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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Ethical Reflection on Gene Editing Technology: Complexity, Uncertainty and Limitations of Rationality
    LIU Hongzuo
    2021, 23 (1):  1-9.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.001
    Abstract ( 827 )   HTML ( 34)   PDF (861KB) ( 739 )  
    At present, the domestic bioethics research tends to break away from “authenticity”, and lacks the “thoroughness” of thinking based on “authenticity” in real life. Therefore, it calls for a new ethical methodology to deal with the ethical challenges of gene editing technology more thoroughly and effectively. Ethical reflection must be based on the “authenticity” of the complexity and uncertainty brought by gene editing technology, and fully considers the limitations of human rationality. On this basis, we should focus on the multiple overlapping and complex relationships between the development of gene editing technology and core ethical issues of great subversion and urgency such as human health, fairness, justice and human self-image. The human existence situation and the change of moral philosophy caused by technology should be the core issues of ethical reflection, so as to maintain the characteristics of philosophical speculation, establish a new ethical cognition and construction schema, and then try to explore the new form of ethical norms to reasonably regulate the development of gene editing technology.
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    From “Chasing for Violence” to “Chasing for Victory”: The Essence of Military Technology from the Perspective of Post-phenomenology
    WU Yipeng
    2021, 23 (1):  9-17.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.002
    Abstract ( 383 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (2211KB) ( 537 )  
    Using “technology applied in the military field” to define “military technology” ignores the classification of technology under R&D, which tends to cause the conceptual ambiguity between “military technology” and “civilian technology”. With the help of the post-phenomenological analysis structure of “human-technology-world”, it can be found that military technology originates from the usage context variation of civilian technology, which embarks on a relatively independent development path. Military technology regulates the perceptual connection between human and military technology, and obscures people's judgment on wars. The combination of modern natural science and the expansion of capitalist modernity makes military technology embark on a path which is “chasing for violence”. However, the emergence of strategic deterrence weapon makes military technology lose its usage context, transformed into the “others” and “background” of superpower games. In the vanishing of military technology's violence nature, it is clear that, military technology, as “the occupation of being” and “the chasing for victory” has a structural difference from civilian technology which is “the occupation of being”.
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    Technological Domination: An Analysis of Marcuse and Foucault
    ZHAO Qingbo
    2021, 23 (1):  18-23.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.003
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (827KB) ( 509 )  
    The work of Marcuse and Foucault provided a classic case for analyzing the interaction between capitalism and the new allocation of technology. Marcuse pointed out that technology controls all fields of political, economic, and cultural life, determines human feelings, needs, and aspirations, and creates a one-dimensional society. Foucault pointed out that technical design realizes the power effect of functionalizing different substances, whose ultimate goal is to allocate, control, and utilize human relationships. Technology has allowed power rule to spread from majestic political institutions to daily life, and technical discipline has become a new form of power organization in daily life. Facing the crisis of technological domination, Marcuse and Foucault provided different solutions.
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    Economics and Management
    Can Open Access to Resources Promote Ambidextrous Innovation?
    LIU Zhiying, ZHI Yuanyuan, WU Ruirui
    2021, 23 (1):  24-33.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.004
    Abstract ( 297 )   HTML ( 12)   PDF (882KB) ( 289 )  
    Based on the sample of A-share listed companies in China's pharmaceutical and biological manufacturing industry during 2013-2017, from the perspective of corporate business transaction activities and financial transaction activities, the negative binomial regression model is used in the analysis of the relationship between the different open behaviors of enterprises and the ambidextrous innovation activities of the organization, as well as the moderating role of absorptive capacity. The empirical results show that enterprises adopting inbound open innovation can promote organizational exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation activities, while companies adopting outbound open innovation can inhibit organizational ambidextrous innovation. The absorptive capacity plays a positive role in regulating the impact of inbound and outbound open innovation access to resources on the process of organizational ambidextrous innovation.
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    U-shaped Impact of Perceived Overqualification on Proactive Career Behavior
    QIAO Kun, YANG Chenlu
    2021, 23 (1):  34-42.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.005
    Abstract ( 398 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (877KB) ( 1370 )  
    Through two-stage questionnaire survey, this study explores the influence of perceived overqualification on proactive career behavior and the mediating role of career satisfaction. The statistical analysis results show that perceived overqualification has the U-shaped impact on proactive career behavior, and career satisfaction plays a completely mediating role between them. Through variance analysis and multiple comparisons, this study proves that state-owned enterprises have significantly higher perceived overqualification than private and foreign-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises have lower career satisfaction than private and joint venture enterprises. Foreign-owned enterprises also have significantly lower career satisfaction than private enterprises. State-owned enterprises have lower proactive career behavior than joint venture enterprises. There is no significant difference in perceived overqualification, career satisfaction, and proactive career behavior among different genders, educational backgrounds, and marital statuses.
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    Analysis of External Fairness of Compensation and the Consequences of Executives' Excessive Perks: On the Moderating Role of Internal Pay Gap
    MA Zhiying, SUN Shimin, ZHANG Hannan
    2021, 23 (1):  43-51.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.006
    Abstract ( 450 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (890KB) ( 794 )  
    From the perspective of behavioral economics, this paper analyzes the causes of executives' excessive perks, and empirically tests the impact of external fairness of compensation on the consequences of executives' excessive perks as well as the moderating role of internal pay gap by using the data of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies in 2012-2017 as a sample. The study finds that the unfairness of external disadvantages of compensation will induce executives' excessive perks and weaken the “efficiency effect” of perks, while the internal pay gap can restrain such effects. In the case of the unfair external advantage of compensation, the unfairness degree has no significant effect on executives' excessive perks or the “efficiency effect” of perks. The internal pay gap will instead induce executives' excessive perks and weaken the “efficiency effect” of perks.
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    Study on the Collaborative Development of Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Supply Chain
    FU Shuaishuai, CHEN Weida, WANG Dandan
    2021, 23 (1):  52-60.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.007
    Abstract ( 548 )   HTML ( 19)   PDF (1212KB) ( 1715 )  
    The cross-border e-commerce logistics supply chain is an important boost to assist the development of cross-border e-commerce, reduce costs and increase efficiency for cross-border circulation of goods. Policy support is an important means to promote its collaborative development. Considering the influence of the behavioral decisions of various participating entities (governments, cross-border e-commerce platforms, logistics enterprises) on the collaborative development of cross-border e-commerce logistics supply chains, and based on government policy support and supervision, the interactive effects of other participants' behavior and the assumption of bounded rationality conditions, this paper constructs an evolutionary game model of government support-platform formation-logistics enterprise participation, analyzes the evolutionary stability strategy of the collaborative development of cross-border e-commerce logistics supply chains in three different scenarios with the help of evolutionary game theory, and, with the help of numerical simulation analysis, discusses the influence of government policies and financial support, supervision and other external conditions, platform future market revenue, logistics enterprise opportunism and the profit and loss distribution coefficient of platform and logistics enterprise on the stability of this dynamic system. It can provide a theoretical reference for the behavioral decision-making of the collaborative development of the participating entities in the cross-border e-commerce logistics supply chain.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Manifestations, Causes, and Countermeasures of the Intra-party Accountability Objects Inaccuracy
    LYU Yongxiang
    2021, 23 (1):  61-69.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.008
    Abstract ( 1485 )   HTML ( 13)   PDF (889KB) ( 1185 )  
    Based on the holistic principle of system theory, the overall analysis framework for the inaccuracy of the intra-party accountability objects can be constructed from the three levels of individual, organization, and the relations between the individual and organization. From the perspective of the holistic analysis framework, the manifestations of the inaccuracy of the intra-party accountability objects are as follows: at the individual level, accountable non-leading cadres are used to replace accountable leading cadres, and accountable current leaders are used to replace accountable incumbent cadres; at the organizational level, accountable lower-level organizations are used to replace accountable higher-level organizations, and accountable territorial administrations are used to replace accountable vertical management departments; at the individual-organizational level, individual accountability and collective accountability are replaced with each other. Through investigation of its roots, it is found that the causes for the inaccuracy of accountability objects in the party include confusion of discipline objects with accountability objects and incompleteness of lifelong accountability mechanisms on the individual level; the party responsibilities systems of isomorphic responsibility and the spamming of responsibility contracts by vertical management departments on the organizational level; the unclear division of individual and collective responsibilities, and the negative influences of avoidance strategies on the level of the collective-organization relations. Countermeasures are as follows: at the individual level, correctly distinguish disciplined objects and accountability objects, and improve the life-long accountability mechanism; at the organizational level, build an isomerous party responsibility system, and clean up the “responsibility contracts” of vertical management departments; at the level of individual-organization relations, clearly separate individual and collective responsibilities, and combine collective accountability with individual accountability to curb blame-avoidance strategies.
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    Study on the Model of Cooperative Governance in the Contentious Politics
    YUN Chunxi, XU Xiqing
    2021, 23 (1):  70-77.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.009
    Abstract ( 336 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (866KB) ( 323 )  
    The essence of contentious politics is interest appeal. The way of control and mediation may bury hidden trouble and promote the escalation of the struggle, while reforms can only temporarily relief contentions of certain fields and cannot achieve long-term effects. A larger and more inclusive governance structure is cooperation. The cooperative governance model still needs national control as a strong backing to realize the moralization of national power with a spirit of cooperation. Contentious politics starts from “expression” and “sonification”. Dialogue that effectively promotes communication becomes the key in pursuing justice and cooperative governance, but in terms of “personnel” and “topic” that could be allowed to participate in the “dialogue”,a specific range needs to be clarified. Contentious politics involves many irrational factors, and the thinking of “symbiosis and coexistence” becomes the basis of promoting cooperation and dialogue.
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    Research on the Influence of Citizens' Demand on Government Responsiveness Discourse: An Empirical Analysis Based on the 12345 Platform Data in District G, City F
    YAN Haina, XIE Qiaoyan
    2021, 23 (1):  78-86.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.010
    Abstract ( 304 )   HTML ( 8)   PDF (925KB) ( 692 )  
    In recent years, the network platform for political inquiry has been constantly improved,which has provided a convenient channel for the interaction between the government and the public. More and more scholars pay attention to the relationship between the expression of citizens' demand and the responsiveness of the government. Most of the existing studies focus on the influence of citizens' demand on the government's ability and effectiveness of responsiveness, but seldom analyze specific discourse interactions between the government and the public based on the perspective of political rhetoric. Taking District G of City F as a case, this study explores the influence of citizens' demand on the government responsiveness discourse by using the complete work order data of citizens' demand (a total of 3427 samples) on its 12345 platform for three consecutive months. The results show that the government responsiveness discourse is significantly affected by the discourse of citizens' demand, the types of citizens' demand, the fields of demand and whether they voluntarily provide personal information. Thus, the citizens' demand and the government responsiveness are both selective during their interaction, which is a kind of strategic interaction. It implies that the foundation of political trust between government and citizens is inadequate.
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    How Policy Text Affects Policy Diffusion: A Comparative Study Based on Four Types of Policies
    WEI Jingrong
    2021, 23 (1):  87-95.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.011
    Abstract ( 678 )   HTML ( 11)   PDF (943KB) ( 1443 )  
    Policy text is a topic that has long been neglected in the research on the factors affecting the diffusion of policy innovation. Taking the content of the policy text as the entry point, this paper constructs the analysis framework of “policy potential energy-policy incentives”, divides the policy into four types, and uses four cases to try to clarify the differences in policy diffusion speed, diffusion path, diffusion mechanism and diffusion content formed by different policy texts. The study shows that policies with strong potential energy and strong incentives diffuse the fastest, with policy innovation as the content through coercion, competition and learning. Policies with strong potential energy and weak incentives diffuse the second fastest, with coercion, learning and imitation as the main diffusion mechanism, and policies tend to mutate. Policies with strong incentives and weak potential energy also diffuse fast, with competition and learning as the main diffusion mechanism and policy reproduction as the content. Policies with weak potential energy and weak incentives diffuse slowly, with learning and imitation as the main diffusion mechanism, and policy content often being the same.
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    Discussion on the Users' Data Protection Pattern in the Internet Age
    CHEN Bing, MA Xianru
    2021, 23 (1):  96-104.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.012
    Abstract ( 305 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (880KB) ( 336 )  
    In the era of Web 3.0, the innovative application and in-depth integration of information and communications technology and digital data technology have had a subversive impact on the traditional Internet production and operation methods and consumer service models. The operation mode of the Internet has changed from a unidirectional static and read-only web page to a double-sided sharing of information, promoting the form of data to change from one-way static to dynamic interconnection, the positioning of data attributes to change from the consumption results to the integration of production factors, and the method of data protection to change from absolute right protection to multilateral cooperative governance. Therefore, it is urgent to break through the limitations of current private rights protection, establish a dynamic and balanced scenario-based protection mode, promote the strengthening of data protection to the integrated development of data sharing, encourage and support the protection and sharing of users' data by multiple subjects and methods, and ultimately achieve a multi-governance system of data governance.
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    Research on the Right of Appeal in Criminal Trial Procedure in Absentia
    XU Tun
    2021, 23 (1):  105-112.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.013
    Abstract ( 362 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (854KB) ( 393 )  
    There exist such problems as the deficiency of substantive authority and program design in the right of appeal in criminal trial procedure in absentia. The main reason is that the existing right of appeal in trial absentia procedure is difficult to meet its value objectives and functional requirements. Through the legal analysis of the right of appeal in trial absentia procedure, it is found that the value of the right of appeal is embodied in three aspects: ensuring substantive justice, procedural justice and safeguarding human rights in trial absentia procedure. According to this value presupposition, the right of appeal has three functions: balancing interests, relieving rights and correcting wrong judgments. Combined with the practical field of value philosophy and functional theory, the system design of the right to appeal in trial absentia procedure is reconstructed by clarifying the practical authority of the right to appeal in close relatives of different case types and optimizing the program design of the right to appeal in trial absentia procedure, thus ensuring the reasonable operation of criminal trial procedure in absentia.
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    Marxism Theory
    Cloud Empire: A Theoretical Proposition Like “Marxism” But Not “Marxism” Based on the Interpretation of Couldry and Mejias' Data Colonialism Theory
    LIU Haoyan
    2021, 23 (1):  113-120.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.014
    Abstract ( 500 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (857KB) ( 760 )  
    Facing the new development of capitalist society under big data technology, leftist scholars Couldry and Mejias proposed the concept of “cloud empire”, thinking that the cloud empire composed of various large digital companies is implementing a kind of new colonization method with data extraction technology, that is data colonization. The emergence of the cloud empire made people's daily life capitalized and become a raw material that could be plundered by the cloud empire. It also brought more serious inequality problems and the loss of people's life autonomy. Couldry and Mejias continued the Marxist tradition of economic analysis in form, but the two have some fundamental misunderstandings and deviations from the application of classic writer theory, thus leading to theoretical defects that are difficult to bridge. Therefore, the concept of “cloud empire” is essentially just a theoretical proposition like “Marxism” but not “Marxism”.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    The Buried Giant's Parallel Trajectories of Narration in Relation to the Film Stalker
    SHEN Anni
    2021, 23 (1):  121-126.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2021.01.015
    Abstract ( 402 )   HTML ( 10)   PDF (4700KB) ( 244 )  
    In The Buried Giant, Kazuo Ishiguro's particular way of using the Greek ferryman myth to build the covert narrative progression is similar to Andrei Tarkovsky's use of the myth in Stalker. Reading the novel in relation to the film can help the reader uncover a covert narrative progression in Ishiguro's novel that simultaneously parallels and disestablishes the authority of the omnipresent third-person narrative in its surface progression. On the surface level, the narrative eye takes on a godly overview to record things objectively as a traditional grand narrative does. On the covert level, the narrative eye reveals a sinister stalking point of view that undermines the overt grand narrative tone and its meaning.
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