

    15 December 2011, Volume 32 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    CBR based endpoint prediction of EAF
    Yuan, Ping (1); Wang, Fu-Li (1); Mao, Zhi-Zhong (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1673-1676.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 292 )   HTML   PDF (1088KB) ( 1072 )  
    In the smelting process of electric arc furnace (EAF), as the endpoint parameters , the steel temperature, carbon content and phosphorus content affect the EAF's operation and quality of production, and therefore the endpoint control is of gr eat importance. Based on the idea of increasing model, a case based reasoning (CBR) based endpoint prediction model is proposed. In order to minimize the severe nonlinear correlation among the input parameters, and to improve the accuracy and robustness of the model, the result of CBR is corrected by fuzzy least square support vector machines (FLS-SVM). The accuracy of prediction model is remarkably improved and the simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the method.
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    Delay-dependent controller design for a class of MIMO networked control systems
    Liu, Li-Li (1); Qiu, Yan-Lin (2); Zhang, Qing-Ling (1); Du, Zhao-Ping (3)
    2011, 32 (12):  1677-1679.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 349 )   HTML   PDF (133KB) ( 817 )  
    The problem of controller design for a class of MIMO networked control systems is addressed. When the sensors and executor nodes are time-driven and the controller are event-driven, a continuous time model of NCSs with multiple input time-delays is proposed. Based on Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method, a new method for controller design is proposed, which does not need any model transformation. The controller can be easily obtained by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities.
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    Robust stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear singular systems based on HJI differential inequality
    Sha, Cheng-Man (1); Li, Yan (2); Yang, Dong-Mei (2)
    2011, 32 (12):  1680-1683.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 338 )   HTML   PDF (160KB) ( 1152 )  
    Robust stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear singular systems with the norm-bounded condition is studied. The methods for robust stabilization of uncertain non-singular nonlinear systems are extended to singular systems. The concept of robust stabilization is defined in the sense of Lyapunov. A necessary and sufficient condition under which the systems are robustly stabilizable is obtained. Under the norm-bounded condition the robust stabilizability of uncertain nonlinear singular systems is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a positive solution of an extended Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs differential inequality.
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    A new weighted support vector regression machine
    Liu, Li-Mei (1); Wang, An-Na (1); Sha, Mo (1); Zhao, Yue (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1684-1687.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 530 )   HTML   PDF (1749KB) ( 741 )  
    Support vector regression machine (SVRM) is integrated with the statistics learning theory (SLT) to map training samples into a high dimension space. But sometimes the operation speed and the accuracy of the standard support vector regression machine is not ideal. For a case of linear indivisibility, two relaxation items are added into the objective function of the support vector regression machine in order to reduce two constraint conditions. The weights can be easily adjust ed according to practical requirements by adding two weighting factors. The method is named a new weighed support vector regression machine (WSVRM) for function approximation. The experimental results show that the proposed new type of weighted support vector regression machine has good function estimation and data forecasting capabilities.
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    Model and solution based on greedy ant colony algorithm for capacitated facility location problem
    Yu, Hong-Tao (1); Gao, Li-Qun (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1688-1691.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 755 )   HTML   PDF (590KB) ( 2034 )  
    Capacitated facility location problem is investigated. A new mathematical model is put forward to improve the existing models that do not well address the economic benefit problem and development problem. Since capacitated facility location is a complicated decision process and thus it is often difficult to get an optimal and satisfactory solution, the model is solved by using a new improved ant colony algorithm, which combines conventional ant colony algorithm and greedy idea. Simulation results not only validate the new model, but also show that the improved ant colony algorithm can enhance the ability of escaping from local optimal solution.
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    An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
    Wu, Pei-Feng (1); Gao, Li-Qun (1); Zou, De-Xuan (2); Yi, Yu-Feng (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1692-1695.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 402 )   HTML   PDF (471KB) ( 1700 )  
    An improved particle swarm optimization (EDAPSO) algorithm is proposed. The improved algorithm integrates the exploration of estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) and the exploitation of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms. The EDAPSO algorithm is applied to solve unconstrained optimization problems and the results of the EDAPSO algorithm are compared with the results of other three classical PSO algorithms. The experimental results for unconstrained optimization problems show that the EDAPSO may find better solutions and has higher numerical stability. The EDAPSO algorithm is then applied to solve the economic dispatch problems of power system with 13 units. Experimental results show that the solution obtained by the EDAPSO algorithm is better than that reported in recent literatures.
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    Multi-objective optimal cross-training plan models using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II
    Li, Qian (1); Gong, Jun (1); Tang, Jia-Fu (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1696-1699.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 370 )   HTML   PDF (969KB) ( 588 )  
    To solve the problems of a cross-training plan for staffs in a flexible assembly cell from the point of views of humanization and economy, a multi-objective optimal cross-training plan is proposed. Average labor satisfaction and average task payment are chosen as the goals of the model, and the multi-functionality and task coverage policies are used as the constraints. To solve the multi-objective optimal model, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II based on double terminated rules and Pareto filter techniques is proposed. Simulation results show that this algorithm improves the operation efficiency and diversity of the Pareto solutions.
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    Generating top-k mediated schemas for multiple data sources
    Ding, Guo-Hui (1); Wang, Guo-Ren (1); Zhao, Xiang-Guo (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1700-1703.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 551 )   HTML   PDF (1489KB) ( 570 )  
    Schema integration is a critical step in many database applications, such as data space, data warehousing and electronic commerce, etc. This paper proposed an automatic approach to generate the mediated schemas over a set of source schemas. Firstly, the concept graph is presented to represent the source schemas for the unified representation. Secondly, the similarity between concepts is divided into intervals for the generation of the three merging strategies. Finally, the simulated annealing algorithm is employed to automatically generate the best k mediated schemas. Through extensive experiments, the results show that the algorithm proposed is effective and the running time is little.
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    Energy minimization using dynamic voltage scaling and cache partition in real-time systems
    Deng, Qing-Xu (1); Cheng, Qing-Lian (1); Kong, Fan-Xin (1); Wang, Jia-Han (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1704-1708.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 560 )   HTML   PDF (1236KB) ( 791 )  
    DVS(dynamic voltage scaling) and cache partition are two technologies aimed at reducing embedded systems' energy consumption. The combination of the two techniques will not only make a better energy saving, but also have other advantages of cache partition. The key issue is how to determine the voltage and cache size for each task to minimize the energy consumption. In real-time embedded systems, on this issue, a polynomial time complexity algorithm is proposed. Experiments compared the energy consumption of multiple test sets under different algorithms, and results show that the algorithm can effectively reduce the energy consumption under the real-time constraint.
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    An improved back-off algorithm with node access fairness in WLAN
    Zhang, Zhen-Chuan (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1709-1712.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 586 )   HTML   PDF (1069KB) ( 791 )  
    In order to obtain greater throughput, smaller packet loss rate and the average delay, research on carrier detection mechanisms, especially the collision back-off algorithm which impact on network performance was carried out. By analysis to several traditional algorithms, an improved collision back-off algorithm with node access fairness is proposed. With the design and implementation of the improved algorithm using NS2, simulation to WLAN performances was performed. Because that different window regulating competition strategy, according to a previous packet monitoring the collision situation, were used for sending stations and non-sending stations, the results showed that the algorithm not only ensures the fairness of data sending among stations, but also improves the performance of throughput, packet loss rate and packet average delay to some extent.
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    A clustering algorithm based on multiple coverage for wireless sensor networks
    Tan, Xiao-Bo (1); Zhao, Hai (1); Zhang, Wen-Bo (2)
    2011, 32 (12):  1713-1715.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 526 )   HTML   PDF (426KB) ( 606 )  
    In traditional clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks, the remaining energy of the elected cluster heads is not considered. Moreover, the service failure ratio that the cluster heads provided for nodes in clusters is not considered either. A new multiple coverage clustering algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm the ratio of cluster head node residual energy to its initial energy is set to the service failure rate. Based on the service failure rate above, the elected cluster heads provide multiple coverage to key nodes to ensure reliable communication. The simulation experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is correct and effective.
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    Shielding properties of boron-containing ores composites for 1 keV, 1e V and 0.0253 eV neutron
    Li, Zhe-Fu (1); X.-X., Xue
    2011, 32 (12):  1716-1720.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 760 )   HTML   PDF (1829KB) ( 823 )  
    Boron-containing green ore in the eastern area of Liaoning Province of China, boron-containing iron ore concentrate and boron-rich slag were used as starting materials to prepare boron-containing composites. Monte-Carlo method was used to study the shielding properties of boron-containing ore/epoxy composites with different proportions for slow neutrons of 1 keV, 1 eV, 0.0253 eV energy respectively and the factors that affect the shielding abilities, and comparison with shielding materials of Portland cement concrete was also conducted. The results show that the shielding properties of the composites for 1keV neutron increase with the increase of hydrogen content in the composites. The shielding performance of the composites for 1eV neutron is mainly related to boron content and the ratio of boron to hydrogen in the mixture. Boron content is the main f actor that affects the shielding properties for 0.0253 eV neutron. The slow neutron shielding properties of all composites are stronger than Portland cement concrete and the boron-containing ore/epoxy composites are expected to improve the shielding properties of Portland cement concrete. This may provide the basis for the design of slow-neutron shielding.
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    Synthesis of compound fertilizer from titanium-bearing blast furnace slag and cultivation experimental study on sugar beet
    Zhang, Yue (1); Yang, He (1); Xue, Xiang-Xin (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1721-1723+1736.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML   PDF (458KB) ( 1017 )  
    Compound fertilizer was synthesized with titanium-bearing blast furnace slag as a major raw material by heating method. Its solubility was enhanced so that the nutritional elements transform into the form which can be absorbed easily by plants. The effects of fertilizer on the character, yield, sugar content and nutritional elements of sugar beet were investigated by cultivation experiment. The results show that the dissolution rates of titanium, magnesium and iron from slag are 84%, 88% and 75% respectively. The fertilizer contains such nutritional elements as nitrogen, silica, sulfur, calcium, iron, titanium and magnesium, which can all be absorbed effectively by nurture plants. The fertilizer can increase significantly the plant height, root length, leaf weight and the chlorophyll content of sugar beet. The yield of sugar beet is increased by 22.03%, and its sugar content is increased by 15.57%, leading to a sugar yield increase of 41.03%. All these indicate that the fertilizer can promote the growth of sugar beet.
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    Boron extraction from boron-concentrate ore by ammonium sulfate roasting method
    Duan, Hua-Mei (1); Lü, Xiao-Shu (1); Ning, Zhi-Qiang (1); Zhai, Yu-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1724-1728.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 772 )   HTML   PDF (933KB) ( 765 )  
    In order to reasonably use the boron-concentrate ore from magnetic separation of Liaoning ludwigite, the raw samples were roasted with ammonium sulfate. Then the roasted materials were separated by filtration after being dissolved into water. The boron-rich solution was used to recover boron acid while the remaining residue was used as a raw material for SiO2 and MgO recovery. Single factor experiments were conducted to study the influences of roasting temperature, roasting time and ammonium/ore ratio on the leaching rate of B2O3. The reasonable conditions obtained by orthogonal test are: roasting temperature of 400°C, roasting time of 90min, and ammonium/ore ratio of 1.6. Under such conditions, the leaching rate of B2O3 is over 85%. The chemical composition analysis and XRD results show that, this method can extract the majority of soluble boron from boron-concentrate ore, and thereby realize the eco-friendly comprehensive utilization of boron-concentrate ore.
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    Electrochemical performance of anodic materials in TFS plating process
    Fu, Gao-Feng (1); Li, Jian-Zhong (1); Tao, Shao-Hu (1); Tian, Yan-Wen (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1729-1732.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 543 )   HTML   PDF (1078KB) ( 697 )  
    To reveal the electrochemical performance of anode materials in the plating process of TFS products, the electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) of anodic materials in Cr ion solution, F ion solution and the mixture of Cr and F ion solutions was investigated via an electrochemistry work station. The results show that the polymerization structures of Cr ion, F ion and the mixture of Cr-F ions on anode surface have a remarkable effect on the electrochemical performance of the anode materials. Inductive reactance phenomenon is observed on EIS for C anode and lead alloy anode in Cr ion solution, and their polarization resistance value are small. Polarization resistance value of lead oxide anode is relatively higher. When F ions are added into Cr ion solution, the inductive reactance phenomenon of C anode and lead alloy anode surface disappears in the mixture of Cr-F ion solution, while the polarization resistance value of C anode increases and that of lead oxide anode decreases. But the polarization resistance value of lead alloy anode is higher than those of C anode and lead oxide anode. The conductance of lead oxide anode is improved greatly in the mixture of Cr-F ion solution.
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    Effect of aging temperatures with electric field on point defects in GH4169 alloy
    Wang, Yao (1); Wang, Lei (1); Chao, Yue-Sheng (2); Lü, Xu-Dong (3)
    2011, 32 (12):  1733-1736.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 516 )   HTML   PDF (1196KB) ( 663 )  
    In order to investigate the effect of electric field on point defects, an external electric field was applied to GH4169 superalloy during aging at different temperatures. The results indicated that the energy provided by thermal aging at 500°C without electric field is not enough to promote the atoms jump out of the normal lattice position and form new monovacancies, but it can promote the atoms at lattice distortion position and adjacent to vacancy to jump again. The gradient force has been produced on uncharged atoms by intense electric field applied, which can enhance atomic thermal vibration. The average positron annihilation lifetime increases by 6%~7% when the alloy aged at 600, 700 and 800°C with 8kV/cm intense electric field, leading to the increasing of average size of vacancy in the alloy.
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    Anion exchange membranes based on quaternized poly(vinyl alcohol) and hydroxyapatite for fuel cells
    Wang, Ji-Lin (1); Che, Quan-Tong (1); Sun, Wen-Dan (1); He, Rong-Huan (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1737-1740.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 387 )   HTML   PDF (833KB) ( 731 )  
    Hybrid anion exchange membranes of quaternized poly(vinyl alcohol) (QPVA) and hydroxyapatite(HA) were prepared and characterized by FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and TGA (thermogravimeteric analysis), respectively. Physical chemical properties of the hybrid membranes were investigated. The results indicated that the decomposition temperature of the hybrid membranes is increased about 30°C comparing with that of QPVA. The presence of HA in the hybrid membranes decreases the membrane swelling, improves the membrane strength, and alleviates the decrease in conductivity of the hybrid membrane due to the water evaporation at elevated temperatures. With the increasing of HA in the hybrid membrane from 0 to 75.0%, the volume swelling decreases from 105.5% to 55.5%, the tensile strength increases from 47.9 to 69.5MPa, and the IEC decreases from 0.72mmol/g to 0.54mmol/g, respectively.
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    The reliability and sensitivity analysis of the gear random vibration system and transmission error
    Wang, Qian-Qian (1); Zhang, Yi-Min (1); Zhang, Zhen-Xian (2); Jiang, Yue-Hui (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1741-1744.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML   PDF (1317KB) ( 984 )  
    Reliability and reliability based sensitivity problem of a gear coupling vibration system was solved with the reliability model established on the basis of the dynamical model of the gear system. Combining the nonlinear dynamical response with the reliability analysis technique, the fourth moment technique and Edgeworth series method are used to calculate the reliability of the vibrating amplitudes and the transmission error. The system reliability is obtained with independence of failure modes. The reliability based sensitivities with respect to the mean and variance of the random parameters are analyzed based on the study of the system reliability. The as-proposed method is effective for solving the reliability problems of gear vibration systems and governing the structures optimized design, which is useful to reduce the instability issue caused by vibration.
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    Behavior control of excavator robot based on fuzzy clustering discrimination
    Wang, Fu-Bin (1); Liu, Jie (1); Chen, Zhi-Kun (2); Jiao, Chun-Wang (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1745-1748+1769.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 383 )   HTML   PDF (1216KB) ( 702 )  
    In order to realize the autonomy excavation of excavator robot, the behavior control system architecture was built. With the excavation behavior as a baseline, the state-flow model was used to implement the excavation object, the excavation task and the excavation behavior stepwise. The object image, rake angle of mechanical arm and pressure signal of hydraulic cylinder were collected, as the event and condition for trigger and transition between behavior states of state-flow. According to the three kinds of mining environment during the excavation, which are sand, surface block material and block material buried in sand, the visual position, pressure and rake angle information were gathered and mining action state-flow model was triggered after the fuzzy clustering discrimination, then the different circumstances encountered in mining were processed distinguishingly and independently. Finally the autonomy excavation object was achieved by controlling excavation action.
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    Forecast of SMT reflow soldering profile based on improved artificial neural network
    Guo, Yu (1); Sun, Zhi-Li (1); Pan, Er-Shun (2); Yang, Qiang (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1749-1752.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 399 )   HTML   PDF (619KB) ( 1288 )  
    Experiment is always the prime method in forecasting SMT soldering reflow profile, while its high cost and low efficiency make the company hard to develop. According to the nonlinear relationship between the multi input and output, reflow profile forecast model based on BP neural network was proposed. The deficiencies in training, such as error calculating and weight adjusting, are improved to eliminate the sample order's impact on the network. Moreover, the network training speed is enhanced rapidly. MAPE assessment approach is carried out to compare network prediction with the production data of a company. The results shows that predicted error meets the demand of required precision. In conclusion, BP neural network is effective and efficient in the reflow profile prediction.
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    Preparation and characterization of Ag doped ZnO thin films by sol-gel method
    Li, Jian-Chang (1); Jiang, Yong-Hui (1); Shan, Lin-Ting (1); Ba, De-Chun (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1753-1756.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 832 )   HTML   PDF (1850KB) ( 937 )  
    Ag-doped ZnO thin films were fabricated on silicon substrate with different Agdoping concentrations by sol-gel method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer and current-voltage measurement, respectively. The effects of Ag doping on the structure, surface topography and electrical properties of ZnO thin films were investigated. The results showed that the elemental Ag is generated in ZnO thin films with the addition of Ag and the increasing of the doping concentration, and a new absorption peak appears at 404nm, which is probably induced by the formation of Ag nano-particles. At the same time, the conductivity of Ag-doped ZnO thin films is obviously improved and the film transmittance in the visible region is all above 85%. When the doping concentration is 7at%, the sample shows the best conductivity with visible transmittance greater than 90%.
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    Mandibular reconstruction based on rapid prototyping technology
    Li, Hu (1); Yang, Jian-Yu (1); Cui, Kun-Peng (1); Wang, Wan-Shan (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1757-1760.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 622 )   HTML   PDF (1749KB) ( 997 )  
    Mandibular defect reconstruction is a synthesis subject which integrates rapid prototyping, CT scanning and image processing, 3D reconstruction and so on. After the mandibular of factually defected case was modeled with software and reconstructed with fibular, the personal mandibular can be manufactured with RP machine to ensure the best operation affection. Image processing was executed directly on DICOM files scanned from spiral CT, where CT image processing technology was used to separate mandible by the operation of threshold, region growing, masks editing, calculating and so on. Then, fibular STL files were imported into software to fit with the mandible defect region, and the three dimensional model of reconstructed mandible was obtained by model reconstruction and optimization.
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    Research on module partition evaluation system of the CNC machine tool based on AHP
    Wang, Peng-Jia (1); Liu, Yong-Xian (1); Zhang, Chao-Biao (1); Guo, Chen-Guang (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1761-1764.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 337 )   HTML   PDF (1635KB) ( 589 )  
    Studying the evaluation and decision of module partition results, finding an optimal partition scheme, are the important contents of product modularization design. By combining with the practice of module partition of high-speed turning center, we established a hierarchy structure model, constructed the judgment matrix, computed the relative weight and synthetic weight by using the AHP, and developed a module partition evaluation system by using the VB. Through the example design and result analysis, the application of the evaluation system can be confirmed to be more rapidly and accurately than other conventional ones in the process of calculating optimum solution.
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    Numerical simulation on long-term stability of large-span road tunnel
    Zhu, Yi-Fei (1); Hao, Zhe (2); Gao, Wen-Hua (3)
    2011, 32 (12):  1765-1769.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 316 )   HTML   PDF (3234KB) ( 630 )  
    Based on the viscoelastic theory, the FLAC software was adopted to simulate the creep effect of Hanjialing large-span road tunnel to access the long-term stability. The results show that the creep process of the excavated rock mass will maintain a quite long period and then tend to steady. The creep effect at the crown is significant, and then in turn are the arc feet, bottom and sidewall. The simulation results are consistent with the field measurements well. The creep effect at the crown should be considered seriously not only in the excavation analysis, but also during the long-term creep. The numerical results and relevant conclusion may be helpful for the numerical analysis on large-span tunnel, which may also offer the important references for design and construction of tunnels.
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    Optimization analysis on the shape and height of main tower in cable-stayed bridge
    Zhang, Wen-Xian (1); Wang, Guang-Tao (2); Tong, Pei-Zhou (1); Mu, Ya-Nan (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1770-1773+1781.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 894 )   HTML   PDF (1875KB) ( 848 )  
    The shape and height of the tower determine the height, the construction difficulty and the economical efficiency of the bridges. By using software MIDAS/Civil, this paper established spatial finite element model of whole bridge under the invariant cable and anchorage forms and the unchanged anchorage point distribution. The mechanical response of bridges with three tower shapes under the dead load and seismic load were analyzed, and it come to the conclusion that the diamond-type of tower is the optimal. Under the dead load of the finished bridge, the internal force and displacement of tower body, as well as the cable-force under the different tower heights of main girder were numerically analyzed. The least bending energy method is used to adjust cable tension in order to optimize the height of main tower, based on which, it is decided that the tower height of this bridge can be lower.
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    Investigation on the hemimorphite's flotation behavior in dodecylamine system
    Han, Cong (1); Wei, De-Zhou (1); Gao, Shu-Ling (1); Liu, Wen-Gang (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1774-1777.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 761 )   HTML   PDF (1108KB) ( 1072 )  
    The monomineral flotation test which for investigating the flotability of hemimorphite and the influence of n-octanol on the flotability of hemimorphite were conducted using dodecylamine (DDA) as collector. The results showed that the unactivated hemimorphite can be collected well by appropriate dosage of DDA while the pH of pulp located in 10 to 11. Hemimorphite can't be collected by n-octanol. Adsorption of DDA's cation on hemimorphite's surface and the minimum activated concentration of DDA were downgraded by n-octanol. The same flotation effect was achieved when using the combination collector which 25% amount of substance proportion DDA was replaced by n-octanol, compared with using DDA alone did.
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    Mixed H2/H convex optimal schemes used on filter of monitored deformation data
    Mao, Ya-Chun (1); Sha, Cheng-Man (1); Wang, En-De (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1778-1781.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 560 )   HTML   PDF (1564KB) ( 651 )  
    Currently, widely used filtering methods such as wavelet and Kalman methods are not appropriate for filtering the non-white noise. According to the noise components of white part and limited energy part, the worst condition of limited energy noise was considered in H filter, but the influence of white noise was ignored. Based on the norm analysis of noise signals and filter system, the mixed optimal control index J was chosen as the target index and its physical implication was discussed. Considering the merit and defect of the H2 and H filter scheme, the filter by LMI convex optimal solution was established. A simulation example was shown at last.
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    Balance between grassland productivity and livestock carrying capacity of HulunBuir grassland
    Wang, Rui-Jie (1); Qin, Zhi-Hao (2); Wang, Gui-Ying (3)
    2011, 32 (12):  1782-1785.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 801 )   HTML   PDF (968KB) ( 1144 )  
    Grassland yield is the basis of developing stock farming, net primary production (NPP) is an important parameter in determining carrying capacity. Using MODIS remote sensing data and the improved solar energy efficiency model, we estimated the NPP of grassland ecosystem of HulunBuir Grassland in 2006, and then the output from the model was validated by the field survey data during growing season of 2006. The total NPP was 2.9×1013 gC in 2006, with an average of 261.01 gC/m2. Based on the estimated NPP, it was calculated that the optimal carrying capacity should be 765.41 ten thousands sheep units, compared to the actual carrying capacity of 1838.45ten thousands sheep units, thus the total overloading was 1073.04 ten thousands sheep units. The seriously overloading regions are Arun Banner with 325.45 ten thousands sheep units, Zhalantun City with 270.72 ten thousands sheep units, Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner with 254.71 ten thousands sheep units. The carrying capacity of Oroqin Autonomous Banner, Genhe City and Ergun City is insufficient, thus there is great potential for livestock in those area.
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    An empirical study on the influence of regional industry structure on innovation performance
    Yu, Pei-Li (1); Liu, Rui (2)
    2011, 32 (12):  1786-1789.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 662 )   HTML   PDF (423KB) ( 1256 )  
    The influence of the specialization of industry structure, the diversity of industry structure and the structure of competition on the regional innovation performance was analyzed. The results of empirical study showed that the specialization of regional industry structure is conducive to enhancing the innovation performance. On the whole, the impact of diversity is very restricted, but the competition is not conductive to the innovation. In the core innovation zone, the regional specialization and the diversity of industry structure are both conducive to improving the innovation performance, but the competition is not. In outlying areas, the specialization of industry structure and the competition are both conducive to enhancing regional innovation performance, but the diversity of industry structure is not.
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    Research on the low-carbon economy evaluation model based on circulating revision
    Li, Gang (1); Wang, Zhong-Dong (2); Zhang, Ming (3)
    2011, 32 (12):  1790-1794.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 500 )   HTML   PDF (570KB) ( 777 )  
    This paper, firstly, constructs an evaluation index system on low-carbon economy based on Scientific Outlook on Development. Secondly, the weight of each index is computed using AHP, standard deviation and entropy method, and then a ranking result of low-carbon economic evaluation can be obtained. Furthermore, according to circulating revision idea, the ranking result is revised based on different weighting approach and thus a consistency ranking result is determined. Finally, Qinhuangdao City is taken as an example to be analyzed using the method, and then results of low-carbon economic evaluation of Qinhuangdao are obtained. The results show that development of the Qinhuangdao low-carbon economy is increasing by years and main indicators that affect low-carbon economy development of Qinhuangdao are rate of sewage treatment, GDP, per capita GDP, per capita GDP growth rate, hazardous wastes, decontamination rate of household garbage, energy consuming per RMB 10000 of GDP and so on.
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    Study on electronic structures of CaMnO3 and LaMnO3
    Zhu, Lin (1); Li, Lin (1); Ri, Chung-Ho (1); Wei, Guo-Zhu (1)
    2011, 32 (12):  1795-1798.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML   PDF (779KB) ( 1265 )  
    Density function theory (DFT) method is difficult to treat strongly correlated system, while DFT + U produces U-dependent results. The electronic structures of two typical antiferromagnetic insulators CaMnO3 and LaMnO3 in perovskite manganese oxides were investigated by using the hybrid functional HSE, which combined the DFT exchange-correlation potential and the nonlocal Hartree-Fock exact exchange potential. The relationship among the energy gap nature, the valence states of Mn, the magnetic structure was discussed. The results showed that CaMnO3 is classified as charge-transfer insulator according to ZSA (Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen) scheme. The energy gap of LaMnO3 shows anisotropic character, in which the Mott-Hubbard character is dominant along c axis and in spin-majority channel within ab plane, while the charge-transfer character is exhibited in spin-minority channel.
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    Preparation of Sb2S3 photonic crystals with inverse opal structure
    Cheng, Xian-Zhong (1); Li, Zhi-Xin (2); Zhu, Yun (2); Liu, Shao-Hong (2)
    2011, 32 (12):  1799-1802.  DOI: -
    Abstract ( 544 )   HTML   PDF (1508KB) ( 945 )  
    Monodispersed SiO2 spheres were successfully prepared by an improved Sto¨ber method. The SiO2 spheres were then orderly arranged by a centrifugal settling method to obtain the SiO2 photonic crystals with opal structure. This method is suitable for preparing SiO2 photonic crystals with large size. Using the SiO2 photonic crystals as templates, Sb2S3 photonic crystals with an inverse opal structure were produced by filling the pores with Sb2S3 and then removing the SiO2 colloidal templates with hydrofluoric acid.
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