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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    On the “Virtual Presence” in Visual Experience and Its Ontological Significance
    SUO Yin, WEN Chengwei
    2022, 24 (3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.001
    Abstract ( 502 )   HTML ( 21)   PDF (915KB) ( 768 )  
    In the visual experience of virtual reality (VR), on the one hand, the way in which the VR environment appears to the perceiver by simulating “ambient light” can influence the perceiver's perception of self-presence; on the other hand, the reversibility of the perceiver's visual activity enables the perceiver to perceive the co-existence between himself/herself and the VR environment. The coupling of these two aspects contributes to the formation of “virtual presence”. In the sense of phenomenological ontology, “virtual presence” indicates that the human being and the digital virtual environment constitute the ontological relationship of corporeal “chiasm”. This ontological relationship implies that the human's existential structure of being in the world could be extended in the virtual dimension to point to the possibility of virtual existence, which is already visible in the “Metaverse”.
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    Fundamental Problems of Husserl's Phenomenological Epistemology: Clarification of Epistemological Tasks and Their Implications
    WU Chengcheng
    2022, 24 (3):  8-13.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.002
    Abstract ( 257 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (889KB) ( 510 )  
    Husserl's research on knowing activities led to the development of his phenomenology. By clarifying the concept of logic, Husserl claimed the task of epistemology is to answer two questions: the justification of knowledge and the possibility of knowledge. By transcending the transcendent answer to the question of possibility of knowledge, Husserl gradually proposed the phenomenological epistemology with the method of Epoché, which also became the starting point of his phenomenology. In comparison with the contemporary epistemological research on the same question, Husserl's phenomenological epistemology is a study on the general laws of cognitive activity, while contemporary epistemology is a specific study on the problems of knowledge—the fruit of our cognition, which is a fundamentally different kind of research, with the latter grounded in the former.
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    Economics and Management
    Study on the Influence of China's Internet Finance Development on Residents' Consumption
    LAN Guanxiufeng, KUANG Xianming
    2022, 24 (3):  14-21.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.003
    Abstract ( 445 )   HTML ( 16)   PDF (936KB) ( 374 )  
    Based on innovation diffusion model and information discrimination model, the benchmark theoretical model of intertemporal consumption is extended by introducing factors such as market size, advertising promotion and resident liquidity constraint. At the same time, according to the theoretical analysis, an empirical research is carried out from the perspectives of the horizontal effect and the structural effect of the impact of Internet finance development on residents' consumption demand. The results show that Internet finance can relax the liquidity constraint of residents and improve their consumption demand. Internet finance cannot improve the consumption structure of residents by developing consumption enjoyment, but it can make use of credit term to have an indirect influence on the level of residents' consumption. The improvement of the level of disposable income can promote the growth of consumer demand.
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    Digital Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Countries Along the “Belt and Road”
    HE Guosheng, GENG Zhechen, PU Hongxia
    2022, 24 (3):  22-31.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.004
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML ( 6)   PDF (957KB) ( 335 )  
    Based on the panel data from 34 countries along the “Belt and Road” from 2010 to 2018, this study adopts the instrumental variable method to explore the impacts of digital financial inclusion on sustainable poverty reduction among the B&R countries. Taken into full consideration of endogeneity and robust conclusion, the result shows that digital finance inclusion promotes the sustainable poverty reduction significantly and the promoting effect is heterogeneous. In the further analysis, there has been a threshold effect of digital financial inclusion on sustainable poverty reduction between low-middle income economies and high income economies along the “Belt and Road”. Based on this, we put forward some policy suggestions such as strengthening the construction of digital financial networks, launching differentiated layouts and establishing platforms for communication and cooperation.
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    Environmental Effects of Credit Allocation and Environmental Expenditure: Evidence from Theoretical Model and Spatial Econometric Model
    HE Jun, YANG Qiming, LIU Ting
    2022, 24 (3):  32-41.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.005
    Abstract ( 171 )   HTML ( 7)   PDF (1010KB) ( 206 )  
    Based on the endogenous growth model, a theoretical model including bank credit allocation, government environmental expenditure and environmental factors is built. The numerical simulation results show that if private enterprises obtain more credit capital, it will increase environmental pollution. In addition, there is a nonlinear relationship between environmental expenditure and environmental quality. Furthermore, the study applies relevant spatial data from 31 provinces in China to a spatial econometric model. The results indicate that environmental pollution among provincial regions shows a significant positive spatial autocorrelation, credit allocation structure tends to private enterprises which is not conducive to the improvement of environmental pollution, and environmental expenditure and environmental pollution display an inverse U-shaped relationship, which supports the numerical simulation results. After introducing the interaction term, it is found that the marginal effect of the credit allocation structure on environmental pollution is related to the government's environmental protection expenditure, and the two have a non-linear relationship. Strengthening the environmental pollution supervision of private enterprises, expanding government expenditures on environmental protection and regional collaborative environmental governance are of great significance to the improvement of environmental quality.
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    Can Tax Sharing Incentives Promote Regional Technological Innovation?
    QIU Guoqing, YANG Zhian, LI Jingwen
    2022, 24 (3):  42-50.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.006
    Abstract ( 222 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (928KB) ( 278 )  
    In order to answer the question of whether tax sharing incentives can promote regional technological innovation, this paper applies the systematic GMM estimation method to empirically examine the impact of tax sharing incentives on regional technological innovation based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2000 to 2018. The results show that tax sharing incentives significantly inhibit regional technological innovation based on the national-level investigation. According to the sub regional survey, the result further demonstrates that tax sharing incentives have obvious influence on regional technological innovation because of regional differences. In the eastern region, tax sharing incentives can significantly improve regional technological innovation, but in the central region, tax sharing incentives significantly inhibit the level of regional technological innovation, which is consistent with the national-level estimation results. In the western region, tax sharing incentives have no significant impact on regional technological innovation efficiency. To this end, it is necessary to cultivate local subject taxes, implement the legal principle of tax sharing, adopt different tax sharing models, optimize local government performance evaluation mechanism, and help improve the level of regional technological innovation orderly.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Can the Disclosure of Government Budget Information Effectively Help Control the Growth of Public Consumption Expenditure?An Empirical Research Based on the Data Published by Local Governments
    LI Xue
    2022, 24 (3):  51-60.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.007
    Abstract ( 172 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (2343KB) ( 164 )  
    As an important policy tool for “good governance”, transparency construction based on government information disclosure aims to reduce information asymmetry between principals and agents, strengthen the accountability mechanism, and improve the governance effectiveness of public policies. However, some western scholars try to deny its social value through empirical data analysis recently. This research employs empirical data of 1221 local governments to inspect the governance performance of public consumption budgetary information based on the theoretical perspective of institutional construction. The research results show that the public consumption disclosure institution can help to control the growth of public consumption, and the public's awareness of the right to know and the promotion incentives of officials can effectively help with the governance performance of the public consumption budget information disclosure. In order to improve its governance performance, we should understand its constructive nature deeply, strengthen the data quality awareness of government information disclosure, enhance the public accountability mechanism construction, and enshrine the political notion of the supremacy of the people into the concrete enforcement mechanism to boost national governance system and ability modernization construction.
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    From Intention to Behavior:Does Internet Use Encourage the Volunteering Participation of Middle-aged Groups?
    HAO Long
    2022, 24 (3):  61-70.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.008
    Abstract ( 201 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (954KB) ( 371 )  
    The Internet has been placed with an important expectation to reverse the insufficient volunteering participation of middle-aged groups. However, has this expectation been realized? Under the interpretation framework of civic voluntarism, the data of Chinese Social Survey 2017 (CSS 2017) is analyzed. Results show that the Internet use, especially the usage for information, can not only significantly improve the volunteering participation intention of middle-aged groups, but also help stimulate the volunteering participation behavior. The positive effect of the Internet usage for social contact only appears at the level of volunteering participation behavior, and the inhibitory effect of the Internet usage for entertainment has not been confirmed. It is demonstrated that Internet use indeed plays the role of “boosters”, which can empower the volunteering participation of middle-aged groups in terms of consciousness, information, opportunities, resources and social relationship.
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    Lifestyle-based Participation: An Analytical Perspective of Understanding the Effective Operation of Participatory Governance
    BAO Hanchuan, XIONG Ke
    2022, 24 (3):  71-78.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.009
    Abstract ( 188 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (946KB) ( 376 )  
    Grassroots governance is often faced with the lack of initiatives, universality and persistence for public participation. Based on the relationship between daily life and governance, the perspective of lifestyle-based participation is put forward to point out that people's participation in public affairs as the personal lifestyle can make participatory governance work effectively. Through the case story of residents who organize cycling teams for exercise to realize people's participation in social governance, it can be found that: the spontaneity of daily life can cultivate people's participatory motivation and realize active participation; the interactivity of daily life can expand people's participatory network and realize universal participation; the circulation of daily life can form the habits of participation and realize long-term participation. Through supplying behavioral resources and authoritative confirmation, effective participation may further improve people's life, making this pattern operate smoothly. Lifestyle-based participation reexamines the adaptability of western discourse of the dichotomy between politics and life into Chinese governance fields, and inherits the great traditions of the mass line in the history of the Communist Party of China.
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    Policy Change and Enlightenment of Family Doctor System in China: Based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework
    GAO Peng, YANG Cuiying
    2022, 24 (3):  78-86.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.010
    Abstract ( 139 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (1077KB) ( 341 )  
    The policy texts of the family doctor system are analyzed from the initial stage to the present with the help of the advocacy coalition framework, and an in-depth study is made on the coalition composition, belief system, policy learning and policy forum in the policy subsystem. It is found that the establishment and development of the family doctor system involves multiple subjects, and the policy change leads to the opposition between different belief systems and advocacy coalition, which hinders the development of the role of family doctors. With the further policy change, the gradual intensification of contradictions leads to the phenomenon of “signing but not agreeing”. Thus, it is suggested that the family doctor system should establish a “contractual” trust relationship between family doctors and patients, clarify the interests of family doctors and patients, cooperate with various departments to achieve positive interaction and improve institutional convergence, and emphasize the role of policy learning and policy forum so as to make the dynamic combination of family doctor system design and objectives, effectively improve the quality of the family doctor system, and promote the further development of medical and health system reforms.
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    Exploration on the Practical Logic and Innovative Routes of Co-governance in Communities Based on Marxist Responsibility Concept
    JIANG Huaizhi, CAI Xiaoshen
    2022, 24 (3):  87-93.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.011
    Abstract ( 162 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (1063KB) ( 581 )  
    With the improvement of the Communist Party-leading urban-rural grassroots governance system which is integrated autonomy, rule by law and rule by virtue, communities, as the grassroots governance units, are being more and more significant in building the structure of social co-governance. However, due to the different responsibility orientations among multiple subjects, unclear governing responsibilities and conflicts of interest demands in the process of community co-governance, the governance effect of joint contribution, joint governance, and shared benefits will be affected negatively. Accordingly, based on Marxist responsibility concept, the applicability and practical logic of directing community co-governance in the new era is analyzed, and the core mission of community co-governance, the responsibility relationship among multiple subjects and the practice mechanism of community integrated co-governance of autonomy, laws and morals are studied, and the innovative routes in three directions of gathering value consensus, guiding co-governance subjects to fulfil their responsibilities consciously, and improving constraint mechanisms are explored, thereby promoting the effects of grassroots social governance.
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    On the Function of Administrative Legislation in Dealing with Crises
    NIE Qingyu
    2022, 24 (3):  94-101.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.012
    Abstract ( 199 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (930KB) ( 478 )  
    Both the typical application of administrative legislation in wars and economic crises in western history and China's handling of two public health emergencies show that administrative legislation is an effective tool for a law-based country to deal with crises. The function of administrative legislation to deal with crises is realized through the structural adjustment of power. It transforms the principle of separation of power between legislation and administration in modern law-based country into the concentration of power, and the fact that “combines norms and decisions” is formed. It is manifested in the suspension of law in form and the breakthrough of the principle of legal reservation in essence. This kind of administrative legislation produced in crises is obviously different in terms of foundation, purpose and consequences from what is based on constitutional norms to overcome the low efficiency of legislation. Therefore, the means of supervision for the two should be different.
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    Analysis of the Enforceability of Expectant Right of the Buyer of Real Estate
    ZHONG Jiaer
    2022, 24 (3):  102-110.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.013
    Abstract ( 167 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF (937KB) ( 721 )  
    Referring to the expectant right system in German law, China has formulated Article 28 of Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Handling of Enforcement Opposition and Reconsideration Cases by People's Courts. This article holds that when the buyer of real estate meets the requirements of this article, he enjoys the expectant right to obtain the ownership of the property. Expectant right is a current right with independent exchange value and should be affiliated to the property. The buyer, as a creditor, can attach this expectant right by the way of seizing the real estate. After the buyer obtains the ownership, the attachment of expectant right automatically turns into the attachment of the real estate, and the creditor enjoys the priority of compensation for the value change in the light of attachment. It is not permitted to take malicious disposal of the expectant right or even the ownership of property since the attachment. Therefore, the buyer is immune from the risk that the seller tears up the contract and trades the real estate with others. The claim interests as well as the priority of compensation of the buyer as a creditor are guaranteed.
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    The Possible Space, Inherent Limit and Prospect of Judicial Artificial Intelligence
    WANG Wenyu
    2022, 24 (3):  111-119.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.014
    Abstract ( 194 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF (942KB) ( 591 )  
    Compared with human judges, judicial artificial intelligence has more advantages in terms of efficiency, objective neutrality, stability, predictability, and guaranteeing simultaneous judgments in similar cases. However, the application of judicial artificial intelligence still faces a series of technical difficulties, value challenges and legal problems, which determines that judicial artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human judges. It is a more active and pragmatic human-machine coexistence model to hand simple cases and routine work to judicial artificial intelligence, and difficult and complex cases to human judges. In addition, we should strive to optimize case selection, value embedding, algorithm disclosure and supervision system, strengthen the protection of litigant rights, promote the cultivation of compound talents, and construct a reasonable responsibility distribution system to ensure the efficiency, safety and reliability of judicial artificial intelligence.
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    Marxism Theory
    How Is the Sinicization of Technological Innovation Made Possible?
    CHENG Haidong, JING Dan
    2022, 24 (3):  120-125.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.015
    Abstract ( 203 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (886KB) ( 434 )  
    Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's technological innovation has been in the process of sinicization, constantly applying foreign innovative ideas and theories to China's development, forming the sinicization innovation mode, which is the theoretical basis and practical context of the sinicization of technological innovation. Logically speaking, the sinicization of technological innovation and the sinicization of Marxism belong to two different levels: specific field and guiding ideology. Based on the practice way, Chinese technological innovation is characterized by the high quality development, which is under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on technological innovation, facing the new conditions, seizing the historical opportunity, putting the people first, relying on all kinds of professional talents, and persisting in independence.
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    Research on Promoting the Modernization of National Ecological Governance System and Governance Capabilities
    LI Tieying
    2022, 24 (3):  126-131.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.016
    Abstract ( 200 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (886KB) ( 194 )  
    The modernization of the national ecological governance system and governance capabilities is not only an integral part of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, but also the fundamental path for the continuous improvement of the level of ecological civilization construction. Moreover, it is a key area for China to contribute its ecological governance wisdom and solutions to the world. The Marxist ecological civilization thought, the ecological governance theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the excellent elements of Western ecological governance theories provide the theoretical construction conditions for promoting the modernization of national ecological governance system and governance capacities. The practical logic of promoting the modernization of national ecological governance system and governance capacities can be constructed by cultivating the ecological governance concept with Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought as the core, establishing an ecological governance system with the improvement of ecological legal system as the breakthrough point, and promoting the construction of a collaborative governance mechanism of diversified subjects with clear rights and responsibilities.
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    Study on the Design of Higher Education Integrated Mechanism in Northeast China
    BIAN Shu, LIU Yiyang
    2022, 24 (3):  132-137.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.017
    Abstract ( 186 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF (955KB) ( 341 )  
    The integrated development of higher education is an important foundation and support for promoting economic win-win, cultural integration and complementary resources in northeast China, and achieving comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization in the new era. Accelerating the integrated development of higher education in northeast China has many driving factors and favorable bases, but at the same time there are also development constraints such as weak systematic planning, lack of endogenous impetus for innovation, convergence in university construction and low transformation rate of scientific and technological achievements. It is necessary to promote the organic synergy of governmental, academic and corporate forces in northeast China through such measures as strengthening governance mechanisms, improving linkage mechanisms and deepening integration mechanisms so as to realize the integrated development of regional higher education and provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development.
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    Endogenous Force of Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities: Realistic Representation, Generative Logic and Mechanism Construction
    WEI Ze, ZHANG Xuemin
    2022, 24 (3):  138-144.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.018
    Abstract ( 181 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF (982KB) ( 530 )  
    Endogenous force is the logical starting point and governance origin of thinking and discussing entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities. The development of entrepreneurship education in China's colleges and universities is not endogenous but a top-down government-driven evolution path. The entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities is facing the realistic dilemma of excessive external pressure and insufficient endogenous force. The generation of the endogenous force of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities originates from the promotion of multiple forces such as demand force, education force, resource force and system force, which interact with and affect each other. It is the logical way for entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities to seek the endogenesis and development to construct endogenous demand promotion mechanism and practical work training mechanism of the entrepreneurial ability of “entrepreneurship” and “learning” to activate students' endogenous force, the incentive mechanism and practical exercise mechanism of “entrepreneurship” and “teaching” to activate teachers' endogenous force, and the performance appraisal mechanism and working service mechanism of collaborative linkage of “entrepreneurship” and “cultivation” to activate administrators' endogenous force.
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    Music Aesthetic Education from the Perspective of Humanities and Arts: A Cross-cultural and Cross-disciplinary Study
    YANG Fuman
    2022, 24 (3):  145-150.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2022.03.019
    Abstract ( 201 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF (5412KB) ( 426 )  
    With technological forces prevailing in the human society, science and engineering studies get estranged from liberal arts, which may entail the education of mono-disciplinary and one-sided college students. Music aesthetic education, as a branch of humanities and arts, appeals directly to emotions, inspires imagination and creativity, and promotes overall development. With the ideological policy of aesthetic education in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the theoretical framework, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary research as the methodology, music and art education of University of Pittsburgh as the case study object, an interpretation and analysis is conducted on its historic and humanistic curriculum system, its internationally oriented and multi-cultural education concepts, and its “presence and experience” teaching mode, with the purpose of finding a new mode of comprehensive education for humanities and arts through cross-cultural exchanges.
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