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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Research on Non-causal Explanation Based on Counterfactual
    LI Dexin, LIU Wenran
    2024, 26 (4):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.001
    Abstract ( 255 )   HTML ( 26)   PDF (1146KB) ( 386 )  
    In the case of counterfactual, the theory of non-causal explanation can better achieve explanatory power in the practice of explanation, and there are counterfactuals in the theories of non-causal explanation such as the counterfactual theory of explanation, structural model explanation and optimality model explanation. However, the combination of counterfactual and non-causal explanation is not sufficient. In the process of applying counterfactual to non-causal explanation, the problem of asymmetry and overcoverage of non-causal explanation are caused, and the problem that all types of non-causal explanation cannot be covered based on counterfactual. The key to solving these problems is to adhere to the explanatory stance of pluralistic intervention liberalism. The combination of explanatory pluralism and structural equation models provides a possible solution to the problems arising from the above explanatory cases, thus realizing the rationality defense of non-causal explanations.
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    Exploring the Legitimacy of Naturalized Phenomenology
    SHU Haibo
    2024, 26 (4):  8-14.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.002
    Abstract ( 143 )   HTML ( 14)   PDF (963KB) ( 311 )  
    Naturalized phenomenology is the theoretical crystallization of the union of naturalism and phenomenology, and its essence is to integrate the theoretical insights of classical phenomenology into the explanatory framework of naturalism. Although transcendental phenomenology and naturalism have long been in a sharp opposition, the phenomenology of psychology, as a component of phenomenology, has not abandoned the natural attitude and is therefore inherently compatible with naturalism. Consequently, the reasonable approach of naturalized phenomenology can only be the naturalization of phenomenological psychology. At the same time, naturalized phenomenology is essentially a weakened methodological naturalism which reshapes our understanding of nature itself with a non-reductive natural concept, thus providing a broad space for productive dialogue, communication, and exchange between phenomenology and empirical science.
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    The Ethical Risks and Reflections on Bioprinting Technology for Lifelike Organisms
    WANG Xiaodi
    2024, 26 (4):  15-21.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.003
    Abstract ( 165 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (947KB) ( 281 )  
    The application and development of lifelike bioprinting technology has triggered great changes in the field of modern biomedical science. At the same time, a series of ethical crises, risks, and challenges have arisen in areas such as “bioprinting form”, “intervention form” and “enhancement form”. Therefore, there is an urgent need to conduct ethical reviews on the development of bioprinting technology for lifelike organisms. During this process, it is necessary to use the theory of “target-centered virtue ethics” to treat technological enthusiasm prudently, endow this technology with medical humanistic value care, and formulate ethical regulations of “prohibition permission” from “form similarity” to “spirit similarity” so as to resolve the ethical issues arising from the bioprinting, intervention, and enhancement of lifelike organisms.
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    Philosophical Reflection on AI-Based Moral Enhancement Approaches
    ZHOU Jinglin, ZHOU Teng
    2024, 26 (4):  21-28.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.004
    Abstract ( 212 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (988KB) ( 395 )  
    To guard against crises threatening human existence, moral enhancement has entered the agenda of technological ethics. In response to the numerous drawbacks of biomedical moral enhancement, various AI-based moral enhancement approaches have been proposed, which can be categorized as AI serving as a “substitute”, “advisor”, or “interlocutor” in human moral decision-making. The “substitute” approach may lead to the demise of morality and hinder moral progress, but it is suitable for emergencies. The “advisor” approach might diminish human agency and rigidify their moral conceptions, yet it is appropriate for everyday decisions. The “interlocutor” approach might help users achieve moral growth but fails to provide moral motivation. A hybrid moral enhancement approach applies these strategies to different scenarios, invoking the “substitute” mode in emergencies, activating the “advisor” mode in daily moral decision-making contexts, and entering the “interlocutor” mode during the idle time. This hybrid approach capitalizes on the advantages of each approach while avoiding their shortcomings. However, the hybrid approach still requires the support of biomedical moral enhancement to boost users' moral motivation and should be integrated into compulsory educational programs.
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    Economics and Management
    Study on the Relationship Between Social Development, Social Justice Perception and Subjective Well-being: An Empirical Analysis Based on CGSS 2018 Data
    LI Zhuo, WANG Yantao, ZHANG Hongyang
    2024, 26 (4):  29-41.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.005
    Abstract ( 241 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (1605KB) ( 369 )  
    Continuously enhancing the happiness of the people is a key goal of the CPC and the Chinese government. Based on CGSS data of 2018, a hierarchical linear model is constructed to empirically analyze the relationship between social development, social justice perception, and subjective well-being. The results show that social development and social justice perception both have a positive impact on the subjective well-being of citizens. The influence of social justice perception on subjective well-being is regulated by the level of social development, and social development and social justice perception have a substitution effect on the influence of subjective well-being. In provinces with lower levels of social development, the central and western regions and rural areas, the impact of social justice perception on subjective well-being is greater. Therefore, these provinces and regions with lower levels of development will face dual pressures in promoting social development and social equity in the future. They should strive to avoid the negative effects of underdevelopment and social injustice on well-being of the citizens. Provinces and regions with higher levels of development should focus on the transformation from a relatively large total development volume to a higher development quality to further improve the social justice and add to the well-being of the citizens.
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    Home Market Size and the Manufacturing Export Complexity: Based on the Perspective of Domestic and International Market Synergy
    AN Gang, WANG Jia, DI Wenhui
    2024, 26 (4):  42-51.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.006
    Abstract ( 153 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1009KB) ( 367 )  
    Under the new development pattern of “dual circulation”, it is particularly important to leverage China's super large market advantage to enhance the complexity of export products. A theoretical model was constructed in the study to examine the impact of home market size on export complexity, and empirical tests were conducted using export data of 205 manufacturing products from 147 countries (regions). The research results indicate that home market size has a significant promoting effect on manufacturing export complexity, and this effect is more prominent in countries with high-level digital infrastructure, countries without large neighbors, and developing countries. Channel tests show that home market size can affect manufacturing export complexity by improving the level of technological innovation. In addition, based on the perspective of domestic and international market synergy, it is found that the import dependence of developing countries has a synergistic effect with the size of the home market, which can promote the increase of export complexity, while its export dependence has a negative effect. However, the opposite is true in developed countries.
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    How Can Multi-agent Collaboration Achieve High Digital Innovation Performance? A Configuration Study Based on the Perspective of Digital Innovation Ecosystem
    LIU Jingtao, NING Lianju, GAO Qifang
    2024, 26 (4):  52-64.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.007
    Abstract ( 145 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (1096KB) ( 387 )  
    From the perspective of the digital innovation ecosystem, the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method is used in the study to explore the configuration path of how the multi-agent collaboration model can achieve high digital innovation performance. It is found that in the digital innovation ecosystem, there are no prerequisite conditions for achieving high digital innovation performance. Instead, a diverse configuration emerges from the collaborative combination of five elements. There are four distinct configuration paths with the characteristic of “different paths leading to the same goal” for achieving high digital innovation performance, including a “dual-driven model with universities and scientific research institutions assisted by the government and digital users”, a “triple-driven model encompassing collaborative enterprises, digital users and government”, a “dual-driven model centered on collaborative enterprises and financing intermediaries with assistance from digital users” and a “dual-driven model led by the government and financing intermediaries with universities and scientific research institutions at the helm”, as well as a configuration path for achieving non-high digital innovation performance. There are differences in the nature of enterprises in the configuration path for achieving high digital innovation performance.
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    How Can Enterprises Attract Flexible Employees? An fsQCA Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
    WANG Xin, HE Chen, TONG Qingzhu
    2024, 26 (4):  65-72.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.008
    Abstract ( 140 )   HTML ( 0)   PDF (1003KB) ( 250 )  
    Flexible employees inject new vitality into enterprises and meet the development needs of enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Based on the framework of the theory of planned behavior, this study analyzed the influencing factors of employment choice through semi-structured interviews with 28 flexible employees, and used fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to construct configurations of 332 questionnaire results. It is found that the employment choice of flexible employees is influenced by salary and welfare, working conditions, role clarity, social group support, perceived usefulness and self-efficacy. A single antecedent condition is not a necessary condition for high employment choice behavior. The paths to achieving high employment choice behavior can be summarized into three categories: behavioral attitude type, attitude-subjective norm synergy type and self-perception type.
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    Politics and Public Management
    The Determinants and Promotion Paths of Municipal Government Service Hotline Quality: An Integrative Multi-method Research from the Perspective of Public Value
    LI Jiangping, LEI Hongzhu
    2024, 26 (4):  73-84.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.009
    Abstract ( 165 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (1066KB) ( 491 )  
    The coordinated development of government service hotline (GSH) is critical to the success of holistic digital government construction. Based on the public value theory, we constructed a comprehensive analysis framework, and adopted an integrative multi-method to explore the determinants and high-level development paths of municipal GSH quality. The results show that institutional arrangement, technology application and management ability, public demand, peer competition pressure, as well as organizational financial resources are the positive factors affecting municipal GSH quality. Among them, institutional arrangement, technology application and management ability and public demand are also the core conditions to achieve its high-level performance. There are three high-quality urban GSH development models: environment-driven, value-capability-driven, and comprehensive-driven. To this end, cities with delayed development of GSH should focus on perfecting the institutional arrangement, responding to public demand, creating a learning and competitive atmosphere, enhancing personnel's digital literacy, and constructing GSH according to local conditions.
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    Configuration Analysis of the Diffusion of the Chinese Government Chief Data Officer System
    HAN Xiao, YANG Zhichuan, SONG Yi
    2024, 26 (4):  85-92.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.010
    Abstract ( 101 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (1066KB) ( 231 )  
    To shed light on the drivers of the diffusion of government chief data officer (CDO) systems,this study constructs a theoretical analysis framework for the diffusion of the government CDO system based on neo-institutionalism theory, resource slack theory, and organizational adaptation theory, combined with local government practice. Using csQCA method, this paper analyzes the motivations and mechanisms behind the diffusion of the government CDO system across Chinese cities. The study finds that the diffusion of the government CDO system is not the result of a single factor but the interplay of multiple factors. Three types of conditional configurations are identified, i.e. pressure-adaptation type, which is driven by public demands and technological application capabilities for local government adoption; adaptation type, that is, local governments with high data governance capabilities and technical application capabilities will actively adopt the government chief data officer system to adapt to the digitalization trend; pressure-resource type, that is, the combined effects of urbanization rate, public demand, and the level of development of the digital economy will promote local governments to adopt the government CDO system.
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    On the Justification Basis for the Establishment of Real Estate Tax in China: A New Perspective Based on “Intergenerational Equity of Civil Space Development Right”
    XUE Yusong
    2024, 26 (4):  93-102.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.011
    Abstract ( 130 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (993KB) ( 222 )  
    There are many structural problems in China's current real estate tax system, such as fragmented rules, narrow scope of taxation and unfair distribution of tax burden, but due to the failure to clarify the justification basis for the establishment of real estate tax, the expansion of the system and optimization of the structure of this tax have been stagnant for a long time, which has led to local financial risks and wealth inequality issues that cannot be ignored. In order to ensure and promote the intergenerational equity of the civil space development right, the institutional construction of a broad-based real estate tax should not only focus on the differentiated target orientation of the tax in the context of council tax and property tax, but also clarify the differences between the legal and economic attributes of buildings and land, especially the narrow and broad residential interests carried by residential real estate. This can be used to explore tax design schemes centered on the “real estate separatism”, so as to better measure and capture the spatial value and natural appreciation of real estate, thereby eliminating reasonable doubts and legitimate criticisms from all sectors about the new economic burden.
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    Reviewing and Reflecting on the Construction of Digital Rule-of-Law Government Under the Background of New Technologies
    DENG Xujian
    2024, 26 (4):  103-111.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.012
    Abstract ( 133 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (996KB) ( 333 )  
    Currently, the construction of a “digital rule-of-law government” has fallen into certain misconceptions and exposed some problems. Theoretical research in the “macro plan construction” section suffers from “preconceived” technical bias and “misinterpretation” cognitive bias. Some fast-food-style research and hot-topic-oriented explorations in the “specific technology application” section have led to non-ideal states in the validity of research conclusions, the limitations of research subjects, the dimensions of research content, and the breadth of research results applicability. In practice, government departments have also revealed a certain tendency towards formalism in dealing with technical loopholes, responding to assessment indicators, exploring digital dividends, integrating departmental resources, and reconciling traditional administrative procedures. To address these issues, it is necessary to correct and respond to deviations from two dimensions: strengthening technical support and enhancing top-level design. This can be achieved by strengthening technical learning and empowering discipline research, valuing technology application and supporting discipline research, streamlining institutional mechanisms and clarifying division of responsibilities, unifying technical standards and eliminating information islands, abandoning the pursuit of political achievements while also considering the relief of rights, and improving legal regulation to balance value conflicts.
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    Canonical Construction of Effective Mandatory Provisions: The Absence and Rectification of Elements
    JIANG Jianxiang, ZHAO Yuan
    2024, 26 (4):  112-120.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.013
    Abstract ( 121 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (984KB) ( 240 )  
    In the realm of judicial practice, the categorization of mandatory provisions into effective and regulatory is instrumental in preventing unwarranted intrusions within the public law sphere and in striking a balance between regulatory control and individual autonomy. This conceptual framework endeavors to bifurcate mandatory provisions based on their normative essence, thereby delineating their distinct impacts on the efficacy of legal transactions. It is steeped in the philosophy of public law regulation, which presupposes that certain societal public interests are categorically superior to individual interests. However, this approach overlooks the fact that social interests are inherently aligned with, and ultimately serve, individual interests, which in turn can transform into social interests. Consequently, the private law principle of specific assessment of the legality and its effects should be embraced. Moreover, the assessment of legal transactions' validity should not be devoid of consideration for the subjective elements pertaining to private entities. The declaration of legal acts as invalid represents the most severe consequence within private law. Additionally, the intrinsic traits of commercial endeavors, characterized by the pursuit of profit and liberal ideologies, necessitate a more circumspect application of invalidity to commercial transactions. Ultimately, it is crucial to refrain from indiscriminately applying the private law logic of contract effectiveness and enforceability to the public legal system, given the significant disparities in the extent of intervention in private law autonomy.
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    The “Preservation Type Self-help” in China's Criminal Law
    LUO Yuli
    2024, 26 (4):  121-129.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.014
    Abstract ( 155 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (987KB) ( 166 )  
    The “preservation type self-help” should serve as a defensive mechanism within the framework of China's criminal law, yet it should not be a direct replication of the German theory. If the means employed to safeguard the rights of obligee meet with requirements of the crime of intentional injury, illegal detention or other crimes, then the “preservation type self-help” is unnecessary and inapplicable. If the protective measures amount to the crime of intentionally damaging property, the “preservation type self-help” may still be invoked when the action is deemed necessary and the property in question is of minor value. It is necessary to admit that self-help can be applied in the cases in which the obligee takes away or distrains the property of the obligor or collects the personal information of the obligor to safeguard his rights. In the former case, the establishment of such measures should be in accordance with article 1177 of the Civil Code, which stipulates the requirement to “immediately request court processing”. Conversely, the latter scenario should not be constrained by this stipulation.
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    Marxism Theory
    On the Significance of Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence to Human Freedom and Liberation
    JI Chiran, BAO Guoguang
    2024, 26 (4):  130-136.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.015
    Abstract ( 311 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (955KB) ( 453 )  
    Human freedom and liberation are the ideal goals of social development depicted by Marx and Engels. Marx saw the possibility of human freedom and liberation through the application of machines and automatic machine systems that replace manual labor of workers, and predicted the emergence of special “automatic machines” such as “artificial intelligence” to replace the “intellectual” labor of workers. Artificial intelligence is an inevitable result of the development and externalization of human intelligence, as well as the pursuit of surplus value by capital and the use of intelligent machine systems to replace the labor of “white-collar workers”. The innovative application of artificial intelligence has reshaped the free time of human beings, but the artificial intelligence system has become a means of labor and working conditions for the use of capital, freely occupying the value created by the labor of some members of society, triggering issues regarding “distribution fairness”, “labor justice” and so on, and also putting out new requirements for changing capitalist production relations.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Effects of Translator Capital on Translation and Dissemination Process: Taking Qu Qiubai's Translation Practice as an Example
    HU Xi, WANG Jianhua
    2024, 26 (4):  137-142.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.016
    Abstract ( 136 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (944KB) ( 159 )  
    According to Bourdieu's conception of capital, the accumulation of cultural capital, social capital, and symbolic capital by translators has a decisive impact on their performance in translation activities. By applying the theory of capital to the study of Qiu Baibai's capital structure and types, this research analyzes the effects of translator capital on the process of translation and the dissemination of translated works. It is found that Qu Qiubai's translator capital is mainly cultural capital, supplemented by social capital and symbolic capital. It runs through the three stages of pre-translation, translation, and post-translation, affecting his translation motivation, material selection, translation mode, concepts and strategy, as well as the publication, reprinting, and dissemination of his translated works.
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    Sharing, Resonance, and Consensus Between the Earth and Humanity: The Ecological Community in N. K. Jemisin's The Broken Earth Trilogy
    CAO Jinrong
    2024, 26 (4):  143-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.04.017
    Abstract ( 172 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (4381KB) ( 458 )  
    The Broken Earth trilogy by three-time Hugo Award winner N. K. Jemisin challenges anthropocentric views, presenting a fresh post-humanist philosophy. Through the literary devices of anthropomorphism and petromorphism, the trilogy constructs an ecological community where humans and the Earth coexist symbiotically. The Earth is personified, endowed with perception, desideration, and cognition, shattering the binary notion of “human/non-human”. Post-humans, influenced by petromorphism, converge with the Earth both physiologically and psychologically. The guardians share the Earth's perception via core stone, seeking redemption amidst the “pain of the other”. The stone eaters resonate with the desires of the Earth, striving for reconciliation between the Earth and humanity. Orogenes, through immersive planetary experiences, come to terms with humanity's insignificance and greed, ultimately understanding the symbiotic bond between humans and the Earth.
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