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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the Obsolescence of Man: The Core Issue of Anders' Critique of Reification
    ZHU Chunyan, TIAN Wenjun
    2024, 26 (5):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.001
    Abstract ( 384 )   PDF (985KB) ( 660 )  
    “The obsolescence of man” is the core issue of Anders' critique of reification, which emerged in his life experience and matured in his critical process from “shame of Prometheus” to “fetishism of technology”. According to the logical path of various technologies' reification of human body and soul, the analysis of the reification of human body by machine technology, the reification of human eyes and ears by mass media, the reification of human emotion and consciousness by nuclear technology, and the reification of human nature by “ergonomics” can reveal the diachronic evolution of Anders' critique of reification. Anders' critique of reification has the usual pessimistic background of humanist technical philosophers, but it also illuminates the “blind spots” of western Marxist research by exploiting the audience labor.
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    On the “Pure Reason” Technical Planning of Mathematical Metaphysics
    LI Hongwei, ZHONG Xujuan
    2024, 26 (5):  8-14.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.002
    Abstract ( 162 )   PDF (977KB) ( 239 )  
    Mathematics is not just a methodology of mathematical tools, but also the specification of the “nature of things” from the very beginning. Mathematical metaphysics is not the mathematical subjects or methods in a narrow sense, but a prior “planning” of the “Ta mathemata” facing the world. The reason why mathematics can stipulate the metaphysical “prior” on the “nature of things” is the “pure reason” form of mathematics detached from empirical things. No matter how purely rational the abstract form of mathematics is beyond reality, its root cause should be found in the technical practices of human survival. Under the detached abstract form of mathematics, it reveals the essence of technical planning and constructs the external world, which is also the deep reason why “unnatural” mathematics can be effectively applied in the “natural” scientific research.
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    New Interpretation of the Responsibility Dilemma of Artificial Intelligence Agent and Its Relationship Solution
    WANG Le
    2024, 26 (5):  15-22.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.003
    Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (990KB) ( 334 )  
    The application of AI in the field of social life has generated the problem of responsibility gaps. Some scholars propose constructing a compound responsibility entity to be responsible for the behavior of the agent. Entity is composed of multiple members, distributed agent means distributed responsibility, and whether the agent can be as responsible as other members becomes critical. According to the traditional responsibility paradigm, AI does not have the attribute of a responsibility subject. The relational doctrine provides a new responsibility paradigm in that in the human-computer interaction relationship model, the affected party can assign the status of quasi-responsibility subjects to the agent based on its action performance. However, the key to responsibility lies not only in the subjective experience of the agent, but also in the actual balance of rights and responsibilities. “Virtual punishment” is not enough to make the agent obtain the status of quasi-responsible subjects. It is necessary to go beyond virtual punishment and make the agent take responsibility in reality by means of “compensating the affected party”.
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    Diverging Paths: Transhumanist and Posthumanist Imaginations of Human Destiny in the Age of Technology
    SU Chensheng
    2024, 26 (5):  23-32.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.004
    Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (1054KB) ( 424 )  
    Contemporary technological developments such as artificial intelligence and bioengineering have extended the self-understandings of human beings, but various forms of transhumanism and posthumanism born from the collision and fusion of traditional humanism and emerging technologies, and their complex relationships, have become great obstacles to it. A new philosophical genealogy of humanism that clearly distinguishes transhumanism from posthumanism can be constructed with anthropocentrism, anti-anthropocentrism, and non-anthropocentrism as its core. Anthropocentrism can be divided into humanistic transhumanism, pessimistic technological posthumanism, and technological transhumanism; anti-anthropocentrism exists in the form of both humanistic posthumanism and humanistic-technological posthumanism; and non-anthropocentrism manifests itself mainly in the form of optimistic technological posthumanism. The three perspectives are both antagonistic and intrinsically related, and clarifying their differences and connections will provide a basic conceptual framework for in-depth thinking about the future and destiny of the mankind.
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    Economics and Management
    How to Motivate the Innovationof New Ventures: Based on the fsQCA of 47 National Samples
    YAN Jiaqi, LIAN Yuefeng, JIA Jianfeng
    2024, 26 (5):  33-43.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.005
    Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (1052KB) ( 262 )  
    The innovation of new ventures is a topic of concern in both theoretical and practical circles. Based on the resource-based view and institutional theory, the causes of the innovation of new ventures were discussed from both micro and macro perspectives. Based on the 47 national samples of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, fsQCA was used to explore the impact of three micro-resources factors of financial capital, human capital and social capital, and three macro-institution factors of national economic growth rate, government policies for entrepreneurship, and cultural and social norms for entrepreneurship on the innovation of new ventures. The result showed that there are three different resources-institution configurations contributing to the innovation of new ventures, including the policy-supporting and resource-driven model, policy-supporting culture-oriented model and economy-supporting capacity-oriented model. This research can enlighten entrepreneurs on how to use resources to carry out entrepreneurial activities, and it will also help policymakers in formulating entrepreneurial policies.
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    Analysis of High-order Moment Risk Spillover Effect of Real Estate Market and Green Finance Market
    QI Xijing, ZHAI Yuxing, ZHAI Jia
    2024, 26 (5):  44-54.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.006
    Abstract ( 152 )   PDF (3591KB) ( 255 )  
    With the vigorous development of green finance in China, the transformation of the real estate industry is gradually accelerating. The interconnection between the real estate market and the green finance market is deepening, making it increasingly important to scientifically measure the risk spillover effect between the two markets. Based on the GARCHSK model and the DY spillover index model, the current development status, spillover mechanisms, and various moments' risk spillover between the real estate market and the green finance market are analyzed, focusing on the high-order moment risk spillover. The research results indicate that there is significant time-varying bi-directional risk spillover between the two markets; in most cases, the real estate market is a net transmitter of risk, and the risk spillover situation to different green finance markets varies. Based on the research results, policy recommendations are provided for market regulators, real estate development enterprises, and green finance investors.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Towards Inclusiveness: New Insights into High-quality Party Building in Social Organizations Based on the Analytical Framework of “Structure-Function-Process”
    ZHANG Ran, ZHANG Rui
    2024, 26 (5):  55-65.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.007
    Abstract ( 214 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 318 )  
    The task-oriented party building practice of social organizations lacks the identification of a high-quality picture, which to some extent leads to a focus on being tangible rather than being effective. To solve the theoretical and practical dilemma of party building in social organizations, it is urgent to respond to the question of “what is the natural state of high-quality party building”. To this end, a new model of high-quality party building for social organizations is proposed based on the “embedded” and “integrated” models, which go beyond the traditional macro-medium view. At the same time, the “process” dimension is incorporated to reconcile the static logic of structural-functionalism, construct a theoretical framework of “structure-function-process”, and then microscopically present a three-dimensional picture of inclusive party building in terms of systemic structural relationship, dimensional function presentation, and dynamic evolutionary process. It is suggested that inclusive party building should reflect the systematic structure, flexible relationships, and dynamic processes. This can be explained through the organization domain relationships in the “structure” dimension, the presentation of multidimensional elements in the “function” dimension, and the different life cycle paths in the “process” dimension.
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    Advancing Towards a Digital Rule-of-Law Government: Citizen Satisfaction with the Rule of Law from the Perspective of Open Governance
    WANG Xiang
    2024, 26 (5):  66-77.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.008
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 228 )  
    The “digital rule-of-law government” is not only a strategic extension of building a nation governed by the rule of law but also a significant initiative by the Chinese government to innovate and promote Chinese-style modernization in the digital age. In this context, government information transparency is crucial not only for the effectiveness of constructing a digital rule-of-law government but also for influencing citizens' overall assessment of the government's rule of law. By analyzing the data from the Chinese Social Survey, the impact of government information transparency on citizens' satisfaction with the rule of law is empirically examined. It is revealed that government information transparency has a significant positive effect on citizens' satisfaction with the rule of law. Moreover, citizens' assessment of the government's rule-of-law level, influenced by information transparency, varies systematically based on the degree of local digital transformation. Additionally, the extent of rights protection plays a crucial mediating role in the relationship between government information transparency and satisfaction with the rule of law.
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    Mandatory Emission Reduction Policy, Attention Adjustment and Environmental Governance Efficiency: Based on Regression Discontinuity Design
    XIE Wendong
    2024, 26 (5):  78-89.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.009
    Abstract ( 99 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 168 )  
    Based on the principal-agent theory and the perspective of attention allocation, the sharp regression discontinuity design is used to empirically examine the impact and mechanism of the mandatory emission reduction policy (MERP) in the 11th Five-Year Plan on the environmental governance efficiency (EGE), using the data of the prefecture-level cities from 2003 to 2020. The results show that MERP has a significant role in promoting the EGE, and various robustness tests support this conclusion. MERP improves the EGE by increasing local governments' attention to environmental protection and reducing economic growth. The stronger the promotion incentives for officials and the higher the degree of public participation, the more significant the effect of MERP on the EGE. The research findings provide useful implications for the government to develop reasonable environmental policies and even improve the national environmental governance system in the new era.
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    Effective Connection Between Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization from the Perspective of Evolutionary Resilience: Based on an Investigation of Village G in Hunan Province
    CHEN Zhi
    2024, 26 (5):  90-99.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.010
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (1232KB) ( 545 )  
    The effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization is currently in the sprint phase. The perspective of “evolutionary resilience” helps to further enrich and deepen the interpretation framework and mechanism of “effective connection”. From the perspective of “effectiveness”, the theoretical meaning of the “effective connection” is extracted, and the paradigm of “evolutionary resilience” that agrees with it is embedded. Then the four stages of “exploitation”, “conservation”, “release” and “reorganization” in the “adaptive cycle” system and the three-dimensional indicators of “potential”, “connectedness” and “resilience” are used to investigate the connection process of poverty alleviation and revitalization in Village G, and clarify the different mechanisms of action in the evolutionary cycle. It is found that “effective connection” contains a set of logic mechanism of the non-linear, contextualized, and cyclical “evolutionary resilience”. During the connection process, rural villages experience natural periodic “cycles” and situational linkage “reverse cycles”, thereby constructing a complex adaptive “cross-cycle” system that continuously connects and evolves. By deconstructing the internal theory and development mechanism of “effective connection” through “evolutionary resilience”, a systematic approach and innovative path is provided for promoting long-term poverty reduction.
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    Legalization of Personal Information Collection in Public Health Emergencies
    ZHENG Youran
    2024, 26 (5):  100-108.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.011
    Abstract ( 138 )   PDF (1009KB) ( 178 )  
    With the enactment of the personal information protection law, “informing-consent” and the least necessary principle have been established as the basic principles in the daily handling of personal information. The emergency state caused by public health emergencies makes personal information processing temporarily break through the restrictions of the above principles, showing the characteristics that are contrary to the daily rules. Public authorities are empowered to implement such special information processing measures based on legal responsibilities, public interests, and emergency power, but still subject themselves to the rule of law. The legal framework for personal information collection by public authorities consists of four parts: collection subjects, logical mode, collection scope, and collection standards. State organs and authorized organizations are the implementing entities, and collection measures should comply with the logical mode of statutory collection. General personal information and sensitive personal information are subject to statutory collection, but the latter requires special protective measures. Collection subjects can be classified into three categories of strong, medium, and weak correlations based on population and space. Subjects of strong correlation are subject to statutory collection, while subjects of medium or weak correlation are subject to consent collection.
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    Legal Analysis on the Poison Pill Clause of USMCA
    HU Jiaxiang, SUN Zehui
    2024, 26 (5):  109-118.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.012
    Abstract ( 287 )   PDF (1032KB) ( 388 )  
    Article 30.10 of United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement(USMCA) imposes the unilateral obligation on its contracting parties not to sign a free trade agreement with a non-market country. In nature, this clause is an expulsion clause, not a withdrawl one with the aim at forcing the contracting parties to cut off the trade relations with China as none of the United States, Mexico and Canada has recognized China as a market country. The US government official did not hesitate to claim that this clause is a poison pill clause which will be copied to other FTAs. Confronted with these new restrictive measures imposed by the western countries led by the United States on China, we need to face squarely the logic behind the concept of the non-market country and the difficulty of the remedies for it. As the United States is trying to disable the WTO, the legal analysis on the illegality of the poison pill clause will help us to understand better the nature of trade protectionism and the significance to safeguard the multilateral trading system. Meanwhile, China may also dissolve the negative effect of those restrictive measures by its active engagement in those regional trade agreements.
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    Marxism Theory
    Marx's Thought on the Essence of Human Beings and Its Implications for Human Modernization
    WANG Guotan, HOU Mingchen
    2024, 26 (5):  119-125.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.013
    Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (978KB) ( 439 )  
    The essential thought of Marx's human nature is an important theoretical foundation of Marxism, which was formed by Marx's scientific interpretation of communism against the background of the vigorous rise of the European proletarian movement and various communist ideological trends. He established human nature as the unity of comprehensiveness and freedom. The former includes the common development of all people, the universal nature of individuals, the totality of ideas, and the overall relationship between individuals. The latter includes the freedom of material production, the freedom to exert one's personal talents, and the freedom to choose one's career. From the perspective of Marxist human nature, the core of western capitalist modernization is the modernization of capital, which inevitably leads to human alienation. The core of Chinese-style modernization is the modernization of human beings, which comes down in one continuous line with Marx's thought on human nature. Marx's thought on the essence of human beings has important implications for the modernization development of contemporary people.
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    Continuing the Cultural Root of Modern Chinese Civilization: Origin, Essence and Practice
    HUANG Chengjingxin, BAO Guoguang
    2024, 26 (5):  126-132.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.014
    Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (978KB) ( 261 )  
    “The Second Combination” points out the direction for building the modern Chinese civilization. As the spiritual totem and cultural root of the Chinese nation, Chinese traditional culture is displayed in philosophy, literature and art, morality and ethics, religious belief, and etc. It is the origin of modern Chinese civilization. Interpreting the essence and connotation of Chinese traditional culture from the perspective of the times, clarifying the thinking modes such as holistic thinking, systematic thinking and dialectical thinking, as well as the humanistic spirit such as the creative spirit of self-improvement, the exploration spirit of hard work and simplicity, the harmonious but different inclusive spirit, and the responsibility spirit of taking the world as one's own. Specifically, to continue the cultural root of Chinese civilization in the new era, it is necessary to endow traditional culture with the connotation of the times and strengthen national education, to develop cultural industry and pay attention to practice, to strengthen cultural translation and introduction, and to promote the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Interpreting Quality Assessment Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
    LI Yang, LIAO Xini
    2024, 26 (5):  133-140.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.015
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (1067KB) ( 284 )  
    Rating scales have been widely employed in interpreting quality assessment in recent years. Based on Competence Features Scales of Interpreting(CFSI), the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to compare and calculate the ranking and weight of the main parameters in the existing literature on interpreting quality, thereby optimizing the scaling mechanism from the interdisciplinary perspective. As regards the findings, “content” serves as the most important item of interpreting quality assessment, accounting for 62%, followed by “delivery” for 24%, while “communicative effect” only contributes 14% to the total. The demerits of interpreting quality assessment based on experience and speculative summarization are remedied and CFSI is thus made more scientific in classroom-based training assessment, autonomous learning evaluation and high-stakes testing equality.
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    Transgressive Imagination of London: Literary Cartography in Mrs. Dalloway
    ZHANG Pengfei
    2024, 26 (5):  141-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2024.05.016
    Abstract ( 236 )   PDF (6409KB) ( 544 )  
    Virginia Woolf's literary geography fixates on the integration of materials and spirits and the coupling of travels and maps, which befits her literary cartography. The literary cartography in Mrs. Dalloway can be crystallized into three cognitive schemas which contain dynamic emotional experiences and Woolf's imagination of London's “transgressivity”. In the image schema of “room-street”, females and males oscillate between the dual experiences of stability and mobility, actualizing the transgressivity of gender; in the route map of “Westminster-East End of London”, aristocratic classes and civilian classes roam back and forth in the bi-directions between the dual experiences of hostility and hospitality, showcasing the transgressivity of class; and in the survey mapping of “British empire-other nations”, Londoners and foreigners negotiate between the dual experiences of centralization and globalization, highlighting the transgressivity of nations. Via the liquidity, directionality, and globality of London map, Woolf fabricates a “transgressive state” in which different genders, classes, and nations coexist together, thus evincing her desire to alleviate the anxiety of gender, place, and empire, and emanating her critique of cultural essentialism as well as her recognition of multiculturalism.
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