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    Tumor image fusion based on wavelet multiresolution decomposition
    Wang, Hong (1); Yang, Chun-Mei (2); Yuan, Zhen-Hua (3); Zhao, Hai-Bin (3)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2005, 26 (4): 238-241.   DOI: -
    Abstract643)   HTML    PDF (209KB)(6809)      
    A new image fusion technique is put forward using wavelet transform to decompose the multi-resolution signals from each and every image so as to fuse differently the subimages within different bandwidths at every resolution levels. Template matching is used in high-frequency domain to calculate the statistical average and mean square deviation in image display area, thus determining the proportion of information provided by source images in image fusion process. In low-frequency domain the fusion is carried out using averaging operator so as to keep on the background of image. Then, image fusion can be completed by wavelet transform. The technique proposed has successfully been used in CT image fusion for tumor diagnosis, and experimental results revealed that it is an efficient way to provide fused image more adaptable to human vision.
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    LMP calculation on PJM power market and its trial in China
    Zhang, Rui-You (1); Han, Shui (2); Zhang, Jin-Zhu (3); Wang, Ding-Wei (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2005, 26 (11): 16-18.   DOI: -
    Abstract1700)   HTML    PDF (153KB)(6344)      
    For the pricing of power transmission/distribution in China, the PJM power market is introduced as a reference and studied, in which the locational marginal price (LMP) with no transmission loss taken into account is calculated according to the security constrained economic dispatch (SCED) based on de-power flow. To adapt the actual need, the constraints on the sum of transmitted power of multiple branches are added to the original PJM model, and the power transmission distributed factor (PTDF) matrix is proposed for branch sets. To test the efficiency of the proposed approach, a calculation trial has been done using a mathematical model of a 500 kV network. The results showed that the approach can provide correct signals to all parties on power market and manage well the costs due to congestion with the fixed transmission right (FTR) used together.
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    Improvement of Blood Pressure Measurement Based on ECG and PPG
    XU Jiuqiang, LIN Hongji, LI Han, ZHAO Hai
    Journal of Northeastern University Natural Science    2014, 35 (1): 33-37.   DOI: 10.12068/j.issn.1005-3026.2014.01.008
    Abstract1441)   HTML    PDF (970KB)(5001)      
    According to feature point detection algorithm with large computation of blood pressure measurement based on ECG and PPG, a feature point detection algorithm was proposed based on an improved difference method. The efficiency of the improved algorithm and the accuracy of the feature point detection had been largely improved. Through correlation analysis and regression analysis of the sampling data, the SBP(systolic blood pressure) had a strong correlation with PWTT(pulse wave transmit time), but DBP(diastolic blood pressure) had a moderate correlation with PWTT. The experimental results indicated that using the improved algorithm, the PWTT could be calculated accurately, and then the SBP could be obtained. Also the deviation requirement could be met to noninvasive blood pressure measurement of AAMI.
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    AHP-based vendor evaluation in combination with FCE
    Zhang, Zhen (1); Yu, Tian-Biao (1); Liang, Bao-Zhu (2); Wang, Wan-Shan (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2006, 27 (10): 1142-1145.   DOI: -
    Abstract1001)   HTML    PDF (376KB)(4272)      
    To prevent the result of the vendor evaluation just by AHP from individual subjective judgment and favoritism, a new approach to vendor evaluation is proposed combining AHP with FCE. In the new approach AHP is used to determine the weights of evaluation indices for all vendors, while FCE is introduced to process the information relevant to vendor evaluation. A mathematical model is therefore developed for fuzzily comprehensive evaluation and it is used to evaluate several vendors for a certain automobile manufacturer.
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    EEG signal amplifier design based on driven-right-leg technology
    Sun, Yu-Ge (1); Ye, Ning (1); Yu, Yan-Bo (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2010, 31 (6): 777-781.   DOI: -
    Abstract904)   HTML    PDF (546KB)(3900)      
    A high-performance EEG signal amplifier was designed, where the differential amplifier circuit, driven-right-leg circuit and preamplifying parts in the designed amplifier can denoise the common-mode interference signals. With the EEG signal amplified by the preamplifier and 2-stage post-amplifier, two low-pass filters and two 50Hz traps were arranged reasonably in design to denoise the high/medium-frequency interference in EEG signal effectively, thus enabling the efficient EEG signal detection without shielded enclosure. Testing results showed that the performance of all parts of the amplifier comes up to the indices as required in design. The effectiveness of the design was proved by the real EEG signal sampled from the scalp of the detected person.
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    Equilateral triangle localization algorithm based on average RSSI
    Zhu, Jian (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Sun, Pei-Gang (1); Bi, Yuan-Guo (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2007, 28 (8): 1094-1097.   DOI: -
    Abstract678)   HTML    PDF (332KB)(3787)      
    To get high precision of localization in WSNs (wireless sensor networks), an equilateral triangle localization algorithm based on average RSSI is brought up, taking account mainly of the measurement precision and improvement of the distribution of beacon nodes. This algorithm presents two concepts: sensitive region and insensitive region of RSSI. It introduces Gauss model to deal with the RSSI which is got from in sensitive region, then the problem that RSSI is easy to be interfered is resolved. And the equilateral triangle distribution model is used to deal with the distribution of beacon nodes to ensure that the tracks of unknown nodes are always kept within the insensitive region, thus improving the measurement precision. A conclusion is drawn that the Gauss model can screen out the first-class RSSI well and the equilateral triangle distribution model can improve the acquisition precision. This algorithm is easy to implement and no communication expense and extended hardware are required.
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    Implementation of Chinese WordNet
    Zhang, Li (1); Li, Jing-Jiao (1); Hu, Ming-Han (1); Yao, Tian-Shun (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2003, 24 (4): 327-329.   DOI: -
    Abstract892)   HTML    PDF (216KB)(3706)      
    An approach based on transformation from WordNet to Chinese WordNet is proposed. The system of the Chinese WordNet has been implemented. Some rules for synset's translating arid some methods for reconstituting relation between Chinese word form and word meaning are given. The feasibility and relative problems of the Chinese WordNet are discussed. A self-disambiguation algorithm for the transformation of concept nodes is prescribed.
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    Journal of Northeastern University    2004, 25 (6): 602-605.   DOI: -
    Abstract528)   HTML    PDF (240KB)(3436)      
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    Determination of cars' moment of inertia
    Yu, Yan (1); Xie, Li-Yang (1); He, Hui (2); Zhang, Li-Jun (2)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2004, 25 (3): 280-282.   DOI: -
    Abstract1027)   HTML    PDF (148KB)(3428)      
    A new method was proposed to determine the moment of inertia of the sprung mass of a car around its mass center. An on-the-road brakeage test should be done first. Analyzing the characteristics of the frequency spectrum of those vertical vibration acceleration signals which were acquired from the test, the inherent angular frequency was obtained. A vibration model was thus developed for car body to calculate the moment of inertia. A SY622B minibus was taken to exemplify the model and the calculated value with measured value of the moment of inertia. The error is shown only 1 % that will meet completely the precision requirement in engineering. The method is accurate and applicable to the measurements of moment of inertia of various types of car.
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    Influence of three cosolvents on hydrolysis of tetraethyl-orthosilicate
    Huo, Yu-Qiu (1); Zhai, Yu-Chun (1); Tong, Hua-Nan (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2004, 25 (2): 133-135.   DOI: -
    Abstract1020)   HTML    PDF (182KB)(3417)      
    Investigates the influence of such cosolvents as n-butanal, isopropanol and ethanol on the reaction time and yield in the precipitation process and sol-gel process of tetraethyl-orthosilicate hydrolysis. The structure and morphology of powdered SiO 2 were studied by TEM and FT-IR. The results showed that the reaction time decreases and yield increases with the increase in alkyl chains during either precipitation process or sol-gel process. In addition, the structure of powdered SiO 2 obtained from either process are the same, but the particle sizes of SiO 2 powder obtained from different hydrolysis process in which different cosolvents are used are different, ie. Using the cosolvents n-butanol and isopropyl can form smaller particle size than using ethanol.
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    On the influencing factors on H 3 BO 3 recrystallization
    Gong, Dian-Ting (1); Li, Feng-Hua (1); Fan, Zhan-Guo (1); Liu, Su-Lan (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2008, 29 (12): 1734-1737.   DOI: -
    Abstract726)   HTML    PDF (225KB)(3323)      
    Discusses emphatically some influencing factors on the recrystallization of H 3 BO 3 , such as the solution concentration, crystallization temperature/time and stirring speed in the solution of H 3 BO 3 -H 2 O system. The rate of crystallization can be up to over 88% if the crystallization temperature/time is constant and the boric acid concentration is controlled within 28.5%~31.0%. And if the crystallization temperature is selected in the range of 5~10°C, the different cooling ways all effect slightly the crystallization rate of boric acid. But, if a quenching is implemented during high temperature with the temperature cooled to a certain extent and then cooled slowly, most of boric acid crystals are provided with a certain grain size. In our lab the proper crystallization time is about 15 h. If the boric acid solution concentration is 28.5%, and final crystallization temperature is 10°C that is held for 15 h, the slow stirring speed benefits the formation of boric acid crystals.
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    Uniform design of initial population and operational parameters of genetic algorithm
    He, Da-Kuo (1); Wang, Fu-Li (1); Jia, Ming-Xing (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2005, 26 (9): 828-831.   DOI: -
    Abstract624)   HTML    PDF (254KB)(3253)      
    Based on the study on how to set the initial population and operational parameters of operators, a conclusion can be drawn that distribution of the initial population and the selection of operational parameters of operators directly concerns global convergence and searching efficiency of genetic algorithm. The reasonable setting of initial population and operational parameters is an important problem in the application of genetic algorithm to performing optimization calculation. At the same time, the initial population of genetic algorithm must reflect the information on solution space scientifically. During the setting of operational parameters attention must be paid to both diversity and fastness to coordinate them well. Based on optimization design theory, a method is proposed to establish initial population and operational parameters simultaneously by uniform design. A simplified calculation method is thus proposed using equivalent principle of uniform design to obtain uniform initial population. Simulation results show that the method is feasible and effective.
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    Black and white X-corner detection algorithm
    Liu, Yang (1); Wang, Fu-Li (1); Chang, Yu-Qing (1); Lu, Zhe (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2007, 28 (8): 1090-1093.   DOI: -
    Abstract937)   HTML    PDF (240KB)(3156)      
    Analyzes the shortcomings of the present X-corner detection algorithm for B/W squares on chessboard and proposes a new one in which a new BW corner detection operator is used to check out the gray values' distribution in 4 characteristic directions as defined. The coordinates of those corners are obtained with the precision at pixel level. The corner coordinates are revised to implement their localization at sub-pixel level in accordance to the similarity and influencing factors indicated in local windows. The algorithm is robust to the rotation and brightness transformation of images, and it has been applied to the X-corner images on real photos and, as a result, its validity and practicability are verified.
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    ournal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)    1999, 20 (4): 344-347.   DOI: -
    Abstract657)   HTML    PDF (141KB)(3149)      
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    Design of MATLAB simulation tool box for rough set data analysis system
    Zhang, Xue-Feng (1); Zhang, Qing-Ling (1)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2007, 28 (1): 40-43.   DOI: -
    Abstract1237)   HTML    PDF (295KB)(3074)      
    The two kernel concepts, indiscernibility relation and relative positive region, are focused on. An algorithm is proposed to analyze the rough set data analysis system, according to the mutual dependency between different kinds of knowledge. The numbers of reduced attributes are compared to pick out a reduction result involving the minimum number of attributes. Taking the advantage of MATLAB in dealing with set functions, the program realizations of many algorithms are given to solve relative core, upper approximation, lower approximation, equivalence relation, relative significance level, relative reduction of attributes, relative reduction of domain and minimal decision rules, thus designing the MATLAB simulation tool. By way of graphical user interface (GUI), the favorable main interface of man-machine interaction system is designed. An example resulting from running is given, which shows the practical significance to the applications of rough set theory.
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    CUDAbased Acceleration Algorithm of SIFT Feature Extraction
    WANG Beilei, ZHU Zhiliang, MENG Lu
    Journal of Northeastern University    2013, 34 (2): 200-204.   DOI: -
    Abstract1587)   HTML    PDF (1048KB)(2974)      
    A novel algorithm for accelerating scaleinvariant feature transform (SIFT) was presented on the basis of compute unified device architecture (CUDA), which could solve the timeconsuming problem in SIFT feature extracting. This algorithm took the advantages of graphic processing unit (GPU) in parallel computation, float point computation and memory management, and reasonably allocated the computational resources and the corresponding computational tasks to the host and device in the SIFT feature extracting. Experimental results show that, compared with the CPUbased acceleration algorithm, the proposed CUDAbased algorithm greatly speeds up the extracting of SIFT features. The acceleration ratio increases with the number of SIFT feature points. The maximum acceleration ratio in the experiments was 1954.
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    Journal of Northeastern University    2006, 27 (1): 115-118.   DOI: -
    Abstract641)   HTML    PDF (159KB)(2906)      
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    GIS-based diffusion model of environmental pollution
    Bi, Tian-Ping (1); Jin, Cheng-Zhu (1); Zhong, Sheng-Jun (2); Shang, Jian-Hong (3)
    Journal of Northeastern University    2008, 29 (2): 273-276.   DOI: -
    Abstract896)   HTML    PDF (573KB)(2893)      
    Some mathematical models were developed to forecast pollutant diffusion into atmosphere or water. Introducing the GIS (geographic information system), the models were simulated and displayed at the place where pollution hazard actually happened on the map of Shenyang City. Integrating the numerical solutions to models with GIS and analyzing the spatio-temporal diffusion of pollutants, the diffusion areas were worked out for different pollutants at different time to analyze the pollutant density and pollution intensity and what's more the important information on population and facilities near the polluted area can be acquired. Thus, it is available to forecast how heavy a pollution hazard affects the environment and nearby people especially an accidental pollution hazard, including the hazardous extent and level. Such a forecasting method lays a scientific base for emergency monitoring, field rescue and evaluation after a hazard.
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    Technological Mineralogy of Copper Anode Slime
    LI Xuejiao, YANG Hongying, TONG Linlin, CHEN Guobao
    Journal of Northeastern University    2013, 34 (4): 560-563.   DOI: -
    Abstract712)   HTML    PDF (1050KB)(2841)      
    In order to improve the technology of extracting noble metals from the copper anode slime, the technological mineralogy investigation of the anode slime was studied by XRD, SEM and optical microscope. The results showed that the particle size in the anode slime which was less than 38μm accounted for 7853%, the particle size ranged from 38 to 45μm accounted for 935%, and that of more than 45μm accounted for 1212%. The main elements were Ni, Cu, Se, Ag, Au. The main phases were gold and its alloys, silver and its compounds, copper and its compounds, nickel oxide, barium sulfate, and pyrite etc.. The gold and silver were major noble metals, individual small particles of gold was aurum lead alloy, and silver existed in forms of silver selenide and eukairite. Copper and nickel were major base metals, copper existed in native copper, copper sulphate, copper selenide and eukairite. Nickel was mainly nickel oxide. The anode slime of the copper was formed with copper sulphate as the matrix, and the native copper often coated with the nickel oxide.
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    Journal of Northeastern University:Natural Science    1976, - (1): 2--.   DOI: -
    Abstract331)   HTML    PDF (43KB)(2825)      
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