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    Scientific and Technological Philosophy
    Philosophical Analysis of Quantum Suicide Experiment
    HE Tian-ping, MA Kai-li, QIAO Xiao-fei
    2017, 19 (5):  441-446.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.001
    Abstract ( 703 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 1462 )  
    Quantum suicide experiment is a kind of ideal experiment deriving from the hypothesis of many-worlds interpretation (MWI), which is regarded as a decisive experiment on the many-worlds interpretation and traditional interpretations of quantum mechanics. The controversy over the experiment focuses on three aspects: how to define the branches, how to define the probability and how the experimenter chooses his/her position. Among them the branch issue is derived from the many-worlds interpretation itself. However, the controversial root of the other two issues is that they fail to realize that the branches are not possible worlds but inevitable parallel worlds, whose core is to redefine the probability and guarantee the identity of consciousness. While the experiment can't verify the many-worlds interpretation, it reveals many problems and contradictions in terms of verification, probability and trust.
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    Why Engineering Ethic Code Is Possible?
    ZHANG Heng-li
    2017, 19 (5):  447-452.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.002
    Abstract ( 700 )   HTML   PDF (826KB) ( 2338 )  
    After over one hundred years' development, the ethic code of engineering has become an important part of engineering professional development and system. It has contributed to the improvement of engineering professionalism and the development of technological innovation. Based on the historical development of engineering ethic code, a comparative analysis of engineering ethic code and scientific ethic code is given, and the representations and root causes of the cognitive errors in China's engineering ethics are pointed out. Moreover, it is suggested that the development of autonomous, independent engineering professional organizations and the construction of engineering career systems should be strengthened, thus promoting the formulation and improvement of China's engineering ethic code, so as to improve engineering professionalism and technological innovation.
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    Technical Characteristics of the Tobacco Industry and Its Socio-cultural Embedding
    LI Peng, WANG Rui, LUO Ling-ling
    2017, 19 (5):  453-458.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.003
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML   PDF (822KB) ( 1258 )  
    Tobacco industry technology is a technical system spanning from tobacco planting to tobacco sales. In the process from tobacco leaves to industrial technological products, its technical negative effects are continually on the rise and become the main source of harm to human health and the important object of social resistance. Tobacco industry technology is inherently characterized by the negative external technology, stubborn technical utilitarianism, industrial technology innovation under the control of stimulation and regional monopoly brought about by the local knowledge. Moreover, in the interaction between industrial technology and social culture, the cultural interchanges, hierarchical industrial ideas and political infiltration of industrial technologies in evaluating social and cultural embedding are of great significance to reexamine the social harm of the tobacco industry and to achieve the demise and transformation of the tobacco industry from the very source.
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    Economics and Management
    Determinants of the Number of Blockholders: Tradeoff Between Governance Effects and Stock Liquidity——An Empirical Research Based on China's A-Share Corporations
    WU Shi-fei, LIU Shu-lian
    2017, 19 (5):  459-467.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.004
    Abstract ( 629 )   HTML   PDF (871KB) ( 1273 )  
    Based on China's A-share corporate data from 2010 to 2014, the determinants of the number of blockholders are investigated empirically with the ordered Logit model.The results indicate that the number of blockholders is an outcome of the tradeoff between the governance effects in voice and trading mechanisms implemented by blockholders. Specifically, the number is lower in the presence of individual blockholders and higher when managers' pay level increases.From the perspective of financial market microstructure, it is shown that the number of blockholders rises with stock liquidity. Furthermore, a higher level of stock liquidity strikes a more optimal balance between the productivity of blockholders and managers' effort. Besides, the number of blockholders is affected by the nature of corporate property rights, and the state-owned enterprises always have fewer blockholders.
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    An Empirical Research on the Effective Modes of Public Service of Public Perception in the Market-oriented Reform——A Case Study of Four College Cafeterias
    LYU Wei-xia, YE Lan, LIU Yin-can
    2017, 19 (5):  468-475.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.005
    Abstract ( 638 )   HTML   PDF (843KB) ( 1125 )  
    Taking colleges for example and based on the differences of perceived performance such as perceived quality and perceived value, the effectiveness of market-oriented reform models is analyzed in order to assess the characteristics and functions of different service modes and to decide which market-oriented reform models are more suitable for public welfare service organizations. Through an empirical study of four college cafeterias, it is found that the mixed mode is more effective than the pure contract outsourcing model; there is no significant difference in public perception performance between contract outsourcing and self-made mode in the same department; the degree of contract outsourcing may affect the service performance, and the mixed model of self-production and outsourcing is more suitable for the public institutions with stronger public welfare.
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    Effect of Moral Identity and Moral Identification on Ethical Behaviors in SOEs: Differences and Interactions
    GUO Sheng-hao, XIAO Ming-zheng
    2017, 19 (5):  476-482.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.006
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (863KB) ( 1522 )  
    Employees' ethical behavior at work is of great significance to the production, operation, and moral and spiritual civilization of enterprises. Based on the data collected with traced and other-rated (N=394) approaches, the typical ethical behaviors—organizational citizenship behaviors and ethical influencing factors were analyzed by using the latent structural equation model. It was found that moral identification has a significant positive impact on employees' organizational citizenship behaviors, that is, the higher the moral identification of an employees is, the higher the level of organizational citizenship behaviors on both individual and organizational aspects will be; however, the direct impact of moral identity, which is of more practical concern, is not significant at all. Then, the interaction test showed that moral identity plays a moderating role: to the individual with lower moral identity, the impact of moral identification on organizational citizenship behaviors in the individual aspect is much stronger. It was concluded that employees' moral construction should not only focus on the individuals' moral identity, and moral identification is a more effective way to promote the moral behaviors of employees, especially the ones with low moral identity.
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    Social Risk Mechanism in the Social Integration Process of New-generation Migrant Workers——Based on Dynamic Game Theory Model
    SONG Yan, SU Zi-feng, SUN Dian
    2017, 19 (5):  483-488.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.007
    Abstract ( 591 )   HTML   PDF (821KB) ( 889 )  
    The multi-stage dynamic game theory model of social risks in migrant workers' social integration is conducted, and the unreasonable resources endowment and the resultant social risksexperienced by the new-generation migrant workers are explored. The constrains of migrant workers in choosing struggle or compromise strategies are put forward when the government takes different strategies, and the generation mechanisms of short-term and long-term social risks are analyzed. The results indicate that apart from the psychological balance of the migrant worker group, there turns gap of different strategies taken by the migrant worker group and the attitude of the government are key factors for influencing social risks.
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    Politics and Public Management
    Public Emotion and Risk Perception Under the Influence of Haze ——Based on a Survey of Microblog Users in Tianjin
    FAN Bo, YANG Wen-ting, SUN Xuan
    2017, 19 (5):  489-496.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.008
    Abstract ( 602 )   HTML   PDF (1094KB) ( 1759 )  
    In recent years, the severity of haze has had negative impact on public life to varied degrees. Through the corpus analysis and processing of the data collected from the microblog platform, correlation test, co integration test and Granger causality test are used to explore the relationship between public emotion and risk perception. The results show that sadness, fear and disgust, at the 1% significance level, can effectively predict the environmental risk perception in lag 2. The public's concern about haze can also effectively predict the environmental risk perception in lag 2, but the public's positive emotion cannot predict the environmental risk perception.
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    Four Challenges and Action Logic of Cooperative Governance in Trans-county Public Service——A Case Study of “Five Water Shared Governance” in Zhejiang
    ZHANG Peng, GUO Jin-yun
    2017, 19 (5):  497-503.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.009
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (885KB) ( 1392 )  
    Cooperative governance of trans-county public service is an inevitable choice to promote the equalization of regional public service and the modernization of local governance capacity. Regarded as a microcosm of the cooperative governance of trans-county public service, “Five water shared governance” in Zhejiang Province is taken for the research sample, whose experience of overall linkage flood control is elaborated. It is concluded that the cooperative governance of trans-county public service is faced with four challenges, i.e., the weakness in sustainability, the game of interests between the governments, the lack of cooperation between the governments, enterprises and citizens, and the weak foundation of the legal system. Following the analytical framework of holistic governance theory, the action logic of the cooperative governance of trans-county public service is explored—by strengthening coordination and integration between governance subjects, constructing compound governance modes, promoting the legalization process, improving the performance appraisal system, and using information technology, the quality of cooperative governance of trans-county public service may be enhanced.
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    From “Environmental Protest” to “Environmental Governance”: Transformation Path and Implications of Experience——Grounded Research on A Typical Case
    TAN Shuang
    2017, 19 (5):  504-511.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.010
    Abstract ( 537 )   HTML   PDF (920KB) ( 1116 )  
    Departing from the traditional paradigm of “prequel” which is greatly concerned with the pre-conditions, prediction methods and evolutionary process, this study explored the environmental protest and was focused on the “aftereffect” of such protest, namely energy release and social construction. In particular, the transformation path from environmental protest to environmental governance was highlighted. Based on the grounded research on the typical case of anti-waste incineration plants in Panyu, Guangdong Province, the transformation path model consisting of 6 core categories was constructed. This process was described as below: the energy released from environmental protests provides a “trigger” and “transformation cornerstone”, brings in reforms in the four dimensions including issue, identity, organization and action under the joint efforts of “catalysts”, and finally achieves successful transformation through the strengthened effectiveness of “stabilizers” that ensure the continuity of environmental governance. On the basis of the experience drawn from this case, new ideas and strategies were put forward from the perspectives of governance concept, governance structure and governance mechanism.
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    On the Sinicization of Patent System and the Realization of the Path
    FEI Yan-ying, REN Wen-hua, LING Li
    2017, 19 (5):  512-517.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.011
    Abstract ( 609 )   HTML   PDF (818KB) ( 1031 )  
    Patent system as a system imported from abroad, after more than 30 years’ refinement and perfection, its feature of sinicization becomes increasingly apparent. The investigation on the development of the sinicization of patent system should be conducted by angles of view of both practice and culture: one aspect, China patent administration protection system and patent strategy system have been constructed during the process of responding to China’s current needs of economic and social development; on the other hand, patent system should work well with the essence of traditional Chinese culture, turn innovation culture, contract culture and credit culture into specific legal system. Thus, in the integration of the process of patent system and the reality of China, such three versions of patent system had been formed: the theory version—patent system with a Chinese characteristic, the demonstration version of developing countries and the Chinese version in the overall international patent system.
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    Theoretical Foundation of the Convergence Between Administrative Law Enforcement Evidence and Criminal Evidence
    LIU Yang, ZHANG Bin
    2017, 19 (5):  518-525.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.012
    Abstract ( 558 )   HTML   PDF (841KB) ( 1051 )  
    Paragraph 2 of Article 52 in the Criminal Procedure Law is the legal ground for the application of administrative law enforcement evidence in the criminal procedure. To understand the application of this article, it is necessary to pay attention to the realistic necessity, and the legitimacy of the substantial law, procedural law and evidence law should also be demonstrated. For the substantial law, there are intersections between the adjusted objects of administrative law and criminal law, and the social harmfulness of administrative violations and crimes is different. Therefore, the identification of important cases is common. For the procedural law, the accountability mechanism in China is dualistic, which means the corpus delicti is detected from the administrative enforcement. When the violation of laws is overlapped with crimes, the criminal process will be brought forward. For the evidence law, the scarcity of resources and the relevance of evidence should be proven. The connection and application of the administrative and criminal evidence is Chinese-specific, which is unnecessary abroad for the integral accountability mechanism is applied in their evidence system. In order to connect the legal legitimacy with the procedural legitimacy, the administrative procedure should be distinguished from the criminal procedure and the judicial power should be guaranteed by adhering to the bottom line of procedural justice.
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    Maker Education: A New Perspective of Innovative Talent Cultivation
    WAN Chao, WEI Lai
    2017, 19 (5):  526-532.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.013
    Abstract ( 814 )   HTML   PDF (891KB) ( 1446 )  
    As a new type of educational model, maker education is characterized by “hands-on, cooperation, sharing and creativity”, which is committed to cultivating innovative talents. At present, there exist some problems in the cultivation of innovative talents at colleges and universities such as the outdated platform, the shortage of professional teachers, the ossified curricula, and the deficiency of innovation culture. The development of maker education is helpful to solve these problems and enhance learners' innovation consciousness, innovative thinking, innovative knowledge and innovation capability. To implement maker education and cultivate innovative talents, the following steps should be taken—to construct maker space for the creative environment; to provide teachers of maker type for the instruction support; to improve the curriculum system for the teaching contexts; and to create a maker culture for the cultural atmosphere.
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    Reinforcement of the Workhorse Spirit in Grass-roots Party Organizations at Colleges and Universities from an All-out Effort to Enforce Strict Party Discipline
    MA Tian-wei, REN Peng
    2017, 19 (5):  533-538.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.014
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML   PDF (818KB) ( 1001 )  
    Reinforcing the workhorse spirit is not only of great necessity for the overall strict construction of grass-roots party organizations at colleges and universities, but also is the realistic requirement for the party to construct grass-roots party organizations. Moreover, it serves as an important path whereby the grass-roots party organizations at colleges and universities could make an all-out effort to enforce strict party discipline. For the grass-roots party organizations at colleges and universities to strengthen the workhorse spirit in the current situation, they are faced with many challenges of both subjective and objective aspects, such as the complex environment of multiple variables, deviation of understanding and misinterpretation, and the work gap of the party at the basic level. In implementing the spirit of comprehensive and strict party construction and carrying out the spirit of the national conference on ideological and political work at colleges and universities, the sense of responsibility and the workhorse spirit should be strengthened, the workhorse spirit education should be highlighted in the ideological construction, the working standards in the organization construction should be enhanced, the feature of hard work should be formed in style construction, and action orientation should be embodied in system construction so as to actively respond to challenges and tests, and effectively build the grass-roots party organizations at colleges and universities into a strong battle fort and political core.
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    Linguistics and Literature
    Are We Really Rational in Language Use?
    XIA Deng-shan
    2017, 19 (5):  539-544.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.015
    Abstract ( 537 )   HTML   PDF (829KB) ( 1276 )  
    Classic pragmatic theories such as principle of rationality, relevance theory and Face theory all claim that language use is rational. However, this proposition can be falsified via an analysis of two key notions, namely, rationality and act of language use. The distinction between non-rationality and irrationality helps define rationality-n and rationality-i. The act of language use is rational-n, but not necessarily rational-i. Structurally, the act of language use can be divided into strategic act and verbal act. In terms of Max Weber's taxonomy of social acts, both strategic and verbal acts can be one or a combination of two or more types of the four social acts, namely, instrumentally rational act, value-rational act, affectual act, and traditional act. Therefore, the act of language use can be either rational-i or irrational.
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    Construction of Postmodern Ecological Thought—— Re-examination of Ecological Postmodernism
    WANG Xiao-hui
    2017, 19 (5):  545-550.  DOI: 10.15936/j.cnki.1008-3758.2017.05.016
    Abstract ( 589 )   HTML   PDF (824KB) ( 1151 )  
    Ecological postmodernism becomes an important part in contemporary literary criticism. Originating from the reflection on the state of human existence in the post-industrial society, it criticizes the modern thinking pattern resulting in the maladies of age and advocates establishing the ecological holism, the real worldview and the community spirit. It tries to reconstruct an ecological society that is harmonious, democratic and full of mutual love and restores a mutual interconnectedness between humans themselves and between humans and the world. Ecological postmodernism not only constructs a new postmodernist ecological thinking system, enriches and develops the postmodern literary theory, but also is of great significance to realize the “common well-being” in the life community.
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