

    15 March 2011, Volume 32 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    A new ZCS-PFM converter based on a load voltage commutator
    Chu, En-Hui (1); Hou, Rui (1); Zhang, Hua-Guang (1); Liu, Xiu-Chong (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  305-309.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 229 )   HTML   PDF (2908KB) ( 720 )  
    With the goal of producing a soft switching boost converter having a simple structure, high efficiency, high frequency, low voltage stress, and ease of control, a new zero-current soft-switching pulse frequency modulation (PFM) converter was described herein. The operation principle of this converter is explained using the boost converter as an example. The soft switching and other design aspects are also outlined in detail. Simulation and experimental results show that the converter can produce a steady zero current swith under a relatively broad range of changes in output and input voltage, load, and control frequency. This new soft switching cell can also be used in other basic DC-DC converters.
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    State feedback for networked control systems with time-delay and data packet dropout
    Wang, Yan-Feng (1); Jing, Yuan-Wei (1); Zhan, Hong-Wei (2); Zhang, Ke-Ju (3)
    2011, 32 (3):  310-313.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 282 )   HTML   PDF (1795KB) ( 646 )  
    For networked control systems with time-delay and random data packet dropout, a stochastic control system model was established containing Bernoulli distributed stochastic variables. Furthermore, the condition of the state feedback controller that makes the closed loop system exponentially mean-square stable is derived by means of Lyapunov theory and robust control theory. The design method is also given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMI). A simulation example was used to demonstrate validity of the proposed method.
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    Analysis and improvement of multidisciplinary collaborative optimization
    Li, Hai-Yan (1); Jing, Yuan-Wei (3); Zhang, Si-Ying (3)
    2011, 32 (3):  314-317.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 333 )   HTML   PDF (1193KB) ( 726 )  
    Standard collaborative optimization, collaborative optimization based on variable relaxed tolerance and collaborative optimization based on two-phase optimization were analyzed and their optimizing properties compared, all from a geometry point of view. In view of that the optimization results of collaborative optimization were vulnerable to the initial points. A new SCO method based on prior constraint is proposed by adding the total consistency constraint. Aiming at the collaborative optimization problem whose design variables have larger magnitudes of discrepancy, the weighted consistency constraint is presented to improve interdisciplinary consistency. Finally, the beam problem is used to verify the efficiency of the proposed method.
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    A wavelet coefficient threshold denoising method based on a cross-correlation function
    Xiao, Qian (1); Wang, Jian-Hui (1); Fang, Xiao-Ke (1); Guan, Shou-Ping (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  318-321.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 292 )   HTML   PDF (1390KB) ( 1509 )  
    In traditional denoising methods associated with wavelet coefficients, wavelet coefficients on any scale are only slightly offset after wavelet transformation to a noisy signal. A wavelet coefficients correlation denoising method based on a cross-correlation function was proposed. A cross-correlation algorithm was used to calculate the deviation of various scales and the original noisy signal, and to analyze the deviated scale, thus obtaining an accurate mutant signal. In order to remove the small number of noisy signals in the vicinity of the mutation signals, a critical threshold denoising method was used to do threshold processing with the scale signal after correlation analysis, following which an accurate useful signal was reconstructed.
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    Fuzzy predictive control of Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear systems
    Li, Yan (1); Mao, Zhi-Zhong (1); Wang, Yan (2); Yuan, Ping (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  322-326.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 411 )   HTML   PDF (572KB) ( 681 )  
    For Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear systems with input and output constraints, a nonlinear predictive control algorithm based on T-S fuzzy model was proposed. A Lyapunov function is used to analyze system stability. By establishing the T-S fuzzy model, the nonlinear optimization problem in predictive control design is transformed into a corresponding linear optimization problem. By designing offline the state feedback control law and online implementation of the appropriate feedback control law, online computational efficiency is greatly improved. Simulation trials indicate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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    Geometry based vector field visualization technology
    Wang, Cheng-En (1); Jiang, Chuan-Yan (1); Wu, Xin-Yu (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  327-330.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 387 )   HTML   PDF (1639KB) ( 1333 )  
    Given the need for scientific computing visualization of vector field data, the OpenGL library and MFC technology were used to achieve vector field visualization based on geometry graphics. After pre-processing regular and non-regular mesh data, the structures and features of the vector field were exhibited by colored arrows and streamlines. In addition, details of the vector field were acquired through interactive operations such as transformation and graphic rendering. A set of application programs for vector field visualization was developed. By comparing with Tecplot, the system has better effectivity of vector field visualization.
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    A method for analyzing the evolution of a concept lattice based software product line
    Deng, Han-Bing (1); Zhao, Li-Jun (1); Zhang, Xia (1); Liu, Ji-Ren (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  331-334+339.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 244 )   HTML   PDF (1737KB) ( 799 )  
    To address issues involving analysis of software product line origin, assets development tracking, and evolution of scope divisions, this paper proposes a concept lattice based approach for analyzing the evolution of a software product line. Evolution factors were divided into internal and external factors. The approach used a concept lattice derived from formal concept analysis to build a software product line evolution analysis framework. This framework was then used to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors, trace the software product line assets evolution process, and determine the scope of the software product line evolution. Based on the total product line evolution process, the layers of the concept lattice structure were used to demonstrate the relatively high accuracy in formal representation of the software product line evolution.
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    Localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks using an optimal partitioned circle
    Yu, Jia (1); Wen, Ying-You (1); Zhao, Hong (1); Zhou, Yue-Qiao (2)
    2011, 32 (3):  335-339.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 270 )   HTML   PDF (1764KB) ( 744 )  
    A new localization algorithm was proposed for improving precision of range-free localization. The algorithm is based on a partitioned circle whose radius was equal to the node communication range. A partitioned circle can separate the anchor nodes around the target node into two parts. A function was used to calculate the offset between such partitioning results and the real one-hop and two-hop anchor node sets. By searching a certain area, the optimal partitioned circle can be selected. The center of the optimal partitioned circle is regarded as the position of the target node. Simulation results show that the new algorithm significantly increased localization accuracy, especially for nodes at the edge of the networks.
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    A highly automatic lumbar vertebrae segmentation method using 3D CT data
    Zhao, Kai (1); Wang, Zhi-Qiong (2); Kang, Yan (2); Zhao, Hong (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  340-343+351.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 377 )   HTML   PDF (1006KB) ( 1043 )  
    Computer image processing technology is commonly used in clinical diagnoses of lumbar vertebrae problems and in medical research to segment single lumbar vertebrae with 3D CT images. Problems with existing segmentation methods include the inability to completely segment, failure to process all the data, or an excessive need for hand labor. A new method was proposed to segment individual lumber vertebrae using CT images. The entire backbone is first segmented from CT images, and then each single centrum and intervertebral facet joints are disconnected, thereby segmenting out the lumbar vertebra of interest. Evaluation using real data and synthetic data indicate a successful highly automatic segmentation of single lumbar vertebrae. This method provides doctors with an important means of computer-aided diagnosis, as well as being useful in biomechanics and other fields of research.
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    Frequent items detection of uncertain data
    Wang, Shuang (1); Yang, Guang-Ming (1); Zhu, Zhi-Liang (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  344-347.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 262 )   HTML   PDF (1316KB) ( 625 )  
    Frequent items detection has been an important feature of many applications, but it is a new area of research for emerging uncertain databases. A new definition of frequent items detection for uncertain data is proposed, thereby forming the basis for two efficient filtering rules that can significantly reduce the number of items to be detected. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm UFI is proposed to detect frequent items on uncertain databases. The UFI algorithm locates the recursive rule in the probability computation and greatly improves the efficiency of single data detection. These proposed methods can efficiently narrow the field of candidates and reduce corresponding searching space, thereby improving performance of query processing of uncertain data.
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    Reciprocal authentication based on a conic curve combined public key in wireless sensor networks
    Wen, Tao (1); Zhang, Yong (1); Guo, Quan (1); Li, Feng-Kun (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  348-351.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 312 )   HTML   PDF (1307KB) ( 607 )  
    Comprehensive analysis was conducted on the development trends and deficiencies of a wireless sensor network (WSN) with authentication protocols, especially with regard to encryption, public key cryptography binding, and answer attack modes, to provide location information based on a scheme for reciprocal authentication of personal ID nodes. The scheme utilizes conic curve cryptography (CCC), which is more efficient and easier to use in inverse operations, order computations, and point multiplication computations than elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Location information introduced into the ID-based scheme makes the protocol more resilient and robust in thwarting new attacks. The protocol was shown to be secure and energy cost analysis of the protocol demonstrated its feasibility.
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    Load balancing strategy for multi-tenancy SaaS applications supporting service on demand
    Wang, De-Shuai (1); Zhang, Yi-Chuan (1); Zhang, Bin (1); Liu, Ying (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  352-355.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 588 )   HTML   PDF (855KB) ( 1173 )  
    Load balancing is a key technology for supporting multi-tenancy SaaS applications requiring scalability. Given that current load balancing strategies are not suitable for SaaS, a load balancing strategy is proposed to support use of SaaS for service on demand applications. Based on analysis of customized user requirements, a set of rules and algorithms are proposed for system resource pre-allocation. Based on a system resource allocation protocol, a set of algorithms is proposed to provide limited customer request allocation. Experimental results showed that the load balancing strategy proposed herein satisfies the needs of users with different requirements and improves overall execution effectiveness.
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    WPANT: A lightweight hierarchical ant routing algorithm for mobile peer-to-peer networks
    Qu, Da-Peng (1); Wang, Xing-Wei (1); Huang, Min (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  356-359.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 301 )   HTML   PDF (579KB) ( 604 )  
    An ant routing algorithm based on a lightweight hierarchical structure was proposed to address problems related to mobile nodes, dynamic topology, limited resources, and inadequate scalability over mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. In this algorithm the network was divided into lightweight hierarchical structures by selecting nodes on active routers and running the ant routing algorithm on these structures. The lightweight hierarchical structure improves efficiency of the pheromone update mechanism of the ant algorithm. In addition, the self-organization and load-balancing properties of the ant routing algorithm increases the robustness of the lightweight hierarchical structure. Simulation experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the algorithm.
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    CACTI based monitoring and analysis of BGP multipath data
    Han, Lai-Quan (1); Wang, Zhong-Ping (3); Wang, Jin-Kuan (1); Wang, Xing-Wei (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  360-363.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 430 )   HTML   PDF (1149KB) ( 1042 )  
    Given that BGP lacks effective multipath, a platform for BGP multipath data monitoring and analysis was designed and built. This BGP was equipped with multi-exist discriminator(MED) property and the experimental platform could demonstrate strategic routing of MED by using a BGP routing table and CACTI traffic monitoring charts. The monitoring and analysis platform was not only useful in determining BGP malfunction, but also could decrease the negative effects of blind deployment of new strategies on existing networks as well as ensure the deployment of new strategies on existing networks.
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    A robust blind beamforming algorithm based on worst-case performance optimization
    Song, Xin (1); Wang, Jin-Kuan (1); Wang, Bin (2)
    2011, 32 (3):  364-367.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 282 )   HTML   PDF (719KB) ( 583 )  
    A linear constrained least squares constant modulus algorithm (LSCMA) is a convergent and steady blind beamforming algorithm used in array signal processing. When adaptive arrays are applied in practical situations, the performance of a linear constrained LSCMA is known to undergo substantial degradation in the presence of even slight mismatches between the actual and presumed array responses to the desired signal. To account for mismatches, a novel robust constrained LSCMA algorithm based on worst-base performance optimization was proposed. The proposed algorithm estimates direction of arrival (DOA) of the actual signal from the observations by using a posterior probability density function, and analyzes theoretically the array output performance. Robust constrained LSCMA provides excellent robustness against uncertainty in the DOA of the actual signal and makes the mean output array SINR consistently close to the optimal one. Computer simulation results are presented to support better performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the linear constrained LSCMA algorithm.
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    Software network eigenvalue based on the core inheritance tree
    Li, Peng (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Liu, Zheng (1); Li, Hui (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  368-371.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 275 )   HTML   PDF (1041KB) ( 658 )  
    This paper redefines software network and proposes a software network model based on the idea of a core inheritance tree. The internal node of the core inheritance tree plays an important role in functional and structural aspects of software through statistical analysis of eigenvalues. Between core number and degree exists a linear relationship in the internal node of the core inheritance tree. Between clustering coefficient and core number and degree exists an exponential distribution relationship in the internal node of the core inheritance tree. A hidden universal rule of large-scale complex software systems was discovered by researching the inheritance tree network model, thereby assisting the transition from traditional experience software engineering to calculation model software engineering.
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    Fractal characteristics of internet router-level topology
    Zhang, Jun (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Yang, Bo (1); Sun, Hua-Li (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  372-375.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 265 )   HTML   PDF (1427KB) ( 637 )  
    Given the complexity of Internet macroscopic topology structure, analysis was conducted on the fractal characteristics of Internet topology structure at the router level. Internet topology was divided into different cores based on k-core decomposition. Node number from inner to outer core increased exponentially. Degree distribution in every core showed a high degree of similarity. Analysis was conducted on the spectral density distribution of the graph spectrum of the Internet topology structure. Analysis of the distribution of spectral density and eigenvalues of the topology graph of each core showed identical properties between cores. These results suggest that any region of the Internet defined by the network centrality has a structure with properties the same as the topology of the entire network. Thus, the Internet topology structure exhibits fractal characteristics.
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    Analyzing catastrophe tendency of AS-level internet topology
    Yang, Bo (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Zhang, Jun (1); Sun, Hua-Li (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  376-379+406.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 305 )   HTML   PDF (1842KB) ( 643 )  
    AS-level CAIDA data analysis conducted from January 2009 to April 2010 found that network size, degree correlations, and clustering all tend to increase with time. According to the concept of k-core, the Internet topology was divided into different cores at the AS level. Quantities of primary characteristics were analyzed, including degree distribution, node number, node correlations, and sums of node degree in each shell. Node number in lower shells decreased but connection probability increased. The primary factor affecting network connectivity was changes in sums of degree in middle shells. Catastrophe changes in the network create an unstable state, but stability is gradually restored. The concept of Internet standard structure entropy is proposed based on the concept of entropy, thus further validating that when effects of small fluctuations on the topology accumulate to a certain point, the system will produce a ″giant fluctuation″, causing mutation of characteristic quantities.
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    Evolution of features of the IPv6 network topology
    Zhao, Hai (1); Sun, Hua-Li (1); Wang, Cui-Rong (1); Yang, Bo (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  380-383.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 251 )   HTML   PDF (1651KB) ( 635 )  
    Given that little research has been conducted on IPv6, IPv6 network topology characteristics were analyzed using large amounts of data collected from the CAIDA project via authorized channels between January 2008 and April 2010. The IPv6 network topology showed greater consistency in numbers of nodes and connections, a trend for greater fluctuation, greater stability of means without much vibration, an overall trend of improvement, maximum values trending higher with greater fluctuation, and clustering coefficients with an upward trend in vibration. From the bit level of the Internet's evolution maturity coefficient, it can be seen that development of the IPv6 network lags far behind that of the 2008 IPv4 network even as late as April 2010.
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    Effect of turbulence models on numerically simulated fluid flow in casting molds
    Feng, Ming-Jie (1); Chen, Zhi-Hui (1); Wang, En-Gang (1); He, Ji-Cheng (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  384-387+410.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 309 )   HTML   PDF (3151KB) ( 762 )  
    The influence of five turbulence models on numerically simulated fluid flow in a slab continuous casting mold was investigated using EMBR (electromagnetic brake) and Fluent 6.3 software. Results were compared with data obtained from a hydraulics model experiment or from actual factory measurements. Data obtained by a standard k-Ε model or by a low-Re k-Ε model conformed to real conditions, whereas data generated by an RNG (renormalization group) k-Ε model or by an SST (shear-stress transport) k-Ε model lacked sufficient accuracy. Meniscus shapes obtained by the turbulence models were similar, but the standard k-Ε model generated values even closer to actual conditions. Required computer memory and time expense of numerical simulation by the Spalart-Allmaras model are less than that of other models and the computing efficiency of the SST k-Ε model is the lowest.
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    Developing control systems for periodic variable gap rolling
    Wu, Zhi-Qiang (1); Liu, Xiang-Hua (1); Fang, Zhi (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  388-391.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 317 )   HTML   PDF (1445KB) ( 803 )  
    Through modifying the software control system of a single stand four-roll cold rolling mill, the functional capability of the rolling periodic longitudinal profiled strip (PLP strip) was increased. In order to adjust periodic roll gap variation during rolling, special requirements for control systems were made on mechanical equipment parameters and measuring instruments. Micro tracking, monitoring AGC (automatic gauge control), rolling variable tension, rolling variable speed, and other important control functions were developed and improved. Through experiments with updated control systems, PLP strip rolling was implemented satisfactorily, with high precision rolling and accurate cycle length. The new rolling control system meets all requirements for rolling.
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    Isothermal compression deformation of AZ91D semisolid billets
    Cao, Fu-Rong (1); Guan, Ren-Guo (1); Xing, Zhen-Huan (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  392-395.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 294 )   HTML   PDF (1335KB) ( 818 )  
    AZ91D semisolid billets were prepared by a self-designed wavelike sloping plate device. Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of isothermal compression deformation in AZ91D semisolid billets have been studied using a Gleeble1500 thermal simulation machine and optical microscopy. When deformation temperature was constant, true stress increased with increasing strain rate; when strain rate was constant, true stress decreased with increasing deformation temperature. The deformation mechanisms of AZ91D alloy were quasi-elastic deformation during isothermal compression and phase interface sliding under thermal activation. The microstructures of isothermal compression of AZ91D semisolid billets consist of globular and near-globular grains that are caused by the round-grinding of α-Mg grains under shear stress and Ostwald ripening under surface tension.
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    Ultrasonic purification of GW103K molten magnesium alloy
    Jia, Zheng (1); Zhang, Zhi-Qiang (1); Le, Qi-Chi (1); Cui, Jian-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  396-399.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 373 )   HTML   PDF (1508KB) ( 644 )  
    Research was conducted on the effects of varying power and treatment temperature on molten GW103K magnesium purification by ultrasound. Low temperature and high power levels both adversely affected ultrasonic purification efficiency. An ultrasonic power of 200 W for 60 sec at a temperature of 680°C provided good purification. Ultrasonic power of 160 W for 60 sec at either 710 or 730°C provided even better purification. Conductivity decreased as ingot inclusions increased and can be used as an indicator of the level of ingot purification.
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    Synthesis and characterization of K2O · CaO · 4B2O3 · 12H2O
    Bi, Ying (1); Tian, Yan-Wen (1); Wang, Guo-Sheng (2); Liu, Dan (2)
    2011, 32 (3):  400-402+414.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 297 )   HTML   PDF (1814KB) ( 756 )  
    Using CaCl2 and K2B4O7 as raw materials, K2O · CaO · 4B2O3 · 12H2O was synthesized from aqueous solution. Conditions were as follows: water 450 ml; mass ratio of K2B4O7: CaCl2 was 65:7.5; reaction temperature 45°C; stir speed 400 r/min; reaction time 3 h. The product was analyzed and characterized by chemical analysis, FT-IR spectra, X-ray powder diffraction and SEM. The result showed the reaction conditions were appropriate and varying reaction temperature affected growth inhibition of dissimilar K2O · CaO · 4B2O3 · 12H2O. K2O · CaO · 4B2O3 · 12H2O was a rhombic crystal about 4 mm long. The shape of K2O · CaO · 4B2O3 · 12H2O crystal was well and integrated.
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    Wavelet ridge determination of chaotic motion characteristics
    Li, He (1); Wen, Ji-Dan (1); Zhang, Jie (1); Wen, Bang-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  403-406.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 282 )   HTML   PDF (1204KB) ( 669 )  
    A wavelet ridge method to analyze chotic motion was described and applied to analysis of nonlinear vibration of a blooming mill having chaotic motion. The wavelet ridge distinguished periodic motion, quasi-periodic motion, or chaotic motion by analyzing the time history of one component of the system state variables. Compared to other methods, such as Poincare´ sections or phase diagrams, wavelet ridge was more suitable to high dimensional chaotic systems. In addition, the clutter of instantaneous frequency represented by the wavelet ridge can distinguish between strong and week chaotic motion. The wavelet ridge method also provided more accurate partial details and features of chaotic motion.
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    Design and numerical simulation of the hydrostatic bearing on the connecting rod journal of the crank
    Song, Jin-Chun (1); Wang, Lei (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  407-410.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 265 )   HTML   PDF (1694KB) ( 912 )  
    In order to use a hydrostatic bearing for a connecting rod journal, it must be equipped with a special structure and oil conducting channels designed for hydrostatic bearings. To ensure the balance between oil pressure and bearing diameter, this paper provides design improvements, determines a suitable oil pressure, calculates the parameters of the hydrostatic bearing, and fixes the K-β0 value to meet the conditions of the maximum stiffness. Hydrokinetic simulation software was used to analyze the hydrostatic bearing, and to draw the contours of pressure and the velocity vector. The internal pressure and speed conditions of the hydrostatic bearing are shown in the figures.
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    Quantitative effect of developer competency on quality of motor vehicle navigation systems
    Xie, Shang-Fei (1); Sun, Zhi-Li (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  411-414.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 229 )   HTML   PDF (411KB) ( 558 )  
    The impact of developer competency on motor vehicle navigation software quality was investigated, yielding a computing method for software quality, defect density, productivity, and developer competency level. By analyzing the quantitative effect of developer competency on quality of the vehicle navigation system, the computed result can be used to organize the software project development team. Analysis showed a correlation between software quality, defect density, productivity and developer competency level, with an inverse proportional relationship between defect density and developer competency level. A regression equation and matrix of the critical competencies of the developer were also determined.
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    Vehicle dynamic load determination based on an inverse pseudo excitation method
    Zhang, Li-Ping (1); Guo, Li-Xin (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  415-418.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 290 )   HTML   PDF (1251KB) ( 977 )  
    Research was conducted on an inverse pseudo excitation method for vehicle dynamic load identification. When a vehicle is in stationary random vibration, using a deterministic method solves the vehicle dynamic load spectrum recognition problem. The auto-PSD and cross-PSD of vehicle vibration response are known. Based on reversing the power spectrum of road excitation, vehicle dynamic load PSD was obtained. An inverse pseudo excitation method for solving the vehicle dynamic load spectrum showed good solution accuracy, and can suggest new ideas and methods for vehicle engineering, as well as having broad application prospects.
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    Utilizing ceramic waste as a construction material
    Li, Li-Xia (1); Wang, Ya-Qin (1); Han, Yue-Xin (1); Bao, Shi-Lei (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  419-422.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 248 )   HTML   PDF (1175KB) ( 772 )  
    Research was conducted on increasing the use efficiency of ceramic waste as a construction material by utilizing the total ingredients of the ceramic waste. Flexural and compressive strength was determined for various concrete and non-baked bricks made with different proportions of powdered ceramic used as a substitute for cement. The performance characteristics of powdered ceramic and cement were tested by XRD. Results indicated that powdered ceramic could be used as a cement mixture to produce blended cement meeting acceptable standards. Non-baked bricks made from waste ceramic tile and cement showed high strength at reduced costs, among other advantages. Given economic development and the ongoing increase of foundational construction in China, the use of waste ceramic as a construction material has good future prospects.
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    Removing nondegradable color from dyeing wastewater using a nonhomogeneous CWO method
    Zhang, Yong-Li (1); Hu, Xiao-Min (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  423-426.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 276 )   HTML   PDF (1171KB) ( 559 )  
    Using single factor and orthogonal test designs, the factors affecting dyeing wastewater treatment were studied using CWO technology and a Cu-Fe-La/FSC catalyst. Biodegradability of water samples was investigated under optimal operating conditions. The decolorization rates of water samples increased with increases in catalyst amount, reaction temperature, reaction pressure and reaction time, while water sample decolorization rates decreased with increasing solution dilution. Water sample treatment was affected, from most to least, by the following factors: reaction temperature, reaction time, catalyst amount, reaction pressure, and concentration of incoming wastewater. Use of the CWO method significantly increased biodegradability of printing and dyeing wastewater, and B/C of the water samples increased by 30.5%.
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    Effects of fence enclosure on soil nutrients and biological activities in highly degraded grasslands
    Cao, Cheng-You (1); Shao, Jian-Fei (1); Jiang, De-Ming (2); Cui, Zhen-Bo (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  427-430+451.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 600 )   HTML   PDF (1951KB) ( 882 )  
    Fence enclosure is a simple and effective method for grassland restoration and is widely used for this purpose in the steppes of north China. Soil pH, nutrients, salt content, microbial biomass, and enzyme activity of soils in heavily degraded grassland in the Horqin area were compared with an adjacent plot enclosed for 7 years. Fence enclosure decreased soil pH and salt content and increased soil organic matter content, total N and P, and available N and P. Microbial biomass C, N, and P contents increased along with increases in urease, phosphomonoesterase, dehydrogenase, and protease activities, while polyphenol oxidase activity decreased. These results indicate that fence enclosure shows good prospects for grassland soil improvement in the Horqin area.
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    Random structural plane cutting of a rock slope spatial block model and its key blocks analysis
    Wang, Shu-Hong (1); Zhang, Hang (1); Zhang, Yan-Qiao (2); Zhang, Jing-Jie (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  431-434.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 280 )   HTML   PDF (522KB) ( 1124 )  
    Based on structural plane information collected on-site using noncontact photogrammetry technology, a dummy grid was proposed to establish a roadside rock slope spatial block model utilizing a random structural plane to cut the slope. The model was inserted into a 3-dimensional analysis system (GeoSMA-3D) developed by the authors in order to conduct roadside rock slope key block search and analysis. Calculations showed that the model could dynamically add structural planes and readily establish geometric models for complicated steep rock slopes, as well as analyze key blocks on certain roadside slopes in Liaoning Province.
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    An improved method of seismic response analysis of structures based on wavelet transformation
    Zhu, Fu-Sheng (1); Bai, Quan (2); Bian, Jing-Mei (3); Zhao, Dong-Yang (4)
    2011, 32 (3):  435-438.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 420 )   HTML   PDF (1901KB) ( 742 )  
    Nonstationary structural response is currently an active area of interest in earthquake engineering. Low computational efficiency is problematic for nonstationary seismic responses of linear structures based on wavelet transformation. An improved method is thus proposed whereby seismic responses are obtained with time-frequency characteristics. Seismic signals were inputted directly into the structure and seismic responses were obtained by time domain analysis. The response of different scales and time-frequency characters of the seismic response were then reflected by wavelet decomposition and reconstruction. Using multi-resolution analysis (MRA) of wavelet transformation and modal analysis of the structural response, results from this new modified method were shown to be consistent with results of the existing conventional method. A numerical example illustrates the accuracy of the new method.
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    Investigation and analysis of evacuation behavior in a large shopping mall
    Zhang, Pei-Hong (1); Shang, Rong-Xue (1); Jiang, Ze-Min (1); Liu, Yi-Hong (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  439-442.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 804 )   HTML   PDF (1642KB) ( 949 )  
    Investigating and analyzing emergency evacuation behavior is fundamental to ensuring safe evacuation in densely populated public buildings such as large shopping malls. The Xinglong Family shopping plaza was selected as the observation site. By way of a questionnaire survey and other data collection, correlation analysis was conducted on evacuation behavior using the professional statistics software SPSS17.0. Both gender and past emergency experience among respondents tightly correlated with evacuation behavior. Most males and those having prior experience with emergencies showed correct response and decision making during an emergency, while most females and those without past emergency experience were at a loss to know what to do in an emergency, becoming flustered and exhibiting a tendency to follow the crowd or act according to ordinary habits. Regularly scheduled fire drill are needed to provide a higher level of emergency experience for people in a shopping plaza and more emergency leadership experience for management, thereby improving emergency evacuation safety in large shopping malls.
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    Short-term bus arrival time prediction using a fuzzy neural network
    Li, Da-Ming (1); Zhao, Xin-Liang (1); Lin, Yong-Jie (2); Zou, Nan (2)
    2011, 32 (3):  443-446.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 297 )   HTML   PDF (157KB) ( 695 )  
    This paper studies bus operation in China and presents a short-term bus arrival time prediction model using fuzzy neural network (FNN) with real-time traffic information collected by a global positioning system and an electronic payment system. Road segment and bus stop based FNN are proposed to predict bus travel time on road segments and time spent at bus stops. As opposed to previous studies, the present approach considers traffic data collected at bus stops with overlapping multiple bus routes instead of at those with single routes. Taking a bus artery in Jinan city as an example, this paper conducted intensive numerical experiments with simulated data from the microscopic simulator VISSIM in which both exclusive and non-exclusive bus lanes were simulated. Cumulative errors of predicted travel time were under 10% in bus non-exclusive and less than 7% in bus exclusive lanes when the prediction time window was less than 15 minutes, indicating that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the mean value method and the Kalman filtering model.
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    Complex networks based research on characteristics of the Shanghai stock exchange rich-club
    Ma, Yuan-Yuan (1); Zhuang, Xin-Tian (1); Li, Ling-Xuan (2)
    2011, 32 (3):  447-451.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 303 )   HTML   PDF (1581KB) ( 745 )  
    Stocks transaction data from the 2009 Shanghai stock exchange (SSE) were utilized to establish the relational network among these stocks. Analysis indicated that this network is a classic sparse scale-free network with a relatively high number of vertices forming a tightly Hub vertices that affects the dynamic broadcasting behavior of the network. Piecewise linear fit was then used to locate the rich-club in the SSE and to analyze the Hub vertices as well as the effect of the rich-club on the entire stock market. It was discovered that the network viewpoint could be used to diagnose malfunction vulnerability phenomenon in the stock market. In addition, using May 12 as an example, diagnosis was conducted on abnormal phenomena in the stock market based on rich-club characteristics, providing further evidence that the Hub along with super-large stocks have market trend prediction value and that their health has a large impact on the overall behavior of the stock market.
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    Application of fuzzy clusters to screen undergraduate education assessment targets
    Guo, Mei (1); Zhao, Xi-Nan (1); Chen, Yang-Yang (1); Wang, Hong-Jiang (1)
    2011, 32 (3):  452-456.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 215 )   HTML   PDF (1480KB) ( 585 )  
    The level of undergraduate education is one of the fundamental indicators of a country's scientific development. Consequently, research on education level assessment systems carries great significance. This article applies fuzzy clustering data analysis in evaluating education level, providing the primary data affecting level evaluation of undergraduate student education. Data were collected by on-site investigation, questionnaire reorganization, and other means, and were processed with fuzzy clustering analysis to screen 9 targets affecting the level evaluation of undergraduate education. These targets basically cover the effective information contained in the level of undergraduate education, and provide a diagnostical basis for further research.
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