

    15 August 2012, Volume 33 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Hybrid intelligent setting control for optimal operation of intensity magnetic separation process
    Dai, Wei (1); Zhou, Ping (1); Chai, Tian-You (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1065-1068+1073.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 581 )   HTML   PDF (2515KB) ( 716 )  
    In the operation of intensity magnetic separation process (IMSP), it's difficult to use any accurate mathematical models to describe the dynamic characteristics such as the strong nonlinearity, severe coupling and time variability between the technical indices, namely the concentrate grade and the tailing grade, and the key controlling variables, i.e. the exciting current, the rinsing water flow and the feed density. Moreover, these two indices cannot be measured continuously. So, the conventional model-based control approach can't be used here. Focusing on this practical challenge, this paper proposes an intelligent setting control approach that consists of a case-based reasoning(CBR) control loop pre-set module, a soft-sensor module based on principal component analysis(PCA) and radial basis function neural network(RBFNN), and an rule-based reasoning dynamic compensator. This intelligent system can automatically adjust the operating points for the IMSP in response to the changes in boundary conditions online. Industrial tests show that the approach proposed can improve the concentrate grade, while reduce the tailing grade.
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    Selection of operation schemes with incomplete information based on D-S evidence theory
    Chen, Xiang-Yong (1); Gong, Mao-Shui (2); Jing, Yuan-Wei (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1069-1073.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML   PDF (1536KB) ( 777 )  
    Given operation schemes with incomplete information, a multi-attribute decision-making method for selecting an optimal scheme is proposed on the basis of the D-S evidence theory. An incomplete decision matrix is built of attribute values, in which some elements are not given, and then focal elements of every attribute are determined according to the characteristics of the attribute values. Using the belief function, plausibility function and evidential ratiocination algorithm, the utility interval and priority of each scheme are derived. All the schemes are ranked by the priorities, by which the optimal one is selected. The proposed method can weaken the influence of incomplete information on decision-making by integrating miscellaneous uncertain information. A case of selecting an optimal scheme of artillery operations demonstrates the effectiveness of the method.
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    Improved delay-dependent robust stabilization result for uncertain systems with time-delay
    Li, Sheng-Tao (1); Jing, Yuan-Wei (1); Liu, Xiao-Mei (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1074-1078.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 514 )   HTML   PDF (1786KB) ( 627 )  
    The problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain systems with time-delay is considered. A Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is designed by splitting the whole time-delay interval into some subintervals and defining different energy functions in every subinterval. Using the linear matrix inequality technique, a delay-dependent stability criterion is derived to ensure the nominal system to be stable. Based on the criterion, the problem is solved via a state feedback controller, guaranteeing the resultant closed-loop system to be robustly asymptotically stable. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    An image restoration model based on adaptive local constraints
    Yu, Xiao-Sheng (1); Wu, Cheng-Dong (1); Chen, Dong-Yue (1); Jia, Tong (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1079-1083.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 542 )   HTML   PDF (2026KB) ( 776 )  
    To address the limitations of the adaptive Lp norm-based image restoration (ALPIR) model, an image restoration model based on adaptive local constraints is formulated. Though the ALPIR model can restore images successfully, the staircase effect appears in the flat regions of the restored images, which is closely associated with the poor scheme of the Lp norm of the ALPIR model. Given the deficiency, a new scheme is proposed according to the perceptive characteristic of the human visual system. This scheme has the same form as the visibility function, and applies the orientation information measure and local variance to the detection of edges. The proposed model is applied to image denoising and deblurring, and experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms the ALPIR model, i. e., the edge details of an image are preserved when the image is restored and the staircase effect is depressed by using the model.
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    Controller design for networked control systems considering packet dropouts and non-uniformly distributed delays
    Wang, Tian-Bao (1); Wu, Cheng-Dong (1); Zhang, Yun-Zhou (1); Ji, Peng (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1084-1087+1092.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 476 )   HTML   PDF (2466KB) ( 658 )  
    Stabilizing controller design was discussed for discrete-time networked control systems (NCSs) considering packet dropouts and non-uniformly distributed delays. According to the influence of packet dropouts and network-induced delays separately on system performance and taking account of the non-uniform distribution of the delays, a new model for a discrete-time NCS was established. Then, a new Lyapunov functional was constructed, based on which a stabilizing controller was designed by combining with the linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). And the performance of the considered system was optimized. For dividing the non-uniformly distributed delays, a new algorithm was presented to choose a proper dividing point instead of a midpoint used as a demarcation point in the existing methods. A numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed stabilizing controller design.
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    A fatigue driving detection method based on wavelet packet sub-band energy ratio of EEG
    Ye, Ning (1); Sun, Yu-Ge (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1088-1092.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 740 )   HTML   PDF (1853KB) ( 958 )  
    As a driver's state varies from normal driving to fatigue driving, the slowly changing and the rapidly changing waves, which are in his/her EEG(electroencephalogram), increase and decrease gradually, respectively. So, it is possible to detect fatigue driving based on the energy ratio of wavelet packet sub-bands. The EEGs of some subjects were acquired and analyzed during their simulating driving. The energy ratio of β waves to slowly changing waves was computed from the decomposition coefficients of wavelet packets and it was defined as a fatigue index F. Experimental result shows that F value is dependent on subjects, and there are big difference among the subjects' F values. But for any subject, his/her F value decreases slowly with the increase of driving time and fatigue level. The attenuation level of F value compared with that of normal state can reflect the driver's fatigue level.
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    A novel image watermarking algorithm based on multiple description coding and wavelet transform
    Li, Wen-Na (1); Kong, Xiang-Yong (1); Gao, Li-Qun (1); Pan, Gai (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1093-1097.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 635 )   HTML   PDF (2644KB) ( 662 )  
    Combining encryption with image compression, a new image watermarking technique based on the multiple description coding and wavelet transform is proposed to maintain the robustness, safety and embedding capacity of digital image watermarking. The watermarking images to be hided are transformed into Gray code after coded by multiple description coding algorithm using security key No.1. The color components of a host image are transformed to a difference image. The Gray code is embedded into the host image by inter-block frequency-hopping spread spectrum and security key No.2 finally. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations show that the proposed algorithm has high embedding capacity and is more robust to common image processing. The security and the ability to resist cropping attack can also be enhanced at the same time using the proposed method.
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    Hysteresis current fuzzy control strategy for APF
    Guo, Xi-Feng (1); Wang, Da-Zhi (1); Liu, Zhen (1); Li, Yi-Qi (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1098-1102.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 652 )   HTML   PDF (1992KB) ( 847 )  
    Hysteresis current controllers with fixed band for active power filters (APFs) have limited compensation ability, so a new one with variable band based on fuzzy rules was proposed. Modeling the APF and analyzing the principle of hysteresis current control revealed that the compensation ability to harmonic current is closely related to the width of the hysteresis loop. In the fuzzy control rules, the deviation and its changing rate of actual current from instruction current are input variables and the hysteresis loop width is output one. The hysteresis loop width can be regulated by fuzzy control based on the compensation requirements. PSIM simulation results show that the ability of APF to track harmonic current is improved by the method, especially when harmonic current comes through the zero and vertex points. Experiments verify the practicability of this method on eliminating harmonics.
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    Heart rate extraction algorithm based on ballistocardiogram
    Wang, Chun-Wu (1); Wang, Xu (1); Long, Zhe (1); Zhang, Ke-Xin (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1103-1106.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1963 )   HTML   PDF (1465KB) ( 2011 )  
    A novel algorithm was presented to extract heart rate from ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals more accurately. Original signals are pretreated by polynomial fitting and wavelet transform. Then priori heart rate is acquired through the spectrum analysis of unipolar signals and a local heartbeat cycle is divided into several subintervals based on the priori heart rate. Finally, the heart rate is obtained by threshold processing and local maximum value positioning. The BCG signals from 30 normal subjects were acquired, with their single-channel electrocardiogram (ECG) signals gathered synchronously. Compared the heart rate extracted from the BCG signals with that from ECG signals, the maximum relative error is only 1.78%, which verified the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed algorithm.
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    Bilateral medical image registration based on normalized mutual information combined with gradient information
    Pan, Xiao-Guang (1); Li, Hong (2); Kang, Yan (2); Liu, Ji-Ren (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1107-1110.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 660 )   HTML   PDF (1318KB) ( 1050 )  
    Combining mutual information of an image with its gradient information, a new bilateral image registration method is developed to use the image's spatial information conventional registration methods neglect. Taking an image A as a reference, the gradient similarities are calculated between the corresponding points of image A and B to be registered after a Gaussian operator is introduced to reduce the effect of noises, and the normalized mutual information multiplied by the gradient similarity is named "forward measure". Conversely, using the image B as a reference, the gradient similarity is thus calculated, thereby "backward measure" being determined. Then, the normalized mutual information combined with bilateral gradient similarity is obtained. Experimental results show that the new method is more robust and accurate than the conventional ones.
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    Beam-hardening calibration based on full forward projection of reconstructed CT image
    Xu, Li-Sheng (1); Qian, Bei-Bei (1); Xiao, Da-Yu (1); Kang, Yan (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1111-1114+1124.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 581 )   HTML   PDF (1928KB) ( 881 )  
    The existing calibration methods commonly rely on the X-ray spectrum or other priori knowledges. So, a new beam-hardening calibration method is proposed on the basis of the full forward projection of a reconstructed image. First, a reconstructed image is segmented according to its gray values to obtain the tissues involving cupping artifacts. Then, a basic corrector is achieved through the full forward projection based on the pixels. By linearly combining the transformations of the basic corrector, a final corrector is obtained to make up for the cupping artifacts. The results of correcting the beam-hardening in single material and soft tissues like water phantom, head phantom and watermelon demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective.
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    Design of speed packet classification system based on FPGA
    Li, Jing-Jiao (1); Ho, Chol-Man (1); Wang, Ai-Xia (1); Chen, Yong (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1115-1119.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 582 )   HTML   PDF (2472KB) ( 709 )  
    In the network security system, there is a limitation on the speed of software-based packet classification due to the processor performance, the serial program execution and so on. In order to improve the speed of packet classification and pre-processing for rules, and adapt to the rules updated quickly, a packet classification system based on FPGA was designed and implemented using hardware circuit and the binary tree structure generated through the pre-processing for rules. The experimental results show that the pre-processing time for 50000 rules is shorter than 0.051 s, the average speed of packet classification is bigger than 10 Gbit/s and the average speed of rule-header classification for Snort IDS is bigger than 20 Gbit/s.
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    Evolution of internet topology's features in "Occupy Wall Street"
    Xu, Jiu-Qiang (1); Cui, Xing-Bing (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Ai, Jun (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1120-1124.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (2003KB) ( 720 )  
    Taking Occupy Wall Street as an example, the impact of social/network events was investigated on the complex topology's connection of Internet. The reasons why topology's features could suddenly change were analyzed while the events were happening. The relationships between each feature and the event's evolution were respectively discussed through correlation analysis to find out which feature correlated most closely with the events' evolution. The network topology was divided into three levels including low-core, medium-core and high-core, and the connection between the levels was analyzed in terms of the core. The result shows that the events can change routing paths by searching, thus makeing the average path length change sharply. The change in the number of edges in each core was analyzed, which showed that the change of the average path length was caused by "longer" edges.
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    Changes in martensite fraction of 304SS in tensile deformation
    Shen, Yong-Feng (1); Li, Xiao-Xu (1); Xue, Wen-Ying (2); Liu, Zhen-Yu (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1125-1128.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 1150 )   HTML   PDF (2241KB) ( 1795 )  
    The relationship between the martensite content and the mechanical property of 304 stainless steel was investigated through uniaxial tensile tests by changing strain rate. When the strain rate increased from 3×10-3 s-1 to 3×10-1 s-1 at the room temperature, the yield strength increased from 220 to 370 MPa, while the tensile strength and ductility decreased from 1260 to 1000 MPa and from 57% to 42%, respectively. While the volume fraction of sample martensite dropped from 55% to 21%. The results indicate that the steel's plasticity is closely related to the martensite content, suggesting that the dominant deformation mechanism of the 304 stainless steel can be attributed to strain-induced martensitic transformation.
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    Effect of annealing on thermal stability of nanostructured surface layer of pure titanium
    Sun, Jian (1); Tong, Wei-Ping (1); Zuo, Liang (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1129-1132+1136.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 605 )   HTML   PDF (2634KB) ( 1124 )  
    A nanostructured surface layer was fabricated on a pure Ti plate by surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT). The microstructure and thermal stability of the nanocrystallized layer annealed at different temperatures for various times were characterized. It is shown that the coarse-grained structure in the surface layer was refined into equiaxed ultrafine grains (about 12 nm) with isometric and random crystallographic orientations after SMAT. When the annealing temperature was lower than 773 K, little change in grain size was found, indicating satisfactory thermostability. The specimen annealed at 773 K for 150 min showed a slight recrystallization in the surface layer. However, the grain size of the sample increased obviously when it was annealed at 773 K for 240 min, and the value of the surface layer's hardness along the depth became smaller than that of the un-annealed SMAT specimens, suggesting the excellent thermostability disappeared.
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    Microstructure and crack suppression of HSS powder cladding by pulse laser
    Xu, Ni-Jun (1); Liu, Chang-Sheng (1); Shang, Shuo (2); Wang, Zheng-Yi (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1133-1136.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 619 )   HTML   PDF (2345KB) ( 681 )  
    The laser cladding of high speed steel (HSS) powders on nodular cast iron rolls was carried out using Nd:YAG pulse laser. The optimized laser processing parameters obtained through single-path cladding experiments are as follows: the electric current is 240 A, the scanning velocity 3 mm/s, the defocus amount 13 mm, the thickness of cladding layer 0.5 mm, the frequency 15 Hz and the impulse width 3.0 ms. Based on the parameters mentioned above, multi-path overlapping cladding experiments were conducted. The results show that the cladding is bonded metallurgically to the substrate, with some cracks in the layer observed, and the main strengthening phases are WC1-x and V4C3. The average microhardness of the cladding was 600 HV with the maximum up to 682 HV, which was about 2.3 times as high as that of the substrate. Adding 50% Ni60 to HSS powders reduced the crack numbers effectively, while the microhardness decreased to 637 HV, about 2.1 times as high as that of the substrate.
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    Phase transformation law of cold-rolled low carbon steel during rapid heating
    Wang, Xiao-Peng (1); Du, Lin-Xiu (1); Zhou, Min (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1137-1140.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 642 )   HTML   PDF (2007KB) ( 668 )  
    For two cold-rolled low carbon steel with different compositions, the effects of heating rates and specimens' compositions on phase transformation during rapid heating were investigated using Gleeble-3800 thermal simulation testing machine, as well as the evolution of austenite grain size. The results show that the phase transformation temperature increases rapidly with increasing the heating rate from 5 to 100°C/s and then slowly from 100 to 500°C/s. There is a key temperature during continuous heating, i. e., 1050°C, at which austenite grains begin to grow abnormally. The average grain size is less than 5 μm at 850-950°C. Adding alloy elements is beneficial to refining austenite grains. The results provide a reference to obtain the cold-rolled ultrafine grained steel using the method of rapid heating followed by holding for a short time.
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    Development of ultra fast cooling equipment and its application to production of pipeline steel
    Tian, Yong (1); Wang, Zhao-Dong (1); Wang, Guo-Dong (1); Ma, Chang-Wen (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1141-1144+1149.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 673 )   HTML   PDF (1597KB) ( 900 )  
    Given the low cooling capacity and the poor uniformity of conventional accelerating cooling control (ACC), ultra fast cooling (UFC) equipment was developed. With closer distance between the nozzles of the UFC equipment and the plate, cooling water sprayed with a high pressure at a proper angle along the rolling direction can clear away the vaporous film forming on the plate, thus making the water cover the plate completely and achieving nucleate boiling. Using the UFC equipment, cooling efficiency and uniformity are improved significantly and pipeline steels are developed at a low cost. Compared with the ACC, the UFC can greatly reduce both the alloy content in pipeline steels and the defective rate of plate shape.
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    Mechanism of forming temperature field during low frequency electromagnetic casting
    Zuo, Yu-Bo (1); Zhu, Qing-Feng (1); Wang, Xiang-Jie (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1145-1149.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 525 )   HTML   PDF (2197KB) ( 708 )  
    How the temperature filed changes with the electromagnetic field was theoretically analyzed for low frequency electromagnetic casting (LFEC) and the results were experimentally verified by continuous temperature measuring in the casting process. It is shown that the forced convection of melt resulting from low frequency electromagnetic field functions as stirring the melt, thereby promotes the inside heat exchange of the melt and enhances the heat transfer between melt and mould and between melt and solid/liquid interface. A very uniform temperature field of melt was thus formed with almost the same temperature. It is also found that adjusting casting temperature can not change the melt temperature too much, indicating the low sensitivity of LFEC to the casting temperature.
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    Spectral method for solving the flow process in the boundary layer of magnetic fluid with variable viscosity
    Tian, Xi-Yan (1); Hu, Zhang-Mao (1); Li, Ben-Wen (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1150-1153+1166.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (1767KB) ( 757 )  
    Focusing on the viscous incompressible magnetic fluid past a stretching impermeable sheet with lower temperature, the laminar flow and the heat transfer in its boundary layer caused by the tensile deformation of the plate were studied under a steady magnetic field. Dimension reducing and dimensionless processing of the original control equations were first carried out based on similarity principle, and then the equations were solved by a spectral method. Assuming that the fluid viscosity varied linearly with temperature, with the constant boundary conditions of flow and temperature fields, the effects were analyzed of the parameters of variable fluid viscosity, the electromagnetic parameters, and the Prandtl number on the flow and temperature fields. Compared with the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, the spectral method is superior in stability and exponential convergence.
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    Investigation of plane channel flow at low Reynolds number under parallel magnetic field
    Dong, Shuai (1); Li, Ben-Wen (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1154-1157.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 744 )   HTML   PDF (1688KB) ( 920 )  
    In the presence of a parallel magnetic field, the suppression of turbulent fluctuations in the plane channel filled with incompressible conducting fluids was investigated using direct numerical simulation method. The magnetic orientations concerned were the spanwise and streamwise directions, and the latter one was discussed mainly. The imposed streamwise magnetic field stimulates streamwise velocity fluctuations, while inhibits fluctuations in the other two directions. Relaminarization can be realized when the imposed streamwise magnetic field is sufficiently strong, but the transition from laminar to turbulence can not be observed by imposing three dimensional random background or impulse noises under the streamwise magnetic field.
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    Liquidus and phase equilibria in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-FeOx system at intermediate oxygen partial pressure
    Wang, Nan (1); Liu, Min (2); Chen, Shuai-Chao (1); Chen, Min (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1158-1161.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 495 )   HTML   PDF (2667KB) ( 809 )  
    A high temperature equilibrium experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of temperature on the liquidus lines and equilibrium phase relations of the CaO-Al2O3-FeOx and the SiO2-Al2O3-FeOx ternaries at intermediate oxygen partial pressure of 10.13 Pa. The results of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the liquidus region of CaO-Al2O3-FeOx system extended to the high Al2O3 region with the temperature increasing from 1450 to 1550°C, and the equilibrated coexisting phases with two-phase and three-phase coexistence were found in the high Al2O3-containing region for the two temperatures. While for the SiO2-Al2O3-FeOx system, the liquidus area expanded to the high iron oxide as well as to the primary region of mullite with the temperature increasing, and the equilibrium phase relations at 1450°C were different from those at 1550°C. In addition, the present experimental results agree well with the FactSage predictions.
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    Mathematical simulation of the electroslag casting of hollow ingot with liquid metal
    Zheng, Li-Chun (1); Dong, Yan-Wu (1); Jiang, Zhou-Hua (1); Li, Wan-Ming (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1162-1166.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 674 )   HTML   PDF (2796KB) ( 758 )  
    A 3D quasi-steady state mathematical model for the electroslag casting of hollow ingot with liquid metal was developed and then solved with the method of sequential coupling using commercial software ANSYS and CFX to obtain the distributions of electric, magnetic, temperature and flow fields. The calculation results show that the distributions of electric, Joule heat, magnetic, temperature and flow fields in the slag pool are different from those obtained by conventional electroslag remelting, which is attributable to the use of a current conductive mold. The high temperature region is near the outer mold, far from the slag-metal interface, with the highest temperature up to 2113 K. There are two vortexes in the slag pool, and the slag is driven mainly by buoyancy, with the maximum velocity of slag being 0.068 m·s-1. The shape of molten metal pool is like a shallow dish, which is beneficial to solidification quality of hollow ingots.
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    Preparation of amination crosslinked chitosan resin by Cu2+ template method under microwave irradiation
    Zeng, Miao (1); Zhang, Ting-An (1); Dang, Ming-Yan (2); Dou, Zhi-He (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1167-1170.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 438 )   HTML   PDF (1176KB) ( 520 )  
    With chitosan as raw material, a spherical amination crosslinked chitosan resin with Cu2+ vacancy was prepared using template method under microwave irradiation. The structure and morphology of the chitosan resin were characterized by Fourier transformation-infrared and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The influencing factors on its adsorptivity were also investigated. The results show that the resin has active groups to adsorb metal ions and its surface particles are homogeneous. The adsorptivity of the chitosan resin for Cu2+ was up to 326.55 mg/g when the chitosan resin was prepared with the conditions of 3 mL of ethanol, 5 mL of epichlorohydrin, 4.8 mL of tetraethylenepentamine and 3 min of amination.
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    Preparation of B2O3-TiO2 doped cordierite glass-ceramics and its crystallization behavior
    Cao, Ying (1); Yin, Wan-Zhong (1); Wang, Guo-Sheng (2); Xu, Yu-Feng (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1171-1173.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 456 )   HTML   PDF (1453KB) ( 653 )  
    Using B2O3-TiO2 as an additive, cordierite glass-ceramics with stoichiometric composition were prepared by the sol-gel technique. The sample crystallization was characterized by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. Effect of doping B2O3-TiO2 on crystallization was investigated. It is shown that α-cordierite is obtained from amorphous compound, with metastable phases of Al-Mg spinel and β-quartz solid solution produced, indicating that the B2O3 retards the crystallization of μ-cordierite. The Ti-rich liquid drops inducing non-uniform nucleation are formed in the glass phase by doping TiO2, which promotes the bulk crystallization of α-cordierite.
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    Effect of post-annealing temperature on optical and electrical properties of Li:ZnO thin films
    Li, Jian-Chang (1); Li, Yong-Kuan (1); Jiang, Yong-Hui (1); Ba, De-Chun (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1174-1178.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 631 )   HTML   PDF (2956KB) ( 874 )  
    3 at.% Li-doped ZnO films were prepared by sol-gel spin-coating. The influence of post-annealing at 450~650°C on the film structural, optical and electrical properties was investigated. All the films show a polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structure and n-type conductivity. The rising annealing temperature facilitates the crystallization and improves the transmittance and conductivity. However, by annealing above 550°C, the film conductivity decreases and the oxide/electrode contacts change from the Schottky to ohmic type. The intrinsic reason is the supplantation of the interstitial Li-dopants by the substitutional ones and therefore the ZnO work function increases, as confirmed by the I-U simulating results. At annealing temperatures above 600°C, the samples are revaporised, resulting in poor optical-electrical properties. The optimum annealing temperature is 550°C, with a transmittance of 95% and a resistance of 2.49×103 Ω·cm, demonstrating the applicability of Li-doped ZnO as high-quality transparent conductive films.
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    Motion reliability analysis of ball screw pair based on Monte Carlo method
    Wang, Dan (1); Zhou, Liang (1); Sun, Zhi-Li (1); Du, Jin-Cheng (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1179-1181+1185.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 670 )   HTML   PDF (1174KB) ( 865 )  
    Reliability analysis of the ball screw pair is helpful to the improvement of transmission precision of machine tools. Based on Hertz contact theory, the contact deformation of the ball screw pair was analyzed, with the contact deformation function gotten. Without the distribution function of the contact deformation, the motion reliability of the ball screw pair was analyzed by the Monte Carlo simulation. Generating random numbers using MATLAB and sampling the random numbers at random, the kinematic error of the ball screw pair and motion reliability value were obtained, and the relationship between accuracy class of each part size and reliability value of ball screw pair was plotted. Evaluation of the motion reliability of the ball screw was given, which was related to size error.
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    MTBF estimation for five-axis machining center based on the Bayesian theory
    Li, Cui-Ling (1); Yang, Qiang (1); Zhang, Lei (1); Sun, Zhi-Li (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1182-1185.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 512 )   HTML   PDF (1319KB) ( 884 )  
    The prior distribution of the mean time between failures (MTBF) of a machining center was obtained according to the previous failure data from similar machine tools produced in batches, and the compatibility of the prior information with the in-situ data was examined using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank sum test. The reliable life of the machining center was predicted online based on the Bayesian theory combined with the prior distribution data and the small sample failure data of the machining center. The results show that the failure time distribution of the machining center follows the two-parameter Weibull distribution, i. e., β=1.9093, α=919.4951. The point estimation value of the MTBF is 815.80 (h) and its interval estimation value is [576.70 (h), 1232.42 (h)]. The method proposed is suitable for the small sample situation, which is meaningful for the reliabe life prediction of special manufacturing equipment.
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    Spatial modeling of refined structural plane of rock mass and block stability analysis
    Wang, Shu-Hong (1); Mu, Xi-Jiang (1); Zhang, Hang (1); Zhang, Shi-Chao (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1186-1189.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 663 )   HTML   PDF (1944KB) ( 807 )  
    A method for modeling structural planes of rock mass was proposed by combining definite structural planes with random ones. Definite structural planes were obtained according to the data from engineering geological exploratory survey, while random ones were generated by 3D network simulation technique using the data from digital photogrammetry. A mechanism was introduced to dynamically check/adjust the random structural planes based on the real-time data acquired from the construction in progress, thus a more accurate model was established. Based on the model, unstable blocks can be found out using the GeoSMA-3D system developed by the authors, which has great significance for rock mass stability forecast and dynamic design/construction.
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    Numerical simulation on induced caving of rock mass
    Zhang, Guo-Lian (1); Zhao, Xian-Tao (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1190-1193.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 514 )   HTML   PDF (2521KB) ( 742 )  
    Stope roof caving with stope depth and joint distribution taken into account was simulated using RFPA software. The profile of the caved roof is like a parabolic arch and caving height is 40%~60% of excavation advance span. Through comparative analysis, it is indicated that the higher the lateral pressure and the larger the excavation step, the smaller the caving height. The profile of the caved rock mass under high geo-stress changes gradually from parabolic shape to stratiform shape, while that with horizontal and vertical joints changes to be saddle- and tower-shaped, respectively. This work is valuable for productive mining at a low cost, elimination of potential danger and properly induced caving of goaf.
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    Carbon footprint and carbon bearing capacity of regional economic development
    Gu, Xiao-Wei (1); Xu, Xiao-Chuan (1); Wang, Qing (1); Wang, Feng-Bo (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1194-1197.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 666 )   HTML   PDF (1392KB) ( 682 )  
    Based on the method and indicators of the ecological footprint, a mathematical model was developed for calculating the carbon footprint, carbon bearing capacity and carbon efficiency of a regional economy, which was applied to the study on the economic development of Shenyang from 1991 to 2005. The results show that, after 1998, the total carbon footprint of Shenyang increased rapidly at an annual growth rate of 15.2%, overtaking the GDP growth rate at the same period (13.67%). In the total carbon footprint, the emissions of fossil-fuel consumption occupy 73%~86%. The carbon bearing capacity of Shenyang was relatively stable in the study period, resulting in a severe carbon overload with the carbon footprint 4 times higher than the carbon bearing capacity in 2005.Furthermore, the carbon efficiency exhibited a decreasing trend after 2000, i.e. the carbon footprint for each unit of economic output showed an increasing trend. It can be seen that, the high economic growth after 2000 was achieved at the cost of the rapid increase in carbon footprint, implying the steering to a low-carbon economy faces a grim challenge.
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    Optimized model for order quantity allocation of multi-product purchase with fuzzy demand
    Guan, Zhi-Min (1); Wu, Hao (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1198-1201.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML   PDF (1000KB) ( 691 )  
    Being taken fuzzy demand and price discount into account, a fuzzy multi-objective mixed-integer programming model was proposed for order quantity allocation of multi-product purchase. Based on the features of the model, a solution strategy was presented as follows. First, the fuzzy objectives and constraints were clarified via their membership functions, and then the fuzzy multi-objective mixed-integer programming model was converted into several equivalent single-objective linear programming models by means of the max-min operators. An optimal solution to the order quantity allocation problem was derived using the two-phase approach. An application example was carried out, and the results verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
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    Multi-objective model for talent recruiting and its theoretical analysis from knowledge perspective
    Sun, Wei (1); Ma, Qin-Hai (1); Yu, Yang (2)
    2012, 33 (8):  1202-1205.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 573 )   HTML   PDF (900KB) ( 1043 )  
    Being considered the shortage of quantitative investigation on talent recruiting, a multi-objective model with quantitative description of knowledge was proposed. First, a knowledge supernetwork was set up, based on which the knowledge needed by an organization was determined and the knowledge held by persons was described in terms of knowledge elements. The similarities between the knowledge needed by the organization and that held by the persons were calculated. A multi-objective model for one-step selection of talents was developed using the similarities as the inputs, being taken into account both the organization's requirement for knowledge and knowledge exchanging among the staff. Also, a multi-objective model for step-by-step selection of talents was given in order to rank the talents. The computation complexity of the two models was analyzed theoretically. An application case was carried out, and the results indicated the effectiveness of the models.
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    Fixed points of convex-power condensing increasing/decreasing operator
    Zhang, Guo-Wei (1); Zhang, Tong-Shan (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1206-1208.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 386 )   HTML   PDF (1956KB) ( 632 )  
    In partial ordered Banach space deduced by normal cone, the existence of fixed points is discussed for a convex-power condensing operator which is increasing or decreasing. It is proved that when the convex-power condensing increasing operator is self-mapping in a cone interval, there exist the maximal and minimal fixed points and that when the convex-power condensing decreasing operator is cone-mapping, there exists a unique positive fixed point under certain conditions. In both cases, the iterative sequences converging to the fixed points are given.
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    A result on the conjecture of Frankl-Füredi
    Tang, Qing-Song (1); Lu, Xiao-Jun (1); Zhang, Xiang-De (1); Zhu, He-Gui (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1209-1212+1216.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 607 )   HTML   PDF (1889KB) ( 1078 )  
    It was conjectured by Frankl and Fu¨redi that the r-graph with m edges formed by taking the first m elements in the Colex ordering of N(r) had the largest Lagrangian of all r-graphs with m edges. In this paper, it is proved that when the following relationships are given for the 3-graph with m edges, i. e., (t-1/3)&lem&le(t-1/3)+(t-2/2) and t&le8, this conjecture will be right.
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    Preconditioning Gauss-Seidel methods for the solution of H-matrices systems
    Shao, Xin-Hui (1); Shen, Hai-Long (1); Zhang, Tie (1)
    2012, 33 (8):  1213-1216.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 607 )   HTML   PDF (1507KB) ( 1249 )  
    For the linear equations Ax=b, two new preconditioning matrices I+S¯ and I+Sˆ were introduced, and corresponding Gauss-Seidel methods were obtained. It was proved that if the coefficient matrix A of the original system was an H-matrix, then the coefficient matrices (I+S¯)A and (I+Sˆ) A of the preconditioning system were also an H-matrix. The convergence theorems of the new methods were proposed. Finally, numerical example was carried out and the results indicated that the convergence rates of the new preconditioning methods are better than those of the corresponding classical Gauss-Seidel method and the modified Gauss-Seidel method proposed by J. P. Milaszewicz.
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