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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    The Impact of the Problem of Other Minds in AI Research on Human-Robot Interaction——From the Perceptive of Wittgenstein's Therapy of Other Minds
    CUI Zhong-liang, Berit Brogaard(USA)
    2020, 22 (6):  1-9.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.001
    Abstract ( 627 )   HTML   PDF (977KB) ( 964 )  

    The problem of other minds is the core issue to be solved in the realization of human-robot interaction. Through a detailed analysis of Wittgenstein's claim on other minds, empirical realism is appropriate to describe Wittgenstein's therapy. Through the using of Wittgenstein's explanation of the problem of other minds, the solution to the problem of other minds is explored in the process of human-robot interaction. It is believed that human-robot interaction research should move from behaviorism to phenomenology, and thus to Wittgenstein's empirical realism, which pays more attention to atmosphere, life form and life experience in the process of access to other minds. The realization of human-robot interaction depends on the way of perceptional, direct and experiential generation to understand other minds.

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    Technological Dimension: A New Perspective of Design History Periodization
    ZHANG Jiao, WANG Jian
    2020, 22 (6):  10-16.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.002
    Abstract ( 407 )   HTML   PDF (948KB) ( 1063 )  
    Design history periodization is usually made from the dimension of history, aesthetics, design and designers, whose focus is on narrative description and lacking in the analysis of the internal motivation and logic of the development of design. From technological dimension, design history is periodized based on the expounding of the evolutionary history of design driven by technology. According to the degree of technological embedding, which is classified into four stages-shallow embedding, deep embedding, excessive embedding and appropriate embedding, design history is divided into four periods correspondingly, namely, survival technology design period, experience technology design period, sci-tech technology design period and organic technology design period, thereby revealing the uniqueness of design history periodization from the technological dimension and understanding the overall regularity of design evolution.
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    “The Problem of Many Hands” and Ethical Transcendence in Engineering Community
    JING Shan, WANG Jue
    2020, 22 (6):  17-23.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.003
    Abstract ( 661 )   HTML   PDF (962KB) ( 956 )  
    The problem of many hands occurs if a collective takes moral responsibility for something, whereas none of the individuals making up the collective is morally responsible for it. It is quite difficult to pinpoint the moral responsibility in engineering practices, which is sometimes referred to as “the problem of many hands”. Its causes mainly lie in the plight of the reduction of moral responsibility in the engineering community (collective) and the plight of claiming the responsibility of individual actors in the engineering community (individuals). “Responsibility as a virtue” reflects the transformation from the external perspective of responsibility claiming to the internal perspective of responsibility assuming. The initiatives taken by the individuals and the engineering community for responsibility as a virtue may avoid the problem of many hands to a certain extent, thus surpassing the plight of moral responsibility distribution in the engineering community.
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    Economics and Management
    A Study on the Influence of RMB Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Risk of Chinese Enterprises' Foreign Direct Investment
    YANG Da
    2020, 22 (6):  24-30.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.004
    Abstract ( 632 )   HTML   PDF (952KB) ( 1175 )  

    Using the data of Chinese listed companies that have foreign direct investment behaviors between 2011 and 2016, this paper empirically tests the impact of the two detailed indicators of the change of RMB exchange rate level and the fluctuations of RMB exchange rate on the risk of foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises. The paper further tests the impact of enterprise productivity on the influence of changes in the RMB exchange rate on the risk of Chinese companies' foreign direct investment. The empirical results show that the risk of Chinese enterprises' foreign direct investment significantly and positively correlates with the appreciation of RMB and the fluctuations of RMB exchange rate. It also shows that increasing the productivity of enterprises helps to alleviate the risk of Chinese enterprises' foreign direct investment caused by the fluctuations of RMB exchange rate.

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    A Study on the Legitimacy Obtainment and Process of Institutional Entrepreneurship of Marginal Enterprises in Internet Field——A Case Study of Didi Chuxing
    LIN Chen-yu, FU Zheng-ping, LIU Xiao-yun
    2020, 22 (6):  31-41.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.005
    Abstract ( 396 )   HTML   PDF (1167KB) ( 805 )  
    The existing research on institutional entrepreneurship focuses on the entrepreneurial process of center enterprises in the field, but it lacks in-depth analysis on how marginal enterprises obtain legitimacy and promote the process of institutional entrepreneurship. This paper takes Didi Chuxing as an example and discusses the internal logic of obtaining the legitimacy to promote institutional entrepreneurship of marginal enterprises. The results of the case study show that the institutional entrepreneurship of marginal enterprises under the background of Internet goes through the development stages of “de-institutionalization, pre-institutionalization, semi-institutionalization and theorization”, and the field position of marginal enterprises moves from the edge to the center. The legality requirement presents the dynamic evolution of “norm-cognition-regulation”. In the process of institutional entrepreneurship, new fields are gradually established, and marginal enterprises obtain and construct legitimacy by following the environment, choosing the environment and manipulating the environment to finally promote the completion of institutional entrepreneurship.
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    The Impact of Technological Relevance on Innovation Performance in Overseas M&A——An Empirical Study Based on Technology Sourcing Overseas M&A
    NING Ye, JU Yang, WANG Shan-shan
    2020, 22 (6):  42-49.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.006
    Abstract ( 372 )   HTML   PDF (997KB) ( 819 )  
    Based on the theories of resource-based view, organizational learning and technology sourcing overseas M&A innovation performance, etc., this paper points out the relationship between technological similarity, technological complementarity, exploitation innovation and exploratory innovation, as well as the moderating role of overseas M&A experience. A theoretical model is then constructed. Chinese companies which have completed the M&A deal during 2003-2013 are selected as samples. The negative binomial regression model is used in the empirical analysis of the relationship between technological similarity, technological complementarity, exploitation innovation and exploratory innovation, as well as the moderating role of overseas M&A experience. The results show that technological relevance (including technological similarity and technological complementarity) has a positive impact on the acquirers' exploitation innovation and exploratory innovation. The experience from overseas M&A plays a positive moderating role in the relationship between technological relevance and exploitation innovation performance. It is suggested that mergers can select target enterprises matching their own technical resources and rationally utilize overseas M&A experience.
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    CEO Self-confidence and Enterprises Risk-taking——The Mediating Roles of Financial Derivatives Trading Strategy
    ZHANG Zi-jing, XING Tian-cai, YUAN Ying
    2020, 22 (6):  50-58.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.007
    Abstract ( 319 )   HTML   PDF (1039KB) ( 852 )  
    This paper empirically analyzes the mechanism by which the heterogeneous choices of financial derivatives trading strategies made by CEOs with different confidence levels affect corporate risk-taking based on the disclosure data of financial derivatives transactions of non-financial listed companies in China from 2008 to 2018. The results show that the overconfident CEOs can stick to the original intention of hedging, restrain the negative intermediary effect of speculative strategy and improve corporate risk-taking ability; the moderately confident CEOs tend to over-hedge, trigger speculative trading and reduce corporate risk-taking ability; low-confidence CEOs, out of defensive motives, avoid the use of complex risk control measures, and have a weak ability to resist risks. Further study shows that CEO with financial background can exert critical consciousness, adjust their speculative behaviors and correct their irrational risk preferences. The research conclusions provide constructive suggestions for companies to scientifically use derivatives, rationally allocate senior management teams, and improve risk control capabilities.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Purchasing Service, Elite Sinking and Urban Grassroots Governance——A Study Based on the Project of “Bringing Legal Service into Village Residence” in M District of Shanghai
    DAI Kang, TANG Feng
    2020, 22 (6):  59-67.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.008
    Abstract ( 334 )   HTML   PDF (1018KB) ( 793 )  

    Urban grassroots is the core space and key platform of social governance community construction. Using the government purchasing service policy to strengthen social governance at the urban grassroots level can remedy the shortcomings of the paradigm of administrative leadership and social autonomy. The case study based on the project of “Bringing Legal Service into Village Residence” in M District of Shanghai has found that through the combined leadership mechanism of purchasing service, independent third-party social elites sink to participate in grassroots governance. In terms of content, the policy text of elite sinking mainly includes the embedded participation of grassroots autonomy, the service supply of public demand and the technical management of social conflicts. In terms of utility, purchasing services guides the sinking of elites and achieves effective governance at the grassroots level in cities mainly by strengthening the administrative absorption capacity, cultivating the market brokerage mechanism, and bringing the country closer to society. In the future of urban governance, the political field needs to improve the government's service purchase policy, support the participation of diverse subjects in social governance, and finally implement the goal of fine governance in the urban grassroots space.

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    How Can Basic Elderly Care Service Level Be Improved——A Mixed-method Design on Data at City Level in China
    HUANG Jian-feng, ZHANG Xiao-yi
    2020, 22 (6):  68-76.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.009
    Abstract ( 280 )   HTML   PDF (1027KB) ( 721 )  
    How can basic elderly care service level be improved? Existing research focuses on the consideration of factors of micro-individual needs and macro-social economic systems, but fails to explain facts that contradict the theory. This study integrates the theory of social needs and the theory of welfare pluralism, then empirically tests the effect and mechanism of demand drive and supply drive on the development level of basic elderly care services. The regression analysis has found that the government, the market and the social dimensions in demand drive and supply drive significantly affect the level of basic elderly care services. Using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to further open the black box of the mutually-oriented logic between the economically developed and underdeveloped regions, it is found that in economically underdeveloped regions, policy support and the number of social organizations in demand drive and supply drive are the core driving mechanisms. Therefore, it can alleviate the pressure of aging governance by improving the policy system of elderly care service and supporting the development of social organizations, breaking through the vicious circle of “only economic development theory” for reference from existing experience.
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    A Dynamic Analysis of the Optimal Scale of Fiscal Social Security Expenditure in Jilin Province ——Based on Time-varying Parameter State Space Model
    DU Bao-gui, LU Shan
    2020, 22 (6):  77-85.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.010
    Abstract ( 367 )   HTML   PDF (1113KB) ( 663 )  
    Based on Barro's endogenous growth theory and expanded Cobb-Douglas production function, this paper constructs the time-varying parameter state space model, calculates the dynamically optimal fiscal social security expenditure of Jilin province from 1998 to 2018 by using Kalman filter iteration algorithm, and discusses how to achieve the optimal scale. The results show that the optimal ratio of fiscal social security expenditure to total financial expenditure in Jilin province presents a nonlinear dynamic characteristic, fluctuating between 18.23% and 18.57%. The dynamic change of optimal scale of fiscal social security expenditure shows a nonlinear increasing trend year by year, from 3.466 billion yuan to 69.707 billion yuan. The actual scale of fiscal social security expenditure only exceeded the optimal scale in 2002-2006, but did not reach the optimal scale in other years. There are rigid constraints on fiscal social security expenditure, and the realization of its optimal scale should be a dynamic and gradual process. Therefore, a dynamic optimal orientation model is constructed, and a feasible scheme is proposed for dynamically adjusting the growth of fiscal social security expenditure to the optimal scale during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) in Jilin province.
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    On the Criminal Regulation of Illegal Fund-raising of Blockchain Digital Currencies
    KE Da
    2020, 22 (6):  86-93.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.011
    Abstract ( 437 )   HTML   PDF (1014KB) ( 979 )  

    The special path of financial market reform and the development of financial technology have promoted changes in the content and role of illegal fund-raising criminal regulations. Since digital currencies have multiple attributes and technical complexity which can challenge traditional financial industry and regulatory system, the criminal regulation should play a more positive role in order to make up for the shortage of financial regulation and civil remedies. Among various blockchain digital currencies, the issuance of payment tokens does not belong to illegal fund-raising due to not absorbing funds from investors directly. The behavior of financing by absorbing “mainstream digital currencies” can be regarded as absorbing public deposits in a disguised way, and the mainstream digital currencies can be regarded as “funds” in the element when determining illegal fund-raising. The behavior of reselling in the secondary market should not be regarded as the element of “inducement” of illegal fund-raising. We can learn from the provisions of the Howey Test in Securities Law of the United States to add the element that “the public's gains are mainly derived from the efforts of others” when determining illegally absorbing public deposits.

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    Reflection and Definition: The “Essence” of the Compensation System for Eco-environmental Damage——From the Perspective of Its Scope of Application
    LI Shu-xun, LENG Luo-sheng
    2020, 22 (6):  94-101.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.012
    Abstract ( 324 )   HTML   PDF (974KB) ( 802 )  
    At present, the Supreme People's Court has formally established the scope of application of the system of compensation for damages to the ecological environment in the form of judicial interpretation. However, the fact of “grading” and “zoning” claims deviates greatly from the legal impression of reform intention, academic interpretation and practical rationality, and violates the general legislative principles of compensation for damages. On the basis of revealing the objective contradiction between the normative form and the purpose of the system, this paper proves that the development pattern of the current compensation system for ecological environment damage “deteriorates”, that is, from the tendency to protect the ecological environment to the compensation right holders. The system of compensation for damage to the ecological environment and the system of environmental public interest litigation are two important means, but they have been facing the dilemma of overlapping functions and duplication of legislation. Considering the complex relationship between environmental protection and development, the government and enterprises, and facing the limited relief function of environmental public interest litigation system, we can finally establish its scope of application, and ultimately realize the system purpose of complementing environmental public interest litigation system in the division of labor.
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    Reflections on the Participation in Distribution System in China from the Perspective of the Execution Mechanism ——Comparing with the Participation in Distribution System in Civil Law Countries
    ZHU Xin-yu
    2020, 22 (6):  102-109.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.013
    Abstract ( 283 )   HTML   PDF (948KB) ( 809 )  
    Due to the difference of the execution mechanism, the participation in distribution system shows different operation patterns between China and civil law countries. Since the individual execution system blocks the access of the enforcement agency to the debtor's property information, the participation in distribution system in the civil law countries only deals with the distribution of the debtor's specific property, but not the bankruptcy matters. The absence of the unincorporated bankruptcy system makes the participation in distribution system in China undertake the quasi-bankruptcy function. However, the execution nature of the participation in distribution system determines its consistency with the bankruptcy system. In addition, the existence of the participation in distribution system limits the application of the bankruptcy system. On the premise of maintaining the generalized execution system, it is still impossible to overcome the fundamental defects of the participation in distribution system simply by internal modification. Therefore, it may be advisable to abandon the participation in distribution system but implement the execution prioritarianism and general bankruptcy doctrine.
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    Marxism Theory
    A Study on the Development and Cultivation of Self-confidence in Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics
    SUN Lei, SUI Li-min
    2020, 22 (6):  109-115.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.014
    Abstract ( 387 )   HTML   PDF (942KB) ( 761 )  
    The Development and Cultivation of Self-confidence in Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics is a systematic “big research”, which should be placed in a diachronic perspective as one of the phased cultures in thousands of years of civilization and studied in accordance with historical facts. It is necessary to fully grasp its development context from the three levels of upper, parallel, and lower relations, and clarify the basic direction and positioning of contemporary Chinese cultural development. It is needed to have a deep understanding of its theoretical logic from the three dimensions of philosophy, politics, and management, and clarify the basic principles of its guiding ideology, ruling philosophy, and value orientation. We should deeply dig into its practical significance from the three perspectives of historical basis and cultural cycle rate, national backbone and cultural centripetal force, value dimension and culture origin, portray the foundation and root of cultural self-confidence, and then maintain cultural determination, build cultural consensus, and enhance cultural self-confidence.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    The Plight of the Self——A Cultural Interpretation of Revolutionary Road
    ZHANG Wen-wen
    2020, 22 (6):  116-122.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2020.06.015
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML   PDF (958KB) ( 844 )  
    Richard Yates's Revolutionary Road recounts American middle-class couples' incorporation into and rebellion against the post-war life of homogeneity, thus reflecting on the dead end that the self—American national character—comes to in 1950s, the time when the society is characterized with affluence and anxiety. Based on an interpretation of the plight of the self in the novel and the conformity culture in 1950s from the perspective of cultural criticism, those who conform to the mainstream values either develop the “other-directed character” due to the degenerating influence of the consumer culture, or become “the organization men” owing to the suppressing power of the cold war ideology. By contrast, some social rebels who pursue the American self are confronted with “new alienation”, thus suffering from the identity crisis and the paradox of freedom. In this sense, the degeneration, repression and alienation of the self demonstrates the collapse of the traditional American self in 1950s, and produces a crystalline snapshot of the plight of the self under the influence of conformity culture.
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