东北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 867-870.DOI: -

• 材料与冶金 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819;2.东北大学材料与冶金学院,辽宁沈阳110819)
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-21 修回日期:2012-11-21 出版日期:2013-06-15 发布日期:2013-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 董金奎
  • 作者简介:董金奎(1964-),男,山东莱州人,东北大学博士研究生;杨洪英(1960-),女,河北新河人,东北大学教授,博士生导师.
  • 基金资助:

Researches on the GoldBearing Minerals of the DeepSeated Deposit of Jiaojia Gold Mine in Shandong

DONG Jinkui1, YANG Hongying2   

  1. 1. School of Resources & Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China; 2. School of Materials & Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China.
  • Received:2012-11-21 Revised:2012-11-21 Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-12-31
  • Contact: DONG Jinkui
  • About author:-
  • Supported by:

摘要: 焦家金矿床为著名的构造破碎蚀变岩型大型金矿床,随着矿石不断开采,许多矿石工艺矿物学性质发生改变.为了提高金的回收率和确定选矿流程,开展了焦家金矿深部的载金矿物研究.采用光学显微镜、电镜、能谱分析等手段,对矿石的载金矿物种类、金赋存状态、金矿物粒度等矿石性质开展了深入研究.研究表明焦家金矿载金矿物主要有:黄铁矿、黄铜矿,其次是石英、闪锌矿、方铅矿.其中硫化物载金占8650%,硅酸盐矿物载金占1350%.赋存在黄铁矿、黄铜矿晶体中的金粒度比在硅酸盐矿物中大得多.在黄铁矿、黄铜矿和石英中的金颗粒分别为0074~0037mm,0043~0037以及>0037mm范围之内.焦家金矿金的赋存状态有:裂隙金、包裹金和晶隙金,其中裂隙金占6551%,包裹金占1819%,晶隙金占1666%.

关键词: 焦家金矿, 载金矿物, 深部, 金, 黄铁矿

Abstract: Jiaojia gold deposits is a famous large gold deposits of tectoniclastic alterated rocks which lead to special attention of the experts as a new type of gold deposit named “Jiaojia type” gold deposits. With the continued exploitation, many characteristics of the process mineralogical properties of the oral greatly changed. In order to improve gold recovery rates and determine the ore dressing scheme, the characteristics of goldbearing minerals of deepseated deposit of the Jiaojia gold mine was researched. The researches on the types of goldbearing minerals, gold occurrence state, grain sizes of gold mineral etc. were carried out with optical microscopy, electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis. The results showed that the major goldbearing minerals in Jiaojia gold ore were pyrite and chalcopyrite, and the minor were sphalerite, galena and quartz in which the gold bearing minerals in sulfide accounted for 8650% and the gold bearing minerals in silicate accounted for 1350%. The grain size of gold mineral in the pyrite and chalcopyrite was much bigger than that in the silicate minerals. The sizes of the gold particles in the pyrite, chalcopyrite and quartz were 0074~0037mm, 0043~ 0037mm and>0037mm, respectively. Gold occurrence states of Jiaojia gold ore were the fissures gold accounted for 6551%, wrapped gold accounted for 1819% and intercrystalline gold accounted for 1666%.

Key words: Jiaojia gold mine, goldbearing mineral, deepseated, gold, pyrite
