

    15 May 2012, Volume 33 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on FBG reflection spectrum under transverse force with PSO
    Wu, Zhao-Xia (1); Qiao, Qian (1); Jin, Wei (1); Fu, Bin (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  609-612+617.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 499 )   HTML   PDF (874KB) ( 599 )  
    When using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) to measure traverse force, the reflective spectrum of FBG is severely influenced by the system errors, instruments wear and some other parameters hardly measured. It is very difficult to extract the characteristic information of transverse force. Therefore, an analysis method of FBG reflective spectrum under transverse force based on particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) was proposed, and a FBG transverse force-PSO model was established. The objective function was established for experimentalizing and optimizing reflective spectrum of FBG under transverse force, and then the characteristic information in reflective spectrum of FBG was extracted. Experimental data showed that PSO used in extracting the characteristic information is not only efficaciously and easily, but also has some advantages, such as high accuracy, stability and fast convergence rate, and it is useful in high-precision measurement of FBG sensor.
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    Palm-dorsa vein recognition based on kernel principal component analysis and locality preserving projection methods
    Liu, Jing (1); Xue, Ding-Yu (1); Cui, Jian-Jiang (1); Jia, Xu (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  613-617.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 480 )   HTML   PDF (1905KB) ( 719 )  
    In order to preserve the local structure of the palm-dorsa vein space, locality preserving projection (LPP) was applied to palm-dorsa vein recognition. In small-sized sample cases such as image recognition, the matrix of the eigenvalue equation is usually singular. To solve the problem, kernal principal component analysis (KPCA) method was presented to reduce the palm-dorsa vein space dimensions. Then LPP was used to extract the local features. The algorithm was tested in the existing palm-dorsa vein database. The results showed that the new method has much higher recognition rate and the feature extraction time is 2.6 s, so it satisfies the real-time system specifications.
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    Speed-sensorless direct torque control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor
    Wang, Xu (1); Xing, Yan (1); Liu, Yan (1); Yang, Dan (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  618-621.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 793 )   HTML   PDF (1811KB) ( 862 )  
    A new speed-sensorless control method based on reduced order observer was proposed which is used for speed identification in a direct torque controlled permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive. The method combines reduced order movable observer of PMSM with model reference adaptive system (MRAS), and using the PMSM voltage function as the reference model, and the PMSM reduced order state function as the adjustable model. Theoretical analysis and simulation results showed that the PMSM sensorless control method for speed identification in a direct torque controlled system has stronger robustness and better dynamic and static performance.
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    Bid price selected in the keyword auction
    Yuan, Quan (1); Wang, Ding-Wei (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  622-626.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 483 )   HTML   PDF (1590KB) ( 678 )  
    The advertiser may lose much money in keyword auction, because its estimation of the optimal keyword bid price is inaccurate. To solve this problem, a winner probability model of keywords advertising position was formulated. Based on the model at the generalized second price auction mechanism, in an advertiser's position, the optimal bid price selected model was formulated in the game between bidders and auction. Simulation results showed that the keyword bid price selected model allows an advertiser to select an optimal bid price and gets maximum expected return in keyword auction.
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    Complex event detection on high-density RFID event streams
    Xu, Chuan-Fei (1); Lin, Shu-Kuan (1); Qiao, Jian-Zhong (1); Yu, Ge (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  627-631.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML   PDF (691KB) ( 620 )  
    The high-density event stream contains mass events which arrive in real time. Existing complex event detection techniques are inefficient and more memory is needed when processing high-density event streams. In order to solve these problems, a new complex event detection algorithm based on Hash structure was proposed. The effective Hash mapping structure is designed in the algorithm to store intermediate data, which improves detection efficiency. Besides, updating mechanism to delete efficiently the overdue events from the memory was also proposed. Furthermore, auto deal mechanism was improved so as to detect complex events over out of order event streams. The feasibility, efficiency and correctness of our algorithms are demonstrated by the theoretical analysis and experiments.
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    kNN queries method on uncertain data over P2P networks
    Sun, Yong-Jiao (1); Dong, Han (2); Yuan, Ye (1); Wang, Guo-Ren (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  632-635.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 503 )   HTML   PDF (709KB) ( 663 )  
    There exists an inherent uncertainty on the data objects in sensor networks and P2P systems, due to imprecise measurements and network delays. In order to solve the problem, a novel k nearest neighbor query processing method on uncertain data over P2P networks which is based on k nearest neighbor query processing method on uncertain data in centralized environment was proposed. This method is based on super-peer network topology, and adopts an extended R-tree index, called P2PR-tree, to index the dataset in the distributed database for solving multi-dimensional data index in the P2P environment. Using two pruning algorithms, the number of candidate sets is reduced, and the computation costs and network overhead of kNN queries are further reduced. The experimental results are conducted to verify the high performance of our method on network costs.
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    SaaS business-tenant model supporting business customization of multi-tenancy
    Zhang, Yi-Chuan (1); Zhang, Bin (1); Liu, Ying (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  636-640.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 671 )   HTML   PDF (2103KB) ( 960 )  
    With the growing requirements of customized business, most existing business models fail to support tenant customizing in a simple and flexible way. So an ex-WSCL based SaaS (SaaS as a service) business-tenant model (exWSCL-SBTM) to describe SaaS business process was proposed. According to the characteristics of the model that the business process is organized by interactions and transitions, and according to the way that separate tenant end from business end, convenience and flexibility of multi-tenant business customization can be improved. On this basis, the definition of business customization operating behavior and business customization architecture based on SBTM were proposed.
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    Optimal relay selection in multihop relay vehicular networks based IEEE 802.16j
    Zhao, Hai (1); Peng, Hai-Xia (1); Zhu, Jian (1); Li, Da-Zhou (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  641-644.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 428 )   HTML   PDF (697KB) ( 661 )  
    The use of IEEE 802.16j of multihop relay (MR) technology was discussed to improve the throughput between the vehicular subscriber station (SS) and the Internet base station (BS) in the vehicular network. In the case that the position of SS and BS are known, by selecting the optimal relay stations, the throughput between SS and BS can be maximized. By incorporating a highway mobility model, with the help of a nonlinear optimization method, the location of the optimal relay which obtained max throughput was ascertained. Finally, the effectiveness of this algorithm was verified through NS-2 simulation experiments, the results showed that comparing the cases without relay, this program increases the expected value of the end to end throughput.
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    A new method of brain white matter segmentation
    Meng, Lu (1); Miao, Chang-Sheng (1); Wang, Li-Juan (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  645-648.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 555 )   HTML   PDF (1709KB) ( 799 )  
    A novel brain structure segmentation algorithm based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which can extract white matter (WM) is presented. First, DTI diffusion and anisotropy parameters are computed to achieve brain images of each DTI parameter channel. Then, using the expectation maximization (EM) model, WM/non-WM regions in the anisotropy parameters channel are calculated. Finally, using simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (STAPLE) model, segmentation results of each DTI parameter image are fused to achieve the final brain white matter structure segmentation results. Experiments' results showed that the algorithm can accurately segment, WM in brain structures.
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    Application of GPU speedup method for dose calculation in treatment planning system
    Wang, Yu (1); Wang, Hong (2); Huang, Hai-Long (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  649-652.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 591 )   HTML   PDF (1706KB) ( 597 )  
    The application of GPGPU model of NVIDIA in dose calculation based on CUDA program technique was studied. It was the first time that GPGPU method was used in commercial 3D radiation therapy planning system based on point kernel convolution/superposition model. The old dose calculation model was modified in order to make it be used in device for the parallel computing. At the same time the MFC DLL and export class technique was used to avoid mass code migrating work. The most efficient number of parallel threads was determined by analyzing the result data. The results showed that the dose calculation speed is improved remarkably and the single beam computing time is less than one second using GPU speedup method, which improved the competition ability of the product.
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    Microstructure and precipitates of 1.2%Si non-oriented electrical steel in twin-roll strip cast process
    Zhang, Yuan-Xiang (1); Xu, Yun-Bo (1); Liu, Zhen-Yu (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  653-656+672.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 513 )   HTML   PDF (2338KB) ( 707 )  
    The initial microstructure, the distribution and size of the precipitates in 1.2%Si non-oriented electrical steel strips were investigated under the twin-roll casting condition. The results revealed that the grain sizes range from 50 to 400 μm, including the original coarse casting grains and some fine grains formed by transformation in 1550°C pouring conditions. The precipitates of casting strip include AlN and MnS. Coarse AlN precipitates of 0.5 μm in size and a small amount AlN of 100 nm are also observed. Both have little effect on the growth of the recrystallized grain. MnS precipitates with a size ranging from 30 to 40 nm is observed in the strip and annealed samples.
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    Analysis of die drawing of round bar and wire in cylindrical coordinate by inner-product of strain rate vector
    Zhao, De-Wen (1); Song, Hong-Yu (1); Zhang, Shun-Hu (1); Li, Can-Ming (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  657-660.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 464 )   HTML   PDF (2711KB) ( 548 )  
    A cylindrical coordinate velocity field for round bar and wire drawing was established. A new integration method of strain rate inner-product was proposed, and then an analytical solution was obtained. The effects of friction factor on optimal die angle and stress state coefficient were also discussed. The results showed that the optimal die angel αopt and stress state coefficient nσ increase with the m increasing, the nσ obtains its minimum value at αopt. In order to validate the accuracy of the calculated result, it is compared with that of Avitzur. It showed that the proposed solution obtained by the inner-product method is in good agreement with Avitzur solution. Besides, the effect of friction factor on the limit deformation ratio is also discussed.
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    Analysis of temperature distribution in nozzle pocket brick of electromagnetic steel-tapping device
    Li, De-Jun (1); Liu, Xing-An (1); Wang, Qiang (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  661-664.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 490 )   HTML   PDF (1900KB) ( 613 )  
    In the technology of electromagnetic-tapping of ladle, the ladle isn't a fixed equipment and has a strong on-site mobility, so it's difficult to give the induction coil continuous cooling. A solution was proposed by making the nozzle pocket brick into inside-outside combination, and inserting the induction coil into the internal brick and adding high-temperature insulation materials inside and at the top of the coil, which reduces heat transfer to the coil and prevent overheat from losing the ability to work without water cooling. Under laboratory conditions, the temperature distribution of the nozzle pocket brick was tested, and was used for different material's insulation to make for experimental guidance. The results showed that after vermiculite insulation board 40 mm thick is added, when the temperature of the high temperature surface reaches to 1000°C and that of the low temperature surface reaches to 294°C, which is below the recrystallization temperature of copper, the coil is working in the operating temperature range.
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    Optimization of one-strand tundish configuration in slab continuous casting
    Zhong, Liang-Cai (1); Hao, Rui-Chao (1); Tao, Li-Qun (1); Xu, Ning-Hui (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  665-668.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 557 )   HTML   PDF (747KB) ( 673 )  
    Water model experiment of a one-strand slab tundish in continuous casting was carried out to study the effect of different control devices on the flow characteristics in the tundish. The results showed that the location and the size of weir and dam and the shape of the turbulence inhibitor (TI) have a great effect on the flow characteristics. Using of the turbulence inhibitors without top extending lip can improve the flow better than that with top extending lip in the tundish. Compared with the former tundish configuration, the flow characteristics are improved to a great extent in this optimal one. Minimum residence time, peak concentration time and average residence time are increased from 64 s, 81 s and 237 s to 81 s, 163 s and 314 s, respectively. The fraction of dead zone volume decreases from 35% to 14%, being reduced by 60%.
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    Large eddy simulation for turbulent flow and inclusion distribution in continuous casting tundish
    Liu, Zhong-Qiu (1); Wang, Qiang (1); Li, Bao-Kuan (1); Jiang, Mao-Fa (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  669-672.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 463 )   HTML   PDF (1359KB) ( 610 )  
    The Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) and large eddy simulation (LES) were utilized to predict the turbulent flow and the distribution of inclusions in tundish. The results showed that the flow field structure computed by RANS is symmetric, but the flow field calculated by LES is asymmetric. Moreover, the flow field can be described more accurate and comprehensive by LES. In addition, LES can capture more random vortexes from the flow field. Three inclusion trajectories are obtained, and the distribution of inclusions is also asymmetric. The wall and corner of the tundish are the place where inclusions gather easily.
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    Experimental research on mass transfer coefficient in liquid-liquid flow boundary layer
    Li, Ming-Ming (1); Li, Qiang (1); Li, Lin (1); Zou, Zong-Shu (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  673-676+680.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 532 )   HTML   PDF (1850KB) ( 1090 )  
    Experiment research concerning the mass transfer of flowing boundary layer on a liquid-liquid interface was performed to discuss the mass transfer on the molten slag-metal interface in metallurgical reactor. The mass transfer phenomenon of sodium benzoate on the oil-water interface was analyzed in the condition of keeping oil-water interface flat. The concentration change of sodium benzoate with time in water was measured by conductivity meter when the volume flow of water varied from 0.44 to 1.60 m3/h. A dimensionless number equation with respect to the mass transfer coefficient of flowing boundary layer on the liquid-liquid interface was obtained. Then, a dimensionless number equation between the mass transfer coefficient and viscosity as well as surface tension was given tentatively. The results were compared with the mass transfer of boundary layer in the case of fluid flowing through a flat.
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    Discrete element simulation of flow pattern of burden and distribution of force chains in blast furnace
    Li, Qiang (1); Feng, Ming-Xia (2); Gao, Pan (1); Zou, Zong-Shu (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  677-680.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 469 )   HTML   PDF (1435KB) ( 665 )  
    The mathematical model based on the discrete element method was proposed to investigate the behaviors of solid particulate motion from particle-scale view, the burden flow pattern and the distribution of interaction force-chains between the particles. The results showed that the force networks of meso-scale structure in blast furnace are obtained by establishing the discrete element method (DEM) model. The strong force networks exist in the center of hearth and support the weight of charge column. The most strong chains zone corresponds to the deadman zone of blast furnace. The flow pattern of burden particles has four regions: deadman zone, piston flow zone, quasi-static slip flow zone and channel flow zone. The channel flow zone corresponds to the weakest force chain.
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    Effect of chute angle on process of mixing charging
    Li, Hai-Feng (1); Luo, Zhi-Guo (1); Zhang, Shu-Cai (1); Zou, Zong-Shu (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  681-684.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 720 )   HTML   PDF (1967KB) ( 627 )  
    The effect of chute angle on mixing charging law was analyzed under the fixed-point burden distribution. First, an experiment was performed under mixing charging process, and the burden trajectory and the pile structure were obtained under different chute angles. The segregation of mixing materials with different sizes during the materials descending was also analyzed. Then the charging process was simulated by distinct element method (DEM), and the mathematical simulation results were analyzed in detail. The results showed that the mathematical simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. And the information of the pile structure and the radial porosity profile can provide some reference to adjust the gas flow distribution.
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    Research on solid reduction of vanadium-titanium magnetite
    Du, Xing-Hong (1); Xie, Bin (1); Lou, Tai-Ping (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  685-688.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 753 )   HTML   PDF (2091KB) ( 757 )  
    The solid-phase reduction behavior and the influence of technological parameters of vanadic titanomagnetite were studied. The influence of technological parameters including grinding grain, reaction temperature and carbon rate on the degree of metallization and the magnetic separation of titanium was discussed. The results showed that using coal-based direct reaction reduction, the ferric oxide in vanadic titanomgnetite can be reduced to Fe, and then Ti can be separated from Fe by magnetic separation. The best reduction conditions are the temperature of 1100°C, the carbon rate of 1:1 and the grinding particle size of 75~150 μm. The metallizations and TiO2 content of slag phase can be achieved over 80% and 36%. The technology provides a new way for our country's large number of vanadium titanium magnetite ore exploitation.
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    Study on refining process of V-Ti-Fe master alloy
    Wang, Bin (1); Liu, Kui-Ren (1); Gao, Teng-Yue (1); He, Ji-Lin (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  689-693.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 455 )   HTML   PDF (1126KB) ( 573 )  
    The spray refining process was carried out to reduce the impurities of V-Ti-Fe master alloy. The influences of slag compositions and temperature on refining effect were investigated. The results showed that when the ratio of m(CaF2)/m(CaO) is 3.0, the slag amount is 35% of the alloy amount, the TiO2 amount is 10% of the slag amount and the refining temperature is 1600°C, a good refining effect is obtained. The content of Al decreases to 2.61% from 7.11% after the refining process. However the content of Si just decreases to 0.97% from 1.25%, the change range is smaller. XRD and SEM results showed that the refining process can remove oxide inclusions effectively. In addition, the componential segregation of the alloy is reduced after the refining process.
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    Performance research of briquettes used for preparing Al-Si-Fe alloy with flotation tailings of bauxite as raw materials
    Luo, Hong-Jie (1); Liu, Yi-Han (1); Yao, Guang-Chun (1); Sun, Ting (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  694-697.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 504 )   HTML   PDF (1068KB) ( 515 )  
    Using flotation tailings which were formed during Bayer beneficiation producing alumina as raw materials, using coal and petroleum coke as reductant, and the dry powder of pulp as adhesive, the briquettes material for reduction smelting was obtained by mixing and the suppression. Compressive strength and specific resistance were detected. The results showed that the compressive strength and specific resistance of briquettes are different with changing of types of coal. The compressive strength increases with increasing the content of dry powder of pulp in briquette, but the specific resistance decreases quickly. The changes of reductant proportion, which means the proportion between coal and petroleum coke and all of them is used as reductant at the same time, have no significant influence on the compressive strength and specific resistance.
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    Effect of additives on chlorination of modified titania-containing blast furnace slag
    Fu, Nian-Xin (1); Lou, Tai-Ping (1); Du, Xing-Hong (1); Sui, Zhi-Tong (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  698-701.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 498 )   HTML   PDF (1806KB) ( 698 )  
    To solve the easy sticking of the particles in the chlorination of modified titania-containing blast furnace slag, the mechanism of preventing the sticking by additives was studied by XRD and thermodynamics analysis. Meanwhile, the effects of temperature, excessive carbon content, gas flow rate (N2+Cl2) and chlorine partial pressure on the chlorination behavior were investigated. The results showed that the prior reaction of phosphoric acid as an additive with CaO occurs to form Ca3(PO4)2 with a high-melting point, and the latter reacts with CaCl2 to give Ca5(PO4)3Cl. Thereby the sticking of the particles caused by the aggregation of low-melting point calcium and magnesium chlorides is avoided. The best chlorination results are obtained at 850~900°C with the excessive carbon content of 15%, the flow rate of 400 mL/min and the chlorine partial pressure of 40 kPa, and the chlorination ratio reaches 90.8%~93.5% in 60 min.
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    A comparative study of various flow instability criteria in processing map of superalloy U720Li
    Zhou, Ge (1); Han, Yin-Ben (1); Qu, Jing-Long (2); Ding, Hua (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  702-706.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 701 )   HTML   PDF (3720KB) ( 879 )  
    Hot compression tests of U720Li nickel base superalloy were conducted on a Gleeble-1500D thermal simulating tester. Based on DMM (dynamic material modeling) which proposed by Gegel, different types of instability criteria of Prasad, Gegel, Malas, Murthy, Semiatin were compared and the physical significance of parameters was analyzed. Meanwhile, the processing maps with different instability criteria were obtained. The results showed that the instability does not occur when average power dissipation rate is larger than 40% in the temperature range of 950~1050°C and strain rate range of 5×10-4~10-1 s-1. The deformation condition is appropriate for the processing deformation of superalloy U720Li.
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    Selective precipitation separation of gold and silver from thiourea leaching solution
    Hong, Jong-Su (1); Jong, Dae-Rok (1); Yin, Wan-Zhong (1); Jong, Yong-Hun (3)
    2012, 33 (5):  707-710.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1214 )   HTML   PDF (753KB) ( 1059 )  
    A selective and efficient precipitant of gold, silver ions from thiourea leaching solution was proposed. And the effects of factors such as thiourea concentration, metal cation initial concentration, pH value and the additive quantity of precipitant anion on the precipitation rate of gold, silver and other metal cation and precipitant anion in thiourea leaching solution were investigated. A formula based on the sedimentation rate of ions changes in the solution with sediment formation, was used to calculate the precipitation rate. Reactions of this precipitant and metal cations such as gold, silver, copper, lead, iron (II), iron (III) and thiourea were used to verify little effect of other metal cations on the extraction of gold and silver of this precipitant in acidic solution and the effectiveness of this calculation formula.
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    Reliability and reliability sensitivity of bogie frame
    Wang, Chang-Yi (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1); Zhang, Zhen-Xian (2); Lu, Hao (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  711-714.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 560 )   HTML   PDF (1417KB) ( 619 )  
    The strength analysis of a bogie frame under all load conditions was carried out according to the UIC615-4 code, and the stress response of the dangerous point under the most dangerous load condition was obtained. The simulation samples of random parameters and the stress of the dangerous point were obtained by the Latin hypercube sampling method and experiment design, and the explicit expression of the stress response about random variabes was obtained by the nonlinear mapping function training of a BP neurd network. The reliability and reliability sensitivity of the bogie frame were analyzed with the random perturbation technique, first order second moment method and matrix differential method. The work may provide guidance to the load conditions optimization.
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    Analytic study on 1:3 internal resonance dynamics of driving point anti-resonant vibrating machine
    Li, Yong-Qiang (1); Li, Jie (1); Liu, Jie (2); Li, Xiao-Hao (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  715-718.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 524 )   HTML   PDF (1004KB) ( 612 )  
    In consideration of the cubic nonlinear spring and spring static deformation, the dynamic control equations of second order nonlinear system were established for the mechanical model of driving point anti-resonant vibrating machines. The condition of the system producing internal resonance was obtained and the average equation was established with the multi-scale method. Moreover, the effects of different structural parameters on the nonlinear dynamics characteristics were studied. The results showed that the influence of nonlinear can be ignored when the exciting force frequency is smaller than the anti-resonant one, on the contrary, the influence can be enhanced and the amplitude appear bifurcation which becomes larger with the increasing difference between exciting force and anti-resonant frequency.
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    Study on the vehicle ride comfort based on inverse pseudo excitation method
    Zhang, Li-Ping (1); Guo, Li-Xin (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  719-722.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 575 )   HTML   PDF (1477KB) ( 957 )  
    A 8 DOF vehicle model was built, and the inverse pseudo excitation method was used to work out the PSD of vehicle body vertical acceleration, the suspension dynamic deflection and the wheel relative dynamic load in the context of unknown spectral density of road excitation and known vertical vibration response-PSD of the wheel. A simulation program is designed using MATLAB to compare the ride comfort of the sure pavement with that of the unkown one. The results show that the method presented in this work is simple and practicable, which can solve the problem of settimg the road excitations and is worth of application in automobile vibration study.
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    Parameters sensitivity analysis of dynamic performance and energy consumption economy of battery electric vehicle
    Chen, Ming (1); Guo, Li-Xin (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  723-726.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 769 )   HTML   PDF (1570KB) ( 1028 )  
    The calculation mathematical model of the dynamic performance and the energy consumption economy of battery electric vehicle was established. Total mass, mechanical efficiency of transmission system, rolling resistance coefficient and air resistance factor of battery electric vehicles have different effects on the dynamic performance and energy consumption economy, the calculation method of parameter sensitivity of their influence extent was proposed according to the model. The parameter sensitivity analysis of the dynamic performance and the energy consumption economy was also conducted on a battery electric vehicle. The results show that the value of transmission efficiency has a greater influence on the maximum speed, acceleration time and energy consumption. The conclusions provide a basis for the parameter design and optimization of the dynamic system, as well as the improvement of the dynamic performance and the energy consumption economy of battery electric vehicle.
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    Preparation and damping properties of NiCrAlY coating by arc ion plating
    Du, Guang-Yu (1); Tan, Zhen (1); Ba, De-Chun (1); Sun, Wei (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  727-730.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 518 )   HTML   PDF (1578KB) ( 744 )  
    NiCrAlY coatings were prepared on stainless steel substrates by arc ion plating technique. The coating samples were tested in phase, surface morphology, micro-determination chemical composition, storage modulus and loss modulus. The results showed that uniform NiCrAlY coating can be fabricated on steel substrate by arc ion plating technique. The variation of arc current during the preparation influenced the surface topography and chemical constitution of the coatings to a certain extent, while the influence on the sample phases was not observed. The testing results of storage modulus and loss modulus were obtained to study the damping characteristics of NiCrAlY coatings. It approved that the damping properties of the substrates are prominently ameliorated by NiCrAlY coating.
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    Supersonic forecast of the strength of ore and rock based on particle swarm support vector machine
    Qiu, Jing-Ping (1); Xing, Jun (1); Jiang, An-Nan (2); Sun, Xiao-Gang (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  731-734.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 471 )   HTML   PDF (1216KB) ( 623 )  
    The forecast model based on support vector machine (SVM), which considers the water-absorbing capacity, dry density, wave impedance, Poisson ratio and elastic ratio as input index, and takes the compression strength as output index, was established. In order to increase the forecast accuracy of SVM, the particle swarm algorithm was used to optimize the SVM parameters, which can overcome the shortage for arbitrary selection of SVM parameters. Through analyzing the ore and rock sample data from Anqian mine and Gongchangling mine, the model obviously predicted more precise results than the nerve network method, with the biggest forecast error 8.2%. This result demonstrates that the method based on supersonic forecast strength is feasible and will be a new method for forecting rock strength.
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    Progressive thinning algorithm for automatic optimization of short-term scheduling of open-pit mine
    Sun, Xiao-Yu (1); Zhang, Wei-Guo (1); Sun, Meng-Hong (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  735-738.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 584 )   HTML   PDF (1191KB) ( 663 )  
    The current status of open-pit mine technology was analyzed, and the best approach for open-pit mine production schedule that combines computer aided design and mathematical programming was proposed. In order to resolve the existing problem of open pit mine production scheduled using integer programming and 0-1 integer programming in order of time period, a progressive thinning algorithm for optimizing the open-pit mine production schedule was proposed. Also, the progress of progressive thinning algorithm was discussed and the corresponding 0-1 integer programming model was established. The model was solved by calling LindoAPI mathematical software under the Visual C++ programming environment. This 0-1 integer programming method has higher computing speed and meets the requirement for detailed industrial design.
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    Influence of anisotropy on failure mode of tunnel under different lateral pressures
    Hwang, Ryong-Hyon (1); Yang, Tian-Hong (1); Zheng, Chao (1); Wang, Pei-Tao (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  739-742.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 615 )   HTML   PDF (2865KB) ( 659 )  
    For the rock tunnel under anisotropic state of geo-stress (with different lateral pressure coefficients), the influence of the displacement, stress and plastic zone around tunnel were examined with Hoffman yield criterion used for composite material. The results showed that maximum principal stress around tunnel has a maximum value for θ=30°~60° and minimum one for θ=0° and 90°, being independent of lateral pressure coefficients. With the increase value of θ, the horizontal displacement around tunnel increases and vertical one decreases. When the lateral pressure coefficient is smaller than 1, both roof and bottom are mainly failed, independent of θ. In the anisotropic material, when the direction with respect to the largest strength is coincident with the direction of major principal stress, the failure occurs in this direction, with largest plastic zone area.
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    Microstructure and DSC of organic bentonite modified bitumen
    Chen, Xiao-Long (1); Sun, Yong-Sheng (1); Han, Yue-Xin (1); Tian, Ze-Feng (2)
    2012, 33 (5):  743-747.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 551 )   HTML   PDF (2160KB) ( 949 )  
    The organic bentonite was used to modify the asphalt for pavement. According to the road test results of organic bentonite modified bitumen, the SEM and DSC methods were further used to investigate the mechanism of modified bitumen by analyzing the difference of the dispersing state and DSC atlas when organic bentonite, SBS and SBR were used as modifiers in bitumen. The relationship between the mechanism and the performance was also discussed. The result showed that there had good consistency between organic bentonite and asphalt, where organic bentonite was uniformly dispersed in the asphalt and crosslinking happened, making the colloform texture and components in asphalt change. Thus the macroscopic road performance of asphalt is enhanced.
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    On the method for selecting new product development programs regarding risk attitude of decision makers
    Jiang, Yan-Ping (1); Pan, En (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  748-751+756.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 438 )   HTML   PDF (1633KB) ( 901 )  
    In selecting new product development programs, not only the risk attitude of decision makers has significant effect on decision outcomes, but also the success of new product development more often than not depends on its performance compared to that of competitive products. Taking into account the risk attitude of decision makers and the evaluation information of competitive products, this paper proposes a method for selecting new product development programs based on the prospect theory. In this method, firstly, the prospect reference points of every attribute are given, and the risk attitude of decision makers is introduced to determine the prospect value function of every attribute in the new product development programs that possess interval information. Then, the prospect value of every program can be acquired through prospect value function and decision weight function so as to select the optimal program. Finally, an example is used to verify the validity and feasibility of this method.
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    Research on housing product positioning based on conjoint analysis
    Zhang, Lan-Xia (1); Chen, Tao (2); Wang, Yong-Mei (3); Zhu, Jing (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  752-756.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 442 )   HTML   PDF (909KB) ( 861 )  
    Taking into account the regional characteristics of housing product consumption, with the first-hand data based on the questionnaire survey conducted in Shenyang area, firstly, factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied to differentiating the four lifestyles taken by housing product consumers. Then with conjoint analysis, the relative importance of the main attributes of each housing product and the utility of each attribute at different levels were defined. Finally, the preferences of consumer groups with different lifestyles for housing products were ranked. The findings indicate that when consumers select their residences, they care the most about building type as well as geographical location, followed by price per unit, and they pay less attention to building area. Moreover, consumers with different lifestyles have distinct preferences for housing products.
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    Preparation and characterization of new chiral liquid crystalline methacrylate monomers and polymers
    Hu, Jian-She (1); Li, Wuyun-Tana (1); Zhang, Wen-Chang (1); Zhang, Ying (1)
    2012, 33 (5):  757-760.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (1283KB) ( 721 )  
    New chiral methacryalte monomers (M1~M3) and the corresponding polymers (P1~P3) based on menthol were prepared. Their chemical structures were characterized by FT-IR, or 1H-NMR, and the mesomorphism was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarizing optical microscopy (POM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The selective reflection property was studied with UV/visible/NIR spectroscopy. The experimental results show that no mesomorphism appeared in the M1 and P1 while the mesomorphism and the selective reflection revealed in the M2 and M3, with a chiral smectic C (SC*) phase and cholesteric phase exhibited in M2 and a single cholesteric phase in M3. The melting and clearing temperatures of M1~M3 raised with the increasing of the mesogenic core rigidity and the shortening of the flexible spacer length. Except for P1, P2 and P3 showed enantiotropic thermotropic mesomorphism and color texture of cholesteric phase. Moreover, the mesophase temperature ranges of the polymers were greater than those of the corresponding monomers.
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