptive family perfectionism and work-family conflict/family-work conflict, but also regulates the intermediary role of work-family conflict/family-work conflict between maladaptive work perfectionism/maladaptive family perfectionism and taking charge behavior.
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    Income Inequality, Social Fairness and Subjective Well-being
    ZHANG Lisi, ZHANG Ziwei
    2023, 25 (4):  48-58.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.006
    Abstract ( 715 )   HTML ( 28)   PDF (1051KB) ( 721 )  
    Pursuing people's happiness is the ultimate goal of economic development. Income inequality and social fairness have an important impact on subjective well-being subjective well-being. Based on inequality aversion model and opportunity inequality theory, this study constructs a model of individual labor market participation by using the micro data of China general social survey and explores the impact of income inequality, perceived and actual fairness on subjective well-being. The results of research show that income inequality and subjective well-being have an inverted U-shaped relationship. The impact of income inequality on subjective well-being increases with the increase of perceived fairness. When the Gini coefficient reaches the inflection point, the positive impact of income inequality on subjective well-being disappears, and the negative impact of income inequality on subjective well-being decreases with the increase of perceived fairness. Compared with counties with higher actual fairness, in lower actual fairness counties, perceived fairness regulates income inequality and has a greater positive effect on subjective well-being.
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    Digital-energy Coupling Coordination and Energy Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis Based on Digital and Energy Provinces
    YU Ziling, MA Lili, REN Mengcheng
    2023, 25 (4):  59-69.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.007
    Abstract ( 268 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (1051KB) ( 460 )  
    The digital-energy coupling coordination index and its direct, indirect, nonlinear, and spatial spillover effects on energy efficiency are studied based on the realistic environment of in-depth development of digital systems and digital transformation of energy systems. It is found that digital-energy coupling coordination directly affect energy efficiency improvement. Among them, digital-energy coupling coordination indirectly affects energy efficiency improvement through technological progress and energy substitution in strong energy and digital provinces, respectively. There are nonlinear characteristics of increasing marginal effects. Strong digital provinces have significant spatial spillover effects on energy efficiency from digital-energy coupling coordination, but strong energy provinces do not. Therefore, we should speed up the construction of the “east-data-west-computing” project and implement dynamic and differentiated digital-energy coupling coordination strategies to improve energy efficiency and build a strong energy nation.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Evaluation and Optimization of Cyberspace Content Governance Policies: An Analysis Based on PMC Index Model
    ZHOU Jianqing, ZHANG Shizheng
    2023, 25 (4):  70-80.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.008
    Abstract ( 346 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (3473KB) ( 625 )  
    The contradiction between the complex and changeable cyberspace and the stable and harmonious real society is becoming more and more prominent, which needs relevant policy design to respond. Based on the cyberspace content governance policies issued by the National Internet Information Office since its establishment, this paper, on basis of discussing policy expression logic combined with the existing research, constructs a PMC index model to evaluate cyberspace content governance policies. The results show that there is a lack of network content identification policies. Some policies pay less attention to risk assessment, system construction and social supervision, and there are such problems as unreasonable use of tools, incomplete policy fields, insufficient policy effectiveness and so on. PMC index has strong correlations with policy tools, policy fields and policy functions, and weak correlations with policy nature and policy strategies. We should promote the optimization of cyberspace content governance policies from the aspects of improving policy effectiveness, optimizing administrative structures and innovating the application of policy tools.
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    Exogenous Drive and Endogenous Development: The Practical Path and Promotion Mechanism of Rural Revitalization According to fsQCA Analysis Based on 26 Typical Cases in China
    MAN Xiaoou, LI Heyun, LOU Chengwu
    2023, 25 (4):  81-88.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.009
    Abstract ( 720 )   HTML ( 24)   PDF (999KB) ( 1638 )  
    The implementation of rural revitalization is a major strategy to realize agricultural and rural modernization and common prosperity of urban and rural areas on the basis of grasping the changes and development laws of urban-rural relations in China. This paper uses fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to analyze “the first batch of typical cases of rural revitalization in China”, and explores the influencing factors, combination path and promotion mechanism of rural revitalization practice. The research shows that rural revitalization is the comprehensive result of the combination of multiple “exogenous-endogenous” factors. Organizational guarantee and basic support are indispensable factors for rural revitalization, and ecological construction is an effective breakthrough for rural revitalization. We should properly solve the problem of effective connection between internal forces and external resources, establish an implementation mechanism of the integration of “exogenous drive” and “endogenous development”, realize the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and promote the common prosperity of urban and rural areas by giving full play to the guiding role of the government's “exogenous introduction” and “endogenous training”, reconstructing the rural governance community, and promoting the coordinated development of “exogenous and endogenous” between urban and rural areas.
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    The Innovative Logic for Inclusive Development of Public Services: An Analysis Based on 60 Typical Cases Worldwide
    LIN Rongquan
    2023, 25 (4):  89-97.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.010
    Abstract ( 434 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (995KB) ( 514 )  
    Through a qualitative content analysis method, this paper studies 60 award-winning cases of UN public service awards from 2015 to 2020, refines and summarizes the innovative logic of inclusive development of public service. It is found in the study that inclusive development of public services has three innovative logics: policy innovation, process innovation and governance innovation. Among them, policy innovation demonstrates the concept of “leaving no one behind” and emphasizes responding to the needs of special groups through differentiated public service supply and expanding their development opportunities, so that everyone can have equal access to public services. Process innovation emphasizes that technology can empower the holistic service supply and thus improve the public service capacity so that more people can enjoy high-quality public services. Governance innovation emphasizes the joint provision of public services by multiple entities and the enhancement of cooperation among entities to promote the joint creation of public value.
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    Issues-formation and Doubts-formation: Two Models of Burden of Proof for the Defenders
    WANG Ruijian
    2023, 25 (4):  97-106.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.011
    Abstract ( 215 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1035KB) ( 199 )  
    With the “three rules” going into effect, both issues and doubts have been introduced into criminal procedures, and they differ in the basic attributes, modes of action and main functions. Issues-formation and doubts-formation are two forms of the defenders' burden of proof, but they have long faced many misunderstandings. Issues-formation arises from the common law, which is combined with the burden of producing evidence, and has become the basic content of the burden of proof. Doubts-formation comes from the civil law and is regarded as the inevitable result of the inquisitorial system. At the normative level in China, issues-formation and doubts-formation are reflected, but there are changes in the forms of responsibility. The burden of producing evidence is diluted, and the relatively independent issues-formation has formed. The inquisitorial system is weakened, while the strong doubts-formation has emerged. The improved burdens of issues-formation and doubts-formation coexist in China's criminal procedure, in which there is a possibility of transformation. Based on the different matters, a hierarchical theory of combining both burdens comes into being.
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    The Theoretical Construction and Institutional Response of the State Guardian
    WANG Zhengxin
    2023, 25 (4):  107-115.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.012
    Abstract ( 262 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (1013KB) ( 299 )  
    Although the guardianship system is mainly stipulated in civil law and regulations, it does not mean it is of natural private law attribute or the civil administration department performs state guardianship duties as civil subject. The state guardian falls into guardianship field to fulfill public law duties in an official capacity. Meanwhile, there exist public law legal relations in the state guardian, the person under guardianship and the third party. To solve the institutional dilemma of the state guardian due to the lack of legal systems and their long-term ineffectiveness and build an operational state guardianship system, the public legal status of the state guardian should be acknowledged and different forms of legal relations in the state guardian, the person under guardianship and the third party should be taken into account. The institutional framework should cover responsibility mechanism based on administrative entrustment theory and supervision mechanism on the administrative public welfare litigation.
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    On the Winding-up Relationship After Termination of Contract
    LYU Bin
    2023, 25 (4):  116-125.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.013
    Abstract ( 272 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1035KB) ( 697 )  
    The second half of Article 566(1) in Civil Code respectively provides for the right of claim with the contents of “restitution”, “taking other remedial measures” and “compensation for losses”. The claim right with the content of “restitution” (as a primary right) is a unique right born out of the winding-up relationship after termination of contract, while the claim right with the content of “taking other remedial measures” and the claim right with the content of “compensation for losses” are remedy rights of the claim right with the content of “restitution”. Based on the norm of “restitution”, the obligor in the winding-up relationship after termination of contract has the obligation to return benefits received by performance. Based on the norm of “taking other remedial measures”, the obligor in the winding-up relationship after termination of contract should bear different forms of liability of specific performance in a broad sense according to different circumstances where the obligation of restitution was violated. Based on the norm of “compensation for losses”, the obligor in the winding-up relationship after termination of contract should bear the liability to pay the value of benefit, which is premised on the fact that it is impossible for the obligor to perform the obligation of restitution.
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    Procedural Dependency Elements in the Composition of Crime
    ZOU Yuxiang
    2023, 25 (4):  126-136.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.014
    Abstract ( 226 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1038KB) ( 404 )  
    As a special element of crime, procedure dependency elements require that the establishment of the crime must be involved in specific administrative act. Whether a conviction or punishment is necessary is judged based on the reaction of the actor. Procedure dependency elements are often expressed in the form of administrative imperative provisions, and characterized by objectivity, remediation, and intervention. The systematic positioning of these elements should be explored separately in conjunction with specific expressions in different crimes, and should not be treated as the same. The objective punishment condition theory cannot accord with the particularity of procedural dependency elements, or reasonably solve the problems faced by this element. Therefore, the crime constitutive elements theory should be supported. As for the identification of procedural dependency elements, we should focus on the realization of the normative purpose of the elements. As long as a specific administrative act plays a substantial role in assisting the actor to realize his own wrongful act, the procedural restrictions can be considered satisfied. If the actor refuses to repent and meets other conditions, he can be convicted and punished.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    On the Transmission of the Literariness of Mo Yan's Works from the Perspective of World Literature
    SHAO Lu, YU Yajing
    2023, 25 (4):  137-143.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.015
    Abstract ( 501 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (994KB) ( 853 )  
    Mo Yan's work has been selected in The Norton Anthology of World Literature, and has entered the world literature. However, the academic circle overemphasized the external factors such as economy, politics and the symbolic capital of the Nobel Prize, and ignored the intrinsic literary value of Mo Yan's works. This paper explores the literary journey of Mo Yan's works in world literature from two aspects, i.e. the localization and the translation of literariness in his works. From the author's perspective, Mo Yan borrows from foreign literature the writing technique and narrative style, and takes root in Chinese context. His works have special literary significance. From the perspective of the translator, Howard Goldblatt not only pays attention to the transmission of literariness, but also improves the aesthetic value of the translation by adding literary elements, such as rhymes, images and metaphors, etc. Whether Chinese literature can go to the world and become world literature, it involves two procedures-bringing in and going out, which are influenced respectively by the author and the translator. Among them, the accurate transmission of literariness is the decisive factor.
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    Cross-media Integration of Literature and Sci-fiction Films: A Case Study of Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and the Sun
    LI Wenting
    2023, 25 (4):  144-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2023.04.016
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (1001KB) ( 654 )  
    Klara and the Sun is the latest masterpiece of the British Japanese writer Kazuo Ishiguro. The novel is set in a future society with rapid development of science and technology, and describes the observation of Klara, a child intelligent robot with extremely human characteristics, and her reflection on human society, as well as her encounter and separation from Josie's family. As his new sci-fiction work, Klara and the Sun reflects the integration of literature and film, and shows the perfect combination of sci-fiction elements and novel creation, and the author's artistic practice of breaking through language restrictions and promoting the integration of multiple media. In Klara and the Sun, Kazuo Ishiguro not only incorporated the T-800 in Terminator Ⅱ into the creation of the protagonist's image in the novel, presenting human metaphors and reflections on racism with a broad critical vision, but also creatively presented the geometric visual picture at the end of science fiction classic 2001: a Space Odyssey as Klara's subjective observation mode, showing the collision between science and technology and humanities, so as to realize the cross-media integration of literature and sci-fiction films.
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