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    Information & Control
    Robust H∞ Observer Design for a Class of Lur’e Control Systems with Uncertain TimeDelay
    YANG Dongmei, ZHANG Jing
    2013, 34 (3):  305-307.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 632 )   HTML   PDF (342KB) ( 1007 )  
    The problem of robust H∞ observer design for a class of Lur’e control systems with uncertain timedelay was studied. When the system state cannot be directly accepted, in the light of Lyapunov stability theory, the sufficient conditions for the existence of the state observer and observerbased robust controllers for Lur’e systems were obtained. What’s more, the corresponding state observer and observerbased robust controllers by constructing an augmented system were also given. The parameters of state observer and observerbased controllers could be obtained by solving two LMIs. Finally, a numerical example was provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed design approach.
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    Hybrid Modeling Method of Forecasting Gold Production in the Hydrometallurgy Process
    YUAN Qingyun, WANG Fuli, HE Dakuo
    2013, 34 (3):  308-311.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (351KB) ( 755 )  
    Due to lack of efficient measuring means, it is unable to realize the accurate online measurement of gold production in the whole hydrometallurgy process. Therefore a hybrid modeling method was proposed, which combined LSSVM with the static mechanism model of the whole hydrometallurgy process to predict the gold production. By analyzing the mechanism of the whole hydrometallurgy process, the material balance was used to establish the static mechanism model of the gold production, and LSSVM was applied to compensate for the error resulting from the process characteristic, which could not be described by the mechanism model. Simulation results showed that the forecasting performance of the proposed method is better than the mechanism model and the model established only by LSSVM, and verified that the proposed method is effective.
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    Dynamic Localization of Mobile Robot Based on Asynchronous Kalman Filter
    WU Chengdong, FENG Sheng, ZHANG Yunzhou
    2013, 34 (3):  312-316.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 639 )   HTML   PDF (537KB) ( 1816 )  
    According to the dynamic localization failure of the indoor mobile robot in network blind spots, a selfdynamic localization system was proposed which dynamically choose beacon node on the basis of WSN. The extended Kalman filter was applied to range management by RSSI. Then, maximum likelihood estimation was used to accomplish the localization. Finally, the localization errorcorrect was implemented by asynchronous Kalman filter. In order to correct and improve the localization accuracy, the classical Kalman filter with the other localization algorithms were integrated successfully using the proposed method, which could smooth and optimize the result of the algorithms. Especially in network blind spots, the asynchronous Kalman filter could provide optimal data. Simulation results showed that the accuracy, adaptability and robustness of the selfdynamic localization of mobile robot are good.
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    Establishment of Judgment Matrices for the Condition Assessment of the Power Transformer Based on Fuzzy AHP
    ZHANG Cuiling, WANG Dazhi, WANG Anna, LIU Xiaoqin
    2013, 34 (3):  317-321.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 590 )   HTML   PDF (587KB) ( 1541 )  
    Due to the randomness and uncertainty which are existed in the transformer fault, the fault symptoms and the fault mechanism, an influence factor fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of transformer condition was established using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). A method that converts the consistency judgment matrices of AHP to a fuzzy symmetric matrix was proposed in order to get combination weight of influence factors in the transformer condition. This method could be used to simplify establishment of symmetric matrices of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. And it could be also used in giving an evaluation criteria for the power transformer which better met the actual requirements. Thus, the effectiveness of the proposed method in transformer fault diagnose was verified by experimental results.
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    Impulsive Synchronization of a Class of Complex Networks with Delay and Delayed Coupling
    WANG Junyi, WANG Zhanshan, YANG Feisheng, LIANG Hongjing
    2013, 34 (3):  322-324.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 597 )   HTML   PDF (367KB) ( 800 )  
    The impulsive synchronization of complex networks with delayed coupling and delayed nonlinear term was studied. When the controlled complex networks achieved synchronization, the coupling terms were vanished. After that, the error dynamical network was derived. Then, according to the stability analysis of impulsive differential equation and establishing a proper LyapunovKrasovskii functional, the new synchronization criteria for complex networks with impulsive effects were obtained. Finally, differential equation of complex networks and the error system simulation diagrams showed that the synchronization criteria are effective and feasible.
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    Method of T Waves Alternans Joint Detection Based on Particle Swarm and Nonparametric Test
    SHE Lihuang, LU Li, ZHANG Shi, WANG Mingquan
    2013, 34 (3):  326-329.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 567 )   HTML   PDF (439KB) ( 910 )  
    In order to improve the accuracy and robustness of the TWA (T wave alternans) detection method, a method based on particle swarm and ranksum test was developed to detect TWA. By using particle swarm optimal method to extract and align T waves, the accuracy and robustness of TWA detection could be improved and the false detection of TWA caused by distortion could be reduced. TWA parameters were quantitatively and qualitatively calculated on the basis of nonparametric method, and the robustness of the complex TWA phenomenon detection was improved because it was no need to estimate the probability model of the TWA. The simulation experiment showed that the correlation coefficient between the experimental results and the true value was 096. The test of the standard TWA data and the actual ECG(electrocardiograph) data indicated that the proposed TWA detection algorithm has a high robustness.
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    Random Mutation Differential Evolution Algorithm
    OUYANG Haibin, GAO Liqun, KONG Xiangyong
    2013, 34 (3):  330-334.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1130 )   HTML   PDF (350KB) ( 2127 )  
    To prevent differential evolution algorithm from being trapped into premature phenomenon, a random mutation differential evolution (RMDE) algorithm was presented. Random choice method was adopted to implement mutation and disturbance operation, which was aimed at increasing the diversity of population and balancing the local and global search. Several standard test functions were tested, and the results verified the RMDE is superior to the other five algorithms. The proposed RMDE algorithm was then applied to solving the economic dispatch problems of power system with 13 units. Experimental results showed that the solution obtained by the RMDE algorithm is better than that reported in recent literatures.
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    Gaze Point Estimation Method Based on ELM in Gaze Tracking System
    ZHU Bo, ZHANG Tianxia
    2013, 34 (3):  335-338.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 625 )   HTML   PDF (457KB) ( 1338 )  
    A novel method of gaze point estimation used in single camera system, which has faster training speed and is suitable for multiple classifications, was proposed based on ELM. In the initial calibration phase, multi gaze parameters served as ELM input, while the gaze point area was ELM output. The nonlinear polynomial was used as activation function. ELM training data was obtained through the initial calibration, and then the mapping model between the line of sight parameters and the gaze point was established. Through estimation of gaze point distribution of different angles and changing the number of hidden neurons, it was found that the accuracy and stability of gaze point obtained by ELM method are better than those obtained by traditional nonlinear polynomial model.
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    FPGA Implementation of String Matching System in Intrusion Detection
    LI Jingjiao, CHEN Yong, HO Cholman, LU Zhenlin
    2013, 34 (3):  339-343.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 616 )   HTML   PDF (657KB) ( 1177 )  
    In the intrusion detection system, due to processor’s performance and serial execution, the processing speed of softwarebased string matching system is limited. ASICbased string matching system can provide high throughputs, but its pattern strings is difficult to update. In order to improve processing speed and adapt to the detection rules’ update, a string matching system based on FPGA is designed and implemented. Hash address could be quickly computed to match the data, which was parallel processed using XOR Hash algorithm. Logical rules was updated on the basis of original invasion implement, and through preprocessing, mode cluster of conflict was separately matched in order to solve the conflict. The experimental results showed that the system throughput is 129Gbps, more than 35 times of the software method. The throughput of each million frequency is 0806Gbps. When the number of processing Snort rules are increased, the system throughput is almost not affected.
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    Design and Realization of Virtual Instrument Based on IEEE 802154 Protocol
    ZHAO Hai, LIN Chuan, LI Dazhou, PENG Haixia
    2013, 34 (3):  344-347.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 631 )   HTML   PDF (797KB) ( 605 )  
    The wireless sensor networks analyzer based on IEEE 802154 protocol was designed and realized by using virtual instrument technology. The data frame analysis and realtime display of the network topology were realized by using the MVC design pattern which separated the user interface and the business logic processing of the software modules. What’s more, the scalability of the application was improved. In order to handle the data from the serial port and improve processing quality, a method of data processing based on adaptive thread pool technology was realized. The practical result showed that the analyzer mets the needs of the system design and has large significances on the theory and application of wireless sensor networks.
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    A Topic Model for Extracting Expansion Items
    ZHANG Bo, ZHANG Bin, GAO Kening
    2013, 34 (3):  348-350.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 512 )   HTML   PDF (382KB) ( 819 )  
    Topic model can help pseudo feedback in query expansion. The main shortcoming of classic topic model is that a topic level needs to be assumed. For constructing the topic levels of closing users on corpus and creating the mapping between topics and words, social annotation was introduced into classic topic model LDA(latent dirichlet allocation), and a threelevel topic model of topic, label and word was constructed, which was applied to choose query expansion of pseudo feedback. The results showed that this model can describe the semantic of the label, and extract the expansion items that covered the query. The model’s NDCG values are higher than those of the classic pseudo feedback and result set clustering.
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    Materials & Metallurgy
    Preparation of Composite Anode Oxide Film with NanoSiC and PTFE Double Particles on the Surface of LC4 Aluminum Alloy
    CHEN Suiyuan, WANG Jing, LIANG Jing, LIU Changsheng
    2013, 34 (3):  352-355.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 604 )   HTML   PDF (738KB) ( 632 )  
    Using 250g/L H2SO4 and 15g/L H2C2O4 as the basic electrolyte, by adding 2g/L surface modified nanoSiC particles and 15ml/L PTFE emulsion, a kind of double particle composite anodizing electrolyte was composed. A composite anode oxide film with double particles was prepared on the surface of LC4 aluminum alloys using pulse power supply. The results showed that under the anodic oxidation processing condition such as the oxidation temperature of 0℃, the current density of 30Adm-2, the duty ratio of 80%, and the oxidation time of 40min, a double particle Al2O3SiCPTFE composite anodic oxide film with thickness of 20μm and the hardness 4340MPa was successfully prepared on the surface of the LC4 aluminum alloy. There were a lot of micron pore defects in the structure of the composite oxide film, which provided composite places for the composite deposition of the double particles. A double particle composite film that has nano SiC particles reinforced hardness and PTFE particle reinforced self lubricating properties was formed.
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    Continuous Cooling Transformation Behavior of Subcooling Austenite of SCM435 Steels
    XU Dong, ZHU Miaoyong, TANG Zhengyou, LIU Zhenmin
    2013, 34 (3):  356-359.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 818 )   HTML   PDF (1526KB) ( 1341 )  
    The continuous cooling transformation (CCT) curves of SCM435 steels were determined and analyzed using a thermal simulation testing machine. The results showed that SCM435 steels were very sensitive to the cooling rates. Ferrite, pearlite and small amount of bainite were observed when the cooling rate was 005℃/s. When the cooling rate increased to 1℃/s, ferrite began to end its phase transformation, and a little amount of martensite began to appear. In the actual production, the cooling rates were controlled by combining with the modeling predict so that the production of massive ferrite primaryprecipitated was suppressed, the appearance of a large amoun of martensite was avoided and the desirable microstructure for good cold heading property and the spheroidization effect was obtained.
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    Numerical Simulation on Combustion Performance of a New Type Combustor for Baking Furnace
    FENG Mingjie, WANG Engang, HE Jicheng
    2013, 34 (3):  360-363.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 515 )   HTML   PDF (546KB) ( 1302 )  
    The effects of gas inlet velocity and the nozzle and throat diameter ratio on the combustion performance of a new type combustor for baking furnace were studied by a 2dimensional rotation axis numerical models. The results indicated that the highest temperature in the combustion chamber increased with the increase of the gas inlet velocity. When the gas inlet velocity was fixed, with the increase of the nozzle and throat diameter ratio of the combustor, the flame shape changed from the pyriform to the dovetailed shape and the highest temperature decreased at first and then increased gradually. The flame length increased with the increase of the gas inlet velocity and decreased with the increase of the nozzle and throat diameter ratio of the combustion chamber.
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    Evolution of Nonmetallic Inclusions During IF Steel Making Process
    HUANG Jian, MIN Yi, JIANG Maofa, LIU Chengjun
    2013, 34 (3):  368-372.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 680 )   HTML   PDF (928KB) ( 1184 )  
    The evolution of content, morphology and chemical composition of nonmetallic inclusions were researched based on sampling during IF(interstitial free) steel production process of the DSLDRHCC route and the analysis of total oxygen content, nitrogen content, the morphology of the nonmetallic inclusion and composition, combing with the thermodynamic analysis. Results showed that the total oxygen content decreased during steel smelting process, but the oxidizability of ladle slag must be controlled within lower level to further decrease the total oxygen content in the casting. Protective casting technique should be optimized to control the significant increase of the nitrogen content during continuous casting process. During the RH refining process, pure cluster Al2O3 inclusions formed after the deoxidation, spherical complex inclusions of AlTiO and dual layer AlTiCaMgO formed after the alloying of titanium. During the solidification of the steel, dual layer complex inclusions were formed consisting of TiAlMnOS core surrounded by TiN and/or AlN. Large scale complex inclusions were also existed in the casting with the main composition of TiAlCaSiMnO containing some potassium and sodium from the slag entrapment of mold fluxes.
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    The Evolution and Behavior of the Nonmetallic Inclusions During the RH Refining Process
    WNAG Deyong, L Ming, LIU Chengjun, JIANG Maofa
    2013, 34 (3):  373-377.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 651 )   HTML   PDF (1031KB) ( 1485 )  
    Two sets of RH furnaces were taken as the main objects. The specimens were sampled at different refining times. The composition, content, and size distribution of the inclusions in steels were analyzed by means of metallographic microscope, SEM and EDS, and the collision, growth and removal of the inclusions during RH refining process were discussed. The results showed that the inclusion removal was very obvious during RH refining process, and almost no inclusion with the dimension more than 10μm were observed after the soft blowing. With the increase of refining time, the average size of inclusions changed little, however the amount of inclusions significantly decreased. The area ratio of inclusions in two type steels increased at first and then reduced. In SiMn deoxidized steels, silicate inclusions had a certain capacity of the sulphur, the dual layer inclusions were therefore easier to form with the surface of sulphurrich phase and the inner core of silicate phase. As the strong mixture of the liquid steel in RH vacuum chamber, solid inclusions were always captured by the liquid calcium aluminate and formed a typical inlaid feature.
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    New Process of Metallization Reduction—Magnetic Concentration—Electroheat Melting Separation for Vanadium Titanomagnetite
    CHEN Shuangyin, GUO Penghui, WU Xianglong, CHU Mansheng
    2013, 34 (3):  378-382.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 591 )   HTML   PDF (755KB) ( 1155 )  
    Metallization reduction—magnetic concentration—electroheat melting separation experiments on vanadium titanomagnetite from Panxi region in Sichuan province were conducted, and the effects of the factors such as magnetic density, reduction temperature, reduction time, carbon ratio and coal particle size on the metalized reduction and magnetic separation were investigated. The results indicated that optimal conditions for the metallized reduction—magnetic concentration—electroheat melting separation are as follow:the magnetic density 50mT, the reduction temperature 1350℃, the reduction time 60min, the carbon ratio 10 and the coal particle size -75μm. Based on the new process, the effective separation of iron, vanadium and titanium can be realized. The yield of the iron, vanadium and titanium is 9507%, 716% and 8008% respectively.
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    Sintering Experiments of HighCr Vanadium and Titanium Magnetite
    ZHANG Yong, ZHOU Mi, CHU Mansheng, XUE Xiangxin
    2013, 34 (3):  383-387.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 609 )   HTML   PDF (1039KB) ( 1279 )  
    Considering lack of related technological documentation and detailed researches on ore matching optimization, sintering pot tests and mineralography analysis on the basis of basic sintering characteristics were done in this experiment. The results showed that basic sintering characteristics of highCr VTi magnetite are relatively poor, vertical sintering speed and tumbling index decreased, the yield and productivity first increased and then decreased with the increase of the addition ratio of highCr VTi magnetite in sinter feeds. Furthermore the analysis of the microstructure showed that the mineralography structure of the sinter mainly included magnetite, hematite, perovskite, calcium ferrite, dicalcium silicate and glass. With the increase of the proportioning of highCr VTi magnetite, the content of calcium ferrite and dicalcium silicate decreased, perovskite and glass increased and the liquid phase tended to be insufficient. Thus, the proportioning of highCr VTi magnetite should be controlled between 10% and 20% for the practical sintering production.
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    Research on Pore Structure Characteristics of Carbonation Pellets with Ferrous Dust
    ZHANG Yuzhu, SHI Yan, HU Changqing, HAN Tao
    2013, 34 (3):  388-391.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML   PDF (837KB) ( 867 )  
    The pore structure characteristics of green pellets formed with different CaO contents and under different pelletizing times and of carbonation pellets consolidated at different reaction temperatures and under different CO2 partial pressures were researched by the mercury intrusion method. The results showed that with the increase of the CaO content and the pelletizing time, the average pore size, porosity, the critical pore diameters and the most probable pore size correspondingly reduced. With the increase of the CaO content, the number of the gel pore increased, the specific surface area of the pores and the number of pores with 10~300nm in diameter which were beneficial for the the reaction also increased. Optimizing the reaction temperature and improving CO2 partial pressure favored accelerating the CaCO3 microlite formation greatly, shrinking the pore size, forming the bonded bridge, and improving the cold bound strength of the carbonation pellets.
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    Carbon Flow Analysis and CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies of IronMaking System in Steel Enterprise
    ZHANG Qi, JIA Guoyu, CAI Jiuju, SHEN Fengman
    2013, 34 (3):  392-394.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 799 )   HTML   PDF (510KB) ( 1794 )  
    In view of a practical ironmaking system of a iron and steel enterprise, the carbon flow model of the ironmaking system was established according to carbon balance theory, which can calculate the carbon emission using the practical production data and analyze the influence factors of carbon emission. The relationship between carbon emission and input system energy was analyzed by drawing carbon flow diagram of ironmaking system. The results showed that the model of CO2 emission was coincident with Chinese iron and steel industry and there was a synergy effect between energy consumption and the amount of the carbon emission. The carbon emission caused by energy consumption takes up 95% CO2 emission of the system, and each kind of energy has different carbon emission potential, the emissions potential of coal and coke is larger than that of others. The key points of CO2emissions reducing of ironmaking systems lie in changing energy structure, using clean energy and developing new technology.
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    Dimensional Analysis of the Clarity in High Efficient Extraction and Clarification Tanks with Double Stirring
    LIU Yan, ZHANG Tingan, ZHAO Qiuyue, WANG Shuchan
    2013, 34 (3):  395-398.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (521KB) ( 906 )  
    The new concept "high efficient extraction and clarification tanks with double stirring" was put forward, that is, inserting a stirring unit in the clarifying chamber. By choosing an appropriate stirring condition, the separation rate of the aqueous phase and the organic phase was improved in the clarification extraction process, which increased the efficiency of the extraction equipment. A double stirring water model experimental device was designed and produced in this project. By means of cold state simulation, the influences of centrifugal field coupling with the gravity field on the separation of the oil and water phases in the extraction tank were studied under the different stirring conditions. Finally, combining with the experiment data, the dimensional analysis method was adopted. The dimensionless equation between the clarity under the open type 45 degrees of turbine blades and the stirring speed, distance from the bottom, the distance from the overflow entrance to the stirring blades was established. The experiments showed that the calculations are in good agreement with the experimental values.
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    Pretreatment of Copper Anode Slime with High Nickel Content for Concentrating Gold and Silver
    YANG Hongying, CHEN Guobao, PENG Yufeng, LI Xuejiao
    2013, 34 (3):  399-402.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 691 )   HTML   PDF (701KB) ( 1183 )  
    Taking the typical refractory high nickel copper anode slime as the raw material, the effects of temperature, time and liquidsolid ratio etc. factors on the removal of the metals selenium, copper and nickel were studied. The results showed that, after roastingleaching twice, 995% of selenium, 997% of copper, 9335% of nickel were removed. 9876% silver was in the leaching solution, and the amount of gold reached 1820g·t-1 from 193g·t-1. The best conditions of the first roastingleaching process were as follows, the roasting temperature of 650℃, the roasting time of 1h, m(H2SO4)/m(anode slime) of 12, the leaching temperature of 55℃, the leaching time of 1h, and the liquidsolid ratio of 6. The best conditions of the second roastingleaching process were as follows, the roasting temperature of 500℃, m(H2SO4)/m(anode slime) of 12, the roasting time of 3h, the leaching temperature of 55℃, the leaching time of 1h and the liquidsolid ratio of 6. The weight of the anode slime decreased to 1126% that of the original after the pretreatment, which greatly enhanced the handling capacity of the equipment during the subsequent recovery process.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Unbalance Dynamic Matching of Multispan Rotor System
    XU Qi, LIU Ziliang, YAO Hongliang, WEN Bangchun
    2013, 34 (3):  404-407.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 525 )   HTML   PDF (660KB) ( 1078 )  
    Taking a fourspan shaft rotor system that composes of big gear, turbine, mediumpressure and lowpressure cylinder rotor at the low pressure side of a large compressor as the research object, FEM was used to establish the system dynamic model and unbalance dynamic matching of the whole system was implemented via two kinds of optimization method. The simulation results showed that parameters such as unbalance mass and phase have achieved two good combinations, which are suitable for different matching conditions. The unbalance response namely the vibration of the whole system was reduced. Dynamic performance and resistance of unbalance fault were enhanced effectively. Feasibility of the dynamic matching technology applied to the whole multispan rotor system is verified.
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    Study on the Gear Mode and Resonance Reliability Sensitivity Based on Thermal Analysis
    WANG Yuning, SUN Zhili, YANG Qiang, DU Yongying
    2013, 34 (3):  408-412.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 608 )   HTML   PDF (1024KB) ( 981 )  
    To study the influence of the temperature on the gear structure mode, modal analysis of gear was done based on the coupled thermalstructural analysis. By comparing the modal analysis results under different working conditions, the influence of temperature field on the gear mode was analyzed. Monte Carlo simulation of the probabilistic design method was performed on the gear resonance reliability sensitivity with considering the factor of temperature field. The results showed that the changes of the material mechanical properties caused by temperature change have different impact on each order natural frequency, whose variation caused by thermalstress is smaller than that caused by mechanical property change. Among all random variables, gear module has the greatest impact on the resonance reliability. The results agree well with the actual working conditions. The work initiates a new idea in the field of gear reliability design.
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    Dynamics Analysis of Engine Piston Slapping and Forecast of the Piston Surface Wear
    LI Jongsu, GUO Lixin
    2013, 34 (3):  413-416.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 676 )   HTML   PDF (789KB) ( 1072 )  
    According to the problems about the friction wear of the piston and cylinder which results from the piston slapping of engine, the model with the piston, cylinder, piston pin, piston rings and connecting rod was built in the multibody dynamics software AVLEXCITE. The piston slapping dynamics simulation was carried out when the engine oriented parameters and working conditions were input. According to the simulation result data, predicting the piston surface wear trend and analysis of the piston profile change were carried out. It was found that the piston slapping parameters also increase with the increment of the gap between piston and cylinder, and convex piston becomes skewed cylinder piston. The simulation results and the actual observation results are consistent through the contrast.
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    Effect of SLS Process Parameters on Sintering Quality for Composite Al2O3/ZrO2/SiO2
    WANG Wei, LIU Yongxian, FUH Jerry Ying Hsi
    2013, 34 (3):  417-420.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 639 )   HTML   PDF (838KB) ( 855 )  
    Al2O3/SiO2/ZrO2 composite material prepared by selective laser sintering (SLS) was investigated with the Nd: YAG laser and its powder feeding device to solve the ceramics brittleness problems. Microstructure and microstructure components of the sintered part were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (EDX) and Xray diffraction analyzer(XRD). The effects of laser sintering process parameters on the quality of the singlelayer and scanning speed on the microstructure were discussed. The results showed that the optimal parameters via the design of experiments are the scanning speed of 15mm/s, the laser power of 40W, hatching density of 04mm and the density of 372g/cm3, which can obtain the dense sintered part with dendritic organization.
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    Resources & Civil Engineering
    Information Extraction of Botanical Anomaly and Its Prospecting Significance in the Hongtoushan Area
    YAO Yuzeng, LI Weiqun, WEN Shouqin, ZHAO Yushan
    2013, 34 (3):  421-424.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 650 )   HTML   PDF (896KB) ( 934 )  
    The remote sensing technique is applied extensively in mineral prospecting, but it is strongly restricted in highvegetated area. Multispectral data, i. e. TM5, TM4 and TM2/TM3 were enhanced by principal component analysis and linear stretch method, and it is found that the vegetations between mining area and background area showed obvious difference in the composite image. The vegetation in mining area is dark red, while fresh pink in background area, based on which, the composite image data is classified. The results indicate that the botanical anomalies caused by mineralized alteration are well extracted by the methods mentioned above, which is helpful to the remote sensing exploration in highlyvegetated area of Northeast China.
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    Wall Rock Alteration of Uranium Mineralization and Combination Characteristics at Huanggou Area in Liaoning Province
    ZHAO Zhonghua, GONG Enpu, WU Di, LI Haijun
    2013, 34 (3):  425-428.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 577 )   HTML   PDF (589KB) ( 1105 )  
    Wall rock alteration of the Huanggou Mine includes chloritization, hydromicazation, hematitization, sericitization, Kfeldspar alteration, sulfurization and carbonation based on a large of researches combined with microscope analysis. The typical alteration mineral assemblages of the uranium mineralization are chlorite+quartz, chlorite+hydromica+quartz, chlorite+saussurite+quartz and chlorite+hydromica+hematite+quartz. The hydromicazation is earlier than the period of uranium mineralization, and provides a better environment for it. The chloritization and hematitization of the accompanying mineralization of alteration take place lately. Highgrade ore is related to the hematitization, chloritization and hydromicazation. Hematitization and chloritization play an important role in the uranium mineralization. Moreover, the higher intensity, the more type and times of the ore wall rock alteration, the richer uranium mineralization is.
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    Grey Fuzzy Evaluation of CBM Development and Area Selection
    CHEN Tianyu, FENG Xiating, LIANG Bing, SUN Weiji
    2013, 34 (3):  429-432.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 660 )   HTML   PDF (661KB) ( 657 )  
    The weights of evaluation indexes were confirmed by grey correlation analysis. Singlefactor fuzzy evaluation was determined by multistage and trapezoid membership function. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for the feasibility study of CBM development was established. Based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model CBMES (coal bed methane evaluation system) was developed by using Matlab, and it was employed to evaluate the CBM development feasibilities of seven main coalfields in Liaoning Province. According to the evaluation results, the weights of coal permeability and methane content are higher. Other indices, such as thickness of coal bed, coal rank, resource capacity, resources abundance, coal bed pressure, and burial depth are ranked in descending weight order. The feasibility of CBM development ranked in descending order is:Fuxin coal field, Tiefa coal field, Fushun coal field, Hongyang coal field, Shenbei coal field, Kangping coal field, and Nanpiao coal field. The results are in agreement with the in situ condition, which shows the rationality of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for the CBM development feasibility.
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    Block Slide Model Test on Variable Angle Space and Back Analysis of Structural Parameters
    WANG Shuhong, WANG Jiang, RAO Wenjie
    2013, 34 (3):  434-438.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (625KB) ( 706 )  
    The model test was carried out to simulate the sliding process of different rock mass by using the platform with variable angles developed by Northeastern University. Based on data acquisition at two sliding angles, the limit equilibrium method and vector method was theoretically applied to analyze doublesided sliding, singlesided sliding and spatial sliding angle. According to the broken structural plane, the MohrCoulomb criterion was used to backanalyze the mechanical parameters. The test result shows that, the increase of sided sliding angle is less when the boundary angle between sided sliding and doublesided sliding is between 40° and 50°, and the cohesion between block and structural plane rises with the increase of mortar grade. The mechanical parameters obtained based on back analysis can provide basis for the block stability analysis in theory.
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    Numerical Experiment Studies on Groud Settlement During the Parallel Tunnels Construction
    ZHAO Wen, JI Xinbo, LI Shengang, GUAN Yongping
    2013, 34 (3):  439-442.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 621 )   HTML   PDF (683KB) ( 951 )  
    Ground settlement is an issue of common concern in shallowburied parallel tunnel construction, especially in urban metro section construction. This paper presents a parametric study to investigate the influence of some important factors on ground settlement using numerical experiment method. The results indicate that the bimodal soil settlement results from the large tunnel center space and deep tunnel buried depth. The smaller ground settlement is achieved when horizontal distance and vertical distance are both close to 25D in inclined alignment and the bigger tunnel space in vertical alignment with the 2D tunnel depth. Grouting is very effective to control arch crown settlement. Improving the gouting parameters is better than increasing the thickness of grouting layer to control the arch crown settlement.
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    Biologic Engineering
    Research of Telomerase Activity in Lymphocytes of Human Peripheral Blood
    LEI Hongwei, TIAN Yanan, WANG Xu
    2013, 34 (3):  444-447.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 717 )   HTML   PDF (371KB) ( 751 )  
    PHA and rhIL2 were adopted to stimulate human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The cell cycle and cell proliferation were analyzed based on the flowing cytometry (FCM). By using TRAP, the changes of telomerase activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes before and after activation were detected. By using Western blot, the expression of hTERT and related protein were detected. By using the fluorescent quantitative PCR, the mRNA levels of hTERT were analyzed. The results showed that after the peripheral blood lymphocytes were activated by PHA and rhIL2, telomerase activity was elevated, and elevated telomerase activity could be restrained by the JAK inhibitor. These results indicated that the increase of the telomerase activity depends on JAK signal pathway. Elevated telomerase activity is due to the increase of hTERT protein expression, while the hTERT is due to the increase of mRNA expression levels of hTERT. The results of the experiments showed that these activities also depends on the JAK signal pathway. Evidences about the telomerase activity and hTERT regulation mechanism are provided based on this study.
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    Management Science
    Incentive Efficiency Optimization of OpenEnd Fund Family Based on Reputation Mechanism
    WANG Jian, ZHUANG Xintian, JIANG Shuo
    2013, 34 (3):  448-451.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 480 )   HTML   PDF (322KB) ( 489 )  
    By setting up the dynamic principalagent model, influencing factors of the incentive mechanism were researched on the basis of performance, and the incentive efficiency of openend fund family was optimized. The results shown that the efficiency loss resulted from incentive mechanism will increase as the degree of information transparency in security market reduces, while decrease with the increase of the investment horizon. And the reputation mechanism set up by the fund family will exert a kind of favorable reputation transfer function, which will promote the incentive efficiency to increase, and achieve Pareto optimality under the given conditions.The practical applications of the model are revealed at last
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    Effects of Customer Fashion Lifestyle on Customer Loyalty
    ZHANG Hao, SUN Xinbo, WANG Chenglu
    2013, 34 (3):  452-456.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 589 )   HTML   PDF (277KB) ( 1400 )  
    Based on different segmentation, the discussion about antecedents and differences of customer loyalty is a hot topic in marketing research area. Thus, this paper focused on how can fashion lifestyle segment consumers and affect customer loyalty. The reliability and validity of fashion lifestyle measurements were tested using questionnaire survey. The relationship between fashion lifestyle and customer loyalty was further verified. The results shown the existence of crossnation segmentation method. Different type of customers based on fashion lifestyle segmentation shows different attitudes about product attributes and customer loyalty, and fashion lifestyle has direct influences on customer loyalty.
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