东北大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 528-1047.DOI: -

• 马克思主义理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (天津大学马克思主义学院,天津300072)
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-18 修回日期:2013-11-18 出版日期:2014-09-25 发布日期:2015-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘明明
  • 作者简介:刘明明(1986-),男,山东临朐人,天津大学讲师,法学博士,主要从事国外马克思主义与当代社会研究。①艾伦·梅克森斯·伍德(Ellen Meiksins Wood),是当代西方著名的马克思主义学者,多伦多约克大学政治学教授,加拿大皇家学会会员,主要著作有《阶级的退却:一种新的“真正的”社会主义》(1986),《民主反对资本主义:重建历史唯物主义》(1995),《资本主义的起源:一个更长远的视角》(2002),《资本的帝国》(2003),《公民至领主:从古代到中世纪西方政治思想的社会历史》(2008)等。
  • 基金资助:

On Ellen Woods Historical Materialistic Democracy

LIU Ming-ming   

  1. (School of Marxism Studies, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
  • Received:2013-11-18 Revised:2013-11-18 Online:2014-09-25 Published:2015-11-10
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摘要: 针对西方一些左翼分子借新社会运动的兴起和工人阶级革命运动的暂时沉寂,将工人阶级排除于社会主义的核心战略之外,而把资本主义民主视为代替阶级斗争的历史动力和通往社会主义的“灵丹妙药”的倒退行径,伍德愤然予以驳斥,她从历史唯物主义的视野考察民主概念的变迁,质疑通过拓展资本主义民主就能实现社会主义的乌托邦幻想,批判资产阶级民主与资本主义社会是一体同质的,只有社会主义民主才是反对资本主义的利剑。伍德在揭露资本主义民主虚伪性的同时,重新厘清了社会主义与民主之间的关系,为我们树立正确的民主观提供了有益的启发。

关键词: 艾伦·伍德, 古代民主, 资产阶级民主, 社会主义民主

Abstract: According to some western left-wing intellectuals, the working class should be excluded from the core of socialist scheme and capitalist democracy could be regarded as a historical driving force for substituting class struggle and a “panacea” for realizing socialism. With anger, Wood refuted it by exploring the conceptual changes of democracy from the perspective of historical materialism and questioning the utopian fantasy of achieving socialism through expanding capitalist democracy. She then claimed that capitalist democracy and capitalist society were homogeneous and it was only socialist democracy that could work as a powerful weapon against capitalist society. Furthermore, Wood clarified the relationship between socialism and democracy while revealing the hypocrisy of capitalist democracy, which provides beneficial inspirations for us to uphold the right views of democracy.

Key words: Ellen Wood, ancient democracy, capitalist democracy, socialist democracy
